Cereal List arranged alphabetically Generic default=***** Cereals with ### following code were not updated in 2001. Please choose a code without ###. 348 ### 7 Reasons Multigrain (Presidents Choice) 095 ***Any Sugared Cereal 036 ***Any Unsugared Cereal 998 ***Half sugared & half non-sugared Variety of Brands 999 ***Non-sugared Variety of Brands 000 ***None 000 ***Rarely 000 ***Seldom 036 ***Store Brand 997 ***Sugared Variety of Brands 998 ***Variety of Brands - half sugared & half non-sugared *** 999 ***Variety of Brands - non-sugared *** 997 ***Variety of Brands - sugared *** 007 100% Bran Cereal (Nabisco/Post) 245 ### 100% Natural Cereal with Amaranth, Raisins and Nuts 001 All Bran (Kellogg's) 005 All Bran Bran Buds (Kellogg's) 171 All Bran with Extra Fiber (Kellogg's) 349 ### Almond Crunch with Raisins (Healthy Choice - Kellogg's) 298 Almond Oatmeal Crisp (General Mills) 002 ### Alpen 003 ### Alpha-Bits (Post) 244 ### Amaranth Flakes, Health Valley 346 ### Ancient Grains (Presidents Choice) 305 Apple Cinnamon Cheerios (General Mills) 326 ### Apple Cinnamon O's (New Morning) 202 ### Apple Cinnamon Squares Mini-Wheats (Kellogg's) 004 ### Apple Jacks (Kellogg's) 350 ### Aztec (Erewhon) 325 Banana Nut Crunch (Post) 039 Barley, Wheat 292 Basic 4 (General Mills) 306 ### Berry Berry Kix (General Mills) 364 ### Blueberry Mini-Wheats (Kellogg's) 332 Blueberry Morning, Post 250 ### Blueberry With Cream, Granola 153 ### Booberry (General Mills) 006 Bran 005 Bran Buds 006 Bran Cereal 009 Bran Flakes 120 Bran Flakes (Post) 134 ### Bran with Apples and Cinnamon (Health Valley Brand) 135 ### Bran with Raisins (Health Valley Brand) 069 Bran, Raisin (Other) 196 ### Bread & Circus Nutty Rice 195 ### Bread & Circus Puffed Rice 141 ### Brown Rice 257 ### Brown Rice (Stow Mills) 011 Cap'n Crunch (Quaker) 012 ### Cap'n Crunch Crunchberries (Quaker) 013 ### Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter (Quaker) 256 ### Cashew Raisin Deluxe (Uncle Roy's ) 014 Cheerios (General Mills) 344 Cheerios - Team (General Mills 337 Cheerios- Frosted (General Mills) 305 Cheerios-Apple Cinnamon (General Mills) 307 Cheerios-Honey Nut (General Mills) 308 Cheerios-Multi Grain (General Mills) 075 Chex (General Mills) 310 Chex Multi Bran (General Mills) 019 Chex, Corn (General Mills) 384 Chex, Honey Nut (General Mills) 075 Chex, Rice (General Mills) 090 Chex, Wheat (General Mills) 365 ### Cinnamon Grahams (General Mills) 383 Cinnamon Life (Quaker) 130 Cinnamon Toast Crunch (General Mills) 212 Clusters (General Mills) 347 ### Cocoa Frosted Flakes (Kellogg's) 015 Cocoa Krispies (Kellogg's) 016 ### Cocoa Pebbles (Post) 017 Cocoa Puffs (General Mills) 352 ### Complete Oat Bran Flakes (Kellogg's) 009 Complete Wheat Bran Flakes (Kellogg's)*** 149 ### Cookie Crisp (General Mills) 019 Corn Chex (Ralston Purina/General Mills) 354 ### Corn Flakes (Erewhon) 197 ### Corn Flakes (Grainfield's) 020 Corn Flakes (Kellogg's)*** 258 ### Corn Flakes (Stow Mills) 031 Corn Flakes Sweetened 023 ### Corn Flakes, Country (General Mills) 362 Corn Flakes, Honey Crunch (Kellogg's) 234 ### Corn Flakes, New Morning 080 Corn Pops (Kellogg's) 022 Corn Total (General Mills) 150 Count Chocula (General Mills) 023 ### Country Corn Flakes (General Mills) 121 Cracklin' Oat