THE US FIJI TIMES World’s Largest Fiji Newspaper Out Of Republic of Fiji August 2019 Monthly Publication - Subscription Available Pages 52 Volume: 182 BOBBY NAIDU “A TRUE FIJI BORN AT HEART” US Fiji Times CEO/Publisher Rocky Ali Buksh believes that Bobby is a great mentor and that his life stories will certainly inspire our young Fiji people here in the ‘’The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” to fol- low in his footprints. Bobby was the youngest of eight children who were all born in Nadi in the Western part of Fiji. His Father was a local schoolteacher and that his Mother had worked very hard to maintain a home for the children. Their plight was not uncommon, but definitely not easy, in some instances failing to make ends meet, but what the family may have lacked in material wealth, they had certainly made up for in strong fam- ily virtues. Bobby said that his beloved Father was a very ambitious man, and with his Mother being very hard working, they strived to instill those values into his siblings. Though born in Fiji, Bobby does not have many memories in general of that part of his life since moving to Los Angeles with the rest of his family in 1973. Continue Page 4 Meet Bobby Naidu, another passionate ‘Island Boy’ who for the past 40 years, still has the word Fiji etched in his heart. THE US FIJI TIMES August 2019 Vol. 182 4 THE US FIJI TIMES THE US FIJITIMES Phone: 650-918-0769 Direct: (510) 931-9107 Email: [email protected] www.usfijitimes.org facebook/usfijitimes 4 THE US FIJI TIMES Fiji GovernmentTHE US FIJI TIMES Information Center Phone: 650-918-0769 Direct: (510)Fax 931-9107 Number: 310-531-8789 TOURISM FIJI THE AMERICAS Email: [email protected]: [email protected] 5777 West Century Boulevard, Suite 220, Los Angeles, CA 90045 www.usfijitimes.org facebook/usfijitimes Telephone: (310) 568 1616 Toll Free: 1-800-YEA-FIJI (1-800-932-3454) Fax: Website: www.fijiembassydc.com (310) 670 2318 Email: [email protected] www.fijime.tv Email: [email protected] Fiji Government Information Center Solo Mara Fax Number: 310-531-8789 TOURISM FIJI THE AMERICAS AmbassadorE-mail: [email protected] to the 5777 West Century Boulevard, Suite 220, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Telephone: (310) 568 1616 Toll Free: 1-800-YEA-FIJI (1-800-932-3454) Fax: UnitedWebsite: States www.fijiembassydc.com of (310) 670 2318 Email: [email protected] www.fijime.tv Email:America. [email protected] Ambassador Satyendra Prasad Solo Mara Representative of Fiji Embassy of the RepublicAmbassador of Fiji to the to the United Nations, 1707 L Street, Suite 200,United NW States of America. New York Ambassador Satyendra Prasad Washington, D.C. 20036 USA Representative of Fiji Tel. # (202) 466 8320Embassy Fax #of (202)the Republic of Fiji Nazhat Shameem to the United Nations, 1707 L Street, Suite 200, NW Permanent Representative To The New York 466 8325Washington, D.C. 20036 USA Tel. # (202) 466 8320 Fax # (202) UN Office In Geneva Nazhat Shameem Web: www.fijiembassydc.com Permanent Representative To The 466 8325 Web: www.fijiembassydc.com UN Office In Geneva Dr. Donald E. Vinson Honorary Consul Dr.of DonaldFiji, E. Vinson Mr Bobby Naicker Honorary Consul of Fiji, MrMr Bobby Jay Naicker . Singh Mr Jay . Singh Los Angeles ConsulateLos Angeles Consulate Honorary Consul HonoraryHonorary Consul Consul Honorary Consul of Fiji of Fiji of Fiji, of Fiji,of Fiji, of Fiji, 2301 Rosecrans Avenue, Vancouver San Francisco 2301 Rosecrans Avenue,Suite 3185 Vancouver SanCanada Francisco USA Suite 3185El Segundo, CA 90245 Canada USA Telephone Number: El Segundo, CA 90245310-531-8784 Telephone Number: 310-531-8784 THE US FIJI TIMES PROUD OF ITS SERVICE The US Fiji Times is ranked community. The US Fiji Times tions, they are taking up their vibrant community, so despite of USA. as the top newspaper being understands that like in any oth- challenges very effectively. the paper being issued free the published outside of Fiji for er field there is competition and The marketing strategy handled expectation of the community The feedback has been over- THE US FIJI TIMES thePROUD Fiji American commu- competing with OFby theITS Publisher Rocky AliSERVICE is is very high. The coverage of whelming in this regard and it nity and all over the world. the hallmark of the papers cur- all major events is a must for has become a trend for many The US Fiji Times is ranked community. The US Fiji Times tions, they are taking up“The their largest newspapervibrant out ofcommunity, rent strength. Despite so despite lacking the paperof USA. and it is very proud organizations to rely on USFT The paper’s popularity has Fiji” has been a difficult task for the front line journalist exper- to be associated