Eiahtb Serl.. Vol. XI, No. 18 Thun",. Deee.ber 12.1985 ApabaY8D8 21, 1907 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fourth Session (Eighth Lok Sabba) (Vol. 'Xl conttIIM NOl. ~1 1o 10) LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT 1UW DELm PrIce : &9. 4.00 IORIGINAL BMGUIB PRQCII!I)IMGS INCLUDBD IN ENGLISH VIIlIION AND ORIGINAL RlNDI PROCBBDIN08 INCLUDBD IN HiNDI VB1tSJON WILL B8 IUA'IBD AI AtmI011D'ATI'YB AND NOT TBB TRAHlLAnON THBRBOP.) CONTENTS No. 18, 'I'IuIr.day, o,c,mber 12, 198'Itt4lrGhaYtUlG 21 J 1907 (SakG) COLUMNS Oral Answers to QUOStioD8 : ... 1·20 ~tarred Question Nos. 348, 349, 356, 35~, 360 and 36' Written AUlWera to QuestioDS : ... Starred Quostion Nos. 350 to 355, 35'", 358, 361 to 364, 366, 367 UDltarred Question Nos. 3560 to 3563; 3565 to 3600, 3602 to 3643, 364S to 3742 and 3744 to 3773. Papen Laid OD the Tablo f! •• 234-237 -. ttI.ssale from Rajya Sabba 238 Public Accounts Committee Twentieth Report ... 238 Committeo OD Pot itions-Pirst Report 239 Blection to Committee-National Shipping Board ... 239 Matters Under Rule 377 24().244 . (i) Demand for cbeckiDI use of intoxicating drulS, particularly smack. by youth. Sbrfmatf SUDderwati Nawal Prabbatar 240 (U) Demand for taking more stringeDt steps to control the deterior. atiDI Jaw and order situation iD Delbi and have more police control rooms for the purpose. Sbri D.N. Reddy 240 (Iii) Demand for coDltructinl new railway line for the backward area of Thana and Nagar districts iD Maharashtra. Sbrl S.O. Oho)ap ... 240 (Iv) Need to develop the Vizhiojam FisbiDI barbour Into a dry dock. cumcarlo harbour durin. the Seventh Five Year Plan period. Sbrl A.. Charits ... 241 ·Tbe IflDjt marked above the Dame of a Member indlcatos tbat the Qu eStioll was act.. " II), uted qn the floor 01 tbe HOUle by that Member .. (il) COLUYNS (v) Demand for an Ammonia factory at Pbulpur to increase pro- duction of urea. Sbri Ram Pujan Patel 241 (vi) Need to ensure prompt payment of dues of the paddy growers 0' Punjab and Haryana for paddy purchased by F.e.l. Shri Bal want Singh Ramoowalia ... 242 (vii) Need to amend the Forest Conservation Act for speedy development of undeveloped forests and backward areas. Shrl M.L. Jhikram ... 243 (viii) Demand for s~ttil1g up a Pertil izera factory at village Nawan, Hanumangarh Tehsil of distr iet OaDganagar in Rajasthan. Shri Birbal ... 243 Motion Re: ' Challenge of Educatton-A Policy Perspectivel-Contd. Shri Kadambur Janartbanan _. 245 Sbri K.S. Rao 247 Shri Manoj Pandey ... 250 Shri S. Jaipal Reddy 252 Shri Ram Nagina Mishra 254 Shri Rainswaroop Ram ... 257 Sbri Owaisi 260 Shri Uma- Kant Mishra ... 263 Shrs G.S. B::isavaraju 265 Shri P. V. Narasimha Rao 269 Committee on Papers laid on the Table 268 (i) Fourth Report (ij) Minut eS Putwah-Islampur Light Ra\]way Line (Nationalisation) Bill and Supplementary Demand for Grant (Railway) 1985-86 Motion to consider Shri Madhavrao Scindia ... 303 Shri Sribari Rao 305 Shri Jafi'ar Sharief ... 309 (ill) COLU~NS Shri Vijay N. Patil ... 317 Bhri R. Annanambi ... 318 Shri Sh iv Prasad Sahu t·· 322 Shri Ram Pyare Panika 324 Shri R.P. Das 328 Shri Jujhar Singh 331 Shri Lal Vijay Pratap Singb 333 Shrimati Patel Ramaben Ramjibhai Mavani .... 337 Sbri Narayan Choubey 337 Shr; Harish Ra wat 344 Shri S.M. Guraddi 347 Sbri Vakkom Purusbotbaman 350 Shri R. Jeevarathinam 352 Sbri R.P. Suman 356 Shri D.N. ReddY .'. 359 Sbri Ram Pujan Patel 362 Shri K.D. Sultanpuri .' . 365 Shri C. Janga ReddY 367 Shri Ram Bhagat Paswan 372 Sbri Ram Singh Yadav 376 Shri V.S. Krishna Iycr 3'9 LOK SABHA DEBATES 1 2 LOK SABHA AN. HON. MEMBER: Sir, 'i~ it 1>4 cause of eJection rever or cold fever? MR. SPEAKER: You have to diag- Thursda},.INclmber 12, 198$/ nose it. Agrahayana 21, 1907 (Saka) ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [English) The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock. Ran Lines Constructed Doring Sixth Plan [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] *348. SHRI CHARANJIT SINGH ( Translation) WALIA: Wi1) the Minister of TRANS- PORT be pleased t.J stat e : SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAOI: Today, yo u ar e in a bappy mood. (r nterruptions) (a) how rna!)y kilometres of Railway lines have been constructed in India durin. MR. SPEAKER: Was I happy yester- the Sixth Five Year Plan ; and day? (b) bow many kilometres ,0' RaiJway SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAOI: How lines have been constructed in Punjab dur- could w~ reel happy when you were not in. the same period? in a happy mood during the last two or three days. