2021-2022 High School Choral Required List Table of Contents Click on the links below to jump to that list Mixed Choir Univoiced Choir Group I (Required) Group I (Required) Group II (Requried) Group II (Required) Group III (Required) Group III (Required) MIXED CHOIR 2021‐2022 ISSMA REQUIRED LIST HIGH SCHOOL Perform as published unless otherwise specified. * = New Additions or Changes this year OOP = Permanently Out of Print DP = Digital Print POD = Print On Demand GROUP I (REQUIRED) Abendlied (a cappella) SSATTB Josef Rheinberger Carus‐Verlag All That Hath Life and Breath, Praise Ye The Lord! (a cappella) SATB div. René Clausen Mark Foster 223 All Too Soon SATB arr. Stephen Hatfield Boosey & Hawkes M051475070 * Alleluia (a cappella) SATB div. Elaine Hagenberg GIA G‐EH1007 Alleluia (a cappella) SATB Ralph Manuel Hinshaw HMC‐927 Alleluia (a cappella) SATB Randall Thompson E.C. Schirmer 1786 Alleluia (a cappella) SATB Sven Lekberg Broude Bros. Ltd. BB5015 Alleluia (a cappella) (DP) SATB div. Jake Runestad JRMusic JR0035 Amor De Mi Alma SATB div. Z. Randall Stroope Walton H108501427 Annabel (a cappella) SATB div. Timothy Takach Hal Leonard 00278072 Autumn (a cappella) SATB div. Joshua Shank Santa Barbara SBMP0560 Ave Maria (a cappella) SAATTBB Franz Biebl Hinshaw HMC‐1251 Ave Maria (Latin) SATB div. Javier Busto Walton WGK‐122 Ave Maria (Latin) (a cappella) SSAATTBB Kevin Memley Pavane P1354 Ave Maria (Latin) (a cappella) SATB Paul Basler Plymouth PJMS‐107 Ave Maria (Latin) (a cappella) SSAATTBB R. Douglas Helvering Hal Leonard 08742802 Ave Maria (Latin) (a cappella) SATB Tomás Luis de Victoria E.C. Schirmer 2999 Ave Maria (Two Marian Compositions) (Latin) (a cappella) SAATTBB Anton Bruckner Edition Peters EP6312 Ave Verum Corpus (a cappella) SATB div. David Childs Santa Barbara SBMP462 Ave Verum Corpus (a cappella) SATB div. Robert Lau Hinshaw HMC‐1649 Ave Verum Corpus (Latin) (a cappella) SATB div. Imant Raminsh Gordon V. Thompson Ballade To The Moon SATB div. Daniel Elder GIA G‐8071 Battle Of Jericho, The (a cappella) SATB div. Moses Hogan Hal Leonard Beati Quorum Via (Three Motets) (a cappella) SSATBB Charles Stanford Boosey & Hawkes 5318 Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord SATB Dale Grotenhuis Curtis Music Press C8025 Blue Bird, The (a cappella) SAATB Charles Stanford E.C. Schirmer 1.5033 Blue Ridge, The SATB div. Elaine Hagenberg Elaine Hagenberg Music EH1006 Bogoroditse Devo (Russian) (a cappella) SATB div. Sergei Rachmaninoff Musica Russica MRSM RA028 By The Water Of Babylon (a cappella) SATB div. w/solo Edwin Fissinger Walton W2935 Cantate Domino (a cappella) (Latin) (POD) SATB Heinrich Schütz Hinshaw HMC‐1095, Concordia 98‐1974 Cantate Domino (Latin) (a cappella) SATB Hans Leo Hassler E.C. Schirmer INA2055 Caritas Et Amor (a cappella) SSATB Z. Randall Stroope Alliance Music AMP0500 Chantez (from "Chansons des Bois d'Amaranthe") (French) SATB Jules Massenet / ed. Richard Bolesch Alliance Music AMP0284 Chariots (a cappella) SSAATTBB Peter Louis van Dijk Alliance Music AMP0830 Choral Flourish, A SATB R. Vaughan Williams Oxford 43.934 Group I ©2021 HS Mixed Choir Required List MIXED CHOIR 2021‐2022 ISSMA REQUIRED LIST HIGH SCHOOL Cloudburst (with percussion) SATB div. Eric Whitacre Walton HL08500165 Come To Me My Love SATB Norman Dello Joio Marks 200007541 / Hal Leonard 4609 Contre Qui, Rose