October 1987, Volume 56, Number 11 1 Terrorism Today By Oliver B. Revell 5 Domestic Terrorism in the 1980's By John W. Harris, Jr. 14 The FBI and Terrorism By Steven L. Pomerantz 18 Irish Terrorism Investigations By J.L. Stone, Jr. 24 Narco-Terrorism By Daniel Boyce 28 FBI's Expanding Role in International Terrorism Investigations By D.F. Martell mu Law Enforcement Bulletin United States Department of Justice Published by the Office of Public Affairs The Cover: Federal Bureau of Investigation Milt Ahlerich, Acting Assistant Director This issue of the Bulletin is a special report on Washington, DC 20535 terrori sm. Cover design by John E. Ott. Editor­Thomas J. Deakin John E. Otto, Acting Director Assistant Editor- Kathryn E. Sulewski Art Director­John E. Ott The FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin The Attorney General has determined that the Production Manager­Mark A. Zettler publication of this periodical is necessary in the (ISSN·0014·5688) is published monthly by the transaction of the public business required by Reprints- Carolyn F. Thompson Federal Bureau of Investigation, 10th and Penn· law of the Department of Justice. Use of funds sylvania Ave. , N.w., Washington, DC 20535. for printing this periodical has been approved Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC . by the Director of the Office of Management Postmaster: Send address changes to Federal and Budget through June 6, 1988. Bureau of Investigation, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin , WaShington, DC 20535. ISSN 0014-5688 USPS 383-310 Terrorism Today all levels of the law enforcement community must work together to ensure success against terrorists." By OLIVER B. REVELL Executive Assistant Director For Investigations Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, DC There is little doubt that today ter­ than criminals.. These individuals are in­ whose activities transcend national rorism has become both a major con­ volved in criminal activity and the FBI boundaries. cern for the United States and a major pursues its counterterrorist respon­ The mission of the FBI in counter­ issue within the U.S. law enforcement sibility within the law enforcement con­ terrorism is to both prevent incidents, community. During the past several text, with prosecution of criminal activity where legally possible, and to react years , bombings, assassinations, and its primary goal. effectively after incidents occur. In an armed robberies, which have captured Terrorism is a worldwide problem. effort to prevent terrorist activity, the the attention of both the media and the Fortunately, the United States has not FBI collects information on individuals, citizenry, have been committed against experienced the same level of activity groups, associations, movements, and Americans in the United States and - and deadliness - of terrorism as support structures, when we have infor­ elsewhere by terrorist groups and indi­ elsewhere in the world: in Europe, in mation that they are involved in illegal viduals. These acts have been perpe­ the Middle East, in Central America. activity in support of terrorism . This trated for a variety of causes, ranging Law enforcement at all levels, Federal , serves not only to aid prosecution, but it from a desire to destroy capitalism to State, and local, must work together to builds the intelligence base which retribution against historic enemies. ensure that terrorism does not become makes the prevention of terrorist acts Terrorism is a form of organized an even more significant factor tomor­ possible. The reactive phase consists criminal behavior, but it is unlike other row than it is today. of an effective and timely investigative crimes that we have experienced be­ response to a terrorist act. cause terrorist crimes are allegedly Overview committed for political purposes. Ter­ The FBI is the lead Federal law en­ As a result of the FBI 's counterter­ rorism has been called a new form of forcement agency in the U.S. Govern- rorism effort, ably supported by a num­ warfare, but instead of standing armies, ment's fight against terrorism, both in­ ber of other agencies and departments, terrorism is committed by individuals or ternational and domestic. Domestic the number of terrorist incidents in the relatively small, but compact, groups. groups are those which operate entirely United States has declined during the No major outlays for supply and logistic within the United States or Puerto Rico past several years, from 51 in 1982, to expenses are needed, and terrorists and which generally direct their ac­ 13 in 1984, to 7 in 1985. During 1986 operate clandestinely. Terrorists in this tivities against our Government or there were 17 confirmed terrorist inci­ arena call themselves many things-ur­ some element of our society. Interna­ dents in the United States. Although ban guerrillas , warriors , or freedom tional groups are those with some de­ there was an increase during 1986, 11 fighters-but they are nothing more gree of foreign direction or support or of the 17 incidents were committed by ____ ___ ________________________________ October 