1977 CHEVROLET 1974 CHEVELLE MA­ MONZA — 4 cylinder, LIBU CLASSIC — 8 cv automatic, 2 door hatch­ Imder. Regular gas. Best Knicks top back. 73,000 m iles. sTiOO. o tte r. Call 649-7625. 1973 Buick, sport coupe, 8 1976 RABBIT — 4 door, cylinder outomatic, SUBARU GL WAGON, standard, dependable, Celtics 100-92 74,000 m iles. $1200. Call 1983 — Automatic, 5 year am,tm radio. Coll Lee, 649-9731 otte r 5pm. warranty, rust proot, 643-6237, o tte r 6pm. ... page 15 root rack, 22,000 miles. Asking $7600. Excellent * FASTER! ★ 1978 CAPRICE — 4 door,, * FASTEST! * nicely equipped. Alwvoys condition. Call ater 6pm, 1971 CADILLAC EL DO­ garaged. $3895. Call 423- 646-4923. RADO — Very good con­ * GPZ's. Turbo s * KAWASAKI, 1980 KZ440 5133. d itio n . $850. Call 647-9272 * - and Ninia’s — Like new. 800 miles. between 7pm and 9pm. * ’ THE SUPEBBlwfe ■ $800 or best otter. Call CHAMPIONS . INVITATION TO BID 1973 PINTO — Automatic ^ A > $ tn sloc^ ^ between Ham and 4pm. OLDSM«eiLE OMEGA, The Manchelster Public transmission. Running 1 Midtown « Schools solicits bids for 8TU' 1976 — 4 door, low mi­ 1974 MERCURY MON- 872-3602.________;_______ INVITATION TO BIO Windy today; conditign. $400 or best DENT INSURANCE for the The Manchester Public Manchester, Conn. otter. Coll 646-4842 leage, automatic. $1500. T EGO — Power steering, * ★ MOTORCYCLE INSU­ 19S4-198S tchool year. Sealed Schools solicits bids for £ . d .>4 o*t 1-91 b id s w iit be received u n til May cloudy Saturday Call 646-2783. power brakes, auto­ PHYSICAL EDUCATION Saturday, May 5, 1984 RANCE SPECIALIST — 22, 1884. 2:00 P.M., a t w hich m atic. $400. Call 649-2096. * 721-0193 * Call us and compare our SUPPLIES far the 1M4-19tS BUtCK CENTURY, 1976 . O n ly 7 ^ time thev will be oubiiciv school year. Sealed bids w ilf — See page2 Single copy: 25<t — 8, 2 door, automatic, W fton' MatllO'J rates. Ask tor Janet or opened. The right is reserved be received u n til May 23. It M . 1974 OLDS CUTLASS — 1976 PINTO — 37,000orig­ Judy. Crockett Agency, to refect any and all bids. 2:00 P.M.. o t w hich tim e they air, cruise, and tiTt.. No Specifications and bid forms dents or rust. Very clean. 67^000 miles. Needs some inal miles. Clean. $1595. 643-1577. w ill be publicly opened. The may be secured at the Busi­ right is reserved to reject ony High mileage. $2200. At- work. $900 or best otter. Coll 649-8926. BELL MOTO III MX ness Office. 45 North School Helmet, excellent condi­ and all bids. Specifications ter 5pm, 649-5038._______ Coll 643-6503. BICYCLE BUILT FOR Street. Manchester, Connec­ iind bid forms may be se­ tic u t. 1977 DATSUN FIO — Sta­ tion, $60. MXL boots, TWO — Schwinn, $40. cured at the Business Office. excellent condition, $60. Raymond E. Demers 45 North School Street. Man­ 1976 MG MIDGET — 1970 VW BUG — W ill pass tion wagon, tront wheel Raleigh 24" ten speed, Business Manager Excellent condition Ste­ Call 633-5031. chester. Connecticut inspection easily. Solid drive. $1625. Call 649-4924. $25. Call 633-5031. 010-05 015-05 reo. $1775. Call 646-1071. tio o r. $800. Call 568-5178. Impeachment move REAI ESTATE featuring: appears to be dead Bv Bruno V. Ronniello 351-year.hislory resoUiiion seeking KiiiselUCs ous­ United Press International O’Neill quickly acknowledged ter Irdm his $.'50,000 a year job. I i Ni Kinsella’s letter and set a special insisted Ihe chamber go ahead THIS W EEK H.ARTFOKD - Tlif Connex ticul cli'clion datcol Nov. 6 lo till out the w ith the proceedings. House Frid:t> held oil on inipeueh- remainder ol thejudge’s lour year He said the select committee nient pioeeedings ugoinst Hart lerm than ends Januai-y 1987 rccomcndcd impeachment ’and lord Probate Judge Janies H, ”1 don’t iH'licve there is any their job is complete, now it.s our Kmsella hours alter -the judge reason lo re.sign, tlierelore I am job. I have a very bad taste in my anmiuiiei-d he Mould take early electing my statutory option to mouth with the recommendation ” retirenient and leave olliee Mav take early retirement.’i’ said Kin- to table impeachment, Shays 31 sclla. who laced almi.sl certain said ’IF-seems lo ihe he is again The ehamlHT. alter more than impeachment before he decided to manipulaling this LegislaUii^n a 2' .• hours ol inten.se debale, voti-d retire. tremendously arrogant Way?"