US 2002O159952A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2002/0159952 A1 Unger (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 31, 2002 (54) NOVELACOUSTICALLY ACTIVE DRUG (52) U.S. Cl. .......................................... 424/9.51; 424/9.52 DELIVERY SYSTEMS (76) Inventor: Evan C. Unger, Tucson, AZ (US) Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT Woodcock Washburn LLP One Liberty Place - 46th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103 (US) The present invention is directed to targeted therapeutic Appl. No.: 10/084,855 delivery Systems comprising a gas or gaseous precursor (21) filled microSphere wherein Said gas or gaseous precursor (22) Filed: Feb. 27, 2002 filled microSphere comprises an oil, a Surfactant, and a therapeutic compound. Methods of preparing the targeted Related U.S. Application Data therapeutic delivery Systems are also embodied by the present invention which comprise processing a Solution (62) Division of application No. 09/075,343, filed on May comprising an oil and a Surfactant in the presence of a 11, 1998. gaseous precursor, at a temperature below the gel to liquid crystalline phase transition temperature of the Surfactant to (60) Provisional application No. 60/046,379, filed on May form gas or gaseous precursor filled microSphere, and add 13, 1997. ing to Said microSpheres a therapeutic compound resulting in Publication Classification a targeted therapeutic delivery System, wherein Said pro cessing is Selected from the group consisting of controlled (51) Int. Cl. ................................................ A61K 49/00 agitation, controlled drying, and a combination thereof. oil layer gas e.g. perfluorobutane S. assessingR W v W. W. W. W. 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W YYYA. 2226%WAWWW YYYYY YYYYWv Was WWW S3% a N.11.11 d E,gi 11111111 S Patent Application Publication Oct. 31, 2002 Sheet 1 of 9 US 2002/0159952 A1 Figure 1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 31, 2002 Sheet 2 of 9 US 2002/0159952 A1 Figure 2 3. oil layer gas e.g. perfluorobutane ease S$8 i5 v Y w a NW was AWWWWW ww v1a1aaa. w 11Yy 1.aw was 11at va?a was 1. www.a. W. W. W. W. w ------- 111 glity Patent Application Publication Oct. 31, 2002 Sheet 3 of 9 US 2002/0159952 A1 Antibubbles Water or oil Water Patent Application Publication Oct. 31, 2002 Sheet 4 of 9 US 2002/0159952 A1 Figure 4 NO, Patent Application Publication Oct. 31, 2002 Sheet 5 of 9 US 2002/0159952 A1 Figure 5 ? Ø? ?Ø Ø N W N W. W. N w W v W. Q. W. W W A. w Y w W. A. W w A. W w W. Y. W w W W W N W W. W. w W. W -a a W.W.W. W. N. W. N. V w W 2a ?>>~zzzzzzzzzzzz?????ZZZZZZZZZZZNS&Z Y NANNRS A = Septun Cap B is Glass via C = Preselected glass D = Aqueous media Es. Oil with drug Patent Application Publication Oct. 31, 2002. Sheet 6 of 9 US 2002/0159952 A1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 31, 2002 Sheet 7 of 9 US 2002/0159952 A1 Figure 7 Without 100 kHz -0.11 Time (min) Patent Application Publication Oct. 31, 2002 Sheet 8 of 9 US 2002/0159952 A1 Figure 8 15 Gs 1.O O. 9 gE O O 0.5 3. C O.O O 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (min) O NO US O 100 kHz CW 1 - 6 nin V 100 kHz pyW 1 - 6 Tin Patent Application Publication Oct. 31, 2002 Sheet 9 of 9 US 2002/0159952 A1 Figure 9 AALS 2.O 1.O15 C N S O. 5 po s C O.O O - 5 10 15 2O 25 30 Time (min) O. No US O 100 kHz CW 1 - 8 nin V 100 kHz PW1 - 8 nin US 2002/0159952 A1 Oct. 31, 2002 NOVELACOUSTICALLY ACTIVE DRUG tively denatures Some proteins. Broadhead, et al., J. Pharm. DELIVERY SYSTEMS Pharmocol. 1994 46:458467, however, reports conditions of Spray drying which maintain 70% yields of active B-galac REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS tosidase. 0001. This application claims priority to U.S. provisional 0009 Treatment of several diseases would be enhanced application No. 60/046,379, filed May 13, 1997, incorpo with improvements in drug delivery technology. Retinal rated herein by reference in its entirety. disease, for example, currently is difficult to treat. No effective treatments are available for the most common FIELD OF THE INVENTION diseases. Another ophthalmologic disease, diabetic retinopa thy, is a common complication of diabetes. In this disease 0002 The invention relates to novel compositions and neovascularization results in a proliferation of blood vessels methods useful in delivering targeted therapeutics. More which destroy the retina Diabetic retinopathy is treated by particularly, the present invention relates to methods for medical management of diabetes (better control of blood targeting a region of a patient by administering to the patient Sugar) and ablating neovascularity with laser photocoagul compositions having a Surfactant and a therapeutic. lation. 