1894. VICTORIA. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS. REPORT 0~' TilE . VICTORIAN RAIL\VAYS COMMISSIONEitS FOR TilE YEAR ENDING 30TH JUNE, 1894. PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF I>ARLJAMENT PURSUANT TO THE ACT 54 VIU'fORIA No. 1135. lfp aut~oritp: ROBT. S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNB. 2 S.-No. 1.-[ls. 9d.]-6529. ~pl'ROXI~TE CO~T OF R:&PORT. .s s. a, Preparation-Not gi\·en Printing (1,160 copies) 70 0 0 VICTORIAN RAILWAYS, 14-th September, r 894· To the Honomble the Ministe1· cif Railways. Sm, In accordance with the provisions of the 59th section of the Railways Act, No. I os, we have the honour to sub~it, for the information of Parliament, our Heport upon the working of the Haihvay Department for the . year ending 3oth June, 1894. DEBENTURE CAPITAL. The amount of borrowed capital was, on 3oth June last, £36,444,47 5 16s. rod., details of which (tre shown in the Appendix, Heturn No. 5. The Debenture Capital Account f:tt the close of the year showed an increase of £637,498 8s. 11d. The additional capital consisted of the following amounts allocated to Railways during tho fil1ancinl year :- Victorian Government Stock Acts? Nos. 1015 and 1341 £333,391 7 n Debentures raised under Act 32 .Vict, No, 3Jl, fHDQtmting to ;£2 1ro7 100Q1 nud bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, were redeemed by funds obtained under Acts Nos. 1287 and 1341. As the latter Stock bears interest at 4 per cent., there will be an ar1nnal saving in interest hy the transaction ; but as under the conditions of the redemption stn11s h11:d to be provich:d by Act No. 1341 to JllJltlt th~ deficiency under Act ·No. 1287 (£107,267 ss. Id.), and to meet interest (£42,140), and the expenses incurred in connexiou witll provision for defici~u~y (£ 592 I 4s, n d.), amo-qntiiJ.g in the whole to £1 so,ooo, the net annual saving to the Department in interest by the redemption will be £~s,o7o, The intf!rest for tlw . y~ar AmonJited tQ £I14$91469 rJs. IId., which, with £23,898 2s. 1d., the amount pfl.id hy tl1~ Treftstu·.y fo!' e4p~ms<;J:! in payment of interest, and a further sun1 of ~12,481 7s. 7d. for expenses in connexion with th~ redemption of the debentures under Acts Nos. 331 and I2JJ, mt+de the total intere~t and charges £1,486,849 Js. 7d. This amount has, however, been reduced by £26,ooo, estimated interest upon the unexpended balances of loan moneys to the credit of the Rail way Account in the Treasury during the year. A2 4 The net amount debited to the Railways is therefore £r,46o,849 3s. 7d:, as per following detailed statement :~- Amount qf Inte1·est on Railwa,y Lomis paid du·ring tlte Yem· ending 3oth June, 1 ~94· Loans. nterest. £ 8. d. 32 Vict. No. 331 105,350 0 0 42 Vict. No. 6o8 I 87,0f5 16 3 36 Vict. No. 439 3.554 I8 4 3 7 Vict. No. 468 sS,ooo 0 0 39 Vict.. No. 53 I 55,867 14 5 45 Vict. No. 717 110,760 4 10 46 Vict. No. 7 39 8o,ooo 0 0 46 Vict. No. 741 4·304 0 0 4i Vi.ct. No. 76o 150,35 I 10 5 48 Vict. No. 8os 130,0f6 I7 9 +9 Vict. No. 845 I 8o,ooo 0 0 51 Vict. No. 963 • s,zoo 0 0 52 Vict. No. 989 93.586 19 I 54 Vict. No. 1196 77>9'3 0 I I 53 Vict. No. 1032 110,250 0 0 55 Vict. No. 1217 . 58,333 6 8 55 Vict. No. 1233 I8,;so 0 0 53 Vict. No. 1015 and No. 1341 I I 1624 8 6 56 Vict. No. 1296 ... .. 1,835 !6 9 1,442,774 13 I I .p Vict. No. 617 (Hobson's Bay) 7.695 0 0 I,f50,f69 I3 I I Expenses in payment of Interest 23,898 2 I Redemption l~xpenses 12,481 7 7 I,f86,849 3 7 Les.~ estimated Interest on unexpemled balances of Loan moneys z6,ooo o o !