Index to Volume 111

Index to Volume 111

Index to Volume 111 The Auk 111(4):1037-1049, 1994 COMPILED BY GENEVIEVE M. TVRDIK Abundance,gull, 427-440 Aquila,787-805 Abundancepatterns, bird, in mangrovecommunities, At, Amos, see Sidis, Yisrael, et al. 405-415 Aramidescajanea, 200-204 Accipitercooperii, 787-805; gentilis,274-284, 748-750, Aramusguarauna, 351-365 787-805; nisus,274-284; striatus,787-805; virgatus, Ardea, 787-805 787-805 A renariainterpres 366-376, 605-616 Actitis hypoleucos,190-191; macularia,190-191 Arnold, Todd W., Effectsof supplementalfood on egg Aegolius,787-805 productionin AmericanCoots, 337-350 Aegypius,787-805 Arrival, spring, Red-wingedBlackbird, 210-214 Age, role in competition, Hooded Warbler, 63-69 Ashes,eaten by hummingbirds, 755-756 Age of first breeding, Common Murre, 207-209 Asio otus,787-805; stygius,787-805 Age ratio, raptor, 274-284 Aspectratio, thrush, 683-692 Ageing, Ampelion,5-6; Doliornis,5-6 Asynchrony,hatching, 806-813; Common Tern, 263- Agelaiusphoeniceus, 210-214 273; House Wren, 516-524 Aggression, female-female, Red-winged Blackbird, Augastes,703-710 210-214; interspecific,Mute Swan, 744-748;Tun- Aulacorhynchusderbianus, 389-397 dra Swan and Snow Goose, 204-207; Yellow War- Austin, Jeremy J., Robert W. G. White, and Jennifer bier, 672-682 R. Ovenden, Population-geneticstructure of a Aglaiocercus,703-710 philopatric,colonially nestingseabird, the Short- Ahlquist, J.E., commentaryon phylogeny, seeHarsh- tailed Shearwater(Puffinus tenuirostris), 70-79 man, John Aviceda, 787-805 Ainley, David G., review by, 249-250 Avocettula, 703-710 Alectoris chukar, 416-426 Algorithms, phylogenetic,377-388 Alkon, Philip U., see Randi, Ettore, and -- Bacorn, John E., see Boal, Clint W., and -- Allard, Marc W., see Miyamoto, Michael M., et al. Bagnolini, Constant,see Sarrazin, Frangois,et al. Allometry, Laridae, 873-880 Baker, Myron Charles,Loss of function in territorial Allozymes,grouse, 661-671; Imperial Shag,143-161; song: Comparisonof island and mainland pop- Leptopogon(Tyrannidae), 507-515; penguin, 1018- ulations of the Singing Honeyeater (Meliphaga 1022 virescens),178-184 Ampelion,1-7 Balda, Russell P., see Ganey, JosephL., and -- Anas platyrhynchos,744-748, 970-978; rubripes,744- Balearicapavonina, 351-365; regulorum,351-365 748; superciliosa,970-978 Bancroft, G. Thomas, and Reed Bowman, Temporal Anderson, Stanley,H., see Gutzwiller, Kevin J.,et al. patterns in diet of nestling White-crowned Pi- Andersson, Malte, see Andersson, Staffan, and -- geons:Implications for conservationof frugivo- Andersson, Staffan, and Malte Andersson, Tail orna- rous birds, 844-852 mentation, size dimorphism and wing length in Bandcolor, effect on reproductiveeffort, Zebra Finch, the genus Euplectes(Ploceinae), 80-86 131-142 Androdon,703-710; aequatorialis,8-19 Baptista,Luis F., see Gaunt, Sandra L. L., et al. Anser anser, 759-764 Barbets, mitochondrial DNA, 389-397; phylogeny, Antbirds, 1006-1013 389-397 Anthracothorax,703-710; nigricollis,706; viridis,706 Barg, Jennifer J., and Ronald L. Mumme, Parental Anthropoidesparadisea, 351-365; virgo,351-365 recognitionof juvenile begging callsin the Flor- Antipredator behavior, Spotted and Common sand- ida ScrubJay, 459-464 