



0~' TilE





lfp aut~oritp: ROBT. S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNB. 2 S.-No. 1.-[ls. 9d.]-6529. ~pl'ROXI~TE CO~T OF R:&PORT. .s s. a, Preparation-Not gi\·en Printing (1,160 copies) 70 0 0 VICTORIAN RAILWAYS, 14-th September, r 894· To the Honomble the Ministe1· cif Railways. Sm, In accordance with the provisions of the 59th section of the Railways Act, No. I os, we have the honour to sub~it, for the information of Parliament, our Heport upon the working of the Haihvay Department for the . year ending 3oth June, 1894.


The amount of borrowed capital was, on 3oth June last, £36,444,47 5 16s. rod., details of which (tre shown in the Appendix, Heturn No. 5.

The Debenture Capital Account f:tt the close of the year showed an increase of £637,498 8s. 11d. The additional capital consisted of the following amounts allocated to Railways during tho fil1ancinl year :- Victorian Government Stock Acts? Nos. 1015 and 1341 £333,391 7 n

Debentures raised under Act 32 .Vict, No, 3Jl, fHDQtmting to ;£2 1ro7 100Q1 nud bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, were redeemed by funds obtained under Acts Nos. 1287 and 1341. As the latter Stock bears interest at 4 per cent., there will be an ar1nnal saving in interest hy the transaction ; but as under the conditions of the redemption stn11s h11:d to be provich:d by Act No. 1341 to JllJltlt th~ deficiency under Act ·No. 1287 (£107,267 ss. Id.), and to meet interest (£42,140), and the expenses incurred in connexiou witll provision for defici~u~y (£ 592 I 4s, n d.), amo-qntiiJ.g in the whole to £1 so,ooo, the net annual saving to the Department in interest by the redemption will be £~s,o7o,

The intf!rest for tlw . y~ar AmonJited tQ £I14$91469 rJs. IId., which, with £23,898 2s. 1d., the amount pfl.id hy tl1~ Treftstu·.y fo!' e4p~ms<;J:! in payment of interest, and a further sun1 of ~12,481 7s. 7d. for expenses in connexion with th~ redemption of the debentures under Acts Nos. 331 and I2JJ, mt+de the total intere~t and charges £1,486,849 Js. 7d. This amount has, however, been reduced by £26,ooo, estimated interest upon the unexpended balances of loan moneys to the credit of the Rail way Account in the Treasury during the year. A2 4

The net amount debited to the Railways is therefore £r,46o,849 3s. 7d:, as per following detailed statement :~-

Amount qf Inte1·est on Railwa,y Lomis paid du·ring tlte Yem· ending 3oth June, 1 ~94·

Loans. nterest.

£ 8. d. 32 Vict. No. 331 105,350 0 0 42 Vict. No. 6o8 I 87,0f5 16 3 36 Vict. No. 439 3.554 I8 4 3 7 Vict. No. 468 sS,ooo 0 0 39 Vict.. No. 53 I 55,867 14 5 45 Vict. No. 717 110,760 4 10 46 Vict. No. 7 39 8o,ooo 0 0 46 Vict. No. 741 4·304 0 0 4i Vi.ct. No. 76o 150,35 I 10 5 48 Vict. No. 8os 130,0f6 I7 9 +9 Vict. No. 845 I 8o,ooo 0 0 51 Vict. No. 963 • s,zoo 0 0 52 Vict. No. 989 93.586 19 I 54 Vict. No. 1196 77>9'3 0 I I 53 Vict. No. 1032 110,250 0 0 55 Vict. No. 1217 . 58,333 6 8 55 Vict. No. 1233 I8,;so 0 0

53 Vict. No. 1015 and No. 1341 I I 1624 8 6 56 Vict. No. 1296 ...... 1,835 !6 9

1,442,774 13 I I .p Vict. No. 617 (Hobson's Bay) 7.695 0 0

I,f50,f69 I3 I I Expenses in payment of Interest 23,898 2 I Redemption l~xpenses 12,481 7 7

I,f86,849 3 7 Les.~ estimated Interest on unexpemled balances of Loan moneys z6,ooo o o !-· £q6o;s49 3 7

The deficiency in meeting the interest charges for the year is, as shown in the profit an~Joss account, £37o,I09,. an increase over 1892-3 of '£z5,84I. The increased amount· debited to Railways for the year for interest and charges in connexion with the redemption of debentures amounted to £40,924. The result of working for the year may be summarized. thus :- Total traffic... . ·;· £z,7z6,159 Total working expenditure

