Jan Wisdom Chronological Date(s) Chronological Events 1 Job 1 Genesis 1-2 4004 BC The Creation 2 Job 2 Genesis 3-5 4004-2349 The Fall, Cain & Abel, pre-Flood Patriarchs, Death of Methuselah (Noah's Grandfather) 3 Job 3 Genesis 6-7 2469-2349 BC Noah Starts Preaching & Building the Ark (2469 BC), The Flood (2349 BC) 4 Job 4 Genesis 8-9 2348-1998 BC Noah's Family & Animals Disembark the Ark, Death of Noah (1998 BC) 5 Job 5 Genesis 10-11 2348-1922 BC Table of Nations & Tower of Babel (2242 BC), Death of Terah (1922 BC) 6 Job 6 Genesis 12-14 1921-1912 BC God Calls Abram, Abram Goes to Egypt, Abram & Lot Separate, Abram Rescues Lot 7 Job 7 Genesis 15-17 1912-1897 BC Covenant with Abram (1912 BC), Ishmael Born (1910 BC), Abram Circumcised (1897 BC) 8 Job 8 Genesis 18-19 1897 BC Abraham Pleads for Sodom with the LORD, Sodom & Gomorrah Destroyed 9 Job 9 Genesis 20-21 1896-1891 BC Abraham & Abimelech, Birth of Isaac (1896 BC), Hagar & Ishmael Sent Away (1891 BC) 10 Job 10 Genesis 22-23 1871-1859 BC Abraham Tested (1871 BC), Death of Sarah (1859 BC) 11 Job 11 Genesis 24-25 1856-1821 BC Isaac & Rebekah (1856 BC), Jacob & Esau Born (1836 BC), Death of Abraham (1821 BC) 12 Job 12 Genesis 26-28 1821-1760 BC Isaac & Abimelech, Esau Marries (1796 BC), Jacob Steals Esau's Blessing (1760 BC) 13 Job 13 Genesis 29-30 1759-1739 BC Jacob Goes to Laban & Marries Leah & Rachel (1759 BC), 11 Sons & 1 Daughter Born 14 Job 14 Genesis 31-32 1739 BC Jacob Flees From Laban, Laban Pursues Jacob, Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau 15 Job 15 Genesis 33-34 1739-1732 BC Jacob Meets Esau, Dinah Raped and Brothers Simeon & Levi Get Revenge 16 Job 16 Genesis 35-36 1732-1716 BC Jacob Returns to Bethel, Death of Rachel in Childbirth, Death of Isaac (1716 BC) 17 Job 17 Genesis 37-38 1728-1708 BC Joseph Sold Into Slavery (1728 BC), Judah Commits Adultery with Tamar (c. 1708 BC) 18 Job 18 Genesis 39-41 1728-1715 BC Joseph & Potiphar's Wife, Joseph Imprisoned (1717 BC), Joseph Elevated to 2nd in Egypt 19 Job 19 Genesis 42-44 1707 BC Joseph's Brothers go to Egypt 20 Job 20 Genesis 45-47 1706-1702 BC Jacob Goes to Egypt at 130 Years Old (1706 BC), 7th & Final Year of Famine (1702 BC) 21 Job 21 Genesis 48-50 1689-1635 BC Jacob's Blessing, Death of Jacob (1689 BC), Death of Joseph (1635 BC) 22 Job 22 Exodus 1-3 1706-1491 BC Birth of Moses (1571 BC), Moses Flees to Midian (1531 BC), Call of Moses (1491 BC) 23 Job 23 Exodus 4-6 1491 BC Moses returns to Egypt (Age 80), and Aaron His Brother (Age 83) to Lead Israel 24 Job 24 Exodus 7-8 1491 BC Plagues of Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies 25 Job 25 Exodus 9-10 1491 BC Plagues of Livestock, Boils, Hail, Locusts, & Darkness 26 Job 26 Exodus 11-12 1491 BC Plague on the Firstborn & Passover 27 Job 27 Exodus 13-14 1491 BC Crossing of the Red Sea 28 Job 28 Exodus 15-16 1491 BC The Song of Moses, God's Provision of Food--Manna & Quail 29 Job 29 Exodus 17-18 1491 BC God's Provision of Water, Jethro (Moses' father-in-law) visits 30 Job 30 Exodus 19-21 1491 BC Moses receives the Law (the Ten Commandments) 31 Job 31 Exodus 22-23 1491 BC Additional Laws Note: The two primary sources used for the dates given are Dr. Floyd N. Jones' The Chronology of the Old Testament, 16th Ed. (2007) and Archbiship James Ussher's