1987 I 1 witnesses in the Aryan Nations case, suit of arrests and convictions, these or­ and Libyan dissidents residing in the ganizations have a demonstrated ability United States. to regroup following a period of adver­ sity. Supporters or members still at Domestic large have the capability and the poten­ In the domestic arena during the tial to carry out additional terrorist ac­ past 2 years, there has been a re­ tivities. surgence in violent activity by Jewish terrorists that has been directed prin­ International cipally against Arab-American ele­ Of the international groups active ments and individuals allegedly tied to in the United States, the FBI is most EAD Revell World War II Nazi activities. Several concerned about those associated with deaths have resulted from these at­ Libya and Iran. Both countries have two groups on two dates. The number tacks and these matters are being af­ large student populations in the United of active groups and the relative terror­ forded the highest investigative priority. States which are well organized ist threat in the United States has not in­ Right-wing extremist groups, some through societies and clubs and have creased. There has not been a terrorist of which have engaged in paramilitary the potential to serve as an infrastruc­ act committed by an international ter­ tactics and survivalist training, pose a ture to support terrorist activity. The rorist group in the United States since significant threat to law enforcement vast majority of these students do not 1983. During this same period, the personnel, to ethnic minorities, and to and will not support terrorism; however, number of terrorist incidents prevented government buildings. These groups, a minority within these groups have rose from 3 in 1982 to 23 in 1985. An such as the Aryan Nations and the demonstrated a fanatical dedication to additional 8 preventions were recorded Sheriff's Posse Comitatus, espouse the regimes that control Libya and Iran during 1986. philosophies that are violent, racist, and and these governments have spon­ During the past 2 years , indict­ antigovernment. There is also evidence sored terrorism. Syria also has been a ments or convictions have been ob­ of communication between these proponent of state-sponsored terror­ tained against individuals belonging to groups, and possibly, a coordination of ism . To date, their activities in the a wide range of domestic groups en­ efforts. United States have been confined pri­ gaging in terrorism . Included among Left-wing extremists, which include marily to monitoring and countering dis­ these were persons responsible for the black, white, and Puerto Rican ele­ sidents; however, this could well 11 bombings claimed by the United ments, are also of concern. These change due to an increasingly vigorous Freedom Front; bombings, including groups seek change through revolution, American response to terrorism the one of the U.S. Capitol , claimed by for example, " independence" for abroad. the Armed Resistance Unit; murders Puerto Rico, the overthrow of capital­ Our Government's military actions and robberies by ·the Aryan Nations and ism and "imperialism," or the establish­ against Libya have resulted in threats its affiliate group, the Order; and bomb­ ment of a black nation within the United by Colonel Qadhafi and Palestinian ter­ ings, rocket attacks, and robberies by States. The May 19th Communist Or­ rorists to export terrorist violence to the the Puerto Rican group EPB-Ma­ ganization, the Prairie Fire Organizing United States itself. These threats are cheteros. At least 14 bombings planned Committee, the Armed Forces of the taken seriously by the FBI and the U.S. in the Washington , DC , area and the National Liberation, the Organization of intelligence community. Fortunately, northeastern United States were Volunteers for the Puerto Rican Revo­ these threats have not developed into aborted because of the arrests of some lution, the EPB-Macheteros, and the terrorist attacks in the United States. of these individuals. Republic of New Afrika/New Afrikan Other international groups, such as During this same period, planned Freedom Fighters are just a few of the Sikh and Armenian extremists, con­ acts of international terrorist activity organizations which espouse such phi­ tinue to pose a serious threat to Indian prevented through investigative activity losophies. and Turkish interests in the United included attempted assassinations of Although severe setbacks have States. the Prime Minister of India, a high-level been dealt to both left- and right-wing The threat to Americans traveling Indian Government official , cooperating groups during the past 2 years as a re­ overseas and to American personnel 2 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin ___________________________________ "Right­wing extremist groups, some of which have engaged in paramilitary tactics and survivalist training, pose a significant threat to law enforcement personnel .... " and interests abroad has increased as tionals; bent upon us to ensure that we will be well.
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