NET PROFIT ON WORKING £1,090,740 or an increased net profit over last year of £1 s,o~3, notwithstanding the fact that there was a decrease in the revenue of £r99,789. . The percentage of working exp~nses· to ·the gross revenue is 59.'99, a decrease of 3'24 per cent. on last year, and 9'09 on the year 1891-2. . . The working expenditure, exclusive of pensions and gratuities, shows a decrease of £222,845 i6s. 6d., and a percentage to revenue of 57'13 . . After making provision for additional pensions and gratuities to 'the amount of £7,974 7s. 7d. in excess of the sum debited to w.oddng e,xpenditure last yea,r, the· decrease is £214,871 Ss. ud. 5

The net revenue gives the following results:- 2 ·89 per cent. on total capital cost. J'I4 per cent. on total expended debenture capital. The following returns give the details of Revenue and Expenditure for the last two years :- TOTAL REVENUE.

1892-3. 1893-4. Decrease. Net Decrease. (Average AUles open, Increase. 2,933.)

£ 8. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Passengers 1,26o,879 7 1 1,118,375 3 Il 142,504 3 2 l'arccls, &c. 97,859 1 8 93.353 18 4 4·505 3 4 Horses, carriages, and dogs 17409 4 5 14,914 14 9 2,494 9 8 :Mails 63,037 0 6 61,733 10 4 1130J 10 2 Rents 54,716 5 II 53.4°1 7 3 I,J14 IS 8 Miscellaneous 14,965 I 6 8 17,896 0 7 2,930 3 11 Live stock 138~945 9 4 136,38o 12 3 Goods 1,278,135 8 5 112J0110J IJ 11

4 2,930. 3 11

Number of passengers 46,52o,784 4o,88o,378 5,64 o,4o6 Tons of live stock 116,258 1o8,u8 8,130 'l'ous of goods 2,442,120 2,347,683 94.437 Tmin mileage ... ! 10,77 5,134 10,14),307 629,827


1892-3. 1893-4. Increase. Decrease. Net Decrease. Per Cent. Amount. to Revenue.

£ £ s. £ 8. d. £ 8. d.

Maintenance ... I I' 21 320,980 17 7'60 11 '77 6,g78 4 10 Loco. charges ... 20'77 528,309 I u·so 19'38 79·392 19 10 Carriages and waggons 2'84 4' 36 2'46 3'82 23,531 0 3 Compensation 0'14 0'22 0'16 z,JI7 7 10 Traffic charges 14'89 22.. 8) 2o·6z 106,490 12 10 General charges 2'49 3'82 lj-'24 J,638 16 s•1

63 '23 59'99 3,638 16 8 '2.18,510 5 7 8 Il ! * Due to increase in pensions and gratuities. The mileage has increased from 2,97 5 to 3,o2o, owing to the opening during the year of the following lines :­ Beulah to Hopetoun I 6 miles Dimboola to Jeparit ,,. 23 " Korumhurra to Jumhunna J! " Korumhurra to Strezlecki 2:1; ,

Total 45 miles

The following shows the additional mileage opened during the last nine years :- year ending June, 18 86 67! miles , 1887 137! , ·, 1888 137! , " !889 179! " " 1890 ... 272! , 1891 293! " " 1892 ... ,, " 1893 " .,. .., " " 1894 " 6

The preparati01i of statements showing the railway acdoUnt

The tonnage of goods and live stock was 2,455;81 I; as agaiw;t 2;558,378, being a decrease of I 62, 56 7. The train :i:niles amounted to IO;I45,3o7, as against ro,775,I34, or a decrease of 629,827 train miles.


The capital expenditui'e to 3oth ,)tin€;, I894, ai116titited to £37,748,563 ss. 5d., or an increase f'or the year of £2 86, I 9 I 2s. 4d., wh1ch was charged ns foiiows :---

Construction of new lines and capital works on existing lines, &c. ... .£254,567 7 7 Rolling-stock-· Engines £29,472 I4 9

Carriages, waggons, &c. I 1 5i2 5 8 Brakes ...... 628 14 4 3 I 162J 14 9

£2861191 2 4

ilECAPITULATIO~. 'i:'he foliowing is a general s.ummary of the le:tding features of the Report, and, for purposes of ready -comparison, corresponding items for I 892-3 are given:-