Bran (Kellogg's) 342 Cranberry Almond Crunch (Post) 098 ### Crisp Rice, Low Sodium 123 Crispix (Kellogg's) 141 ### Crispy Brown Rice Cereal (Erewhon) 356 ### Crispy Brown Rice Cereal Unsalted (Erewhon) 254 ### Crispy Oats, Kolln 235 ### Crispy Rice, New Morning 026 Crispy Wheat with Raisins 012 ### Crunch Berries 294 Crunchy Pecan (Post) 350 ### Erewhon Aztec 354 ### Erewhon Corn Flakes 141 ### Erewhon Crispy Brown Rice Cereal 356 ### Erewhon Crispy Brown Rice Cereal Unsalted 357 ### Erewhon Fruit'n Wheat 363 ### Erewhon Kamut Flakes 369 ### Erewhon Raisin Bran 376 ### Erewhon Wheat Flakes 126 ### Familia 097 ### Featherweight Corn Flakes, Low Sodium 315 ### Fiber Flakes (Health Valley) 159 Fiber One (General Mills) 209 ### Fiber With Peaches, Raisins, Almonds 118 Fiber with Dates, Raisins, Walnuts 171 Fiber, All Bran with Extra 009 Fiber, High 283 Fiber, Oat Bran 260 ### Frankenberry (General Mills) 030 Froot Loops (Kellogg's) 337 Frosted Cheerios General Mills 031 Frosted Flakes (Kellogg's) 265 ### Frosted Flakes (New Morning) 032 Frosted Mini-Wheats (Kellogg's) 101 ### Frosted Rice Krispies 118 Fruit & Fiber, Dates, Raisins, and Walnuts (Post) 209 ### Fruit & Fiber, Peaches, Raisins, Almonds (Post) 267 ### Fruit & Nut Supreme (Uncle Roy's) 253 ### Fruit Oat Bran Crunch, Kolln 250 ### Fruit Sweet Granola Blueberry with Cream 251 ### Fruit Sweet Granola Raspberry with Cream 357 ### Fruit'n Wheat (Erewhon) 236 ### Fruit-e-o's, New Morning 035 Fruity Pebbles (Post) 036 General Flake 305 General Mills Apple Cinnamon Cheerios 292 General Mills Basic 4 306 ### General Mills Berry Berry Kix 153 ### General Mills Booberry 014 General Mills Cheerios 075 General Mills Chex 365 ### General Mills Cinnamon Grahams 130 General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch 017 General Mills Cocoa Puffs 149 ### General Mills Cookie Crisp 019 General Mills Corn Chex 150 General Mills Count Chocula 023 ### General Mills Country Corn Flakes 159 General Mills Fiber One 260 ### General Mills Frankenberry 337 General Mills Frosted Cheerios 037 General Mills Golden Grahams 307 General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios 384 General Mills Honey Nut Chex 212 General Mills Honey Nut Clusters 045 ### General Mills Kaboom 047 General Mills Kix 095 General Mills Lucky Charms 310 General Mills Multi Bran Chex 308 General Mills Multi Grain Cheerios 298 General Mills Oatmeal Crisp 368 ### General Mills Oatmeal Crisp Apple Cinnamon 161 General Mills Raisin Nut Bran 339 General Mills Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs 075 General Mills Rice Chex 344 General Mills Team Cheerios 022 General Mills Total Corn Flakes 219 General Mills Total Raisin Bran 087 General Mills Total Whole Grain 088 General Mills Trix 090 General Mills Wheat Chex 093 General Mills Wheaties 026 General Mills Wheaties Raisin Bran 085 ### Golden Crisp (Post) 037 Golden Grahams (General Mills) 365 ### Grahams, Cinnamon 037 Grahams, Golden 197 ### Grainfield's Corn Flakes 139 ### Grainfield's Raisin Bran 138 ### Grainfield's Whole Grain Crispy Brown Rice 140 ### Grainfield's Whole Wheat Flakes 041 Granola - Homemade 360 Granola 100% Natural Low Fat (Quaker) 067 Granola 100% Natural Regular (Quaker) 106 ### Granola 