Subject Index Action-specific energy, 29, 135, 152 table 6.1, Aggressive behavior (aggression). See also 154, 247. See also Ethology; Surplus Energy Playfighting; Serious fighting Theory development in, 220, 347–348, 365–367 Adaptive function (value), 11, 121 fish, 347 ethological aim three, 11–12, 15 table 1.1, 18, frog, 310 70 human, 383 methods, basic means of studying, 114–117 and play scales, 68 Addictions. See also Brain areas; Dopamine recreational, 388, 401 drugs, 383, 390–392, 398, 404 redirected, 332, 338 gambling, 7, 10, 13, 24–25, 39, 391–393 sex differences, 53 rewards systems, 391–393 and social isolation, 388 Affect. See Emotion Appetitive behavior, 40, 134, 402. See also Amphetamines Instinctive behavior depression, treatment of, 39 and behavioral and drug addictions and stereotypies, 62–64 Aristotle’s four causes, 13 use, 59, 60 Autotelic Theory, 40–41, 102, 108, 136 Animal behavior, 6, 13, 133, 186 Animal Mind (Washburn, Margaret Floy), 186– Batesian mimicry, 363 189 Behavioral catalog. See Ethogram Animal welfare, 386 Behavioral ecology (ists), 12, 133–134, 286, Anthropomorphism(ic), 73, 92, 184–189 385 approach to play, 13, 109 Behavioral repertoire and bird play, 246–247, 272 instinctive, 170–171 critical, 67, 178, 186, 189 fiddler crabs and, 370 and fish play, 316, 319, 326, 331, 357 genes of play, 380 and invertebrates, 359, 370 keas and, 257 and locomotor play, 84, 276 octopuses and, 372 by omission, 187 snakes and, 291 and parental care, 51 species characteristic, 30, 83, 135, 149, and play signals, 92 385 uncritical, 6, 26, 246, 328, 374 and surplus resource theory, 165, 129 492 Subject Index Behavioral study, 48–49 Cognitive development, 41–42 operational definitions, 48 Piagetian stages of, 36, 96–99, 131 Behavioral systems Comparative biology(ists), 3, 10 and motivation, 133–138 Comparative psychology, 10, 12, 24, 48, 145, play types, 150 185, 315, 362. See also Evolutionary, Behaviorists (ism), 14, 184–185, 326 psychology Biologists, 7, 188, 239, 309, 313, 319, 371 Construction play. See also Object play comparative, 3, 10 in birds, 262–263 evolutionary, 14, 36 defined, 99 Brain areas. See also Addictions; Dopamine; Consummatory acts, 40, 134, 136, 402. See Emotions amygdala, 147–149, 200 also Instinctive behavior basal ganglia (striato-pallidal complex), 63, Control. See also Play, control of 146–148, 179, 307, 383, 392–393 ethological aim one, 10, 15 table 1.1, 17 cerebellum, 126, 200–202, 307, 310, 352– internal mechanisms, 17 353, 383, 395 Courtship behavior. See Sexual behavior diencephalon, 179 Courtship play. See Sexual play hypothalamus, 149, 381 Curiosity. See Exploration limbic system, 146, 179, 307, 383 Culture, 3, 8, 41, 105, 163, 391, 398–405 neocortex, 15, 145–146, 166 table 6.3, 178, 200, 208, 227, 229, 393 Deprivation, controlled. See Environmental prefrontal cortex, 147–148, 393–396 enrichment somatosensory cortex, 149 Development. See also Ontogeny striatum, 200 behavioral, 74–75, 117–118, 130 telencephalon, 176, 179 behavioral in chicks, 249 behavioral in fish, 344–348 Civilizations and play, 399–402 of brain, 146, 228 Cognition, 130 claw asymmetry in lobsters, 371–372 comparative, 50, 355 and ecology, 211–212 complex, 326 ethological aim two, 11, 15 table 1.1, 17–18 development of, 8 of marsupials, 228 and play, 65, 146, 187 neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 