I 89z-3. i893-4· Total debenture capital raisecl £3 s,8o6,977 .£j6,444,476 Total yearly interest, £t,41

Balance after paying all working expenses imd interest on capital .. , Dr. £344,:a68 Dr. £370,109 Revenue per average mile open .£998 £9 14 Expenclihihi per average mile open £6ji £549 Gross earnings per train inile ss• s·t1a. ss; 4-'49<1. Expenses per train mile 3s. 5'21d, 3B· 2'69d, Number of passenger journeys 46,52o,784 4o,88o,378 Goods tonnage 2,442,120 tons 2,347,68 3 tons Live stock tonnage ... u6,z58 , 108, I 28 , Train mileage ... •1. io;775,•34ihiles io,Lj:5,3o7 miles

The Rolling-stock consisted of the following :­ Engines in use 4-99 516 EngiiH!s in course of construction ... t7 Passenger vehicles in use '" .... I j i<:l7 1;096 in course of construction 2 Goods" vehicles" in use 8,530 8,597 in course of construction 240 " " Vans and sundries ii1 use 469 474 , , in course of construction The net revenue paid on the total capital cost z·87 per cent. z·89 per cent. ;; ,j total debenture capital expended 3'12 " 3'14 " As we have only been in office during portion of the year under review, we submit the usual statements showing the results of working, without comment.

REVENUE. The diminution in revenue still continues, and until there is generally a more confident and steady state of business It is not to be expected that there will he any material improvement in the railway receipts. Certain reductions in rates and fares, estimated_ to amount to £4o,ooo per annum, came into force on the 5th July of this year. Although they pertain to the current year, we take this opportunity of stating that the reductions were made after careful consideration and with the vie': of giving a eertai_n measure of reiief, to remove anomalies, and to meet competition by water and road. It is too soon to refer to actual results; but the falling-off in revenue since the close of the financial year has only been very partially affected hy these reductions, and is, in our opinion, almost wholly due to the abnormal condition of the Colony. Under the present depressed condition of the Coiony, the uncertainty as to the fiscal measures which may be adopted by the Legislature, and ·the consequent stagnation of trade and paralysis of enterprise, it Is difficult to frame reliable estimates of reveriueor expenditttre, or to anticipate with anything approaching Mctiracy the resuits which would follow fu~fner alterations in freights or fares. \Ve think it would be safe to asStUne, however", that, tihdei· the existing cotidiiions of trade, further reductions in freights and fares, except ih special cases; would in the meantime result in diminished revenue; Had circiimstances beei1 f'avorahle we \vould have liked to have reduced tl1e country fares, hut in view of the p:robaole la.rge loss involved we found it impracticable. The faliing-off in receipts would ai)pear to indicate that the. travelling public sperid all they are able to afford in this direction, and consequently any reduction made, while increasing traveliing facilities, would riot, we think, bring any corresponding addition to the revenue: s . We thoroughly realize that considerable reductions could be made which, although perhaps increasing the railway deficit,· would beneficially affect large sections of. the community, and probably be of t;ational benefit. Such reductions, however, would be a matter of State policy, and any loss to the Department consequent upon their adoption should be provided for out of the Consolidated Revenue, and not debited to. the Railways.

THE H.AII,W.AY DEFICiT. There is no disg·uising the fact that at present the annual deficit in payment of interest is a serious one; but it may be pointed out that relatively it is not s~ great as in earlier years. The following is a comparison between the year 18 8 7-8 and the year under review, from which it will be seen that, while the revenue for both years is virtually equal, the working expenditure is practically the same, notwithstanding the fact that there is an increase in the mileage open for 'traffic of I,ooo miles. It therefore appears that the deficit for 1893-4 is the increase in inte1·est cau~ed by the construction of the additional mileage :- .

Year. Revenue. E;penditure. lliles open. Train Miles run. Interest. !

