BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Faculty Women’s Association NEWSLETTER Fall 2014/Winter 2015 INSIDE 2 3 4 5 10 THIS A word from Upcoming By Study, By Recent FWA FWA our President Events Faith Publications Membership ISSUE About FWA Recap: Spring Application 2014-2015 2014 Annual Board Retreat 2 Dear Women, Our association welcomes you—all of you. As we continue this academic A WORD year on campus, it is our hope that many more of you will participate in the activities and camaraderie of the Faculty Women’s Association. Our theme—”Expressions of Faith: Women Fulfilling the Mission of BYU”— FROM OUR provides opportunity for spiritual uplift, professional support, and friend- ship. PRESIDENT We recognize that all women have busy schedules, but we ask that you give FWA a chance to bless your life. You will see wonderful examples of faithful women who are fulfilling the mission of BYU in diverse and “GIVE FWA A exemplary ways, while personally progressing and assisting the students they teach. Did I mention that we need your contribution? Experienced CHANCE TO faculty and administrators, new women faculty, part-time faculty, faculty from every college, clinical faculty, and even those who don’t fit a category, BLESS YOUR please come. LIFE.” We began the year by celebrating the anniversary of the HFAC with Janielle Christensen and enjoyed a historical review of women with vision who helped develop the musical performance groups at BYU, which have achieved high acclaim in the performing arts. Those in attendance heard some amazing music. We continued the year with a fun evening of watch- ing and cheering on the BYU Women’s Soccer Team. In November, we heard three talented faculty—Julia Ashworth (Theatre and Media Arts), Olga Stoddard (Economics), and Kara Stowers (Chemistry)—discuss their scholarship and creative work in our Research Spotlight. We have equally exciting events planned to finish out Winter 2015 (see Upcoming Events). We look forward to having you join us! Barbara Smith Associate Clinical Professor, David O. McKay School of Education 3 Check out the FWA Facebook page for the latest news on upcoming events: UPCOMING BYU Broadcasting Tour EVENTS Tuesday, February 24 @ 4 pm | OR | Thursday, February 26 @ 3 pm Choose one of the above dates and times to meet at BYU Broadcasting to tour their new facilities. Getting CFS & Advancing in Rank: Associate and Full Professor f Tuesday, March 21 @ 12 pm WSC 3211 We are hosting three breakout sessions: CFS/Professional Track with Marvin Gardner, Dept. of Linguistics and English Language CFS/Professional Track with Rick Miller, Dept. of Family Life Full Professor with Debbie Dean, Dept. of English FWA Annual Retreat Tuesday, April 21, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm Hinckley Center Assembly Hall Registration is $10 in advance ($15 at the door) Click here to register: FWA Annual Retreat Registration Click here to pay: FWA Annual Retreat Payment, select “Faculty and Staff Associations” Mission Statement: ABOUT FWA The purposes of the Faculty Women’s Association are: To support the mission of Brigham Young University; To promote solidarity and a sense of community among its members; To improve the quality of professional life for faculty women on the Brigham Young University campus; and Increase awareness of and sensitivity to gender issues at Brigham Young University. Membership All BYU women faculty—both full-time and adjunct—are welcome in FWA. One year = $15 Three years = $40 Pay online here, select “Faculty and Staff Associations” President Barbara Smith | Counseling Psychology & Special Education FWA BOARD President-Elect Rickelle Richards* | Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Science MEMBERS Past President Denise Halverson | Mathematics Secretary Pauline Williams | Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Science 2014-2015 Treasurer Diane Thueson Reich* | School of Music Communications Jane Birch | Faculty Center Part-time Faculty Liaison Debbie Harrison* | University Writing Historian Leanna Balci* | Harold B. Lee Library Newsletter Editor Elizabeth Smart | Harold B. Lee Library *Newly elected or appointed in 2014 to the FWA Board. 