-· £q6o;s49 3 7 The deficiency in meeting the interest charges for the year is, as shown in the profit an~Joss account, £37o,I09,. an increase over 1892-3 of '£z5,84I. The increased amount· debited to Railways for the year for interest and charges in connexion with the redemption of debentures amounted to £40,924. The result of working for the year may be summarized. thus :- Total traffic... ·;· £z,7z6,159 Total working expenditure NET PROFIT ON WORKING £1,090,740 or an increased net profit over last year of £1 s,o~3, notwithstanding the fact that there was a decrease in the revenue of £r99,789. The percentage of working exp~nses· to ·the gross revenue is 59.'99, a decrease of 3'24 per cent. on last year, and 9'09 on the year 1891-2. The working expenditure, exclusive of pensions and gratuities, shows a decrease of £222,845 i6s. 6d., and a percentage to revenue of 57'13 . After making provision for additional pensions and gratuities to 'the amount of £7,974 7s. 7d. in excess of the sum debited to w.oddng e,xpenditure last yea,r, the· decrease is £214,871 Ss. ud. 5 The net revenue gives the following results:- 2 ·89 per cent. on total capital cost. J'I4 per cent. on total expended debenture capital. The following returns give the details of Revenue and Expenditure for the last two years :- TOTAL REVENUE. 1892-3. 1893-4. Decrease. Net Decrease. (Average AUles open, Increase. 2,933.) £ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Passengers 1,26o,879 7 1 1,118,375 3 Il 142,504 3 2 l'arccls, &c. 97,859 1 8 93.353 18 4 4·505 3 4 Horses, carriages, and dogs 17409 4 5 14,914 14 9 2,494 9 8 :Mails 63,037 0 6 61,733 10 4 1130J 10 2 Rents 54,716 5 II 53.4°1 7 3 I,J14 IS 8 Miscellaneous 14,965 I 6 8 17,896 0 7 2,930 3 11 Live stock 138~945 9 4 136,38o 12 3 Goods 1,278,135 8 5 112J0110J IJ 11 4 2,930. 3 11 Number of passengers 46,52o,784 4o,88o,378 5,64 o,4o6 Tons of live stock 116,258 1o8,u8 8,130 'l'ous of goods 2,442,120 2,347,683 94.437 Tmin mileage ... ! 10,77 5,134 10,14),307 629,827 ToTAL ExPENDITURE. 1892-3. 1893-4. Increase. Decrease. Net Decrease. Per Cent. Amount. to Revenue. £ £ s. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Maintenance ... I I' 21 320,980 17 7'60 11 '77 6,g78 4 10 Loco. charges ... 20'77 528,309 I u·so 19'38 79·392 19 10 Carriages and waggons 2'84 4' 36 2'46 3'82 23,531 0 3 Compensation 0'14 0'22 0'16 z,JI7 7 10 Traffic charges 14'89 22.. 8) 2o·6z 106,490 12 10 General charges 2'49 3'82 lj-'24 J,638 16 s•1 63 '23 59'99 3,638 16 8 '2.18,510 5 7 8 Il ! * Due to increase in pensions and gratuities. The mileage has increased from 2,97 5 to 3,o2o, owing to the opening during the year of the following lines :­ Beulah to Hopetoun I 6 miles Dimboola to Jeparit ,,. 23 " Korumhurra to Jumhunna J! " Korumhurra to Strezlecki 2:1; , Total 45 miles The following shows the additional mileage opened during the last nine years :- year ending June, 18 86 67! miles , 1887 137! , ·, 1888 137! , " !889 179! " " 1890 ... 272! , 1891 293! " " 1892 ... ,, " 1893 " .,. .., " " 1894 " 6 The preparati01i of statements showing the railway acdoUnt<S in systeiris has been discontinued, and in consequence every passeiiger jotti'ney is treated as fi tli1it in the_ total, instead of being multiplied as hitherto by ea~h systehi over which the joui·ney was made. This is also !tpplicahie to the tcmnage of goods and live stock, This alteration has necessitated the recasting of the colmmis in the coh1parative table (No. 11 of the Appendix) showing the iiltmbei' of passengers a11d tonnage of goods conveyed. · The number of passengers conveyed was 4-o,88o,378, as aga.inst 46,520,784, hcing :t decrease of 5,640,406. The tonnage of goods and live stock was 2,455;81 I; as agaiw;t 2;558,378, being a decrease of I 62, 56 7. The train :i:niles amounted to IO;I45,3o7, as against ro,775,I34, or a decrease of 629,827 train miles. CAPiTAL ExPENDITURE; The capital expenditui'e to 3oth ,)tin€;, I894, ai116titited to £37,748,563 ss. 5d., or an increase f'or the year of £2 86, I 9 I 2s. 4d., wh1ch was charged ns foiiows :--- Construction of new lines and capital works on existing lines, &c. ... .£254,567 7 7 Rolling-stock-· Engines £29,472 I4 9 Carriages, waggons, &c. I 1 5i2 5 8 Brakes ... ... 628 14 4 3 I 162J 14 9 £2861191 2 4 ilECAPITULATIO~. 'i:'he foliowing is a general s.ummary of the le:tding features of the Report, and, for purposes of ready -comparison, corresponding items for I 892-3 are given:- I 89z-3.
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