, V I It VOLUME XXXI. NUMBER St and LOWELL, MICHIGAN. FEB. 28, 14 SOLO m ; "fe : % msBsmmmmBmsasBssBsm \ ,.j" ^4,>y DOINGS OF THE AUBSHOLDA Hl'STWAS N ThoKontioak Hot Wator LOWELL SCHOOLS JOINT MEETING Bottle is nlwoira roody oad R&fiL HUMMERTh e Junior High BngHah FBURNS A joint meeting of the Lowell Lit- roHshie. It can't leAho* room U the acene of mikii erary Ottb and the Clovef Leaf club work thla Week. The ninth WM held at the Congregaitlona l Par- GtBIM OF IONIA. gLfGH OP atudrata are abowing great rirnaioB OP HOSIS^AND FURN- iahirauae, February 29. pioos* Konttooh bottles aro A Real Acrobat GftAND RAPIDg, GALLOP OF aim in preparing for the I mungs badly Damaged. IBs. Horn, preaident of 4he Liter- oonstructod ol highest outa for the declamation BOMB IN8UBANCE ary club, preaided and introduced qnolilsr pore pare robber which will take place the our atate preaident, Mrs. Dorian Rua- •ndhavonoeooraofpotch* fourth week in March. -The 1 When the fire siren blew at 12:45 aell of Grand Rapida. who gave ua ing teachera have been n Tuesday noon, the whole north sec- a fine addreaa upon American Clti- tion of the roof on the-Williamson Peb. SI. with a good attendance. coach the conteatanta: senahip. Her lecture waa right to any Ksritleali article ton, Miaa Doty. lira. was ablase. The origin of the point and full of aplcy remarka. SomtoMhu Mid that llMpolltkiMi Among goaaia were a number of Bill fire (a unknown, lor the chimney . ..ioedofocthro within two Booatera from Ionia. Mayor Green, Kammeraad. At the conclusion, ahe waa given a to a raal MFOBTT, b«caiiM IM «MI hit On account of the aovere atom laat WM In excellent condition. So much bouquet of red and white carnationa yeara it will bo roplaood L H. Halo, Prod CoOar, Eari Wright Tueaday, the Girl Scouta of IVoop water WM poured on that H did aa with green ferna, the red being the without quoetion in any Mtrt to Um fffOMadflitofMt in hit mouth, and Editor Fred Keiater of the Ionia or more damage than the Are County News. Two were forced to postpone the Lowell Literary club color and green RoxaU Store, anywhere. hit oyMoaliliJobMkllitoimdthitho ajefih ride to Eather Bieri'a home rThe loss Is partly covered by and white the colon of the Clover Alao eonapicaouily preaent were insurance. the followiag friendly railrood men. whldh had been planned for' that Leaf club. Mra. McPherson, preai- No other brood ol rub- pork bimh-all^ot tht i evening. Hie Scouta met in the Mra. WiUiamaon did not know dent of the Clover Leaf dim, very ber gooda gtvoa you the Who recognlae in Lowell's growing gym inatead. and all enjoyed an eve- I that her home WM on fire until peo- charmingly made the preaentation. lerdal importance a valuohle M ning of gamea and relays. Light re- : pie started to rush in. The firemen Mra. Carl Peckham aang Wait* eome guarontoo. Pottibly trut of aomt polkldoBS, but M aaaet: Jamea D. Sertting. tra- freahmenta were served. ! tried to uae chemlcala, but they ing for the Sun Riae" and Awake, M Wo eell 'em* notoll. Howvr,thf b nopoiiUoiot 8 The Girl Scout conteat ended laat ... found that the blase could on* the Dawn ia Here. Mra. H. L. iTV " tra- be controlled by water. The fUrn- our bonk. Wo oro timplir hiio lot bvo* week with G!<>nnia Lee'i aide in the Weekea, accompaniat lead. The loaera entertained the re. carpeta, curtains and clothing Pineapple ice and wafera were w Imm, trying to moot tiio.noeii ol thit DetnSt: it C.'imon. corameixSl winnera at the home of Mra Dovriea. the upstairs bedrooms were ruin- aerved by the joint committee. ed bv the water and smoke. Moat bonk. The party waa carried on. in an Nert meeting will be Junior day. D. G. Look- community for on up-to-doto unique Chinese manner. Mah Jongs Of the furniture downstairs was March 11, at the home of Mra. H. E. Ono mon*t monoy U at good otonothor't galley iff, TolSo: STwaha :th e popular Mine, Theo Gramer ved out, but the entire flrat floor Hayamer. A. On* of 10,000 Rasall Drug Storas horo, and wo try to bo oourtoout to oil. IJ|. Mysr'Dffl winning flrat prise. Early in the have to be redecorated. The evening, poocorn and GMneae candy Jwood floora downatalra have ANNUAL REPORT OF THE LOW* were aerved and later a dainty Chi- rted to curl from being water ELL BOARD OP TRADE ied, ao that new floora will | nne aupper in the dining room, Receipts FSSSm -m S9« S®'clal sagent , which WM attractively decorated. itleaa have to be laid. Bal. on hand Mar. 