149 birds, 244–245 parental care and, 172–174 and mental play, 390 song in birds, 264 reptiles, 278 stages of life, 117 study of, 48–49, 98 Developmental psychology, 27, 34 Cognitive Domestication abilities in fish, 315 and brain size, 145, 177–179 behavior, 144, 393 dogs, 177–178 capacities, and domestication, 178–179 foxes, 178–179 capacities in spiders, 368 and parental care, 177–179 ethology, 91, 108, 185 selective breeding, 143 processes, 48, 185, 318 Dopamine, 143, 148, 383 play theories, 41–42 conditioned preferences, 392 Subject Index 493 mental play, 396 fish, 313, 329, 331, 335 reward systems, 148, 391 mammalian, 316 Diversion Theory, 38–39 modern, 133 Dreams. See Play, ‘‘relaxed field’’ Ethogram, 47, 52, 84, 194 Drugs. See Addictions, drugs; Amphetamines of play fighting in marsupials, 220–221 Ethotypic behavior, 74 Emotion, 66, 138–140, 185. See also Play, and exploration, 317 emotions and affect in; Private experience serious performance, 74–75, 314 brain areas of, 147 Evolution, 8, 12, 74. See also Phyletic and Carr’s utilities of play, 43 radiation; Phylogeny and exploration, 59 ethological aim four, 11–13, 15 table 1.1, fish, 315 19 heart rate, 19 behavioral, 79 neurochemistry of, 140 birds, of play in, 272–276 neurophysiology of, 29 of endothermy, 172–173 reptiles, nonavian, 293, 294, 307–308 of human behavior, 5 and risky sports, 78 invertebrates, 360–361 and seven rhetorics of play, 9 mammalian, 214 study of, 13–14 fish, of play in, 353–356 Environment(al) nonavian reptiles, of play in, 304–307 and brain development, 146 of precocious courtship in turtles, 302–304 deprived, 142 psychological scale of, 315 captive, 158 Evolutionary ecology and play, 156 approach, 5 enrichment, 60, 141–142, 146, 293–296, 309 history, 35 metabolic rate, 160 psychology, 27, 136 stimulation, 141–143 Theory, Hypothetico-Deductive, 13 Ethics, 395 Exercise Theory, 41 Ethology, 10–20. See also Instinct Experimental psychology, 12, 48 classical, 245 Exploration, 57–60. See also Exploratory defining, 10 behavior model of behavior, 75, 134 categories of, 57 and motivation, 133–135 role in motor development, 129 study of, 185 Exploration, functional (practice play). See supernormal stimuli, 249 Sensorimotor play vacuum activity, 71, 247, 267 Exploratory behavior, 56–60 Ethological aims, 10–14, 15 table 1.1, 15–20, definition, 57 27, 83, 112, 328. See also Adaptive value; distinguishing from play, 60 table 3.1, 76 Control; Development; Evolution; Private fish, 315–317 experience lizards, 285 Ethologists, 11, 13, 29, 34 objects, novel, 80–81, 253–254 avian, 244, 347 as precursor to object play, 317 classical, 267, 402 and risky play, 59 494 Subject Index Fixed action patterns. See Modal action and self-handicapping, 90 patterns vocalizations, 104 Function. See Adaptive function Learning, 49–50, 50nn11–12. See also Reinforcement Gambling. See Addictions ability, 145, 157, 227 Games, 25 animal models of, 7 extreme, 38 birds, 254 fish, 343–344 discrimination of objects, 335 monitor lizards, 288 domestication and, 178 sex differences and, 164 inhibitions, 388 social, 73 instrumental (operant) conditioning, 50, 250, tug(s)-of-war, 24, 88, 284, 288, 298, 340, 335 344 Matching Law, 133 Game theory, 318 motor, 393 and motivation, 136 Heart rate. See Emotion; Private experience octopuses, 373 Habituation, 335. See also learning