Annals of the World , first published in Latin in 1650 and then in English 1658 (two years after his death), revised and updated by Larry and Marion Pierce in 2003. Note: From the Call of Abram (1921 BC) to the Exodus from Egypt (1491 BC) was 430 years to the day (Exodus 12:40-41; Galatians 3:16-17). Feb Wisdom Chronological Date(s) Chronological Events 1 Job 32 Exodus 24-26 1491 BC The Covenant Confirmed, Offerings and Design Plans for the Tabernacle 2 Job 33 Exodus 27-29 1491 BC Plans for the Altar & Courtyard, Plans for the Priestly Garments and their Consecration 3 Job 34 Exodus 30-31 1491 BC The Altar, God Provides Craftsmen for Tabernacle 4 Job 35 Exodus 32-33 1491 BC The Golden Calf, The Tent of Meeting, Moses & the Glory of the LORD 5 Job 36 Exodus 34-35 1491 BC New Stone Tablets, Materials for the Tabernacle 6 Job 37 Exodus 36-38 1491 BC Building the Tabernacle, the Ark and Altar 7 Job 38 Exodus 39-40 1490 BC Making the Priestly Garments, God's Glory fills the Tabernacle 8 Job 39 Leviticus 1-3 1490 BC Instructions on Offerings 9 Job 40 Leviticus 4-5 1490 BC Instructions on Offerings 10 Job 41 Leviticus 6-7 1490 BC Instructions on Offerings 11 Job 42 Leviticus 8-10 1490 BC Ordination of Aaron and Sons for the Priesthood, Deaths of Aaron's Sons 12 Psalm 1 Leviticus 11-13 1490 BC Clean & Unclean Food, Purification after Childbirth, Infectious Skin Disease Regulations 13 Psalm 2 Leviticus 14-15 1490 BC Cleansing from Infectious Skin Diseases & Bodily Discharges 14 Psalm 3 Leviticus 16-18 1490 BC Day of Atonement, Eating of Blood Forbidden, Unlawful Sexual Relations 15 Psalm 4 Leviticus 19-21 1490 BC Various Laws, Punishments for Sin, Rules for Priests 16 Psalm 5 Leviticus 22-23 1490 BC Rules for Priests continued, The LORD's Feasts 17 Psalm 6 Leviticus 24-25 1490 BC Oil and Bread Before the LORD, Sabbatical & Jubilee Years 18 Psalm 7 Leviticus 26-27 1490 BC Rewards & Punishments, Redeeming What is the LORD's 19 Psalm 8 Numbers 1-2 1490 BC 1st Census (2nd year of Exodus), and Arrangement of Tribal Camps 20 Psalm 9 Numbers 3-4 1490 BC The Tribe of Levi 21 Psalm 10 Numbers 5-6 1490 BC Test for an Unfaithful Wife, Rules for a Nazirite 22 Psalm 11 Numbers 7-8 1490 BC Offerings at Dedication of the Tabernacle, Setting Apart of the Levites 23 Psalm 12 Numbers 9-10 1490 BC Celebrating the Passover, Silver Trumpets, Israelites Leave Sinai 24 Psalm 13 Numbers 11-13 1490 BC Quail from the LORD, Miriam & Aaron oppose Moses, Exploring Canaan 25 Psalm 14 Numbers 14-15 1489 BC Israel Rebels, Supplementary Offerings 26 Psalm 15 Numbers 16-18 1489 BC Korah's Rebellion, Aaron's Staff, Duties of Priests, Offerings for Priests 27 Psalm 16 Numbers 19-21 1489-1452 BC Water of Cleansing, Water from the Rock, Death of Aaron, The Bronze Snake 28 Psalm 17 Numbers 22-24 1452 BC The Bronze Snake, Balak Summons Balaam, Balaam's Donkey, Balaam's Oracles Mar Wisdom Chronological Date(s) Chronological Events 1 Psalm 18 Numbers 25-27 1452 BC Moab Seduces Israel, 2nd Census (40th year of Exodus), Joshua to Succeed Moses 2 Psalm 19 Numbers 28-29 1452 BC Daily, Sabbath & Monthly Offerings, Feasts of the LORD 3 Psalm 20 Numbers 30-31 1452 BC Vows, Vengeance on the Midianites 4 Psalm 21 Numbers 32-33 1451 BC Two & One-Half Tribes Settle East of Jordan River, Summary