1966 Pacem In Terris Peace and freedom Award (~ Darenport Catholic Interracial Council June 5,1966 THE HONORABLE R. SARGENT SHRIVER Recipient of the 1966 Pacem In Terris Peace and Freedom Award -3- "Racial discrimination can in no way be just- ified ... Thus. he who possesses certain rights has likewise the duty to claim those rights as marks of his dignity. while all others have the obligation to acknowledge those rights and respect them." Pope John XXIII in Pacem in Terris • •• Pope John XXIII The Pacem In Terris Peace and Freedom Award By establishing the Pacem in Terris Peace and Freedom Award. the Davenport Catholic Interracial Council intends to commemorate one of the most notable events in the modern history of Christianity -- the publication of the encyclical PAC8M IN TERRIS. Further. we intend to honor the person of Pope John XXIII. a man who for a brief time was truly the leader of all men of good will. Protestant, Catholic, Jew, and non-believer. Finally, we intend that this award proclaim the inseparable connection between freedom, equality, and peace MOST REV. RALPH L. HAYES, D.O. in the lives of all people. Bishop of Davenport We do not want to forget what Pope John XXIII has meant to all of us who are genuinely concerned that each man realize himself and his dignity fully, no matter what his race, creed. color, or national origin may be', The Honorable R. Sargent Shriver has exemplified the prin- "Racial discrimination is un-Christian; it is a violation of the natural ciples of peace, freedom, and human dignity found in the law; it is contrary to the spirit and law of our country. To put it encyclical PACEM IN TERRIS. He has served as PreSIdent of bluntly, to deny another person the exercise of his God-given rights the Chicago Catholic Interracial Council. His work as the first because of race or color is a sin ... I urge Catholics to support and to become involved in the cause of civil rights in this diocese, and Director of the Peace Corps certainly carried out Pope John's especially to work for justice and equal opportunity in employment wish that developing countries be aided, but that their cultural and housing." integrity and independence be respected. Mr. Shriver's work as -Most Rev. Ralph L. Hayes, D.D., Director of the War on Poverty is in keeping with the spirit of Bishop of Davenport social justice and charity that John XXIII expounded in the encyclical. -4- -5- Merit Awards Prior Awards We are confronted primarily with a moral issue. It is as old as the scriptures and is as clear as the American Constitution. The heart of the question is whether all Ameri- cans are to be afforded equal rights and equal opportunities. whether we are going to treat our fellow Americans as we want to be treated. If an • American. because his skin is dark. cannot eat in a restaurant open to the public. if he cannot send his children to the best public schools available. if he cannot vote for the public officials who repre- sent him. if. in short. he cannot enjoy the full and free life which all of us want. then who among us would be content to have the color of his skin changed and stand in his place? Who among us Sister Mary Ludrni l l a, RSM would then be content with the counsels of pati- Admin istrator-Suoerior ence and de lay? Mercy Hospita I. Davenport --J ohn F. Kennedy "Racism - discrimination based on skin color - has grown strong. hard. and bitter throughout the length and breadth of America. Racists who claim to be anti-Communists are doing the Communists' work magnificently well by showing the world our racist abuses and thereby turning the world from us in disgust." --John Howard Griffin Powell Owens Chairman. Human Relations Committee. Quod-City Federation of Labor "We will match your capacity to inflict suffering by our capacity to endure suffering .•• But be ye assured that we will wear you down by our capacity to suffer. One day we shall win freedom, but not only for ourselves. We shall so appeal to your heart and cons ere nee that we shall win you." --Dr. Martin Luther King. .Jr, John T. Hageboeck Vice President, Fronk -6- Foundries, Moline. ,III. -7- Menu Program MASTER OF CEREMONIES Frank Rhomberg, APPETIZER Consomme Vice President of Richter-Rhomberg President of the Scott County ENTREE Half Baked Chicken Economic Opportunity Council SALAD Combination with French Dressing INVOCATION Rev. William H. Frison, Pastor, Mt. Olive Church of God in Christ, POTATOES Whipped Davenport, Iowa VEGETABLE Fresh Frozen Peas AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL WELCOME Fr. John S. Smith, Professor of History, Peppermint Stick Ice Cream DESSERT St. Ambrose College, Davenport, Iowa GREETINGS -- --Mayor John Jebens --Lt. Gov. Robert Fulton --Congressman John Schmidhauser Committees --Introduction of other visiting dignitaries GENERAL CHAIRMAN Charles W. Toney MERIT AWARDSPRESENTATION -- --To Sister Mary Ludmilla, RSM, DINNER COMMITTEE Mrs. Wi Iliam Mitchell, Administrator-Superior of Mercy Hospital Mrs. Erwin Keller, Miss Anita Vaessen Davenport, Iowa --Presented by Dr. Erwin Keller TICKET COMMITTEE Dr. & Mrs. Erwin Keller, --To Powell Owens, Mrs. Charles Toney, Mrs. Cecile Cooper Chairman of the Human Relations Committee AWARDS Thomas Chouteau, Rev. John S. Smith of the Quad-City Federation of Labor --Presented by Mrs. Gordon Cherwitz PUBLICITY Rev. John S. Smith --To J. T. Hageboeck, PROGRAM Rev. Marvin A. Mottet Vice President of Frank Foundries Corporation, Moline, Illinois ADVERTISING Fred Epstein ,Mr. & Mrs. William Howe, --Presented by Simon Roberts Mrs. Gordon Cherwitz, David Mall ie, PRESENTATION OF THE Thomas Chouteau, Frank Langenfeld 1966 PACEM IN TERRIS PEACE AND FREEDOM AWARD --To The Honorable R. Sargent Shriver, Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, D. C. Officers --Presented by Charles W. Toney, President of the Davenport Catholic Interracial Council PRESIDENT. Charles W. Toney BATTLE HYMNOF THE REPUBLIC VICE PRESIDENT. David Lanaghan ACCEPTANCE SPEECH The Honorable R. Sargent Shriver WESHALL OVERCOME SECRETARy Mrs. Wi II iam Mitchell BENEDICTION The Most Rev. Ralph L. Hayes, STD, TREASURER Mrs. Erwin Keller Bishop of Davenport Organist -- Daniel M. McDannell CHAPLAIN Rev. Marvin A. Mottet Vocalist -- Elisha Williams -8- -9- AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL o beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, WE SHALL OVERCOME For purple mountain majesties, above the fruited plain. 1. We Shall Overcome, We 4. The Lord will see us through, America, America, God shed His grace on thee, and crowned thy good Shall Overcome The Lord will see us through, with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. We Shall Overcome some day. The Lord will see us through Oh, deep in my heart I do some day. beautiful for pilgrim's feet, whose stern impassioned stress, o believe Oh, deep in my heart I do A thoroughfare for freedom beat, across the wilderness. We Shall Overcome some day. believe America, America, God mend thine every flaw, confirm thy soul In The Lord will see us through self-control, thy liberty in law. 2. Truth will make us free, truth some day. o beautiful for heroes proved, in liberating strife. will make us free 5. We'll walk hand in hand, Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life. Truth will make us free We'll walk hand in hand, America, America, may God thy gold refine, till all success be some day. We'll walk hand in hand nobleness, and eve.], grain devine. Oh, deep in my heart I do some day. believe Oh, deep in my heart I do o beautiful for patriot's dream, that sees beyond the years. Truth will make us free believe Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears. some day. We'll walk hand in hand America, America, God shed His grace on thee some day. And crowned thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. 3. We are not afraid, we are not afraid 6. Black and white together, * * * We are not afraid today Black and white together, Oh, deep in my heart I do Black and white together BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC believe some day. We are not afraid today. Oh, deep in my heart I do Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. He is trampl- believe ing out the vintage where the graper. of wrath are stored. He has loosed Black and white together the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword. His truth is marching some day, on. REFRAIN: REPRISE: We Shall Overcome, We Shall Overcome We Shall Overcome some day. Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory hallelujah! Glory, glory Oh, deep in my heart I do believe hallelujah! His truth is marching on. We Shall Overcome Some Day. I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circling camps. They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps. I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps. His day is marching on. REFRAIN: I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel. As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal. Let the Hero born of woman crush the serpent with His feet, since God is marching on. REFRAIN: He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat. He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat. 0, be swift, my soul to answer Him, be jubilant my feet. Our God is marching on. CHARLES W. TONEY REFRAIN: President, Davenport Catholic Interracial Council -10- -11- Greetings From J HuebotfetS 1 home furnishers since 1895 3536 BRADY STREET DAVENPORT.
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