' £ £ £

!887-8 ... z,7 s6,049 I ,6z4,0J I~; 2,018 9,o8z,312 1,os6,71 I

1893-4 ... 2,726,1 59 1,635,419 . 3,ozo IO,J45>J07 1,460,849

• Exclusive of the cost of the Windsor.accide~>t. So many economies have been effected, and the general w01:king expenditure has been so materially reduced, that a revival in trade, which would bring about increased railway business, would soon extinguish the deficit. The natural growth of the colony and increase in population will eventually restore the equilibrium between net revenue and interest. In the meantime, however, it should he borne in mind that in the Railway property the State has a most valuable asset, worth much more than ·' its actual cost, and an undertaking which confers indirect advantages to the community far exeeeding the total amount of the accrued deficit. There can be no _doubt, however, that the railway loss'is largely augmented by the cohstrU:ction during recent years of lines which, under the most economical management, cannot possibly pay interest on their capital cost for years to come. Handicapped as the management is by such conditions, and with a mandate to m::tke the Rail ways pay, it is difficult to initiate any comprehensive policy which would eventually stimulate traffic, if the immediate effect involVes loss of revenue. It is suggested that, ili order to give the management freedom,of action in the direction indicated, Parliament be urged to decide on a fixed rate of interest .which the Rail ways should be called upon to pay (say 3 p~r ce11t. on the total debenture capital expended on raihvay construction). The balance available after paying that sum, up · to £roo,ooo or such sum ~s Parliament might direct, could be ap1~lied_ to reductions in charges am~ increased facilities for travellers and traders. The difference. between th~ rate of interest fixed (plus the balance referred to) and the actual interest payable would have to be met in any way P~rliament might adopt. 9

RoAD CmiPETITION. The conditions-viz., scareity of other classes of work, with cheap horses and feed-which brought the team competition into existence still continue, and con­ sequently a certain amount of traffic is still carried by road. Under existing circum­ stances very large general reduc'tions would have to he made, as the concessions would require to he extended to districts beyond the competitive area to entirely cope with th~ competition. The alterations made have had partial success, hut a further reduction would involve a loss greater than the value of the traffic we are losing · would recoup. The teams are also enabled to compete because their loading consists of goods which are carried by the Railways at a rate above the uniform charge per ton adopted by the teamsters; anything at or below their scale is carried by raiL " \¥ere a policy of uniform elassification, su

TnE BoRDER RATEs. We were approached by tl1e Railways Commissioners of New South 1Vales and South with reference to the adjustment of competitive rates, but, owing to the season being advanced and arrangements made, we were unable to make any alteration in the tariff. We stated, however, that we would be perfectly willing, after this season, ·to meet them in conference, and agree to an equitable basis which would be advantageous to all concerned.

' REDUCTION IN MILEAGE. The reduction in train mileage this year amounts to 629,827 miles. -Reductions are still in progress, and it is contemplated to make further alterations in the running by which considerable savings in mileage will be effected without reducing necessary facilities or impairing efficiency.

MALLEE LINES. The following statement shows the result of working the Mallee I~ines from the date of opening to the close of the financial year :-

Capitn1 Line. Length of Joth Revenue. Net Profit Train Miles Line. !894· on Working. Run.

:liiles. £ £ £ Donald to Birehip 321 69,I42} Uolling-stoek (estimate) ... 7,ooo I I ,68 3 4,426 } 3,417 29,543 (Opened zSth March, 1893.)

'Varracknabeal to Hopetoun ... 38 71,920} J,2,15 x8,o99 6,107 I 1,992{ 7.992 42,219. Rolling-stock (estimate) ... 12,5oo 745 } (xst section opened sth Janu- ary, 1893. znd section opened 6th March, 1894.)

The capital expenditure will be considerably more than is now shown when the whole of the equipment is completed. The revenue on the Warracknabeal to Beulah section has been credited with the catTiage of material for the construction of the Hopetoun Line. It should also 10 be borne in mind that a considerable portion of the traffic would have gone to_ Donald· and Wm~raclniabeal stations if the iines had not been col1strilcted. The working expenditure is not debited ,vtth any proportio1i of junction station or generai charges. The result, however, is very satisfactory, and is due to cheap cost of construe~ tion, economy in working, and the existence of local rates.

fMPROVEi.fENT OF LINES AND GI~ADES. Immediately on our appointment we gave this subject our first attention, as we tecognised that in order t(J accede to the imperative deitiaiids for cheai:l fares and freights it \vas ahsolutel,Y necessary to tetluce the cost of haulage to a minimuh1 .. One of the courses to htt.'l{n this end, a:nd one \v];Iich has been followed foi1 years ort all the leading 1·oads iu Ametica ahd other places where traffic wan·ants it, is to judiciously i'edtice grades and flatten Ctil've8. That the question might he fuliy and systematically investigated We appointed a Board, consisting of three competent officei's from the Engiheedng, Locomotiv~, and Traffic Branches, to examhie the whoie of the iiiies, hhtke j)racticai tests of loads, · capacity, and speeds of engines, &c., under all conditions, The progress of the work has lJeen necessarify slow, as owing to the curtail­ ment 1n our supervising staff the officers engageci have had to perform the]r ordinary work in addition to carrying on t~ese inquiries. A first progress report has, however, now been presented to us; dealing with the section between Korumburra and Oakleigh, upon which a heavy coal traffic exists, and it is fouud that by a reduction of grade8 at various points and other works, at an expendi.ture of £s,ooo, of which only £J,soo is actual outlay, the line ean be improved so that the engines in use can d1·aw 40 per cent. larger-loads.