of Israel's Journey 5 Psalm 22 Numbers 34-36 1451 BC Boundaries of Canaan, Towns for Levites, Inheritance of Zelophehad's Daughters 6 Psalm 23 Deuteronomy 1-2 1451 BC Appointment of Leaders, Rebellion Against God, Condemned to Wander 7 Psalm 24 Deuteronomy 3-4 1451 BC Conquests east of Jordan, Division of Canaan, Obedience Commanded 8 Psalm 25 Deuteronomy 5-7 1451 BC The Ten Commandments, Love the LORD Your God, God's Command to Drive Out Nations 9 Psalm 26 Deuteronomy 8-10 1451 BC Don't Forget the LORD, Not Because of Israel's Righteousness, Golden Calf, New Tablets 10 Psalm 27 Deuteronomy 11-12 1451 BC Love and Obey the LORD, Worship at the Tabernacle 11 Psalm 28 Deuteronomy 13-15 1451 BC Worshipping other Gods, Clean & Unclean Food, Canceling Debts & Freeing Servants 12 Psalm 29 Deuteronomy 16-18 1451 BC Feasts of the LORD, Instructions on Judges, Law Courts, a King, Prophets 13 Psalm 30 Deuteronomy 19-21 1451 BC Cities of Refuge, Witnesses to a Crime, Rules for War, Unsolved Murder, Right of Firstborn 14 Psalm 31 Deuteronomy 22-24 1451 BC Various Laws, Marriage Violations, Exclusion from Assembly, Certificate of Divorce 15 Psalm 32 Deuteronomy 25-27 1451 BC Various Laws, Firstfruits & Tithes, Altar on Mt. Ebal, Pronounce of Curses 16 Psalm 33 Deuteronomy 28 1451 BC Blessings for Obedience and Curses for Disobedience 17 Psalm 34 Deuteronomy 29-30 1451 BC Renewal of the Covenant, Offer of Life or Death 18 Psalm 35 Deuteronomy 31-32 1451 BC Read Law during Tabernacles, Rebellion Predicted, Song of Moses 19 Psalm 36 Deuteronomy 33-34 1451 BC Moses Blesses the Tribes, Death of Moses 20 Psalm 37 Joshua 1-3 1451 BC Joshua Takes Command, Rahab & the Spies, Crossing the Jordan 21 Psalm 38 Joshua 4-6 1451 BC Memorial to Crossing Jordan, Israelites Circumcised, Fall of Jericho 22 Psalm 39 Joshua 7-8 1451 BC Achan's Sin, Fall of Ai 23 Psalm 40 Joshua 9-10 1451-1445 BC Gibeonites Deceive Israelites, The Sun Stands Still, Five Amorite Kings Killed 24 Psalm 41 Joshua 11-13 1451-1445 BC List of Kings Defeated, Land Still to be Taken, Division of the Land East of Jordan River 25 Psalm 42 Joshua 14-15 1445 BC Division of Land West of Jordan River, Allotment for Judah 26 Psalm 43 Joshua 16-18 1445 BC Allotment of Land to Tribes 27 Psalm 44 Joshua 19-20 1445 BC Allotment of Land to Tribes, Cities of Refuge, Towns for Levites 28 Psalm 45 Joshua 21-22 1444 BC Towns for Levites, Eastern Tribes Return Home 29 Psalm 46 Joshua 23-24 1444-1424 BC Joshua's Farewell, Covenant Renewed, Death of Joshua 30 Psalm 47 Judges 1:1-3:6 1424-1405 BC Israel Fails to Drive Out all Nations; Every Man is a Law Unto Himself (Judges 17-21) 31 Psalm 48 Judges 17-18 1405 BC Micah's Idols, Danites Settle in Laish Apr Wisdom Chronological Date(s) Chronological Events 1 Psalm 49 Judges 19-21 1403 BC A Levite & Concubine, Israel fights the Tribe of Benjamin, Wives for Benjamites 2 Psalm 50 Judges 3:7-30 1400-1280 BC Subjugation (8 yrs) & Ehud (32 yrs), Subjugation (18 yrs) & Ehud (62 yrs) 3 Psalm 51 Ruth 1-2 1282-1272 BC Ruth, a Moabitess, Meets Boaz 4 Psalm 52 Ruth 3-4 1272-1271 BC Ruth Marries Boaz (Grandfather of David) 5 Psalm 53 Judges 3:31-5:31 1280-1240 BC Subjugation (20 yrs) and Deborah & Barak (20 yrs), Shamgar vs.
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