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FEATURES S LAN D HOPP I NG page 11 and 13 D EPA R T MEN T S FESTIVALS: CULTURAL ALOHA FROM SUNNY CELEBRATIONS ON CALIFORNIA BOTH SIDES OF PACIFIC by Aloha Joe ....... ... ........10 by Mel Ozeki, Editor 24 CALENDAR .. ...... ... ... 7 OCTOBER - 'OKAKOPA CLASSiFIED ............. ... .44 ROYAL WAIKOLOAN PERSONIFIES LUXURY 15 DA KATONK KID by Pat Morita .. ..... .... .. .... 16 HAWAIIAN BOWLING TOURNAMENT 18 FROM THE EDITOR ..... ....4 HAWAIIAN MUSIC REVIEW 19 FUTURE SHOWS & SPECIAL EVENTS .... .. • .. .. .40 Top NOTCH TEAM MAKES THE DIFFERENCE 20 GASA-GASA GOSS I P by Steven Lum .... .... .. ..... 12 Look for us in REMEMBERING IZ 30 HALLOWEEN - GOLF: TEE-OFF How IT CAME TO BE 36 WITH 'OHANA November at the by Stephanie Holland .... .. .. .. ...40 NEW BROILER BRUNCH California Hotel! AT BOULDER STATION 37 KAU KAU KITCHE N by Auntie Lele Yuen ....... .. .. 32 Can't wait? UNLV LOVES Visit our Web Site: ISLE STUDENTS 41 LAS VEGAS: ALOHA ON WHAT'S NEW & HOT www.uhbooks.hawaii.edu/rainbowtique.html THE INTERNET 43 By Deke Castleman . ......... ....28 HILO VIKINGS LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ..... .. 6 MEET FOR 35TH 46 EXPERIENCING LAS VEGAS .... ... ..... 38 NEXT MONTH - in th e November Issue of 'Ghana: QUE KUULEI PUNUA: MOVING TO T HE KAUAI'S HULA TREASURE NINTH ISLA ND .. .. .... .... 8 OAH U'S MARLA GOMES: u N V E R S T Y o F HAW A 1'1 DANCER ON THE SUMO LAS VEGAS STRIP by Mina Hall . .. .... .... .... 34 BOO K S TOR E S 2 'OHANA 'O K A K O PA 1997 3 II • .. •• n II n I I. U I II U II .. II U 11 '(')"""1lANA A Note from the Editor 'l1.eOVlS "fa n,\1' 1'l' " T STUPIDITY. MEL OZEKI, PH.D. Pliblisber / Editor Mel Ozeki, Ph.D. Starting our second year a nd growing at an Associate Publisber accelerating pace, The ' OHANA goal 10 be & Editor / Accounts Emily Ozeki REBEL AGAINS Tl1t~m' " no n-traditiona l and firs t-c lass" has A7"1 Director I arrived . " The Aloha Conn ecti o n", its Design Diana Barclay-Crane newest ni ckname, is indeed s preadin g like cane-fire, g row ing at an incredible pace. Subscripti o ns have been p he nomena l ~ Pbotogrnpby Roy Ogata (fon,,"lyofHilo) GEl AGAINST SMALL MINDS. Brian Janis/ Living Isla nd·Style in LV Phototechnik (LqJ Vtgas) Going about town a nd meeting wi th fo lks, even in the 100+ degrees in July and August is fun . So many wonderfu l peop le. Yo u can Primer Southwest Color G raphics physicall y take an islander out o f H awai ' i, but not fro m the heart. TY. REBEL AGAINST CONFORI Contributing Brian Janis of Phololechllik, finall y popped Ihe questio n Ihe laS! Write1"S Mark Adams (Ma ui) time I visited him to review s lides fo r 'OHANA. Dressed info r­ Deke Casrleman mall y - rubba slippers, sho rls a nd a T -shirl - Bria n q uipped , " Me l. Rita De Silva (Kaua'i) are you reall y a Ph .D.? They us ua lly wear coats a nd ties." I Mitch Fox answered, "Sure, dis is the kine c lo thes we wear a t ho me, espec ial­ ~EBEL AGAINST BOREDOM. HE Mina Hall Stephanie Holland ly whe n it's di s hot." Aloha Joe Subscribers Kalina Johnson - Even tho ugh we haven ' t even beg un to send re newal notices, we Patrick Ka'ano'j AG~INST .' humbly thank folks who have alread y sent a re ne wal c heck for the l MEDIOCRITY. Steven Lum Donna Manz second year. Gerald a nd Martha Jenne r fr o m G reenv ille, IL senl Pat lVlorita their check in mid-Jul y wi th a no te. ';Keep it coming." Marge Grover Pyles (O'ahu) Marsden of Junc li on C il y. KS sen I a c heck: Scott Auyong of Leil ehua Yuen (H awai' j) Henderson, NY call ed to inquire abou t sending a c heck wit hout an 'Dbo"'l is published by 07.cki Enterprises, Inc. Coprright ® invoice. Yes!!! 1997 'Oh:II1 :1. All ri ghts reserved. Reproduction of ; n)' - Please mail your checks before the date a ll your la be l, w hic h m:lIcrial frOIll this issue expressly forbidden without written denotes expiration of your o ne-year s ubscription . For example, permission uf the publisher. " 10/97" means a renewal in November. (You may post-da te the Subscription: Based on U.S. currency, check). 