pipers, 190-191 Bates, John M., and Robert M. Zink, Evolution into Antwren, Foothill, 469-475; Plain-winged, 469-475; the Andes: Molecular evidence for speciesrela- Rio Suno, 469-475; Slaty, 469-475 tionships in the genus Leptopogon,507-515 AOU check-listof birds, commentsby Allan R. Phil- Bates,John M., review by, 781 lips, 770-773 Beaches, intertidal, 605-616 Apanius, Victor, see Malcarney, Hylary L., et al. Beehler, BruceM., review by, 243-245 Aphelocomacoerulescens coerulescens, 459-464 Behavior, antwren, 469-475; foraging, Elepaio, 917- A ptenodytespatagonicus, 1018-1022 932; nocturnal, Trumpeter Swan, 1013-1018; pa- 1037 1038 Indexto Volume111 [Auk,Vol. 111 rental, Ring-billed Gull, 596-604, Snow Goose, Brennan, Leonard A., review by, 1030-1031 563-572; preroosting,Greylag Goose,759-764 Brewster Memorial Award, 1993: Richard T. Holmes, Bill shape,hummingbird, 703-710 237-238 Biodiversity,225-227 Brood parasite,Brown-headed Cowbird, 979-990 Biosystematics,773-780 Brood reduction, 115-123; Eastern Phoebe, 617-633 Birkhead, T. R., and F. Fletcher, Numbers of sper- Brood-reductionhypothesis, Common Tern, 263-273 matozoaattached to and penetrating perivitel- Brood size, Common Tern, 263-273; Snow Goose, 563- line layersof JapaneseQuail eggs,997-1000 572 Bishop, Black, 80-86; Black-winged, 80-86; Orange, Brooke,Richard K., and Timothy M. Crowe, review 80-86; Yellow-crowned, 80-86; Zanzibar, 80-86 by, 783-784 Bj•rklund, Mats, Phylogenetic relationshipsamong Brooks, Maurice, 1900-1993, in memoriam, 185-187 Charadriiformes:Reanalysis of previousdata, 825- Brush,Alan H., review by, 241-242 832 Bubovirginianus, 787-805 Blackbird,Red-winged, 210-214 Bubulcus, 787-805 Bleiweiss, Robert, John A. W. Kirsch, and Juan Carlos Bugeranuscarunculatus, 351-365 Matheus,DNA-DNA hybridizationevidence for Bunting, Tristan, 314-327; Wilkins', 314-327 subfamilystructure among hummingbirds, 8-19 Burger,Joanna, see Spendelow,Jeffrey A., et al.; see Blem, Charles R., and Leann B. Blem, Composition also Staine, Kevin J., and -- and microclimateof ProthonotaryWarbler nests, Burgess,Robert M., and Alice A. Stickney,Interspe- 197-200 cific aggressionby Tundra Swans toward Snow Blem, Leann B., see Blem, Charles R., and -- Geeseon the SagavanirktokRiver delta, Alaska, Bluebird, Eastern, 739-744; Mountain, 33-34 204-207 Bluethroat, 556-562 Busarellus, 787-805 Boag,Peter T., see Meek, SusanB., et al. Butastur, 787-805 Boal, Clint W., and John E. Bacorn, Siblicide and can- Buteo albicaudatus,787-805; buteo, 274-284, 787-805; nibalism at Northern Goshawk nests, 748-750 jamaicensis,787-805; lagopus,274-284; magnirostra, Body condition, vultures, 933-944 787-805 Body-masschange, Garden Warbler, 888-899; Grey- Buteogallus,787-805 breastedSilvereye, 721-723 Butorides,787-805 Body size, related to mate choice, Burrowing Owl, Buzzard, Common, 274-284 724-727; variation, Evening Grosbeak,693-702; variation with latitude, feral pigeon, 398-404 Cahalane, Victor Harrison, 1901-1993, in memoriam, Body-sizehypothesis, 693-702 188 Boersma, P. Dee, see Gandini, Patricia, et al.; see also Calidrisalba, 605-616; canutus,605-616; pusilla,605- Yorio, Pablo, and -- 616 Boles, Walter E., see Leeton, Peter R. J., et