Index of Modern Authors

Index of Modern Authors

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85329-3 - A History of the Jewish War: A.D. 66–74 Steve Mason Index More information INDEX OF MODERN AUTHORS Ahl, F., 74 Beck, C., 493–4 Ahrensdorf, O. J., 221 Beck, I., 101 Albright, W. F., 396–8, 400–1, 593 Bederman, D. J., 220 Alcock, S. E., J. F., 60 Beebe, H. K., 274 Alexandre, Y., 341 Beer, F. A., 218 Alföldy, G., 35, 216, 241 Begg, C. T., 60, 74, 133 Allmand, C. T., 171 Bellori, G. P., 8, 26, 30 Alston, R., 139, 313 Ben Zeev, M. P., 68, 90, 248, 460 Ando, C., 260, 326, 328 Ben-Ami, D., 460 Antonius, G., 262 Ben-Avraham, Z., 398 Appelbaum, A., 154, 462 Ben-Moshe, T., 336 Arad, Y., 538 Ben-Tor, A., 514, 524, 526–7, 548, 550–3, 555–6, Arbel, Y., 350–1 558, 562, 564, 566, 571 Arnal, W. E., 339 Bentwich, N. D. M., 201 Arubas, B., 560, 565 Ben-Yehuda, N., 514 Ashby, T., 7, 39 Bergmeier, R., 131, 458 Atkinson, K., 279, 570 Berlin, A., 65, 136, 206, 225, 230–1, 339, 349 Attridge, H. W., 60, 339 Berlin, I., 67 Aviam, M., 338–41, 345–8, 364 Bernays, J., 491–4 Avigad, N., 68, 466, 469 Bernett, M., 61, 203, 240–1, 259, 266, 342–3 Avi-Yonah, M., 526 Beyer, K., 157 Avni, G., 458, 466 Bickerman, E. J., 232, 301 Bilde, P., 19, 60, 94 Bach, H. I., 491 Binder, D. D., 349 Bagnall, R. S., 470 Bird, H. W., 244 Bahat, D., 468 Birley, E., 167 Balsdon, J. P. V., 76 Birt, T., 79–82, 84 Baltrusch, E., 203 Black, M., 254 Barclay, J. M. G., 19, 153 Bloch, M., 67 Barish, D. A., 355 Bloch, R. S., 89 Bar-Kochva, B., 74, 108, 139, 283, 291, 295–6, 300 Bloom, J. J., 139, 397 Barnes, T.D., 49, 91, 93, 486, 491 Blumell, L., 204 Barrett, A. A., 5, 23, 267, 272 Boatwright, M. T., 112 Barth, F., 108 Boers, H., 46 Bartoli, P. S., 8, 26, 30 Boettger, G., 396 Barton, C., 260 Boffo, L., 241 Bar-Yosef, E., 127 Bohrmann, M., 203 Bassford, C., 335 Bond, H. K., 216, 266 Basu, B. D., 262 Bonfante Warren, L., 10 Baumgarten, A. I., 89 Boose, D. W. Jr., 43 Beacham, R., 6 Boucher, D., 221 Beagon, M., 133 Bowersock, G. W., 47–8, 156, 563 Beall, T. S., 73 Bowie, E. L., 89 Beard, M., 5–6, 9–11, 14, 18–19, 23, 33, 35, 37, 93, Boyle, A. J., 16 121, 152 Bradley, K. R., 312, 319, 325 635 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85329-3 - A History of the Jewish War: A.D. 66–74 Steve Mason Index More information 636 INDEX OF MODERN AUTHORS Brandon, S. G. F., 202–3, 283, 296 Colvin, D., 502–3 Braudel, F., 66 Comber, M., 85 Braund, D., 248, 261 Comparette, T. L., 316, 470 Braund, S., 15 Comte, A., 65 Bricault, L., 23 Conder, C. R., 182, 458, 526, 558–9 Brighton, M., 78, 92–3, 254–7, 539, 541 Conte, G. B., 101 Broadhurst, L., 