Index Figures are indicated in italic and tables in bold Aar massif 131,134 archaeocyathids 89 blueschist 237 Acadian deformation 293, 297, 300 Arctic Caledonides 509 Cenozoic 199, 390 Acadian event 324, 356 Arctic, magnetic map 514 Cretaceous 65, 398 accretion 323-329, 551 Armorica 89, 93 Palaeozoic 397, 408 Proterozoic 12, 510 Armorica Massif, Quaternary folding 118 Triassic 72 accretionary complex 69, 70, 75, 265 Armorican Archipelago 297 Bohemian Massif 296, 323, 328, 333, 338, 339 Anatolia 396-400 Armorican microplate (Franconia) 335 Cenozoic 50, 97, 100, 107, 117, 123 Magnitogorsk arc 408, 410, 411,413 Armorican Terrane 85, 323, 325, 333 volcanic activity 51, 148, 149, 153, 154 accretionary margin, East European Craton deformation 327-328 Bohemian Terrane 298 291-306 Armorican Terrane Assemblage 300 boninitic lava 243, 409, 410 accretionary prism 348, 349, 351 Asturian Phase 356 Bouguer anomaly 227-230, 551 Oman 236-238, 240-242, 250 Atlantic opening 50, 223,224 Brabant Massif 324 acritarch, Vendian 508 Aubrac Cenozoic volcanism 152 Brenner fault 201 Adana Basin 270 Austroalpine nappes 135, 199 Bresse Graben 97, 99, 103, 120 Adria terrane 85, 93 Autun Basin 370, 371 Brianqonnais domain 61, 62, 130 Adriatic indenter 192, 193 Avalonia 3, 57, 293, 296, 323 Bruno-Silesian Promontory 323, 325, 327 Adriatic Moho 133, 134, 135, 138, 141 East European Craton, 324-329 Bruno-Silesian Terrane 296 Adriatic plate 130, 136, 139, 192, 193 emplacement mechanism 326-327 Budva domain 75 Aegean back-arc basin 171, 177, 272 reconstruction 83-85, 89, 333, 460 Burgundy Transfer Zone 51, 52, 120 ~gir Sea 86, 87-88 soft collision 324 Aeolian Islands volcanism 174, 175, 179 transect 301, 302, 305 African plate 358 triple plate collision 20 Cadomian crust 455, 457, 460 convergence 223-225, 263, 265, 267-269 Avalonian suture 291 Cadomian orogeny 3, 86, 323, 389, 516 plate boundary 272 Thor-Tornquist 46 Calabrian arc 265, 272 age see chronology, isotope and zircon calc-alkaline magmatism 333 Agnostus [trilobite] 513 Balkan Terrane 328 Akershus Graben 365, 366 BABEL upper mantle project 545, 546-548, Cenozoic 147, 152, 154, 168, 169, 176 Albanian ophiolites 242-244 554, 565 Betic-Rif province 172-174, 178 Alboran, volcanic province 172-176, 227 participants 555-556 Magnitogorsk arc 408, 410 Alcapa terrane 193-195, 198, 199-202 seismic line 580 Variscides 356, 357, 361-363, 370, 380 alkaline magmatism 167, 172, 198, 362 working group 15,299, 313, 315 Calcareous Alps 59-60, 72 volcanism 147, 150, 152-155, 158 back-arc basin 4, 5, 20, 192, 207 Caledonian Deformation Front 24, 301 Alleghanian orogeny 57, 59 Aegean, 171, 177, 272 Caledonian orogeny 85, 89, 93, 327, 453 ALP seismic experiment 143 Avalonia 327, 328 Eurasian Arctic 507-516 Alpide orogeny 389, 390 extension 45, 48, 52, 170, 176 Caledonian suture 380, 508 Alpine deformation 1, 3-4, 129-143, 227, 281 Guevgueli 248, 389, 400 Caledonides 1-5, 19, 20, 25 thermal-mechanical controls 113-123 Pannonian 191,200 crustal domain 43, 45-47 Alpine deformation front 98, 100, 102, 356 Rheno-Hercynian 357, 339, 357 geophysical data 21 Alpine Orogen 51,277 rift 30, 57, 62, 70, 238 lithosphere thickness 24 Alpine subduction 171 - 172 topography 123 ~amlik