al. Calliphloxevelynae, 706 Bollinger, PatriciaBlair, Relative effectsof hatching Calyptorhynchus,833-843 order,egg-size variation, and parentalquality on Campylorhamphusprocurvoides, 104-114; pusillus,104- chick survival in Common Terns, 263-273 114; trochilirostris, 104-114 Botton,Mark L., Robert E. Loveland, and Timothy R. Cane, W. Parker, Ontogeneticevidence for relation- Jacobsen,Site selectionby migratoryshorebirds ships within the Laridae, 873-880 in Delaware Bay, and its relationship to beach Cannibalism, Northern Goshawk, 748-750 characteristics and abundance of horseshoe crab Capitodayi, 389-397; niger,389-397 (Limuluspolyphemus) eggs, 605-616 Capitonidae,phylogeny, 389-397 Bourli•re, Francois, 1913-1993, in memoriam, 993- Captivity,effect on plumagecolor, House Finch, 218- 995 221,221-225 Bowman, Reed, see Bancroft, G. Thomas, and -- Carduelispinus, 33-34 Branta canadensis,744-748 Carotenoids, House Finch, 218-221,221-225 Braun, Clait E., review by, 1029-1030 Carpodacuscassinii, 33-34; mexicanus,218-221,221-225 Braun,Michael J., see Rhymer,Judith M., et al. Casmerodiusalbus, 328-336 Breeding, cooperative,Hoatzin, 643-651 Catbird, Gray, 170-177 Breedingbird survey,50-62; chickadees,191-197 Cathartes,787-805; aura meridionalis, 933-944; aura ruf- Breedingdynamics, in mangrovecommunities, 405- icollis, 933-944 415 Catharusfuscescens, 683-692; guttatus, 33-34; minimus, Breedingsuccess, 806-813; Burrowing Owl, 724-727; 683-692; ustulatus, 683-692 Pied Flycatcher,714-716; Red Junglefowl,863- Cavity roosting, Green Woodhoopoe,292-299 872; SavannahSparrow, 962-969; Tree Swallow, Cercomacra cinerascens,1007 814-824 Certhia americana, 33-34 Breitwisch,Randall, review by, 246-247, 1030 Chaeturapelagica, 8-19 October1994] Indexto Volume111 1039 Chalybura,703-710 Conover, Michael R., and Gary S. Kania, Impact of Chamaeza nobilis, 1007 interspecific aggressionand herbivory by Mute Chan, Ken, Winter body mass and overnight ener- Swans on native waterfowl and aquatic vegeta- getics of a South Temperate passerine,721-723 tion in New England, 744-748 Charadriiformes,phylogeny of, 825-832 Conspecific recognition, American Robin, 634-642; Charadrius melodus,579-587; montanus, 504-506 Blue Jay, 634-642 Chasiempissandwichensis, 917-932 Convective-soaringhypothesis, 427-440 Chen caerulescens,204-207; caerulescenscaerulescens, 563- Conway, Albert E., In memoriam:Crawford H. Gree- 572 newalt, 1902-1993, 188-189 Cherel, Yves, and Frederic Freby, Daily body-mass Cooke, Fred, see Williams, Tony D., et al. lossand nitrogen excretion during molting fast Cooper, JamesA., see Henson, Paul, and -- of Macaroni Penguins,492-495 Cooper, Robert J., see Dunk, Jeffrey R., and -- Chickadee,Black-capped, 191-197; Carolina, 191-197; Coot, American, 337-350 Mountain, 33-34; seealso BreedingBird Survey Coragyps,787-805; atratusbrasiliensis, 933-944 Chlorostilbon,703-710; maugaeus,706; mellisugus,706; Cormons,Grace D., see Spendelow,Jeffrey A., et al. ricordii, 706 Corvus corax, 764-769 Christidis, Leslie, see Leeton, Peter R. J., et al. Cotinga, Bay-vented,1-7; Chestnut-bellied,1-7 plus Chrysolampis,703-710 frontispiece Chrysuronia,703-710 Cotingidae, 1-7 Chukar,

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