SATB Morten Lauridsen Peer Music 0041256 Conversion Of Saul, The (a cappella) SSAATTBB Z. Randall Stroope Alliance Music AMP0530 Coolin, The (Reincarnations) (a cappella) SATB div. Samuel Barber G. Schirmer 8910 Creator Alme Siderum (a cappella) SSAATTBB Richard Burchard Fred Bock JG2405 Credo From Mass In C Minor SATB W. A. Mozart / ed. Henry Gibbons Alliance Music AMP0480 Crucifixus (Latin) (a cappella) SSAATTBB Antonio Lotti E.C. Schirmer 31192 Cum Sancto Spiritu (Gloria) (Latin) SATB Antonio Vivaldi Colombo / R. Dean cc96 or any std. ed. Daemon Irrepit Callidus (Latin) (a cappella) SATB Gyorgy Orban Hinshaw HMC‐1537 Daniel, Daniel, Servant Of The Lord (a cappella) SSAATTBB Undine Moore Alfred 00‐WBCH93162 David's Lamentation (a cappella) SSATTBB Joshua Shank Santa Barbara SBMP416 Dawn (a cappella) SATB Robert Bode / Eric Barnum G. Schirmer 50490262 Denn Er Hat Seinen Engeln Befohlen (German) (a cappella) SSAATTBB Felix Mendelssohn Carus‐Verlag CV40.479 / 50 Der Abend (Evening) (German) SATB Johannes Brahms G. Schirmer or any std. ed. Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel (a cappella) SATB div. Moses Hogan Hal Leonard 08703209 Dieu Quil La Fait Bon Regarder! (French) (a cappella) SATB Claude Debussy Theodore Presser 362‐03316 Dixit Dominus (Latin) SATB W. A. Mozart Lawson‐Gould or any std. ed. Dixit Maria (Latin) (a cappella) SATB Hans Leo Hassler Hal Leonard 366608 Domaredansen SATB div. arr. Bengt Hallberg Walton SK‐102 Domine, Ad Adjuvandum Me Festina (Latin) SATB Giovanni Martini Concordia 97‐6304 Double, Double, Toil And Trouble (From 4 Shakespeare Songs) (a cappella) SATB div. Jaakko Mantyjarvi Sulasol S6.S343 Dulaman (a cappella) (opt. percussion) SATB div. David Mooney E.C. Schirmer 5925 Earth Song (a cappella) SATB Frank Ticheli Hinshaw HPC7098 Ecco Mormorar L'onde (a cappella) SSATB Claudio Monteverdi Alliance Music AMP0368 Echo (a cappella) SSAATTBB Jonny Priano Santa Barbara SBMP1601 Echo (a cappella) SSATTB Robert Young Gentry JG2176 El Guayaboso (The Liar) (Spanish) (a cappella) SSAATTBB Guido Lopez‐Gavilan earthsongs S‐127 Elijah Rock (a cappella) SSAATTBB Moses Hogan Hal Leonard 08705532 Exaltabo Te (Latin) (a cappella) SATB Orlande Lassus / Kenneth Hannaford Santa Barbara SBMP0003 Exultate Deo (a cappella) SATB Alessandro Scarlatti Theodore Presser 312‐40166 Exultate Deo (a cappella) SATB div. Francis Poulenc Editions Salabert Exultate Justi (Latin) (a cappella) SATB Ludovico Viadana Concordia 398‐1527 or any std. ed. Eyes Of All Hope In Thee (a cappella) SATB Richard Felciano E.C. Schirmer 2918 Ezekiel Saw De Wheel (a cappella) SATB div. Moses Hogan Hal Leonard HL.8703327 Ezekiel Saw De Wheel (a cappella) SATB div. William Dawson Kjos T110 Farewell Overture (a cappella) SATB Jean Belmont Lorenz 15‐1207R Festival Gloria (Latin) (a cappella) SSAATBB Jonny Priano Lawson‐Gould 47618 Five Flower Songs, OP. 47 (any one) SATB Benjamin Britten Boosey & Hawkes Flanders Fields (a cappella) SSAATBB Paul Aitken Lawson‐Gould OCT9918 Flower Of Beauty (a cappella) SATB div. John Clements E.C. Schirmer 1.5024 For The Fallen (Bb trumpet) SATB div. Eleanor Daley Alliance Music AMP0441 Group I ©2021 HS Mixed Choir Required List MIXED CHOIR 2021‐2022 ISSMA REQUIRED LIST HIGH SCHOOL Gloria In Excelsis Deo (Cantata 191) (Latin) SATB J.S. Bach G. Schirmer or any std. ed. Go Lovely Rose (from O, Mistress