48 Corbeill, A., 76 Brooke, G., 36 Corbo, V., 519 Broshi, M., 68, 74 Corn, D., 482 Brown, C., 221 Cotton, H. M., 93, 240, 248, 489, 562–3 Brüne, B., 60 Craig, C., 218 Brunt, P. A., 168, 203, 240, 242, 262 Crane, G., 221 Burkert, W., 89, 152 Crawford, R. M. A., 218 Burleigh, M., 147, 150, 173, 192, 195, 384, 574 Cribiore, R., 66, 73–4, 97 Burnett, A., 470 Crook, J. A., 498 Burr. D., 49 Crossan, J. D., 339 Burrell, B., 245 Crown, A. D., 230 Burton, G., 260, 328, 362 Curran, J. R., 23, 94–5, 121 Butcher, K., 141, 143, 470, 486 Curtis, V. S., 157 Caddick-Adams, P., 502–4, 512 D’Huys, V., 115, 440, 442 Campbell, D. B., 185, 190, 312, 425, 562 Dąbrowa, E., 139, 142, 200, 283 Campbell, J. B., 17, 139, 155, 157, 159, 167, Dalberg-Acton, J. E. E., 65, 70, 222 193, 315 Davies, P. J. E., 8, 36 Cape, R. W. Jr., 78 Davies, P. R., 36 Capponi, L., 90, 239, 245, 372, 470 Dawson, D., 174 Carlsson, S., 89 Debevoise, N. C., 157–8 Carmi, I., 518 Degrassi, A., 5 Carr, E. H., 64 Delanglez, J., 61 Cartledge, P., 89, 295 Delia, D., 89–90 Cary, E., 79 den Hollander, W., 19, 121 Castagnoli, F., 41 Deutsch, G. N., 50 Castriota, D., 39 Deutsch, M. E., 11 Castriota, D., 16 Deutsch, R., 453, 474 Cavanaugh, W. T., 90, 457 Diehl, J., 279 Chamberlain, H. S., 48, 55–6, 65 Dignas, B., 89 Champion, C. B., 69, 107 Dindorf[ius], L., 133, 263 Champlin, E., 317 Dodd, C. H., 448 Chancey, M. A., 233, 339 Dodge, H., 24 Chapman, H. H., 39, 115, 119–20, 238, 441, 536, Dominik , W. J., 16 539–40, 544, 547 Donnelly, J., 218, 221 Chazan, R., 51 Dothan, M., 343 Cheesman, G. L., 139, 142, 146, 259 Doudna, G., 552 Cherry, J. F., 60 Drexler, H., 355, 380 Clark. L., 502 Duckworth, G. E., 101 Clark. M., 147, 173, 502, 505–8 Dunn, J. D., 90 Clarke, K., 78, 114 Dušek, J., 230–2 Coarelli, F., 33, 40 Dyson, S. L., 155 Cohen, G. M., 226 Cohen, S. J. D., 68, 90, 92, 134, 136, 246, 282, Eberhardt, B., 19 357–8, 371, 380, 526, 540, 570–1 Echevarria, A. J., 335 Cohn, N. S., 4 Eck, W., 15–16, 93, 168, 239–40, 245, 316, 320, 489, Colautti, F. M., 116, 421, 547 495, 519, 561–4 Coleman, K. M., 33, 35 Eckstein, A. M., 69, 107–9, 144–5, 220, 260, Colledge, M., 157–8, 160 296, 483 Collingwood, R. G., 68, 70 Edelman, D. V., 238 Collins, J. J., 131, 279 Edmondson, J. C., 66 Colpe, C., 157 Edwards, D. R., 339 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85329-3 - A History of the Jewish War: A.D. 66–74 Steve Mason Index More information INDEX OF MODERN AUTHORS 637 Edwell, P. M., 141 Galor, K., 466, 552 Ehlers, W., 10 Gantz, T., 120 Eichholz, D. E., 87 Garfinkel, Y., 68 Elitzur, Y., 518 Garraghan, G. J., 61 Elizabeth (Tonna), C., 56, 201, 207 Gehrke, H.