The Prince George Citizen - Wednesday, January 27,1993 - 7 I’m Having Eggs WAS HE JUST A SCAPEGOAT? /Tl 1 O. 0 0 loday! Axe murderer to be free• 3 soon CHATHAM HEAD, N.B. (CP) they refused to go public with Allan Legere, killed Duguay. M itchell said Cunningham has — The Miramichi Axe Murderer their concerns, they say they Legere is currently serving life A fu n sandwich in a pita pocket pouch. been given civilian clothes in pre­ will soon be free to go home. believe he remains a threat. terms for five murders on the paration for that day. She also And that’s making a lot of people EGG SALAD SANDWICH Vince Cunningham declined M iram ichi. said he told her he has heard o f nervous. comment on whether his son Her book, The Miramichi Axe 4 hard-cooked eggs, chopped Vz tsp. (2 mL) prepared mustard no moves to transfer him to the. plans to return to the Miramichi. Murder; Was Robbie Cunning­ 3 tbsp. (50 mL) thinly sliced celery* salt and pepper to taste On Feb. 13, Robert Brian Atlantic Institution in Renous, the Contacted at his home, he simply ham the Scapegoat for Allan 3 tbsp. (50 mL) chopped green pepper* 2 whole wheat pita bread cut in half Cunningham of Chatham Head maximum-security prison on the said his son would answer ques­ Legere?, was published last year. Vi cup (50 mL) mayonnaise leaf lettuce will complete a 12-year sentence Miramichi, prior to his release. for hacking a man about 120 tions about his intentions. In it Mitchell investigates the cir­ In a bowl, combine chopped eggs, *Try substituting other crunchies times. Messages left for Cunningham cumstances surrounding Duguay’s To say Cunningham may not at Kingston Penitentiary were not death and suggests the facts indi­ be popular back in the Miramichi! celery, green pepper, mayon­ like chopped cucumber, Cunningham, now 30, was just returned; however, prisoners’ cate Cunningham was wrongfully is an understatement. naise, mustard, salt and radishes, sweet pickles or a teenager when he was convicted calls are restricted and he may convicted and imprisoned. pepper. Mix well. Line each • green onion. Preparation of manslaughter in the death of Mitchell’s research for her not have been able to respond. pita bread half with lettuce. Time: 5 minutes. Nicholas Duguay, 55, also of “ If you look at the evidence ... book turned up a 1988 memo’ One person who spoke to Fill pita halves with egg Makes 4 servings. Chatham Head, in August 1979. it taxes the imagination’ ’ to from Atlantic Regional Cor Cunningham recently said he has salad mixture. believe Cunningham committed He has repeatedly been denied taken plumbing courses in prison. rectional Services stating extreme^ the grisly slaying, M itchell said. opposition to Cunningham’s re-; parole. Officials have never said “ H e plans to go back to the Cunningham has admitted he why. Miramichi to live and work with lease on parole, and a 1989 cannot remember most of what A parole board spokesman did his father,’ ’ Sandra M itchell said RCMP report stating he would occurred on the night of Aug. 6, say last year that, generally, the in a telephone interview from not be welcome in the com mu­ 1979, because he was drunk. He usual reason for denying man­ Charlottetown. nity. does remember, he claimed, datory supervision is the offender Mitchell, who last spoke with having seen someone else at RCMP Staff Sgt. Pierre Le- is still considered a threat to Duguay’s home that night, al­ monde said Cunningham w ill be society. Cunningham on Saturday, said he is fully aware he may not be though he cannot remember who treated no different than any other In addition, Cunningham has popular with area residents but is it was. resident if he returns home upon For Quick and always maintained his innocence willing to work himself back into Delicious Egg M itc h ell’s research into his release. — a situation that often impedes the community. Recipes write. parole. memory loss and blackouts indi­ “ He’s a free man and if he’s 1, j f Egg Recipes & f Some residents in the M ira m i­ “ He feels positive. He’s eager cates Cunningham may never re­ an abiding citizen,” the police FO. Box 1)697 chi region o f eastern N ew Brun­ to make something of himself.’’ member the details. won’t take any precaution or ac­ Vancouver B.C. swick have expressed fears of Mitchell has written a book that Regardless, Cunningham will tion other than noting his pre­ Y6B 1Z1 Cunningham’s return. Though theorizes Cunningham’s cousin, be released in 2 Vi weeks. sence, said Lemondc. 4 - A . ' .... Tourists should stay alert by PETER BOISSEAU The Canadian Press Being on vacation is no tim e to relax. That’s the message from U.S. officials in the wake o f the murders of two Canadians va­ cationing in Florida within the last month. SUPER BOWL Always be on your guard. Sus­ j SUNDAY pect everyone. Stop for no one. “ The biggest problem is that J a n. 31, 1 9 9 3 when people go on vacation they don’t use the same rules they use at home,” DeL JoAnn Norris of the M etro-Dade county police said New. Assorted. this week. “ They let their hair 2 Litre bottle plus deposit. down.” The Miami-area police force is investigating the death last Friday POTATO of Fort Erie, Ont., businessman CHIPS Ralph Passero, 56, shot during an Ruffels or Doritos Tortilla Chips apparent robbery as he and a com­ 220-240 a panion left a restaurant. On Dec. 29, Marc Nadeau, 33, of Ste-Thercse, Que., was shot and killed during a robbery in Lake From our Seafood Worth, a quiet community about Dept Approx Generic. 10 kg. bag. Limit 1 90 kilometres north of Miami. 40 Prawns. Over limit price $3.98 ea. “ Basically all robberies are crimes of opportunity,” said Nor­ ris. “ Just being in the wrong place at the wrong tim e.” 9 Inch Hawaiian, Norris says she has even investi­ Pepperoni or Del gated tourist robberies where people have left their motel rooms unlocked. MEDIUM Canadians made more than J5 SALSA million trips to the U.S. last year, many heading for sun spots such as Florida, California, Arizona and Hawaii. In Florida, the average leiigth per visit was almost 20 days — longer than any other U.S. tourist spot. What Canadians have to remem­ SIRLOIN ber is that crime in the U.S. is more pervasive and often more vi­ STEAK olent than at home. There were 210 homicides last Regular Quality. Approx year alone in area covered by the Metro-Dade police, a jurisdiction 10 lb. pkg. Limit 1. of about three million people that does not include the city of Miami. / k g M iam i itself has been fighting 2 16 an image of a violent city, but is no different than any other major U.S. centre, said Mayco Villafana of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau. SLICED BREAD “ I hope our friends in Canada Fresh. Product will understand that in urban areas of Chile. in the U.S. we do have a problem 1 0 0 % Whole Wheat 19 No. 1 grade. but that doesn’t mean everyone is Stonehedge Farms. going to be affected.” Med. and Large Size 5 7 0 g loaf. More than two million Canadi­ 2 .1 8 /kg ans headed for Florida and spent almost $2 billion there last year. Miami was the most popular spot. But any big city has its perils: « This Wbek Receive BONUS AIR MILES™ wilh the purchase of these products “ I ’m sure you’ve heard the old Air Miles™ International Holdings N.V , Loyalty Management Group Canada Inc. Authorized user. joke: ‘If you’re in Detroit, don’t let a mere traffic light stop you be­ +BUY1BET1 AIR MILT+ +BW28ET1URmr+ +BUY1 BET 1 AIR MILE*+ II +BUY1 BET 1 AIR HILT+ \ + BUY 2 BET 11IB HILr+ 4 BUY 1 BET 1 AIR MILr* •1.36 kg or 907 g PARKAY *2 Litre ASSORTED .285 g ORVILLE REDENBACHER || *8 Jumbo Rolls TRULY FINE *1 Litre TOW N HOUSE *2 Utre LUCERNE cause when you start up again you MARGARINE C° KE MICRO POPCORN BATHROOM TISSUE APPLE JUICE ASSORTED ICE CREAM won’t have wheels on the car.’l” said David Leon hard t of the X - ^ 4 J 4" +BUY1 BET 3 AH HHir+\ + BUT 1 BET 1 AIR MILT')- +BIIY1BET1A1R MILT+ ABUT 1 BET2 AIR MILES**)- +BUY 2 BET 1 AIR MILT+ BUY 1 BET 1 AIR MILf*)- Canadian Automobile Association. •Jumbo HUGGIES *500 ml ASSORTED KRAFT j *500 g CATELLI *737 g EDWARDS I *250 mL CHILLER DRINKS or *500 g LUCERNE D on’t stop is also the advice in DIAPERS SALAD DRESSING ASSORTED PASTA ^ \ , A GROUND COFFEE j Cose of 9 KJIUIMILEr-b CHEESE SLICES Miami, where police caution tour­ +BUY1 BET 1 AIR HILT+ +BUri8ET1AIBAIILr+ + BUY 1 BET 1 AIR MILT+ I \ + BUY 2 BET 1 AIR MIlT*] +BUY1 BET 1 AIR MILT+ +BUY1 BET 1 AIR HIlT* ists to keep moving even if they •18 kg or 900 g ELECTRASOL •12 Lor 51 SUNLIGHT *398 mLCATEUJ TOMATO V *355 mlBa-Ai!CSANGt JlSCi -1.5 kg EMPRESS •Assorted SAFEWAY have a fiat tire. 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