granodiorite 395, 400 Alpine Tethys 50-51, 59-62, 65, 75 Baer-Bassit ophiolite 244, 247 isotope ratios 396 Alpine-Mediterranean geodynamics 180-182 Baikalian orogeny 510 Campania, volcanism 175, 179 Alps 29-30, 129, 130, 131 Balkan orogen 59-60, 328, 399-400 Cantabrian Mountains, Permian 351,372, 373 geophysical data 21, 29-30 Balkan suture 68 Cantal, Cenozoic volcanism 152 lithosphere thickness 24 Balonia 293 Cappadocia ignimbrite 177 Amazonia 326, 328, 568, 570 Baltic Basin 458, 460 carbonate platforms and ophiolites 240-242, Amerasia Basin, opening 507, 508 Baltic Shield see Fennoscandian Shield 245, 249 amphibolite 243, 327, 351,395 Baltica 84, 85-86, 89 carbonates 245, 251,400 East European Craton 293, 296, 300 East European Craton 294 Lower Palaeozoic 454-455,457, 512 Anatolia 64, 73, 246, 271,389-396 Eurasia 507-509, 514-515, 521-536 carbonatite 147, 151, 174, 181 accretionary complex 396-400 mantle 2, 5, 24 Carmel Fault 267 chronostratigraphy 391, 397 rotation 447 Carnic Alps, Variscan 334, 336, 337 seismic profile 271 transect 301, 303 Carpathian arc 178, 191, 194, 210-213, 216 volcanism 154, 177 Barentsian Caledonides 507, 509 lithosphere thickness 21, 23, 29 Anatolian Fault 171 basanite Pannonian region 173, 176, 180 Andean-type collision 357 intraplate 147, 150, 152, 154, 161, 162 Western domain 59-60, 170 Anglo-Brabant Deformation Belt 301 subduction-related 172, 176, 177 Catalan Coastal Ranges 224, 226, 227 anorogenic magma see alkaline magmatism basement, East European Craton 482, CELEBRATION project 6, 200, 313, 314 anorogenic volcanic province 147, 151 484-486, 510 Cenozoic basins Antalya Basin 73, 252, 268, 271 Bashkirian Anticline 411,412, 413 east Mediterranean 247, 268-272 Apenninic arc 171 BASIN seismic profile 375, 378 Cenozoic magmatism 103-104, 149, 155, 172 Apulia terrane 85, 130, 153 basins, east Mediterranean 263-273 volcanism 152 Arabian plate convergence 264 bathymetry 264, 268, 269 Central European Rift System 20, 21, 23, 30-31 Arabian Platform 389 Bay of Biscay, subduction 50-51, 75 Central Russia Rift System 19, 20, 24 Archaean crust 600-601 B6k6s Basin 197, 199 Channel Basin 50 Archaean Fennoscandian Shield Belomorian terrane 528 Chios accretionary complex 397 627-640 Belomorides, Archaean crust 546 chronology 496 accretion 627 Benioff zone 175, 177 Anatolia accretionary complexes 397 correlation 640 Betic Cordillera 154, 225, 226, 227 Archaean greenstone 640 granitoids 635-639 Bey~ehir ophiolite 245,246 Carboniferous-Jurassic 74 greenstone complexes 627-634 BIRPS seismic profile 29 Cenozoic Pannonian Basin 195 metamorphic rocks 629-634, 640 bituminous shale 370 Cenozoic volcanism 150, 172 metamorphism 636-639 Black Forest, magmatism 148, 151,338 Cretaceous, Oman ophiolite 236 provinces 628 Black Sea orogeny 399-400 Dramala ophiolite 242 From: GEE, D. G. & STEPHENSON, R. A. (eds) 2006. European Lithosphere Dynamics. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 32, 655-662. 0435-4052/06/$15.00 9 The Geological Society of London 2006. 