mine) (a cappella) SATB Nils Lindberg Walton WWCS‐104 Good Ale (a cappella) SATB div. John Rutter Oxford 385634‐4 Haec Dies (a cappella) SATB div. William Byrd Hal Leonard HL08741999 Hail To Thee, Blithe Spirit SSATB James Mulholland Colla Voce 40‐96790 Hark, All Ye Lovely Saints Above (a cappella) SSATB Thomas Weelkes ECS Pub. 1787 Hark, I Hear The Harps Eternal (a cappella) SATB Alice Parker Lawson‐Gould 51331 Hava Neytzey B'mchol (Hebrew). SATB div. arr. Maurice Goldman Alfred LG51615 He Watching Over Israel (Elijah) (German or English) SATB Felix Mendelssohn G. Schirmer 2498 or any std. ed. Heilig (Holy) (German) (Double Choir) (a cappella) SATB/SATB Felix Mendelssohn / ed. Gregg Smith Walton W2163 Herr, Nun Lassest Du Deinen Dienen In Frieden Fahren (German) (a cappella) SATB Felix Mendelssohn Carus‐Verlag CV40.134 Hodie Christus Natus Est (Latin) (a cappella) SATB Francis Poulenc Editions Salabert or any std. ed. Hodie Christus Natus Est (Latin) (a cappella) SATB div. Healey Willan Carl Fischer CM469 Hodie Christus Natus Est (Latin) (a cappella) SSATB Jan Sweelinck Lorenz 10 / 2142R Hope, Faith, Life, Love (a cappella) SSAATTBB Eric Whitacre Walton WJMS1039 Horizons (a cappella) SATTBB Peter Louis van Dijk Hal Leonard HL 08742856 Hosanna In Excelsis (a cappella) SATB div. Brent Pierce Colla Voce 35‐20122 Human Heart, The (a cappella) SATB div. Eric Barnum Walton 00126210 I Am Not Yours (a cappella) SSAATTBB Z. Randall Stroope Hal Leonard HL08501618 I Can Tell The World (a cappella) SATB div. arr. Moses Hogan Hal Leonard 08703198 I Cannot Dance, O Lord (#3 from Ecstatic Meditations) SATB Aaron Jay Kernis Associated Music AMP8148 I Carry Your Heart With Me SATB David Dickau Walton 08501697 I Love My Love (a cappella) SATB Gustav Holst G. Schirmer 37929 I Thank You God (a cappella) SATB René Clausen Shawnee Press MF3080 I Thank You God For Most This Amazing Day (a cappella) SATB Cristine Temple Evans Lorenz LZCSBMP269 If Music Be The Food Of Love SATB David Dickau Plymouth PJMS‐109 Illumina Le Tenebre (Latin) (a cappella) SATB div. Joan Szymko Santa Barbara SBMP861 Im Herbst (a cappella) (German) SATB Johannes Brahms / Maynard Klein G. Schirmer 11416 In Remembrance (opt. french horn) SATB div. Jeffery Ames Walton HL08501547 In Virtute Tua (opt. violins 1 & 2) SATB Grzegorz Gorcyzcki / William Bausano Mark Foster / Shawnee Press MF2008 Io Son La Primavera (a cappella) (Italian) SSSAAATTBB William Hawley Hinshaw HMC1510 Izar Ederrak (a cappella) (Basque) SATB div. Josu Elberdin Walton WJMS1148 J entends Le Moulin (French) SATB Donald Patriquin earthsongs Jabberwocky SSAATTBB René Clausen Santa Barbara SBMP528 Jabberwocky (opt. percussion) SATB div. Sam Pottle Lorenz 15 / 2088H Jenny (a cappella) SATB div. Ryan Kerr / Nick Myers Alfred 43240 John The Revelator SATB div. Paul Caldwell and Sean Ivory earthsongs S‐155 Joshua (a cappella) SATB Norman Luboff Walton W3046 Jubilant Song, A SATB Norman Dello Joio G. Schirmer 9580 Jubilant Song, A (a cappella) SATB div. René Clausen Mark Foster MF3048 Kalinda (Creole) (a cappella) SSAATTBB Sydney Guillaume Walton WJMS1053 Kasar Mie La Gaji (a cappella) SSAATB Alberto Grau earthsongs S‐43 Group I ©2021 HS Mixed Choir Required List MIXED CHOIR 2021‐2022 ISSMA REQUIRED LIST HIGH SCHOOL Kpanlongo (a cappella) SSATBB arr.
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