( PAY MISSION'S i ON THE F o r e ig n M issio n s OF THE United Presbyterian Church Of North America 1916, 1917, 1918 (Tbe B oard of Joreian iftfastonf 99 the mnitei) pïæîyçtertan Cimtcb of VL a , 200 Vlmtb ÿttteentb Stsest, J&fcfJaDeipbia, $a. READ MISSIONARY MAGAZINES THE WOMEN’S MISSIONARY MAGAZINE, $1.00 per year. Monthly. THE MISSIONARY REVIEW OF THE WORLD. $2.50 $er year. Monthly. THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF MISSIONS. $2.00 per year. Quarterly. THE MOSLEM WORLD. $1.25 per year. Quarterly. THE WORLD OUTLOOK. $2.00 per year Monthly. EVERYLAND. $1.50 per year. Monthly The United Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, 200 North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, will gladly forward your subscription for any of these magazines. PRAY DAIt*Y FOR THE WORK AND WORKERS THE PRAYER CYCLE OF THE UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH is published yearly by the Women’s Board. It unites all in the service of intercession by listing all the institutions and workers of all the Boards of our Church in special prayer, for each day of the month. Every United Presbyterian should hare one for use in his own private devotions. Order from Literature Secretary, 904 Publication BIdg., Pittsburgh, Pa. USE MISSIONARY ILLUSTRATED LECTURES IN THE NILE VALLEY, 112 slides. A new lecture on Egypt. NORTH INDIA AND THE GOSPEL, WITH SUPPLEMENTARY PIC­ TURES ON KASHMIR, 13? slides. THE EGYPTIAN SUDAN, 96 slides. THE MOSLEM WORLD, 110 slides. OUR WORLD WORK, 92 slides. A lecture giving a summary of t%9 work ic the three fields and some slides of the summer Con­ ferences For presenting these lectures, you will need a stereopticon lantern end a screen. Lecture includes the slides and typewritten manuscript Rental charges on each lecture, $2.00, plus cost of transportation both ways. Address U P. Board of Foreign Missions, 200 N. Fifteenth Street Philadelphia. Pa. T r i e n n i a l o f t h e ---- Board of Foreign Missions OK T H E ------ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH /> • OB'----- NORTH AMERICA Containing Summary of the 58th, 59th and 60th Reports of the Board, Presented to the General Assemblies of 1917, 1918, 1919. Summary of the Reports of the Women’s Board for the same years. The Triennial Report of the flission in Egypt. The Triennial Reportof the flission in India. The Triennial Reportof the flission in The Sudan. General Statement ofReceipts and Payments, &c., &c. PHILADELPHIA : PATTBSON PRINTING HOUSE, 1840 MARKET STREET I919 B O Y S’ HOME, KHARTUM Luke on the right and Babu on the left of Umdulla. CONTENTS. PAGE The Board of Foreign Missions.......................................... 4 Roll of Missionaries, Dec. 31, 1919, .......................................................... 5-6 Historical S k etch ,............................................ ..................... • • • 7 General Information, .............................................. 8 Bequests and A nnuities,....................................................................• • • ® Act of Incorporation,................................................................................... 9 Summary of the Board’s Annual Reports to the General Assemblies, 1917, 1918, 1919, ................................................................................... 13 Recommendations of the General Assemblies in connection with the Reports of the Foreign Boards............................................................ 33 Summary of the Annual Reports of the Foreign Department of the Women’s Board to the General Assemblies,1917 , 1918, 1919. 38 Recommendations of the General Assemblies in connection with the Reports of the Women’s Board, ...................................................... 42 T r i e n n i a l R e p o r t o f t h e M is s io n in E g y p t , ..................................... 47 Statistics—Egypt, . \ .................. 107 T r i e n n i a l R e p o r t o f t h e M is s io n i n I n d ia , .........................................115 Statistics—I n d ia ,..........................................................................................191 T r i e n n i a l R e p o r t o f t h e M is s io n i n T h e S u d a n ........................... 197 Statistics—The Sudan, • • ................. 220 Officers and Members of Board since Organization, . .... 222 Alphabetical List of M issionaries,.............................................................223 Treasurer’s R e p o r t ,........................................ ...................... 232 Topical In dex,................... 288 ILLUSTRATIONS. FACING PAGE The Boys’ Home, Khartum ,.........................................................Frontispiece Robert L. Latimer, E sq.,........................................................................... 16 Rev. Andrew Watson, D.D., L L . D . ,...................................................... 49 Rev. W. R. C oventry,............................................................................... 50 Briiish Army Scenes in Egypt................................... 64 Two Educational Institutions in Cairo...................................................... 