4 BYU’s Theatre & Media Arts (TMA) Department and Faculty Women’s Association (FWA) pre- BY STUDY, BY miere of the web film series By Study, By Faith was a remarkable success! A standing-room-only crowd gathered on January 23 in the Museum of Art auditorium for a screening of the web se- FAITH ries and panel discussions with the student filmmakers and the women they interviewed. Each of the ten short films highlights the decisions and determination of a female faculty member in pursuing her education. TMA and FWA designed the series to encourage BYU students to stay in school and complete their education. Many of you have also volunteered your stories for the series website, or per- haps caught a sneak peek at the 2014 FWA Spring Retreat. Many thanks to Amy Jensen and Tom Lefler of the Theatre & Media Arts Department, Barbara Smith of the Faculty Women’s Association, and to these talented students who created this series: Nicolina Brown Meloday Chow Samantha Copé Cassie Hiatt Samantha Hill Bobbie Lee Melissa Lee Coco Mack Elisabeth Weagel If you missed the premiere, be sure to take a look at all the films, additional stories, and pro- files of these student filmmakers here: bystudybyfaith.byu.edu. If you would like to add your story to the series, please contact Barbara Smith (barbara_ [email protected]). On April 23, 2014, FWA members gathered for the annual Spring Retreat. We celebrated RECAP: FWA’s 20th birthday with uplifting presentations, including: SPRING 2014 “Seeing the Good in the World,” Jared Shores, BYU Broadcasting “The Provo City Center Temple,” Emily Utt, Church History Department RETREAT “Mind, Body, Spirit Integration,” Kathie Debenham, Utah Valley University SPEAKERS & “Leadership in Unlikely Places,” Nora Nyland Kerr, Nutrition, Dietetics & Food Science See photos on the BYU Faculty Women’s Association Facebook page. Be sure to “like” us! AWARDS FWA also recognized five outstanding faculty. As you review 2014 winners, consider who you could nominate in 2015. Watch for the call for nominations in March 2015. Mentoring Award Winner: Wendy Baker-Smemoe Department: Linguistics and English Language Scholarship Award Winner: Jani Radebaugh Department: Geological Sciences Adjunct Faculty Award Winners: Julie Duncan & Ana Mitchell Department: Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Science Citizenship Award Winner: Connie Lamb Department: Social Sciences/Education, Harold B Lee Library 5 Allred, D., Mandleco, B., Roper, S., Freeborn, D. & Dyches, T. (2013). Children with RECENT disabilities’ families: Sibling relations and caregiver burden. 46th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference Proceedings (46). Portland, OR: Western Institute of PUBLICATIONS Nursing p. 300. FROM FWA Ashbaker, Betty, Jill Morgan, and Liz Tatum. International Site for TAs and Paraeducators. David O. McKay School of Education, 2014. http://education.byu.edu/istap/ MEMBERTS Bell, T. R. (2014). Meeting the communities standard on study abroad. In S. Dhonau (Ed.), Unlocking the gateway to communication (pp. 139-152). Richmond, VA: Robert M. Terry. Bell, T. R. (2013). Innovative approaches to teaching literature in the world language class- room. In S. Dhonau (Ed.), Multitasks, multiskills, mulitconnections (pp. 127-139). Rich- mond, VA: Robert M. Terry. Benson, RoseAnn. “The Marriage of Adam and Eve: Covenant Ritual and Literary Pat- terns,” By Our Rites of Worship: LDS Perspectives on Ritual in History, Scripture, and Practice, (editor: Dan Belnap, Provo, UT: BYU Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2013), 107–31. Benson, RoseAnn. “Re-examining Lot,” Religious Educator 14 (1), 2013, pp. 59–81. Birch, Jane. (2013). Discovering the Word of Wisdom: Surprising Insights from a Whole Food, Plant-based Perspective (Provo, Utah: Fresh Awakenings). Birch, A. Jane. (2014). “Questioning the Comma in Verse 13 of the Word of Wisdom,” In- terpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 10, 133-149. Birch, A. Jane. (2014). “Getting into the Meat of the Word of Wisdom,” Interpreter: A Jour- nal of Mormon Scripture 11, 1-36. Bigelow, Claudine. Voices from the Past: Béla Bartók’s 44 Duos & Original Field Recordings. BYU Music Group, 2014. CD. Camacho, Leticia, Spackman, Andy & Cluff, David. (2014) Face Out: The Effect of Book Displays on Collection Usage, Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 19:2, 114-124. Camacho, Leticia and Frazier, Cynthia (2013). Up to the Challenge: Implementing a 21st Century Academic Multimedia Center. College & University Media Review, 18(1). Camacho, Leticia (2013). Clarity and Chaos: Is there a Preferred Citation Style in Busi- ness Academic Literature? Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 18(1), 49-56. Clayton, April. Director of Flute Class. École Normale de Musique de Paris, 2014. Cluskey, M., Wong, S.S., Richards, R., Ballejos, M., Reicks, M., Auld, G., Boushey, C., Bruhn, C., Misner, S., Olson, B., Zaghloul, S. Dietary sources of calcium among parents and their early adolescent children in the United States by parent race/ethnicity and place of birth. J Immigr Minor Health. Accepted April 2014. Driever, M., Mandleco, B., & Larson, J. (2014). Peer review: Integral to the nursing research process. Russian Nurses’ Association Tribune, 15(1). 10-12. Driever, M., Sarkisova, V., Serebrennikova, N., Mandleco, B., & Larson, J. (2014). Overview abstract: Journey of a workshop: Russian nursing research capacity building. 47th Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference
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