It is c.aicu.lated that 1:1 saVing (jf £2;666 per annum C[th be effected, and we have giveri orders for the necessary alterations .to be put iti hand at once; and; though a " cat)ital " Work; we propose debiting the cost against working expenses; as we are. reluctant to further increase the interest charges.

We a~so pr~pose employing on this work a number of the surplus men who are now working short time. IriJ!liify IS now being instituted ihto what hhpi·ovetneiits caii he effected on the line between Stawell and Horshain, on whicli severai steeii grades occur, which seriously inte1fere with the haulage of wheat .. trains, and which we are assured can be tedu.ced conside1:ab1y withoUt miich outlay. In addition to grades which affect liaulage, many of the lines, notably the North-Eastern, aboUnd in abrupt aricl freqtient changes of grade, which tax the skill and care of the engineniEm to tlie utmost to preVent the sha.pping of coiiplings when hauiing long trains. It is doubtful if longer trains could be hauled than at present ,vith safety owing to this cause. "\Ve i)l:opose reh1(Ning these sUdden changes of grades or substituting vertical curves for them on all lines as far as ptacticable \vhel'e sufficient traffic exists to warrant it.

RoLLING-STOCK. There is little doubt that, by the judicious addition of more powerful engines to our stock, economy in haulage would be effected, but not to such an extent as might be supposed. For example, the mileage now run by suburban ti·a1ris, arid iriost other _U_ J 11 l)assehger atld mixed tl;!:tills and branch Hne traffic, Wolild not be illatet•ially lessened, and th!s comprises a large projJottioii of tlie milea~e i·im. On main iines it would be by the avoidance of spedals, douhie-banking of express a11d excursion trains, &c., Which of late, owing to falling~off ot traffic, are, unforttltUitely, infrequerit, that more poWei:fullocofuotives would be pd11cipally of set'vice. , We are advised that the tractive }1ower of some of' the ex1stihg stock can be considerably increased without impairment of efficiency in other respects, and this matter is receiving attention. We have also authorized the obtaitiing of two Amedcan Consolidation Goods Engines for trial, and it would also be advisable to obtain a more poWerful type of' passenger engine wheil funds permit ; l:mt, in view of the lai·ge sums of money which have beet1 spent in i'olling-stoclt dtidrtg the last few years, and the fa1ling~off of trttffic, We do not feel justified in tecommendlng any fm'tner large additions to the capital acco~nt at present, and it must riot be lost sight of that the hse of much more powerful iocottwtives would also probably necessi­ tate the strengthening of the draw=geat' of a litrge nutnber of vehicles, besides otht:n' expense, Cool 1'1·ucks.-Plans, specifications, and pattei'ii truck have been pretiai~ed, and tenders are now being called for the supply of t 26 insulated ti'ttclts adapted for the conveyance of either butter and other dairy produce, or chilled or frozen meat. Special care has been taken.itl the irtslilating of the trucks, which will be cooled with ice. A contract f<:H' tlie supply of IH~cessary machinery has been accepted to manu­ facture ice at a rate per ton which will enable us to use it liberally. The trucks and ice-thakiilg plant are specified to be ready in ample time for the season.