Pavlovian (classical) conditioning, 49, 50n11, Human personality, five factors of, 19 335 reinforcement (reward), 86, 392 Ichthyology(ists), 316, 318, 319, 322 and nonavian reptiles, 112 Imitation, 32 song in birds, 244 Imprinting, 50 theory, 50 critical periods, 126 to walk, 129–130 filial, 50n11 Locomotor play. See Locomotor-Rotational Innate behavior. See Ethology; Instinct; Play Instinctive behavior Locomotor-Rotational Play (L-R), 25, 72. See Incipient play. See Primary process play also Sensorimotor play Instinct, 10, 31–34, 50n12, 72, 140 avian, 246–248, 273, 275–276 ‘‘fishing instinct’’, 37 (see also Sports) defining, 84 species–specific behavior patterns, 154 fish, 318–329 ‘‘Instinctive’’ adaptations, 34 flight play in bees, 364–365 Instinctive behavior, 10. See also Appetitive horses, 15, 16 fig. 1.1, 18 behavior; Consummatory acts; Ethology; Interaction with object and social play, 88–89 Modal action patterns marsupials, 218, 224 birds, 245 monotremes, 239 and play, 113, 148 ontogeny of, 123–126 sign stimuli, 134 placental mammals, 193, 195–198 Instinct-Practice Theory, 30–34, 121. See also sex differences, 162–164 Instinct turtles, 297–298 Language play, 104–105. See also Vocal play Mathematical modeling, 13, 399 children, 104–105 Mating. See also Sexual behavior, Sexual play babbling, 265–266 behavior, 72, 140 gestural communication, 104 system, 6 Subject Index 495 Make-believe play. See Pretend play and genetic differences in play, 143 ‘‘Mastery play.’’ See Sensorimotor play and parental care, 244 Mental play, 41, 393–397 on behavioral plasticity, 173–174 behavioral play and, 396 and play sequences, 131–132 brain areas, 393–394 and surplus resources, 171, 398 neural basis, 396 and views of play, 23, 26, 33 and physical performance, 395 Neural systems, 41, 142 types of, 396 Neuroendocrinology, 14 Metabolic rate. See also Play, metabolic rate Neurochemistry, 14 amphibians, 310 Neurotransmitters, 142–143, 381. See also birds, 279 Dopamine brain size and, 152 Neuroscientists, 133, 147 ecology and, 156–157 fish, 347, 349 Objects, novel, 79–81. See also Object play; marine mammals, environment of and, 159 Exploratory behavior marsupials, 228–229, 233 Object play, 25. See also Predatory play; marsupials and placental mammals, Pretend play; Exploration differences between, 225–226, 232 avian, 248–257 monotremes, 238 cache, 254 placental mammals and ectothermic reptiles, cheetahs, 122 differences between, 165 table 6.3, 166–170 crocodilians, 282–283 reptiles, ectothermic, 280–281, 286–288, crustaceans, 367–370 292–293, 305 defining, 85–86 terms, 152, 153 table 6.2 and demolition, 255–257 Metacommunication, 81, 90, 96, 223. See also with dolls, 35, 86 Play signals ecological factors and, 171 Mitchell’s scheme, 108 and feeding ecology, 251–253, 288, 350 Modal action patterns, 75, 134, 314 fish, 329–342 Morality, 383, 398 horses, 15, 16 fig. 1.1 Motivation(s), 29 interactions with L-R and Social play, 88–89 and behavioral systems, 133–138 manipulatory experience, 86, 371–372 brain areas, 147 manipulative play, 15, 150 drives, 78, 133–137 marsupials, 219, 225 intention movements, 71 monitor lizards, 284–289 intrinsic, 66, 72 and motivation, 137 Motor. See also Exercise Theory and novel objects, 79–81, 248, 252–254 development, 129 octopuses, 371–372, 373 figs.
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