INDEX Abrahamic religion, 244 from conceptual deficiency, 29–31 Account of Virtue (More), 127 Confucius’s view of, 50 Adams, Robert, 101n4 from partiality, 28–29, 31 Affirmation: that prompt belief revision, 254 of life, 144–145 in Zhuangzi philosophy, 25, 26, 31–34 of the self, 149, 150, 153 Ariew, Roger, 100 Agapeic way of life, 141–153 Aristophanes, 162n12 and Nietzsche on the will to Aristotle: power, 143–145 on actions vs. arguments, 50n8 and Spinoza’s conatus, 143 on arts vs. virtuous actions, 236 and Unamuno on natural appetite for Bruni on, 73–75 endless existence, 146–152 in mapping desires exercise, 301 Agrippa’s trilemma, 27n6 on moral virtues, 296, 303 Alanen, Lilli, 90n7 on motivation by virtues, 304 Alexander historians, 17–20 on performing actions, 239–240 Alexander of Aphrodisias, 179n12 on Persian Magi, 11 Alexander the Great, 7, 9, 17, 18 Petrarch on, 70–73 Alexis, 9 on philosophia, 8 American Chemical Society, 277 Pico della Mirandola’s view of, 77 Amor fati (innermost nature), 206–207 political advice from, 13 The Analects (Confucius), 45, 46, 50, 52, 53 on true virtue, 233 Anaxagoras, 13 Aristotelian tradition, 54, 55, 70 Angle, Stephen, 2, 294 Arrian, 10, 11, 12n13, 12n16 Ansell-Pearson, Keith, 207 Art of living (well), 75 The Antichrist (Nietzsche), 145 Bruni on, 73–75 Antirealist constructivism, 215–217. See also Foucault on, 231 Metaethical constructivism Petrarch on, 72–73 Antognazza, Maria Rosa, 100 philosophy as an, 234–238 (See also Apetrei, Sarah, 127 Philosophical way of life) Apology (Plato), 73–74, 214 progressing in, 235–236 Argument(s). See also Dispute/disputation; in Stoic philosophy, 49–50 Reason COPYRIGHTEDand reasoning Ascesis, MATERIAL of Astell, 126 Aristotle on actions vs., 50n8 Assessment-based models of learning, 1 in conceptions of philosophy as a way Assessment of students, in philosophy of life, 31 courses, 306–307 Philosophy as a Way of Life: Historical, Contemporary, and Pedagogical Perspectives. Edited by James M. Ambury, Tushar Irani, and Kathleen Wallace. Chapters and book compilation © 2021 Metaphilosophy LLC and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Ambury746867_bindex.indd 309 01-09-2020 19:02:18 310 INDEX Association principle, in Descartes’s Brennan, Tad, 178n10, 182n25 philosophy, 90–91 Brent, Doug, 283 Astell, Mary, 117 Brisson, Luc, 69n17 background and works of, 118–119 Broad, Jacqueline, 123, 133 on care of the self, 120–122, 124 Brucker, Jacob, 67 and feminism, 133–136 Bruni, Leonardo, 73–75, 77 and Foucault’s philosophical Buddhism: framework, 120 Chinese and Indian, 297 on marriage, 133–134 and practice of philosophy as a way of and philosophy as critique, 130–131 life, 241–243, 250, 252, 254, 260 and philosophy as feminist spirituality and Burnyeat, Myles, 156, 168 critical practice, 117–137 and philosophy as freedom Calanus, 14, 17, 18 practice, 132–133 Calculation (logismos), 157 and philosophy as practice, 123–124 Cambridge Platonists, 127 and philosophy as spirituality, 125–129 Care of the self, 120–122, 124–125 philosophy of, 118 Cartesian philosophy, 83–95 Attachment: and Astell’s method for proper Descartes on, 85–86 thinking, 127 to loved ones, 39–40 conception of knowledge in, 83–84 Augustine, 71, 73 concept of noble souls in, 87–88 Authoritarianism, 56 Descartes’s four metaphysical Autonomy, 133, 176, 189 truths, 85–87 primacy of ethics for, 88–92 Backus, Irene, 110n11 problems put forth against ethics of, 94–95 Baier, Annette, 92 role of temporality in ethics of, 92–94 Bar-Kochva, Bezalel, 19n27 spiritual nature of ethics of, 84–88 Belief(s): Case of Concealment, 45, 46, 52–60 changed by engagement with Case of Evasion, 45, 46, 52–60 philosophy, 256–257 CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), 261, 303 consistency of, in Stoic telos, 183–186 Celenza, Christopher, 67–69 justification of, 223 Challenges, as initiators of deliberation, 221 philosophical examination of, 213–215 Change: of professional ethicists, 255–256 for its own sake, in poetic self-examination of, 223 discourse, 161–167 in Socratic model, 218 of mind and will, in Stoic telos, 177–181 tension between actions and, 230 from philosophical reasoning and Best life, in poetry vs. in philosophy, 155. See reflection, 253, 255–259 also The good life through philosophical reasoning, 258–259 Bian, primary senses of, 26 in will, 174–176 (See also Stultitia) Bios(-i), 7 Chang Wuzi, 38 personal-level aspects of, 14–16 Charity: philosophia as, 7–8, 11, 13 (See also in effective altruism, 262–263 Philosophia and philosophoi) in Leibniz’s philosophy, 111 Body: Unamuno on, 150–151 Astell on, 123–124 Chase, Michael, 197–198, 202, 209 Descartes’s conception of, 83–85, 87, 95 Cheng Hao, 58 and Descartes’s provisional Chengxin (completed heart), 28–29 morality, 88–92 Chinese philosophy: and imagination, 91 esoteric Confucianism, 45–60 and moral development of soul, 91–92 Zhuangzi on the good life, 25–41 Rorty on, 91–92 Christianity: union of soul