655 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3855099/9781862394070_backmatter.pdf by guest on 03 October 2021 656 INDEX chronology (Continued) Denmark, TOR project 314 electromagnetic conductivity 542-547, 554, 555 Evia ophiolite 241 density variation 18, 18, 32 techniques 543-544 Greater Caucasus 285 density, Baltic Shield 32 see also EUROPROBE Lycian ophiolite 245 diamond 100, 337, 408 enriched mantle component 181 Mersin ophiolite 245 diatremes 151 Entomozoe [ostracode] Palaeozoic, East European Craton 452 Dinaride-Hellenide passive margin 59 environment change, Eocene-Oligocene 283-284 Permian, Germany 363 Dinarides 75 Eocene volcanic activity 148 Pontic terranes 391 Dinarides, volcanism 173, 176-177 Eocimmerian 59, 69, 70, 498, 278-280 Pyrenees 373 Dnestr Basin 449, 457, 460 Eo-Variscan orogeny see Caledonian Cimmerian cycle 5, 57, 59, 277, 278, 358 Dnieper-Donets-Pripyat rift 21, 22, Eratosthenes Seamount, continental crust 266, tectonics 400, 494-498 27 -28 268, 397 Ciudad Roderigo Basin 226, 227 lithosphere thickness 24 ERCEUGT group 303 coal 359, 369, 372, 373, 392 Dniepr-Donets Basin 380, 463-468 EREGT working group 29 Carboniferous 335-336, 338 DOBRE reflection profile 28, 104, 465-468, erosion 155, 216, 217, 337, 339 collision structure 138-139, 140, 240 474, 475 Erzgebirge diamonds 337 collision tectonics 4, 5, 6, 20, 25, 51 Franconian Platform 104 ESRU 408, 414, 416, 421,422 arc-continent 357, 407-410 Dobrogea Platform 326 data processing 431-433 Avalonia 327, 328 Dobrogea terrane 298 seismic profile 24, 26 Baltica 407-409, 416 Dobrudzha Trough 72 seismic reflection data 427-440 continent-continent 43, 99, 167, 356 Dowsing Lineament 297 Etna 153, 174 Gondwana-Laurussia 355, 357, 358 Dramala ophiolite see Pindos ophiolite EUGENO working group 313,314, 315 iberia 345-351 Drinova Thrust 326 East European Craton 299, 300 Plio-Quaternary 253 Dublin graben 45 Eurasian Arctic 507-516 Proterozoic 579-597 Duero Basin 226-228, 231 EUROBRIDGE 17 Pyrenees 224 dunite 444, 446 EUROBRIDGE profiles 599-621 soft 85, 170 dyke swarm 4, 18, 361 European Cenozoic Rift System 51, 97-108 Svecofennia 568-569 lithosphere 113-115, 117, 123-124 Variscides 99, 345-351 Earth model IASP 138 map of faults 98, 100 compression 498 earthquake 120, 124, 284 reflection lines, location 100 Greater Caucasus 281-282, 283 hypocentres 213 sedimentary basins 98, 102 Iberian Peninsula 224-227 tomography 139 European Geotraverse 11, 26, 117, 374 conductivity 544-547 TOR project 314, 315, 319 refraction profile 117, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134 Conrad discontinuity 134 East Barents Basin 470-472 EUROPROBE 11, 27-28, 129, 192, 203, 207 controlled source seismology 130 East European Craton 1 - 8, 11, Dniepr-Donets Basin 421,463 convergence 390, 410, 443, 454-457 277, 389 station map 543 convergence rate 50, 51, 167 accretion 293-299, 323-329 SVEKALAPKO 521-536 Cordilleran-type ophiolite 237, 247-253 break-up 299 tomography experiment 549-554 Crete Basin 272 correlation 451, 452 Urals 407 Crimea, Triassic to Jurassic 496 geodynamic evolution 599-621 evaporite 94, 227, 231,529 cross-sections see transects geophysical interpretation 616-621 Messinian 264, 268, 270 crust 24, 130-136 gravity map 295 Palaeozoic 365, 370, 375, 379, 467, 471 Archaean 639-640 gravity model 609-615 Evia ophiolite 240, 241 properties
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