During the year we have used I q,ooo tons of Victorian coal, which IS equal to about half our total C(:msumption. . We have every desire to continue the use of it to the fullest extent, quite recognising as we do the necessity of encouraging in every way an undertaking of such n::ttional importance as this. Without such consideration, however, we could reduce our working expenses by probably £2 s,ooo per annum. \Vhilst the Rail ways. are expected to pay interest on unprofitable lines, and we are pressed o~ all hands to further reduce fares and freights, we think that the Department should not be debited with mo1·e than the commercial value of an article so largely used as coaL

THE STAFF. We consider it our duty to state that the stafr now engaged in supervision and inspection is not more than is necessary for the safety of the public, the protection of the Railway pro1)erty, and the due care and economical administration of the various branches. If supervision is not clearly in excess of requirements, its curtailment is false economy. The percentage of officers so engaged is very low, and the necessarily corn-· paratively small savings which it may be considered could he effected by a reduction in the number or status of those who, after years of experience, are actively employed . . 12

in the superintendence and. direction of the. various branches and work~_connected with such~ large railway system as ours could be speedily counterbalanced by the leakage ·which is the invariable result of insufficient supervision or overtaxed control. · In the course of nature a large number of employes retire every year, but no additions have been made in consequence. Upwards of 400 employes retire annually from ordinary causes, and if the policy is pursued of making no additions to the staff, it is evident that very considerable retrenchment can be soon effected in this way, and that there would be no need for extensive and immediate dismissals, wpich might involv-e great hardship and tend to dislocate and impair the efficiency of the service. We regret that the state of business has rendered it necessary, in addition . to , the percentage reductions imposed by Parliament, to curtail still further the working time of a large number of the staff, but we are pleased to record the fact that, notwithstanaing the Jarge proportion of the burden of general retrenchment which has_ had to be borne by. the whole of the Railway officers and staff, they have exercised great fortitude, and have loyally performed their duties. In the Appendix will be found the reports of the Engineer-in-Chief, the Chief Mechanical Engineer, and the Engineer for Existing Lines, together with detailed statements of Capital and Revenue Accounts, and other statistical returns.

We have the honour to ~e, Sir, Your obedient servants, . J AMES SYDER, T. H. \VOODROFFE, R. LOCHHEAD, Acting Railways Commissioners.




'YBAB. BNDIII'G 30th JUNB, 189'11:,

Ho, 1. Report of the Engineer-in· Chief. z. Engineer for Existing Lines. " Chief Mechanical Engineer. , 3. " '11:. Profit and Loss Account. 5. Statement of funds obtained under loans and of expenditure charged against the same. 6. Statement of receipts and expenditure on capital account. in account with the consolidated revenue. 7. " " 8. General balance-sheet. 9, Railway Accident :Fund. 10. Statement of revenue and expenditure. 11. Comparative statement for twenty-two years ending 3oth June, 1894· 1Z, Statement sho_wing dates of opening of different sections, &c. 13. Statement showing traffic at each station.

~1'11:. Return of rolling-stock. 15. Detail of cost of construction of each line open for traffic, highest and lowest levels, steepest gradients, &c. 16, Return of accidents to persons since lines were opened. for traffic. 17 to ZO, Statements of removals and appointments of employes. 14


No. 1.


E)!~gin!'ler-in-Chief's Office, GENTLE~IEN, # Melbourne, 3 I st August, I 894· ,

I have the honour to report that, during the financial year ending 3oth .June, I 894, the following lines of railway were opened for public tm~c :..,..., )3eulah to Hopetonn, 16 miles, pn the 6th March, 1894. Korumburra (.Jumbunnft ,Junction) tQ Jr!ffib\l!!I.Jit, li miles, on the 7th May, 1894· Korumbnrra (Strezleckl Junction) to Strezleeki, zt miles, on tl1e rst ,June, 189+· Dlmboola (Station) to J eparit, 2 3 miles~ on the I 9th June, 1 894.

The railways from Natimuk to Goroke, z8;! miles, and from Boort to Quambatook, 22 miles, have be~n op~qed for p!Jptic tr~ffic sil!ce the close of the finan<;:!al year:

All these railways have been very sparingly furnished with !tecommodation works pending the development of traffic; ltnd the cotlstnwtion having heen economized and carded out by the Department under the butty-gang system at. a tiwe whep both ln,poyr ~nd materi!J.[~ l;uwe been ex:ceptionally low, and fencing, gates, an(l cattle-gun,rds being in, many cas!)s omitted, the ·cnpital cost per mile has been much below · that of former railways. It must, however, be hori1e in mind that the figures which appear in .the Rail­ ways Commissioners' Report represent only the booked capital expenitit~p·e Q~l th9~e H!l9S !li~ tb9 close. of the financial year. They do not include all the capital expenditure incurred in the initial equipment of the lines; and further expenditure on capital account will, as a matter of com·se, be necessary as the develop­ ment of the districts (lemands increased accommodation at the ~t!l-tjon~.,

On the I Ith September1 1893, the Dimboola and Boo1·t Raihoays Conatruction Act I 893 (No. I 3 12) was passed, authorizing lines from Dimboola to Jeparit and from Boort to Quambatook. The Act expressly excluded the application of the Hail ways Standif!g Committee Act,s of ~ 890 and 189 I, Nos. I I 77 and 1230 respectively, and of th9 .Rqilt(!a!J ~ar{c/s 4f!q?ti~i#pn Act 1893 (No. 1288), to these rt!ilways. Work on the lines had been commenced in July,· 1893, under instructions, and in anticipation of Parliamentary sanction, as a means of providing employment for men out of woFk.

