THe aGin snaps: THeSTOIYOn SHane canv aarp's Kevin craic r GOHI caLenzrar iarriMYOwnwiFe vol 15 issue 9 vaLeriTine's GIFT GUIDC 0 2> f^ my FaBTiLous Disease Tippirr OUT FOTT LauDerDaLe "74470M2513A I )ii & LOcaL ceLeB ROB NEW JERSEY ANTI-BUL- for couples struggling with fertility issues. exploited the suffering of countless brave ther economic opportunities for LGBT busi­ Fertility LifeLines can be accessed free of and patriotic American families by protest­ ness owners. LYING BILL OF RIGHTS charge at: ing the funerals of innocent victims and fallen heroes. Westboro Baptist Church has "The White House has been incredibly sup­ New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed a Couples can receive a free copy of In The held up signs at the funerals of fallen sol­ portive of our work," says Justin Nelson, co- landmark Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights into Know by registering at Family Building Op­ diers, saying "Thank God for lEDs." "Pray for founder and president of the NGLCC. "We're law. The legislation, passed almost unani­ tions or by calling the toll-free hotline at 1- More Dead Soldiers" and "God Killed Your so thrilled to have a partner in this adminis­ mously by both houses of the state legisla­ 866-LETS-TRY (1-866-538-7879). Son." Before the families of victims of Sep­ tration that understands and values diver­ ture in November, is the toughest state tember 11th, they held up signs saying sity." anti-bullying law in the country. The new GLAAD DEMANDS "Thank God for 9/11" and "God Hates Amer­ law mandates specific anti-bullying proce­ ica." Westboro has picketed the funerals of During Wednesday evening's welcome re­ dures for schools across the state and also RADIO OUTLETS hate crime victims with placards reading ception on Capitol Hill, Senator Al Franken covers public universities. RESCIND AIRTIME TO "God Wants Your Son Dead" and "God Hates spoke passionately of his support of LGBT WESTBORO BAPTIST Fags." rights, including a new anti-bullying bill he NEW RESOURCES FOR is co-sponsoring that would require colleges CHURCH This week Westboro has reacted to the receiving federal money to include sexual SAME-SEX COUPLES tragedy in Tucson with messages like "God orientation and gender identity and part of LOOKING TO START OR The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Sent the Shooter." their anti-harassment policies. BUILD THEIR FAMILIES Defamation (GLAAD) has called on the na­ tionally syndicated Mike Gallagher Show. GLAAD launched an online action for con­ Karen Mills of the Small Business Adminis­ Family building options have expanded for KXXT-AM in Tolleson, Arizona, and CFNY-FM, cerned community members and allies to tration (SBA), Rep. Tammy Baldwin and Rep. same-sex couples in recent years, in part 102.1 "The Edge" in Toronto to rescind their send e-mails to the media outlets. The ac­ Jared Polis all discussed diversity and inclu- because of increased fertility treatment op­ offers to reward the Westboro Baptist tion had over 1,500 participants as the first siveness as well as important legislation tions. Even/family is different and no rules Church with airtime. morning. For more information: like the Small Business Jobs Act and pro­ apply to all families and circumstances. grams at the SBA that are available to help The radio outlets agreed to host the West­ LGBT businesses at Thursday's "A World of According to the 2000 U.S. Census, there boro Baptist Church after it announced THE NGLCC WRAPS UP Opportunity" opening breakfast. Gary Locke, are approximately 600,000 same-sex cou­ plans to picket the funeral of Christina Tay­ NATIONAL BUSINESS the U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary ples in the United States and many same- lor Green, the nine-year-old girl tragically gave the NGLCC Champion of Enterprise sex couples want the experience of having killed last weekend in Tucson. The group AND LEDERSHIP CON­ keynote on Friday morning. Secretary Locke children. Are you one of them? If so, you may also called off additional plans to picket the FERENCE IN D.C. spoke about economic recovery. President want to check out some new resources funeral of U.S. District Judge John Roll after Obama's National Export Initiative and how available for same-sex couples. the Mike Gallagher Show, a nationally syndi­ LGBT businesses can benefit from becoming cated radio show reaching millions, offered The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of more actively involved in exporting. He also the group a platform to, according to a Commerce (NGLCC) has wrapped up its sev­ spoke of a new memorandum of under­ The new 'Family