12 issues per year. U.S. $32.00. -'fyou don ' t get your issue by the 10 th , pl ease e m ai l o r CALL LI S! - Annua l s ubscribe r card s for discoullts w il l be sent to you next C ontact us at: mO l1th . In the meantime. jus t te ll th e bus inesses that you're an 'Obflllfl 'OHANA subscriber. ---~B 4573 Porta clown Lane EAR EB E -L-; - Sec " Birthday Pe rks for 'OH ANI\ s uhscrihers" on page 4 6 . __ Las Vegas, NV 89 12 1-5756 Isla nde rs to Las Vegas Phol1 " (7 02) 434-0544 • An est imated 400,000 islande r tri ps w ill be.: made in 1997 to The FAX (702) +35-8561 Ent ertainmen t Capit al of th e World. according 10 the !-Ia wai'i web p;lge: Vi s il ors and Conve ntio n Bure au. I' ve heen to ld thai anothe r Iravel http://www.ohanilll1<lgazinc.com company wi ll be coming w ith c harte re d fl ig ht s he fo re the end o f or via E.mai l: Oh tl nal11a [email protected] Ih e year to " resurrect a nic he of A loha." A ppare nt ly. there's al w ays room fur more competitio n fo r a nyt h illg in Ih i~ c it y. Be strong alld of good cOl/rage, • I apologize fo r not pre~c nlin g a ~ t(Jr y ahout Ih e n llll1b ~r o f fear not, IlOr be afraid i!o. i<lnd c r!o. residing in L a~ Vcga~ . I dcc it..l cd to forego the s to ry lIllIil He w i II not fail thee mo re prec ise data becomes a vailahle. In tha t re :-,p(' L· l. new residents li ar forsake thee. to Nevada have 30 days tu ... w it c h liccll :-'(.'~ and c:-. pcciall y. au to reg­ i:" lralion . Polite pe ri od ica ll y L"il C'L·k oUI -nf- .., lil IC illI lo:,-. Su lTi L'c to Deuteronomy 31:6 :..ay. ii 's 1101 wort h a vc ry heavy fine il ) () u ' rc nailed . ••••••••••••••••••• Ad Okk CALL (702) 895·3443 FOR ENROLLMENY\ INFORMATION OR A CAMPUS TOUR . 4 O H A NA O",MA '''' www .ualv.edu \ ' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR • • THESE READERS MAKE this very attractive magazin e. I was the very first iss ue, we have had sur­ 2-4 OCTOBER Makaha Sons in Concert, 16 NOVEMBER 19 DECEMBER ' OHANA MAGAZINE very pl ease d with the contents of the prisingly good responses from peo ple Hwn. Steel Guitar Assn. Joliet Redondo Beach. CA: Ke King David KalCikaua Mem. Princess Bernice Pauahi A SPECIAL ENDEAVOR mag az in e as we ll as th e great quality both in Hawai'i and here in La s Vega s. Convtn" Joliet. Il. Don Weber. Po'okela Cultural Fdtn., 310- Svc., Honolulu. HI ; William Bishop Mem. Svcs, Honolulu, HI ; 815-485-6765: Wally Pfeifer. 371-1 131. Maioho.808-536-7602. Wm. Maioho. 808-536-7602 or Aloha' Please send us your magazine you have incorporated in it. No wonder Indeed, yo u have helped our business 815-725-1887. 25~26 OCTOBER 25-29 NOVEMBER Monico Cockett. 808~523 -631O. because it is so nice to know about the Hi State Senate and Go v. Cayetano grow' 3-6 OCTOBER Hui 0 Sacramento Outrigger WAC Championship Tourney 24 DECEMBER Ha waii's peop le. I am su re that 'Ghana ha ve congratulated you for your publi­ In a very special way, 'G HANA means Maui County Fair. Canoe Club 100+ miles Long Wahine Volleyball. HANUKKAH. magazine links all of us together, espe­ ca tion. Are there really 400,000 trips "family" binds us ex-Hawai'i re sidents 4 OCTOBER Distance Race. Sacramento, 27 NOVEMBER 25 DECEMBER cially the ca len dar eve n if we do not from the island s to Las Vegas each together and makes living in Las Vegas Lokahi Ohana Ann . LO'au CA. Bob Steele. 9 1 6~988-2419. THANKSGIVING. CHRISTMAS DAY. attend the events.
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