William Barthman Jewelers to the Brooklyn Nets Sukkot and the The Jewish Impact Secret of Happiness on Civilization Growing Communities What the 2012 Election in Latin America Means for Israel Torah Scrolls Hidden in Iraq F SS OOF TTHHEE EERR PP YY UU AA RR RR EE PP Front cover_OCTOBER.indd 1 9/28/2012 12:04:39 PM CONTENTS OCTOBER 2012 Departments 64 When the Patient Is a Child ARTS AND LEISURE Disability Insurance: Protect Your Future 112 NEW JERSEY Holiday Word Search 226 The Price of Teen Car Insurance 174 Making a Difference in Long Branch 170 BEAUTY New Year, New Approach to Investing 242 NEW S By Mark Seruya News from Around the World 192 Take Care of Your Scalp 224 FOCUS ON PARENTING What Not To Do With Your Makeup 238 By Sylvia Hamowy When the Patient Is a Child 64 Advice from Project SAFE Teachers 132 BOOKS By Rabbi Charles Rudansky Boost Your Child’s Brain Power 234 POLITICS The Jewish Impact on Civilization 98 An Interview with Joseph Lichter, DDS 88 By Randi Shomer By Rabbi Ken Spiro Assemblyman Cymbrowitz Listens 150 Briefcases and Baby Bottles 202 The Chateaux Steakhouse 134 PUBLISHER’’S LETTER 22 BROOKLYN HEALTH REAL ESTATE Confronting America’s Obesity Epidemic 178 How to Find a Great Tenant 206 Help Beautify Kings Highway 62 Strengthen Your Immune System 198 RECIPES Up and Coming Brooklyn Neighborhoods 68 About Artifi cial Sweeteners 218 A Sukkot Meal with a Thanksgiving Flair 34 CLASSIFIEDS 274 By Esther Hornstein By Jamie Geller COMMUNITY Avoid Food Poisoning 220 The Mediterranean Diet 142 ANNOUNCEMENTS 282 Keep Your Workouts Fun and Safe 232 RELATIONSHIPS HOME Marriages are Made in Heaven 222 COMMUNITY CALENDAR 284 By Dr. Ari Korenblit 188 COMMUNITY EVENTS How to Spot an Antique RESTAURANT GUIDE 280 IN MEMORIAM Honoring Morris Bailey 96 SINGLES EVENTS 275 In Memory of My Father Albert Moghrabi 94 A Special Event for Chai Lifeline 114 SPORTS In Memory of My Dad, Sam Mizrahi 212 A Trip to Atlantic City To Support ORT 240 By Kim Mizrahi Cohen The History of Sports in Brooklyn 80 By Estelle V. Marcus ISRAEL TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Who Will Be Israel’s New Chief Rabbis? 54 Intel Builds High Tech Empire in Israel 140 Are School Vouchers the Answer 46 By David Rosenberg By Moshe Sokolow Will Hezbollah Retaliate if Israel Attacks? 250 Cyber Warfare 146 The Manhattan Sephardic Congregation 86 JEWISH COMMUNITIES Mistakes Affecting Your Computer 214 120 Rabbi Saul Kassin’s Visit to Strivright 158 A Jewish Community in the Netherlands TORAH CONTEST 254 124 Cutting Yeshivah Costs with Technology 246 The Jews of South Africa TORAH MESSAGE By Josh Lipowsky JEWISH HISTORY Parashat Hashavuah 38 EMPLOYMENT Recalling the Historic Agreement 116 By Saul Kagan Pirkei Avot 42 Creating a Concise Resume 176 By Barry Cohen LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 24 WRITER’’’S THOUGHTS FILMS Kids Are Always Listening 44 MARRIAGE By Michoel Ambush Fill the Void 102 10 Questions to Ask Before Marriage 228 Letting My Daughter Go 216 FINANCE By Rabbi Dov Heller By Emuna Braverman MIDDLE EAST Captive Insurance Companies 104 The Power of Conventions 236 By Isaac Yedid and Raymond Zeitoune Endangered Torahs 162 By Diane Paige Section 01.indd 10 9/28/2012 11:47:30 AM ation N al ic A d l r l i a a n h SNA c p e e S THE PUBLISHER/EDITOR - U S A - EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Ben-Gurion Matsas Rachelle Matsas Dear Readers, The first day of October is also the first day of Sukkot. In honor of this joyous holiday, Rabbi Joel Padowitz wrote “Sukkot and the Secret of Happiness,” a thought-provoking article which explains that if you choose to take pleasure in what you have—you’ll be content. This month we are celebrating the borough we call home with features about the very new and very exciting Barclays Center; up and coming Brooklyn neighborhoods; William Barthman Jewelers, the jewelers to the new Brooklyn Nets; the beautification of Kings Highway, and the history of sports in Brooklyn. Last month, four young girls from our community proved that you don’t have to be an adult to make a difference. These 11 and 12 year old girls put together a successful Chinese Auction/bake sale for Chai Lifeline. Many philanthropic men and women took a bus ride to Atlantic City to raise money for ORT, an organization committed to strengthening Jewish communities through education. The UJA- Federation of New York held their Annual Sephardic Event in honor of Morris Bailey, who was given the Sephardic Leadership Award and residents of Long Branch, New Jersey, held an event to say thank you to the men and women of the municipality, who make the town run safely and smoothly. A beautiful new Sefer Tehillim, “Prayers of the Pure–the Doueck Edition,” was presented to the youth of our community. The rabbis