Building Options' website enth annual National Business and Leader­ offers information about assisted reproduc­ Westboro spokesperson, "communicate its standing that he will sign shortly with the message with as wide an audience as pos­ ship Conference on a high note. The NGLCC NGLCC to increase collaboration between tive technology (ART) and other treatment saw record-breaking attendance numbers options; a "Find a Fertility Specialist" tool; sible." the department and the organization around and stronger-than-ever support from policy procurement, trade and other department the ability to request an appointment or in­ makers and corporate partners. formation from a fertility specialist or clinic; According to The Los Angeles Times, the priorities that are of interest to America's group had made no decisions about whether small business community. information about upcoming family-building Attendance hit nearly 400 for the four-day events, donor program information, and it would picket the four other victims' funer­ als. conference in the nation's capital, a whop­ Also in attendance were 120 plus NGLCC other resources; and a new booklet, In The ping 60% jump over last year's conference Know: What No One Tells You About Family Corporate Partners, including IBM, Aetna, "The promotion of the Westboro Baptist in Seattle, WA. Over 800 LGBT business American Airlines, Ernst & Young, Hewlett Building Options for Same-Sex Couples, de­ owners, corporate partners and organiza­ signed to provide same-sex couples with Church's hateful vitriol has no place on our Packard, Intel, JPMorganChase, Merck, airwaves or at the funerals of these vic­ tional allies attended the National Dinner on AT&T, UPS, Wells Fargo and Hilton, to name free resources to help them along their Friday. The conference offered robust pro­ paths to parenthood. tims," said GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios. a few. All promised to continue their com­ gramming designed to meet the interests mitment to diversifying their workplace, and needs of LGBT business owners and en­ The booklet outlines options for couples "While countless media outlets around the policies and supplier base. country are properly paying tribute to the trepreneurs, allied companies and NGLCC based on their distinctive needs; educates affiliate chambers from around the country. them about their fertility and how to get fallen, these radio outlets have decided to "It's fantastic to see some of the world's help; provides questions to ask their spe­ cave to blackmail tactics and reward one of largest companies pledge their support to our nation's most anti-American groups," Many policy makers and members of the the LGBT community," says Chance cialist; and offers guidance in navigating Obama Administration also showed their payment and reimbursement. Barrios continued. "Such action only incen- Mitchell, co-founder of the NGLCC. "They tivizes groups like Westboro with an oppor­ support of the NGLCC's work. A delegation understand that diversifying their workforce of NGLCC members was invited to the White Fertility Lifelines, a free informational sup­ tunity to broadcast their hate to millions." and supplier base is not only morally and House on Wednesday to discuss ways in ethically sound, but is just solid business." port service for couples sponsored by EMD which the Administration can continue to Serono, provides an abundance of resources For more than 20 years, the Westboro Bap­ tist Church has cynically and maliciously support the LGBT community and create fur­ Who else can't wait until 'Pinko' means say business owner instead of communist? Now IN THE SHORT NORTH! Call MANAGEMENT 350 EAST FIRST AVE. resources SUITE 220, COLUMBUS, OH 43201 WWW.CMRINC.COM COMMUNITY RESOURCES SPONSORED BY MALCOLM RIGGLE & CMR INC. ADAMH ALCOHOLICS AMERICAN CIVIL AMETHYST BUCKFYE REGION LIBERTIES UNION ANTI-VIOLENCE ORGANIZATION 614.224.1057 ANONYMOUS 614.242.1284 *K€THY5~ BRATO ADAMH &Dairj 216.472.2200 614.294.7867 ADAMKFRANKLIN.ORG : 614.253.8501 AMHHYST-INC.ORG i V ACLUOHI0.ORG BRAVO-0HI0.ORG J AACENTRAL0HI0.ORG A.COhOL. DRUG, AND MEMTAL HEALTH RESOURCES ALCOHOLISM RECOVERY 8 SUPPOFT CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS WATCHDOG ADDICTION & POVERTY RESOURCES FOR WOMEN GLBT ANTI-VIOLENCE RESOURCES |j ;:vii-M!:i.^! CITY OF COLS COMMUNITY Q_ COLUMBUS AIDS COLUMBUS PUBLIC CRYSTAL CLUB RELATIONS COMMISSION TASK FORCE HEALTH 216.432.9544 614.214.4828 614.645.1993 614.299.2437 Ch\i-v.\..y,Jth 614.545.7417 camp SUNRISEKIDS.ORG Ullmiai Public Health THECRYSTALCLUB.ORG 'sunns* VUjjdP J?| COMMUNITY.CI. 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