with major in reaching the desired suc- as the top newspaper being understands that like in any oth- challengesgrown immensely very in recenteffectively. newer publications. the This paper is not beingtise he makes issued up for free the defi the- organizations to see that their cess with adequate coverage. published outside of Fiji for er field there is competition and Theyears marketing due to its critical strategy ap- handledbecause of its magnitudeexpectation and ciency of withthe the community sheer ability to functionsThe arefeedback properly cov has- been over- proach in impressing the need coverage but because of its sta- keep the media wagon rolling. ered with pictures and stories. The paper will strive to serve the Fiji American commu- competing with by forthe charitable Publisher organizations Rocky to bility Ali and is growth is capabilities. very high. The coverage of whelming in this regardthe community and with it the best of nity and all over the world. therise hallmark up in all occasions of the to help papers cur- all major events His insatiable is alove must to be infor- The haspaper isbecome being also senta trendto its ability for andmany assures the com- Fiji and the people back home. The writers of the paper volved with the community countries like Fiji, NZ, Aus- munity that there will be quality “The largest newspaper out of rent strength.Visitors from Despite around lackingcomprise some ofthe Fiji’s paper best. andto cherish it is in thisvery very proud noble tralia,organizations Canada, England andto relyreporting on atUSFT all times. The paper’s popularity has Fiji” has been a difficult task for thethe front world have line commended journalist the Even exper though- theyto beare notassociated cause is worthy with of higher major rec- Swedenin forreaching Fijians abroad the to desired suc- grown immensely in recent newer publications. This is not tisepaper he on makes its stand toup serve for the thetoo defivisible- in organizationssocial func- ommendation. to see We that have atheir very also cessget the feelwith of the adequate luxuries coverage. years due to its critical ap- because of its magnitude and ciency with the sheer ability to functions are properly cov- WE have noticed that some pictures that appear in the US Fiji Times have been reproduced in proach in impressing the need coverage but because of its sta- keep the media wagon rolling. ered with pictures and stories. The paper will strive to serve for charitable organizations to bility and growth capabilities. some other newspapers, magazines and web sites. Please notethe thatcommunity all contents with of the the best US of Fiji rise up in all occasions to help His insatiableTimes are lovecopyrighted to be in and- cannotThe paper be reproducedis being also in sent any toform its without ability the and permission assures the of com the- US Fiji and the people back home. The writers of the paper volvedFiji with Times the by community contacting themcountries at [email protected] like Fiji, NZ, Aus - munity that there will be quality Visitors from around comprise some of Fiji’s best. to cherish in this very noble tralia, Canada, England and reporting at all times. the world have commended the Even though they are not cause Readis worthy Online : offacebook.com/usfijitimes higher rec- Sweden for Fijians abroad to THE THEUS FIJIUS FIJI TIMES TIMES October August 2019 - 2018 Vol. 182Vol. 171 paper on its stand to serve the too visible in social func- ommendation. We have a very also get the feel of the luxuries WE have noticed that some pictures that appear in the US Fiji Times have been reproduced in some other newspapers, magazines and web sites. Please note that all contents of the US Fiji Times are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced in any form without the permission of the US Fiji Times by contacting them at [email protected] THE US FIJI TIMES October - 2018 Vol. 171 THE US FIJI TIMES 3 THE US FIJI TIMES August 2019 Vol. 182 THE US FIJI TIMES August 2019 Vol. 182 GO FIJI GO 4 THE US FIJI TIMES Local News BOBBY NAIDU “A TRUE FIJI BORN AT HEART” Continue from Page 1 This would probably best ex- Exclusive Economical Zone no family either,with every- across the country but my time, he reckons that has been plain his fondness of wanting (EEZ),but I was so excited to thing they had packed in their family and I still reside in the a truly and memorable expe- to re-connect with the home- see what was to come in this suitcases, which was undoubt- suburbs of Los Angeles and rience for everyone, and that land as a passionate Fijian. adventure”. edly a true immigrant experi- close to where it all started”.
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