of our schools, in Brooklyn and Deal, have incorporated this Sefer Tehillim into their curriculum. The presidential election is just one month away. It is your right as an American to vote, but before you do, be sure to see the movie 2016: Obama’s America. “Voting means empowerment,” said Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz. “Your vote sends a message to those you elect. You are stating, loud and clear, what issues are important to you.” We have interesting articles about the growing Jewish communities in Latin America, a Jewish community in the Netherlands and the Jews of South Africa. Do you think Israel will attack Iran and, if so, will Hezbollah retaliate? We have important features that tackle these momentous questions. We also have features on strengthening your immune system, confronting America’s obesity epidemic, the Mediterranean diet, and how to avoid food poisoning. Mark Seruya believes that the new year is the perfect time for a new approach to investing and Rabbi Dov Heller provides the 10 questions everyone should ask before considering marriage. Enjoy! Ben-Gurion and Rachelle Matsas EXCLUSIVE OFFER FOR IMAGE READERS WANT TO KNOW WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE COMMUNITY? Stay up to date with news about the community, Israel and more! Subscribe to MAIL IN FORM SAVE IMAGE MAGAZINE NAME (please print) IMAGE $23.45 Get tips for finances, t health and beauty! ADDRESS / APT. JUST $2 AN ISSUE! ACT NOW! CITY / STATE / ZIP 12 issues for $23.95 IMAGE MAGAZINE PHONE OCTOBER 2012 Subscribe online at subscribe.imageusa.com P.O. Box 290-642 EMAIL (Yes, I want to receive e-mail from IMAGE.) t Brooklyn, NY 11229 Payment enclosed Bill me later 22 Section 01.indd 22 9/27/2012 5:23:41 PM FINANCE New Year, New Approach to INVESTING Mark Seruya ith the New Year upon wealth management plan. There are variety of other types of trusts wor- us, we make conscious many tools that will help accomplish thy of consideration and discussion efforts to better our- this goal: with your legal, tax, and financial selves, our community, advisors. Wand our world. Why not better our A Private Family Foundation: approach to wealth management This can be the basis of long term Gift Annuities: This is a con- as well? charitable giving, although there are tract between a donor and a charity, Wealth management requires a considerable legal issues to con- whereby the donor transfers cash or methodical, long-term strategy, and sider. property to the charity in exchange can also incorporate charitable giv- for a partial tax deduction and a life- ing—admirable at any time of year. Charitable Remainder Trusts: time stream of annual income from Such a plan can be very rewarding, People can donate to a worthy ben- the charity. When the donor dies, both from a tax liability and invest- eficiary as well as potentially defer the charity keeps the remainder of ment standpoint, as well as an emo- capital gains and income taxes at the gift. The amount of the income tional one. the same time. Charitable remain- stream is often determined by pay- When strategically executed, der trusts allow for donors to receive out rates defined by the American financial charitable giving can not an income stream for a fixed period Council on Gift Annuities as well as only help a designated cause but or lifetime, at the end of which other factors, including the donor’s can also generate personal tax remaining funds are distributed to a age and the policy of the charity. benefits and advance your overall designated charity(ies). There are a Continued on page 244 IMAGE t OCTOBER 2012 t 242 Section 08.indd 242 9/27/2012 3:49:39 PM FINANCE INVESTING... Continued from page 242 are used will reduce dollar for dol- lar the estate tax exclusion amount available at death. Individuals are urged to consult their personal tax or legal advisors to understand the tax consequences of their actions. Second, mind the importance of documentation when assessing the benefits of philanthropy. Many choose to work through existing non-profit organizations when start- ing philanthropic work. The benefi- ciary organization needs to meet the qualifications under the IRS code, and must provide proof that the funds are used for charitable pur- poses. Third, and most important, the beneficiary organization must be reputable. IRS regulations are in place to guard against corruption, Pooled Income Funds: A are typically income tax free for the but also to protect philanthropists pooled income fund allows you to beneficiary. themselves, by ensuring that chari- do three things: 1) ensure a life- table gifts are put to good use, and time income, 2) claim a current tax Donor Advised Funds: Easy done so in a transparent fashion.
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