100% Natural with Raisins (Quaker) 295 ### Granola 98% Fat Free (Health Valley) 320 ### Granola 98% Fat Free with Tropical Fruit (Health Valley) 299 Granola Low Fat with Raisins (Healthy Choice - Kellogg's) 366 ### Granola Nature Valley Low Fat Fruit (General Mills) 250 ### Granola, Blueberry with Cream 251 ### Granola, Raspberry with Cream 039 Grape Nuts (Post) 040 Grape Nuts Flakes (Post) 297 Great Grains -Raisins, Dates, Pecans (Post) 294 Great Grains Crunchy Pecan (Post) 244 ### Health Valley Brand Amaranth Flakes 134 ### Health Valley Brand Bran with Apples and Cinnamon 135 ### Health Valley Brand Bran with Raisins 295 ### Health Valley Brand Granola 98% Fat Free 319 ### Health Valley Brand Granola 98% Fat Free with Dates and Almonds 320 ### Health Valley Brand Granola 98% Fat Free with Tropical Fruit 315 ### Health Valley Brand Healthy Fiber Flakes 241 ### Health Valley Brand Oat Bran Flakes 243 ### Health Valley Brand Oat Bran Flakes with Raisins 349 ### Healthy Choice Almond Crunch with Raisins 358 ### Healthy Choice Golden Multigrain Flakes 299 Healthy Choice Granola Low Fat 334 Healthy Choice Mueslix (Kellogg's) 334 Healthy Choice Mueslix Raisin & Almond Crunch 374 Healthy Choice Toasted Brown Sugar Squares 374 Healthy Choice Toasted Brown Sugar Squares 315 ### Healthy Fiber Flakes (Health Valley) 102 ### Heartland Natural Cereal, Plain 104 ### Heartland Natural Cereal, Raisin 009 High Fiber 041 Homemade Granola 240 ### Honey Almond Oatios, New Morning 264 Honey Bunches of Oats Honey Roasted (Post) 263 Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds (Post) 362 Honey Crunch Corn Flakes (Kellogg's) 210 ### Honey Graham (Quaker) 037 Honey Grahams 307 Honey Nut Cheerios (General Mills) 384 Honey Nut Chex General Mills 212 Honey Nut Clusters (General Mills) 380 Honey Nut Oh's (Quaker) 381 Honey Nut Shredded Wheat Bite Size Cereal (Nabisco/Post) 044 Honeycomb (Post) 175 Just Right Kelloggs 175 Just Right with Fruit and Nuts (Kellogg's) 045 ### Kaboom (General Mills) 363 ### Kamut Flakes (Erewhon) 255 Kashi, Puffed (7 Whole Grains + Sesame) 036 Kellogg's 001 Kellogg's All Bran 005 Kellogg's All Bran Bran Buds 171 Kellogg's All Bran with Extra Fiber 202 ### Kellogg's Apple Cinnamon Mini-Wheats 004 ### Kellogg's Apple Jacks 364 ### Kellogg's Blueberry Mini-Wheats 347 ### Kellogg's Cocoa Frosted Flakes 015 Kellogg's Cocoa Krispies 352 ### Kellogg's Complete Oat Bran Flakes 009 Kellogg's Complete Wheat Bran Flakes 020 Kellogg's Corn Flakes 080 Kellogg's Corn Pops 121 Kellogg's Cracklin' Oat Bran 123 Kellogg's Crispix 030 Kellogg's Froot Loops 031 Kellogg's Frosted Flakes 032 Kellogg's Frosted Mini-Wheats 362 Kellogg's Honey Crunch Corn Flakes 175 Kellogg's Just Right 060 Kellogg's Product 19 069 Kellogg's Raisin Bran 156 Kellogg's Raisin Mini-Wheats 382 ### Kellogg's Razzle Dazzle Rice Krispies 322 ### Kellogg's Rice Krispie Treats 076 Kellogg's Rice Krispies 083 Kellogg's Smacks 373 Kellogg's Smart Start 079 Kellogg's Special K 214 ### Kellogg's Strawberry Mini-Wheats 385 Kelloggg's Raisin Bran Crunch 334 Kelloggs Mueslix 047 Kix (General Mills) 306 ### Kix-Berry Berry (General Mills) 254 ### Kolln Crispy Oats 253 ### Kolln Fruit Oat Bran Crunch
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