and, 83–85, 90–91 and Leibniz’s philosophy, 100–102 value placed by women on, 136–137 Petrarch’s identification with, 71 Brachmanes, 15–17 as philosophical way of life, 100–101 Ambury746867_bindex.indd 310 01-09-2020 19:02:18 INDEX 311 Platonist framework for, 127 on global claims about philosophy, way of life in (see Agapeic way of life) 68n16 The Christian Religion as Profess’d by a on the good life, 203 Daughter of the Church of England on Hadot’s approach, 196–198, 201 (Astell), 118 on philosophy as a way of life, 31, Cicero, 9, 71, 74, 178n9 196–200, 208, 232–233 Cleanthes, 179n16 and teaching philosophy as a way Clement of Alexandria, 10, 11 of life, 295 Clutter Avoidance principle, 223n18 on wisdom, 214 Codex Juris Gentium (Leibniz), 109 Cosmos: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 261, 303 Brachmanes’ belief about, 15 Coherentism, 216–219, 223 Confucius on, 51 Collective action, Astell on, 134–135 Descartes’s view of, 85, 86 Commitment to a worldview, 238–240, 245 Egyptians’ view of, 20 Communal engagement, 261–263 Leibniz on, 109 Complete achievement, in conceptions of serious contemplation of, 239 philosophical way of life, 230–232 Zhuangzi’s view of, 38–39 Completed heart (chengxin), 28–29 Credences, 253–254 Completion, 28–30 Critique(s): Conatus (striving), 141, 143 of change and variety for their own sake, in Nietzsche on the will to power, 143–145 poetic discourse, 161–167 Unamuno on natural appetite for endless philosophy as, 129–131 existence, 146–152 Crito (Socrates), 74 Conceptual deficiency, argument from, 29–31 Ctesias of Cnidus, 10n7 Conflicts: Cynicism, 19 as initiators of deliberation, 222 between life we want and current life, 230 Dandanis, 18 Confucius and Confucianism, 45–60 Dao, see The Way (Dao) Case of Concealment, 45, 46, 52–60 Davidson, Arnold, 104 Case of Evasion, 45, 46, 52–60 Death: esoteric interpretation of literature of, 46 Brachmanes’ perspective on, 15 esotericism in teaching of, 49–52 eternal perspective on, 160 ethics of, 47–49 and natural appetite for endless and filial piety, 45, 48, 52–60 existence, 146–152 Mohist dispute with, 27–28 revision of judgments of, 181n20 in Zhuangzi, 33 Zhuangzi on coping with, 37–40 Constructivism, 217. See also Metaethical Debate(s): constructivism at introductory course level, 280, Context: 282–283 and change through philosophical in philosophical schools, 296 reasoning, 258 Deficiency, conceptual, 29–31 and communal engagement, 262 Deliberation, 219–223 Contextualism, 30n9 Del sentimiento trágico de la vida en los Contingent causes, in Stoicism, 178–181 hombres y en los pueblos “Conversation Between Father Emery the (Unamuno), 146 Hermit and the Marquis of Pinese, Descartes, René, 83–95 Minister of Savoy, Which Has Yielded a conception of knowledge by, 83–84 Remarkable Change in the Minister’s four metaphysical truths of, 85–87, 95 Life, or Dialogue About the Application Hadot on, 204 One Must Have for One’s Salvation” noble souls concept of, 87–88 (Leibniz), 113 on preservation of health, 94 Cooper, John, 3 primacy of ethics for, 88–92 on ancient philosophy, 238 on principal utility of moral on defense of living a philosophic philosophy, 93 life, 169n17 on rationalizing desire, 93–94 Ambury746867_bindex.indd 311 01-09-2020 19:02:18 312 INDEX Desire(s): Leibniz’s philosophy, 97–114 Buddhist view of, 252 Education, 1. See also Learning; Pedagogy compiling inventory of desires, 299–301 considerations for academic practice, 209 conatus as, 143 Hadot on traits of universities, 203–204 Descartes on, 89, 93–94 impact of ethics classes on behavior, 257 mapping, 301–302 poetry in, 167–168 in poetic discourse, 165 Effective altruism, 262–263 rationalizing, 93–94 Elisabeth, Princess, 85–86, 91, 93–95 reflections upon, 299–302, 304–306 Eloquence, Pico della Mirandola on, 76–77 Socrates on, 164 Emotional attachment, to loved ones, 39–40 Detachment: Emotional detachment, in Zhuangist life, 37 from frameworks of thinking, 129 Emotions: from mental states, 223–224 Cicero on, 179n17 in metaphysical speculation, 95 discourse of, 158–160 in Zhuangist life, 37 negative, Descartes on, 94n8 De tranquilitate (Seneca), 174 in poetic discourse, 165 Dichotomies, oversimplification with, 30 Socrates on, 164 Dilation, in Leibniz’s philosophy, 109–110 Empedocles, 13 Dilemmas, as initiators of deliberation, 222. Endless existence, natural appetite for, 146– See also Moral dilemmas 152. See also Immortality Diodorus Siculus, 10, 11, 12n16, 20 Enlightenment, 109–110 Diogenes Laertius, 20, 67, 75, 231 Entailment, 216 Diogenes of Sinope, 19 Epictetus, 185n29, 187–188, Dionysus, 14 233–235, 259, 260 Disciplinarian, thinking like a, 284–285 Epicureans, 236–237, 242, 296 Discourse. See also Philosophical discourse Epicurus, 73, 266 connection between life and, 161–167 Epistemology: of emotions and of theoretically oriented, 68 measurement, 157–161 university courses in, 99–100 poetic vs.
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