0010 Macular degeneration is probably the most com BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION mon cause of blindness afflicting the retina. In this disease 0003. The ability to move active agents from the locus of there are two predominant forms, neovascularization and administration to an area of activity has provided a continu primary photoreceptor death. Neovascularization results in a ing challenge to investigators. Providing a stable drug deliv proliferation of vessels which irreversibly damage the retina. ery vehicle which both preserves the integrity of the drug Primary photoreceptor cell death is associated with Drusen and allows for a localized release have escaped these efforts. formation. Drusen formation is believed to represent break Eye diseases Such as diabetic retinopathy and retinitis pig down products from the photoreceptors. Drusen deposits mentosa are uniquely Suited for treatment by non-invasive increase as macular degeneration progresses. Currently, techniques utilizing the delivery of therapeutics to the Site of there is no good treatment for macular degeneration. action. Of the many other diseases where targeted release is 0011 Veno-occlusive disease is caused by venous throm important, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and its phar bosis in the retinal vessels and is diagnosed by retinal macological treatment is also particularly amenable to drug hemorrhages. There is no effective treatment for retinal delivery vehicles. venous occlusive disease. 0004 Solubilization of a drug in a surfactant and option 0012. Accordingly, new and/or better targeted therapeu ally a carrier, preferably a nonpolar carrier, would Serve to optimize delivery of many drugs where polar media are tics, as well as methods of delivering and making the same inappropriate. The embodiments of the present invention are needed. The present invention is directed to these, as meet the needs for Stable, localized non-polar drug delivery well as other important ends. and local drug release. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 0005 Microspheres consisting of both hydrophilic and relatively hydrophobic domains or layers are known in the 0013 The present invention is directed to a targeted art. In PCT Publication WO95/26376 Coombes et al. dis therapeutic delivery System comprising a gas or gaseous closes a composition with a hydrophilic polymer Outer coat precursor filled microSphere wherein Said gas or gaseous and a hydrophobic core polymer, the two layerS linked by precursor filled microSphere comprises an oil, a Surfactant, polyethylene glycol. and a therapeutic compound. Methods of preparing the targeted therapeutic delivery System are also embodied by 0006 Ball milling of nanoparticles is also known as, for the present invention. The present invention includes a example, in the disclosure of Wong, U.S. Pat. No. 5,569,448, method comprising processing a Solution comprising an oil wherein sulfated nonionic block copolymers form shells for and a Surfactant in the presence of a gaseous precursor, at a the Sequestration of therapeutic or diagnostic agents. Simi temperature below the gel to liquid crystalline phase tran larly, other dry powder compositions have been formulated Sition temperature of the Surfactant to form gas or gaseous combining nucleic acids with hydrophilic excipients, then precursor filled microSphere, and adding to Said micro drying by lyophilization or spray drying. See, for example, Spheres a therapeutic compound resulting in a targeted Eljamel, et al. in PCT Publication WO96/32116. therapeutic delivery System, wherein Said processing is 0007. The use of surfactants to stabilize preparations of Selected from the group consisting of controlled agitation, bioactive molecules is reported in the literature. Not all controlled drying, and a combination thereof.
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