^ 81b8 to aeeept a seleet Hou.se The select committee was By retiring, Kin.sella can seek eommillees reeommendalion lhal lormcd la.st year alter Kinsclla public ofliee again in the future. MANCHESTER a re.solution eonlaibing Imo arti- was censured by Ihc slate Council Shays said. LET THE KIDS & THE DOG ele.s ol impeaehment 1h' placed al on Probate Judicial Conduct for Rep ' Dorothy Goodwin, D- loose in the fully tenced-in yard that comes with this older si" MANCHESTER $76,900 Ihe. loot ol the House calendar. Mansticld. urged the matter be room Colonial Three bedrooms upstairs, formal dining room, mishandling the $38 million estate master bedroom has a watk-in closet, oti hot air heat and gar­ Experience the luxury of Condo living tn this beautiful 7 room The nio\ e apparent Is brought an ol elderly Wesl Hartlord heiress ended with Kinsella’.s. resignation. Townhouse featuring 3 bedrooms, dining room. 2!^ baths and age ERA Buyer Protection Plan $64 900 CalModay rec room Location offers much privacy Call for more details end to Ihe lirsi ini|K‘aehmenl Miss Elhel A. Donaghue. ”What needed lo be done has 643-4060 proceedings in C'onneelieul's 3SI- The committee concluded Kiii- happened and what we do really year history sinee il Ma.s unlikely sella repealedi) violated ethical makes no dilference at this point. the Hou.se would revive Ilje re.solu­ siandards in removing a conserva­ H we go forward only to satisfy tion before it adjourns its regular tor and appointing two friends, ourselves, that is nol right,’’ she session Wedne.sday lawyers Alexander A Goldlarb . said. G o rg e o u s ^ The select House eomniittee and Paul J Aparo. to gain control Rep Richard Tulisano. D-Rocky luund Kin.sella abused his olliee ot the estate. Hill, another member ol the select and the public trust in Ihe handling Thirty-six House members commillec, urged the chamber lo S. Windsor 126,900 ol Ihe eslale of Wesl Hartford spoke on ihe unprecedented Issue, lorgo impeachment proceedings. MANCHESTER $96,900 LaCava built 4 bedroom garrison colonial heire.ss Klhel A. Donaghue and many asking Frankel and the He said Kinsella could have JUST REDUCED rei'omniended his impeathmenl eommillee s other chairman. Rep. continued as judge of the Probate Heres a big FIVE BEDROOM 2 story Colonial on a large lot EAST HARTFORD $92,000 with fireplaced firsH4oor family room, formal by Ihe lull Hou.se. Robcrl Jackie, R-Strallord. ques- Court until he was tried by the ]ust waiting for the right family It has a living room with fire­ place 1 st floor family room formal dmmg room plus a large Don't miss this exceptional 8 room Colonial, located in most dining roorii, 2 ‘/2 baths. Located on a Cul-de- Many lawmakers argued Kin­ liqns about what the Ix-gislaturc Senate. Country kitchen Full basement and garage Room to Roam' desirable area, with 4 bedrooms, fireplaced living room and fin­ .sella should be impeached, accus­ "We know today this ordeal lor ished rec room Nicely larxfscaped & beautifully maintained could do il Kin.sella sought office See it today $96,500 Call tor an -appointment 643-4060 Sac in super neighborhood. ing him ol dodging the issue by again. all of us will end on May 31." We can help you become a reliring well alter the Ixigislature The purpose ol the impeach­ Tulisano said. ^ REALE PROEESSIONALI adjourns and would tx' afile to run ment process has been served and House Minority LeaderR.E. Van Call 646-452S. and ask lor Dan. [B D.W. FISH REALTY CO. again lor public ofliee. the violilion ol Hie public trasl, Norstrand, R-Darien. said. "Idely fr e e C a £ S l,i^ Impeaehmcnl and conviction by which initiated the process, has anyone in the chamber to suggest D.F. REALE, INC. OF Real Estate _ MARKET 243 Main SI.. Manchester Vernon Circle. Vernon the Senale w ould bar Kin.sella Irom been repaired,’ said Frankel. "No that 1 am the most bloodthirsty- 175 Mam 5 l. MeiMbailm. Cl ev a lu a t io n .seeking "any ofliee ol honor, trust soul here" but the finding's of the REAL ESTATE SERVICES 643-1591 872-9153 lurlher action is necessary nor 646-4S2S 223 East Center S t , Manchaeter 643-4010 or prolil under Ihe state" however, should any action be undertaken. ” committee have not changi’d. he his pension rigts would nol be Bui Rep. C’hrislopher Shays,^ said, and the House should decide alleeled. R-Stamlord. who initiated th e^ and not sidestep the issue. Bui Ihe eight seleel committee ASSUMABLE MTG. POSSIBLE members said Friday they fell Let At Cashman show Kin.sella s decision to quit had aieumplished what impeachment you this beautiful pi oeeedings would have done and they urged the re.solution be set Colonial. laside. Deputy Hduse Speaker Robert F r a n k e I. D - S1 r ii 11 o r d.
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