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS (SHRI MR. SPEAKER: Today, 1 am in a MADHAVRAO SCINDIA) : (a) 903 kms. very happy mood. Bairagijl, happiness depends upon both sides. (b) 5.6 kms. SHaI BALKAVI BAIRAGI: But the SHRI CHARANJIT SINGH WALIA: perioDs for wbom this is meant are not Sir, the hon. Minister bas stated that onl, present In the House even today. 903 kms. of Jailway line have been cons- tructed in It1dia during the Sixth Five Year MR.SPEAKER: They have heard it. Plan and ooly 5.6 kms. have been cons- Everything is all ri,bt now.. tructed in Punjab. The mileage of rail route bas increased to 806 S.-ms. from rEngllsl,] 1950-51 to 1984·85 and there is an in. crease of about 4.3% in rail traffic and SHaI M. RAGHUMA REDDY: Sir, 3.7 % in prsseoger traffic. There is a every day the streolth of the Hou!e is steady increase in freight traffic and decreasing. passenger traffic and especially in Punjab there is a manifold increase in routo length MR. SPEAKER : I do not know. What as also passenaer and freight traffic. Then, is the probl em ? I do not understand wby Punjab is beiDI 3 Ortll AlIsw,,,s DBCEMBBll 12, 1985 Oral .4",." .. discriminated against in the construction of state and only then, we should go ia for new railway line, more so when t be dem- expanding the system. ~Dd for construction of new railway Jines has been voiced in the past. The demand SHRI CHARANllT SINOH WALIA: for new railway Hnes between Patiala- Before independence, the mil eage in Jakbal-DeJh i via Samana and Pathra, betw- Punjab was quite sufficient, but after tn- een Chandigarh and Patiala and between dependence, Punjab has been neglected. Cbandigarh and Ludhiana, has been raised. You have stated the overall picture, but I know from the hon. Minister what steps what are the reasons for neglectin, tbe Gov~rnment is taking to remove thh Punjab? dJscri nioation and whether there is any proposal to construct new ]jnes in Poojab SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA : Tbe in the Seventh Five Year Plan and jf not, contention of the hone Member ls not what are tbe reasons therefor? correct. Punjab has certainly not heeD neglected. Besides its very 800d rail SHRI MADHAVRAO SCINDIA: Sir. network, it has got very good roads the railway network in Punjab is consi- also. dered fairly adequate and keeping in mind tbe constraint of resource~, priority SHRI BALWANT SINGH RAMOO. h r s been given to otber items in raHway WALIA: His question is with regard to u llocations. In support of this statement the period after independence. I would like to give to the bon. Member certain statistics to prove that Punjab has THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORT certainly not been neg1 ected and in the (SHRI BANSI LAL): That is not corr- jn~erest of the people of Punjab bas been ect. kept upper-most in the minds of the Government. 10 route kilometres,' cove- SHRr JAGANNATH RAO: Koraput. rage. per thou~and square kilometres of Rayagada railway line and SambaJpur- area, Punjab ranks "first among aJJ the Talcher line were sanctioned in the 6th States in India. Plan on a priority basis. The progress has been very slow. It needs to be ex- pedited. Whereas the national average is 18.7. the punjab average is 42.4. As far as MR. SPEKER: The question relates route kilometerage per lakh of population to Punjab only. It is not reJevant. I can j~ concerned, the national average is 8.9, only ask the Minister to answer I if tbe the Punjab average is 12.74. , . question pert a ins to Punjah. Punjab is a very 9ital State for us, Neltt question. specially for foodgraio movement. The question of neglecting Punjab does Dot Adverse Effect of Diazepam used as arise. We recognise that it is a dynamic Analgesic State with dynamic people. That is why, our ' Prime~ Minister took a decision to *349. SHRI SHANTI DHARIWAL: estabILb a Railway Coach Factory at Will the Minister of HEALTH AND Kapurtha 1a in Punjab. FAMILY WELPARE be pJeased to state: As far the other question, the Ludhi- (a) whetber Government have come ana.Chandigarb line surv ey bas been C:1rr- across about the adYerse effects of medi. ied out, but it bas not been found finan- cines containing Diazepam and used .. cially rem'Jnerative. Normally, we expect ten analgesic; per cent return, but the return calculated onthis line is 3.22 per cent. Kcepinl the (b) if so, d eta Us thereof; and overall picture in mind, as I said, tbeae new lines are not boina liven priority, (c) names of countries where compo. because we feel that whatever system is sitions containin8 Diazepam are beiDI mar- tbere, 1ct OJ briDI it to an acceptable keted? Oral Answer. & THE DBPUTY .MINISTER IN THE as it is caIJ ed' is a popular anti-anxiety DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY WELFARE drug or tranquiliser and it is market ed (SHRI S.
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