06.27.2018 China'sTranslation Cultural Revolution in Memories:Glossary The CR/10 Project for Web Sitethe CR/10 Project Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference "successor (to the (ge ming) jie ban ren (革命)接班人 接班人 revolution)" ai dou 挨斗 struggle against ba huo che 扒火车 crowding onto trains Wikipedia contributors, "Tiananmen Square protests of 1989," Wikipedia, The Free Tiananmen Square Protests the 1989 Tiananmen Square Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/ 89 of 1989; June 4 Incident; 六四事件 Protests index.php?title=Tiananmen_Square_protests_ Tiananmen Square Incident of_1989&oldid=805765188 (accessed October 19, 2017). August 18, 1966: Mao Zedong's [First] Reception of ba yi ba 818 818毛泽东接见红卫兵 the Red Guards at Tiananmen Square Wikipedia contributors, "Wuhan Incident," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https:// bai wan xiong shi 百万雄师 Million Heroes Million-Strong Mighty Army en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wuhan_ Incident&oldid=791656530 (accessed October 19, 2017). bai zhuan dao lu 白专道路 "apolitical academic" Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution(Lanham, bao huang pai Royalists 保皇派 MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 315, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed June 14, 2018. the Great Northern bei da huang 北大荒 Wilderness Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of bian fang bu dui frontier guards 边防部队 Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu ban she, 2004), 51. frontier administrative bian jing qi 边境旗 division [banner] plans to overthrow/take bian tian zhang 变天账 power [from the government, an institution, etc.] bing tuan zhan shi 兵团战士 "soldiers of the corps" to return to the city from bing tui 病退 病退回城 the countryside because of illness bu dui 部队 army cha dui 插队 插队落户 join a production team culturalrevolution.pitt.edu 1/16 Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference "factories establishing chang she gua gou 厂社挂钩 connections" Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to searching [people’s] Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution(Lanham, chao jia houses to confiscate [their] ransacking households 抄家 MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 301, ProQuest Ebook possessions Central, accessed October 18, 2017. cheng fen 成分 social status Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, "Barefoot Doctor," In Historical Dictionary of the Chinese chi jiao yi sheng "barefoot doctor" 赤脚医生 Cultural Revolution,2nd ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 29. eat a poor meal (specially chi yi ku fan 吃忆苦饭 prepared) to recall past bitterness Wikipedia contributors, "Stinking Old Ninth," "the stinking old ninth" "the stinking ninth class" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https:// chou lao jiu 臭老九 [i.e. intellectuals - negative [i.e intellectuals - negative en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stinking_Old_ connotation] connotation] Ninth&oldid=750264454 (accessed October 19, 2017). Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham, chu shen family background 出身 MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 316, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18, 2017. chuan lian 串联 "networking" “rough outline” and "fine cu xian tiao, xi xian tiao 粗线条,细线条 outline" da bian lun 大辩论 "great debate" Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd da chuan lian "great networking" 大串联 ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 126-28. Wikipedia contributors, "Big Swords Society," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,https:// da dao hui 大刀会 大刀战斗队 Big Swords Society Great Swords Combat Team en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Swords_Society#cite_ note-GamesDennis2015-1 (accessed June 14, 2018). da dui 大队 生产大队 production brigade Wikipedia contributors, "Sailing the Seas Depends on the Helmsman," Wikipedia, The Free Da hai hang xing kao duo “Sailing the Seas Depends Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index. shou 大海航行靠舵手 on the Helmsman” php?title=Sailing_the_Seas_Depends_on_the_ Helmsman&oldid=789805697 (accessed October 19, 2017). Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, (Lanham, da lian he Grand Alliance [movement] 大联合 MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 316, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18, 2017. da ming 大鸣 "great airing of opinions" culturalrevolution.pitt.edu 2/16 Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical da ming da fang 大鸣大放 "free airing of views" Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 187. da pan tu 大叛徒 "rank traitor" Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical da pi pan 大批判 great criticism Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404. Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical Daxing County Massacre; Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd Da xing shi jian Daxing Incident 大兴事件 Daxing August 31 Incident ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 86-7. da yuan 大院 compound da yue jin 大跃进 The Great Leap Forward Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical da za qiang 打砸抢 "strike, smash, snatch" Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 2nd ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404. Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd da zi bao "big-character poster" 大字报 ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 31-32. Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham, MD: dang quan pai "those in power" party officials; ruling party 当权派 Scarecrow Press, 2009), 60, 250, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18, 2017. dang xiao 党校 political party [CCP] school dang zhi bu 党支部 party branch di zhu fen zi 地主分子 landlord Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [Dict.cn], "Di zhu fu nong di zhu fu nong 地主富农 landlords and rich peasants 地主富农," http://dict.cn/地主富农 (accessed February 2, 2017). Wikipedia contributors, "The East Is Red (song)," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, https:// Dong fang hong 东方红 “The East is Red” en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_East_Is_ Red_(song)&oldid=801982517 (accessed October 19, 2017). Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical "fight selfishness, repudiate dou si pi xiu Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd 斗私批修 revisionism" ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404. dou zheng 斗争 struggle against Du juan shan 杜鹃山 "Azalea Mountain" Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of dui wu rank(s) troop(s) 队伍 Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu ban she, 2004), 326. culturalrevolution.pitt.edu 3/16 Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference [of cadres] to stay at a gain firsthand experience by selected grassroots unit to Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [Dict.cn], "Dun dian 蹲 dun dian 蹲点 working with a grassroots help improve its work and 点," http://dict.cn/%E8%B9%B2%E7%82%B9 unit gain firsthand experience for (accessed October 20, 2017). guiding overall work duo quan 夺权 "power seizure" [n.] "seizing power" [v.] Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham, fan chao liu "going against the tide" 反潮流 MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 316, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed June 14, 2018. Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical fan dong 反动 reactionary Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404. ""bourgeois academic Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to 资产阶级学术权威 , "reactionary academic authority";"bourgeois Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham, fan dong xue shu quan wei 反动学术权威 资产阶级反动学术权威 authority" reactionary academic MD: Scarecrow Press, 2009), 316, ProQuest Ebook authority" Central, accessed June 14, 2018. fan ge ming 反革命 counter-revolutionary Hai ci ci dian 海词词典 [Dict.cn], "Fan xiu fang xiu 反 "combat and prevent fan xiu fang xiu 修防修," http://dict.cn/反修防修 反修防修 Revisionism" (accessed October 20, 2017). Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou, The A to Z of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (Lanham, MD: fan you 反右 反右派斗争 Anti-Rightist campaign Scarecrow Press, 2009), 81, 92-3, 117, 171, 207, 279, ProQuest Ebook Central, accessed October 18, 2017. Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical "feudalism, capitalism, feng zi xiu Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd 封资修 revisionism" ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 404. "resume classes and [/to] fu ke nao ge ming 复课闹革命 make revolution" gai ge kai fang 改革开放 Reform and Opening gai zao 改造 re-education ge ming lu xian 革命路线 "revolutionary line" ge ming qun zhong 革命群众 revolutionary masses ge ren chong bai 个人崇拜 personality cult ge wei hui 革委会 革命委员会 revolutionary committee Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical Six Regulations of Public gong an liu tiao Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd 公安六条 Security ed. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2015), 405. Chinese Communist Party Communist Party of China gong chan dang 共产党 [CCP] [CPC] Zhongguo jun shi jiao yu xue hui. Han ying jun shi ji shu da ci dian: A Chinese-English Dictionary of gong cheng bing engineer corps 工程兵 Military Technology Terms. (Beijing: Xue yuan chu ban she, 2004), 511 . culturalrevolution.pitt.edu 4/16 Pinyin Original term Synonyms-CHN English Translation Synonyms-ENG Reference gong fen 工分 work point Wikipedia contributors, "Worker-Peasant- Soldier student," Wikipedia, The Free Worker-Peasant-Soldier Encyclopedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/ gong nong bing xue yuan 工农兵学员 工农兵大学生 student index.php?title=Worker-Peasant-Soldier_ student&oldid=715336071 (accessed October 19, 2017). gong qing tuan 共青团 Communist Youth League gong she 公社 commune Jian, Guo, Yongyi Song, and Yuan Zhou. Historical gong xuan dui 工宣队 workers propaganda team Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution,2nd ed.
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