81 Some Means of Itinerating in E g y p t,...................................................... 97 Mikhail Mansur,............................................................................................. 105 Miss Nannie J. S p en cer,...............................................................................117 Mrs. T. E. Holliday.........................................................................................118 Religion in In d ia ,..........................................................................................128 Indian Christian Village Life, .................................................................... 144 Two Religious Teachers in India,................................................................ 176 Grave of R. W. Tedrick................................................................................... Offieers of the Indian Christian Punjab Regiment......................................189 Girls’ Schools in the Sudan............................................................................ 208 BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. Members. (REV. S. G. FITZGERALD. 1917- 1920^ MR. ROBERT L. LATIMER. ( “ FRED. O. SHANE. f REV. T. B. TURNBULL, D.D. 3 MR. JOHN R. McLEAN. 191^1921 „ ROBERT killough. JAS. H. KERR. ( REV. M. G. KYLE, D.D., LL.D. 1 “ CH AS. S. CLELAND, D.D. 1919-1922 j .. W. M. ANDERSON, D.D. I m r . GEO. INNES. Officers. P r e s i d e n t . Rk v . M. G. KYLE, D.D., LL. D., 1132 A rrott St., F rank ford, Philadelphia, Pa. R e c o r d in g S e c r e t a r y . r k v . C. S. CLELAND, D.D., 802 North 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. H o n o r a r y C orresponding S e c r e t a r y . REV. CHARLES R. WATSON, D.D., 1005 Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. C orresponding S e c r e t a r y . R e v . W. B. ANDERSON, D. D., 200 North Fifteenth St.. Philadelphia, Pa. A s s o c ia t e S e c r e t a r y . R e v . M ILL S J. T A Y L O R , 200 North Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. E d u c a t io n a l S e c r e t a r y . M i s s ANNA A. MILLIGAN, 200 North Fifteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. T r e a s u r e r . ROBERT L. LATIMER, E s q ., 24 North Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Stated meeting at r.30 o ’clock P . M ., Second Monday in each month, in the Second United Presbyterian Church, Race Street, near 16th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Roll of Missionaries. ROLL OF MISSIONARIES, December 31, J9J8*: EGYPT. Rev. J. W. Acheson Miss Sara M. Adair Rev. J. R. Alexander, D.D. Miss Alda B. Atchison Rev. J. W. Baird Miss Mary E. Baird Mr. C. S. Bell Miss Ella M. Barnes Rev. J. H. Boyd Miss Margaret A. Bell Rev. R. W. Caldwell Miss Carrie M. Buchanan, Lit.D. Rev. E. E. Elder Miss Ida Leota Cabeen Dr. H. L. Finley Miss Beulah B. Chalmers Rev. Dalton Galloway Miss Annie L. Corkey Rev. John Giffen, D.D. Airs. Mary K. Coventry Rev. W. P. Gilmor Miss Anna B. Criswell Dr. A. F. Grant Miss Ella B. Downie Rev. S. G. Hart Miss Ruth M. Eddy Rev. F. D. Henderson Miss Helen J. Ferrier Dr. L. M. Henry Miss Davida M. Finney Prof. W. W. Hickman, Ph.D. Miss Minnehaha Finney Prof. F. S. Hoyman Mrs. Nannie M. Finney Rev. J. G. Hunt, D.D. Miss Elsie M. French Rev. W. B. Jamison Miss Alfaretta M. Hammond Rev. J. Kruidenier, D.D. Miss Rena L. Hogg Dr. F. C. McClanahan Miss May Holland Rev. N. D. McClanahan Miss Isabel Hosack Prof. R. S. McClenahan, LL.D. Miss Florence A. Hutchison Rev. R. G. McGill Miss Anna M. McConaughy Rev. R. T. McLaughlin Miss Jeannette L. McCrory Prof. C. A. Owen Miss Carol E. McMillan Rtv. H. E. Philips, Ph.D. Miss E. Roxy Martin Dr. A. W. Pollock Miss Helen J. Martin Rev. J. K. Quay Miss Dora B. Mason Rev. Henry Rankin Miss Olive T. Mason Rev. W. H. Reed Miss Mary M. Pattison Rev. M. S. Roy Miss Margaret A. Smith Prof. C. P. Russell Miss Nellie C. Smith Rev. A. A. Thompson Miss E. Dorcas Teas Rev. Prof. F. S. Thompson Miss Anna Y. Thompson Rev. R. W. Walker Miss Mary L. Thompson Rev. S. A. W ork Miss Laura B. Walker Rev. S. M. Zwemer, D.D.f Miss Ida Whiteside Miss Ruth A. Work THE EGYPTIAN SUDAN. Rev. R. L. Edie Rev. P. J. Smith Rev. J. Kelly Giffen, D.D. Rev. G. A. Sowash Dr. P. E. Gilmor Miss Una Coie Mr. C. B. Guthrie Miss Sara I! Dight Rev. T. A. Lambie, M.D. Miss Elsie E. Grove Rev. D. S. Oyler Miss Emma M. McKeown Rev. R. F. Shields Miss Kathryn MacKenzie *For post office addresses see Foreign Missions Handbook, f Missionary associated through the courtesy of the Reformed Church in America. 6 Roll of Missionaries. INDIA. Rev. D. E. Alter Miss Alice G. Burnham Rev. W. T. Anderson, D. D. Miss E. May Caldwell Rev. R. E. Ayers Miss Mary J. Campbell Rev. J. S. Barr, D.D. Miss A. Laura Cleland Rev. M. M. Brown, M.D. Miss M. Henrietta Cowden Rev. A. B. Caldwell. D.D. Miss Laureila G. Dickson Rev. E. E. Campbell Miss Margaret J. Fehlman Rev. J. G. Campbell Miss Bessie Fleming Rev. H. C. Chambers Miss Ella M. Gordon Rev. E. V. Clements Miss Nancy A. Hadley Rev. J. H. Colvin Miss Laura B. Hamilton Rev. Osborne Crowe Miss Marietta Hamilton Rev. D. R. Gordon, D.D. Miss Kate A. Hill Rev. J.
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