7, 1923 1^ Norfolk Southern Ry.. Detroit; C HJ . - waa only a few yeara ago that 9 .40 liorrowed on note 100.00 LOWELL STUDENT BANIS HlQfl. Ike Williamaona had their home re- itoodeled and redecorated. Donations 952.50 B2555S®a Kalamaaoo, Fab. S^-Among the ; CUB Hatch and fala men atarted to Receipts from banquet 45.75 White, repair the roof the flrat thing Wed- Sale of horse shoes 4.00 SEWING MACHINE The City State Bank rieaday morning Rental Recreation paik 27.50 Receipts football banquet 37.00 New Home Mombor Fodoral Rosorvo Bonking Sjrttom agent BolUmoro k Ohio Ry^ Toidfo, 0^ A. Z. MttUint, divUlon freight! ina the higheat icholaatic record. Reccipta banquet Jan. 5 30.00 John C. Hoekje, regtatru* of t|ie BNTBB8 NINETIETH YEAB Receipts from annual banquet SPECIAL and Free agent. Grand Trunk RyH Grand Rap- Mra. Harriett L. Devoe entered r Normal has Juat announced the stu and memberahips 383.75 dents whose standings during her ninetieth year on February 23, The banquet was s«rved by the r the Go her birthday ahe wore a dreas Udlea Aid aodety of the Methodiat fall term were all "Ay . Miss Lalky, which ahe cut and made heraelf and Total $1002.98 All cut to church and WM coumUmented by the who received an "A" in each . cooked the dinner to which ahe'in- Disbursements vblUnggueata. FrediCaister of fonla claaaea. ia among ihia number. Kx nae 1923 annual banquet $ 10.20 vited ilr. and Mra. Harris and their Printing [M to get gay with the waitera un- Thirteen of the all-"A" atia mother. Mr. Harria wrote a poem 20.00 til we threatened to tell Ma Keiater, •fe women and nine ere men. In honor of the day which was Repairs Chase factory 107.91 when he cooled down a little. Then all-"B'* record ia announced for , Telephone .95 greatly appreciated. Poatage at the other end ol the table Mayor atudenta. The fall termt record Mrs. Devoe'a niecca and nephewa 9.00 V2 Green and Elder Harria remember* taken to Indicate a hi^i scholarahip presented her with a clock as her Paid note City State bank 101.81 standard at the Normal. aocient timepiece "stopped short Band 439^2 never to go again." 'Rent Recreation park loOXN) what they sell for in the city stores. Eyesight Ajsrsftst ts ism wulla, n i Taxea stories on each other, insinuating a Lalley. S10 E. Main st. > Two birthday cakes were sent, one 73.46 o whole lot more than they told. For from EMt Orange, N. Y. and the M. Taylor, copying letters 1^0 fear of starting something with their ADD FOUB NBW BUBBS TO other, a fruit cake, from near Seat- Banquet, J. J. Brezina 43j00 Insurance home folks, we wool repeat any of GRAND BAPID0-ION1A LINE tle Washington. \\. J. Anderson, labor 1.00 Save money on one of the above it here. Mrs. Devoe spends part of her daya J. J. Brezina football aupper 62.00 Tboro is only ooo way to 7* H1^ School orchestra. In houaehold duties, but her after- Alvln DaVis, comm. fair ex- penae 2.00 while they're in stock. be tare that your Children's under direcUon of Lynn Clark, gave Ids-lpnla route In the wrinsorf Dg by too noons and evenings are spent read- • wwpieMlng program which call- Comfort Transit Une.' TlUa op- ing. She reads her Bible, a religious Peter Vry, banquet Jan. 5 27.75 Eyesight will bt properly ed form much merited praiae. The erated in connection with paper. The Outlook and keepa up Secretary 25.00 Ladies M. E. church annual 187.50 protected and that is. to membership and inatrumentatlon of elated Auto-uiban Una by lo- up with the daily news. the orcl are as follows: Vio- way. Lynn Pernr. E. Adrians and A. Letters and cards were received bays them examined ngn. Richmond, maintained aervlce all „ Total 11269.10 r e vw,,,,H y ,5er from friends and this eventful day R. D. STOCKING H5» lSS?! ' ' ' ' winter only miaaing one acheduled passed very happily^-[Com. Cash on hand Feb. 25,1924, 333.88 Jarly and Glaseee fitted if needed.Onr experience in this work trip between here and Ionia during isagnarantse of satisfaction. the last 12 months, according to the CASCADE OLD BBBIDENT PASS- $1602.98 Lowell, Michigan ownenk-Grand Rapida Herald. ED AWAY The directors of the Board of ^rf.te^P»Csctt,rK Henry A. Coger. an old resident Board of Trade met Feb. 25 and or- Roger Sprlngett Juri Arm- CALIFORNIA APBICOTB ABB IN of Cascade, died at the home of his anised with W. F. Murphy, presi- A. D. OLIVER ; drams, Jtelvin Lewis; piano, BLOOSI son, H, Laverne Coger.
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