-J., 14 Ellis, J., 502–3, 507 Geier, J., 150 Elsner, J., 60 Gelzer, M., 355 Elukin, J., 51 Gergel, R. A., 42 Erasmo, M., 120 Geva, H., 438, 466, 468 Erdkamp, P., 139 Ghiretti, M., 240 Erim, K. T., 103 Gibson, S., 185 Eshel, H., 551–2 Gichon, M., 139, 283, 291, 294–6, 300, 305–7, 313, Esler, P. S., 10 555–6, 558, 564, 569, 574 Evans, R. J., 147, 482 Gil, D., 524, 558, 560, 564 Gil, M., 398 Falls, C., 183 Gilliver, C. M. [¼ K.], 139, 148, 167, 291–3, Fantham, E., 79 298, 387 Faraone, C. A., 89 Ginzburg, C., 70 Farmer, W. R., 202–3, 208, 444–5 Glass, C., 192 Faulkner, N., 203, 456 Gleason, M. W., 76 Favro, D., 6 Glick, L. B., 51 Favro, D., 39 Gobineau, A., 65 Feeney, D., 16, 301 Goldfus, H., 560, 565 Feldherr, A., 69 Goldstein, I., 474, 477–8, 480, 484 Feldman, L. H., 35, 50, 60, 74, 133, 245, 539–40, Goldstein, J. A., 231–2 569–71 Goldsworthy, A. K., 139, 143, 153, 167, Ferguson, N., 191 171, 176, 180, 193, 283, 291, 293, 298, Ferris, I., 76, 102–3, 152 387, 431 Finkelstein, I., 227 Goodblatt, D., 207, 472 Fischer, D. H., 207, 291, 295 Goodchild, R. G., 151 Flower, H., 37 Goodman, M. D., 8, 19, 94–5, 187, 202, 205–9, Foakes Jackson, F. J., 60 224, 247, 249, 252–3, 266, 283, 303, 326, Foerster, G., 226, 341, 529 339, 355, 494 Fontanille, J. P., 474, 477–8, 480, 484 Grabbe, L. L., 134 Forde, S., 221 Graetz, H., 51, 200–1, 204, 396, 400, 475, 501 Fournier, A., 178 Grajetzki, W., 157 Fowler, D., 74 Green, P., 112, 224 Franke, T., 149, 240, 313 Greenhut, Z., 458 Franxman, T. W., 60 Gregoratti, L., 157–8 Fraser, P. M., 233 Griffin, M. T., 312 Frei, A., 401 Griffiths, M., 218 Frend, W. H. C., 49 Grossberg, A., 552 Freyberg-Inan, 221 Gruen, E. S., 224, 260 Freyne, S., 61, 339 Grünenfelder, R., 61, 78 Friedman, S., 551 Grünewald, T., 87, 204, 565 Friesen, S.-J., 67 Gschwind, M., 311 Frothingham, A. L., 40 Guérin, V., 396–7, 400 Frova, A., 216, 241 Günther, A., 160 Frumkin, A., 518 Günther, H. F. K., 48, 50 Frye, R. N., 157–8 Gurval, R. A., 12, 15–16 Fuks, A., 454–5, 458 Gussmann, O., 78 Fung, Y.–L., 90 Funke, P., 89 Habicht, C., 60, 89 Habinek, T. N., 87 Gabriel, R. A., 43 Hadas-Lebel, M., 203 Gabucci, A., 33 Hall, J. M., 89 Gagniart, P., 146 Hall, L. J., 151, 308 Galinsky, K., 6, 16 Halleck, H. W., 222 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85329-3 - A History of the Jewish War: A.D. 66–74 Steve Mason Index More information 638 INDEX OF MODERN AUTHORS Hallote, R. S., 69 Jacobson, D. M., 185, 522 Halsey, F. W., 127 Jampoler, 182 Hannah, R., 301 Jaroés, K., 216 Hansen, M. H., 89, 372 Jensen, M. H., 339, 341–3 Hanson, J.

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