No Acts for the construction of new railway lines, under th~ Rqi[wg,y Lqnf!~ 4~qui~itiq?t Ar~ 1893 (No. 1288), have been passed dur}ng the year. ·

The Beulah to Hopetonn Line, which was refe:rred to in lp,st year's .Repor-t q,s taken over by the Board of Land and Works from Mr.. Lascelles for completion upcler agreeq1~nt, su b]ect to the ratitigation of Parliament, was sanctioned on the z6th Septeinber, 1893, by the Beulalt and Hopetoun Railwq,y ·Act 1893 (No. I 316).

The Nathalia and Railway c;ogstniCtion Trust, C011S~it!Ite4 by th~ qoverno:r iP Cpnncil z6th September, 1893, under Act No; u88, notified the Minister, through its Secretary, on the 7th March last, that the Shire Council decliuecl to act furthel' as a Railways Constl'nction Trust. No steps, therefore, havEi) been .taken for the acquisition of land for the railway.

The Heidelberg and Eltham Railway Construction Trust was constituted by the Governor in Council ou the 21st August, I 893, um1er Act I 288. The Trust has eonveye

With a view to provide work for the unemployed, and in anticipation of the sanction of Parliament, a line of railway through the Mallee from Wyeheproof to Kaueira and Sea Lake (a distance of 48 miles)· was surveyed hy eontmct let under instructions in March last,.n.ncl the lino is now in course of construction under the butty-gang system. '

A contract for s,ooo tons of· steel rails anrl 231 tons of fish-plates was let ·on 27th July, 1893, and another for 1o,ooo tons of steel rails and 462 tons of fish-plates on nth October, 1893. Contracts have also been let during the year for permanent-way fastenings of colonial manufacture. JL~ 15

In the case of the Outer Circle Railway, Fairfleld Park to Oakleigh, the arbitrator~:~' award, dated 13th July, 1892,£13,022 7s. 9d., with costs of award £813 15s., on the claims, £30,773 12s. IOd. and interest thereon, which had been referred to arbitration under p1·otest from the Department in March, 1892, was during the year taken by the contractors, Messrs. Graham and Wadick, into the Supreme Court to enforce the award against the Department, and it was there declared invalid.

In the case of Messrs. Buckley and Sons' claims, £14,240 19s. on the Toorn and Port Albert Line contract, an award, for £7,376 9s. 1 d., iuclucling costs of award, by arbitrators appointed solely by the contractors and not recognised by the peprtrtll!~nt, wa'J takeq by ~he contractors into the Supreme Court to enforce payment against the Department, where the award was declared invalid.

Messrs. Bloomfield Bros., contractors for the Terang and Warrnambool Railway, having referred to arbitration disputed claims amounting to £28,2 34 IS. 3d. with interest thereon, arising out of their contract, the Department appeare

In the case of Mr. Robert Thornton's claims on the Cathkin and Mansfield Line contract., which were l'eferred to q,rbi~vatiop, th.o Dopartml:l!lt !'PP,ell.ring 11mlQr protest, the arbitrfltors' awar!l was 111acle in the e!}dy pfl,rt of the financial yea.r, !:)ut p,g aQt[op h1111 h!len tfl.ken by the Departm~nt th~reon,

The following Upes we1·e und!?r survey d;uing thl:l fin11;ncial year llllded 3oth J nn€l, 1894 :­

f~!lJI!ANE~T SuRVEYS. Country Lines. Alexanq tp Al!'lx;!l:,ndra Deviation Beeac to N ewtown Dimbool;t to Jeprit Wycheproof tp Lal;-e Tyrrell (let by cop.tract).

Sulmrban Li?lf!s. Nil.


COUli ttg J.,~nf.!S.

IIeidelperg to EltP.m (qE;rvi~tiou 11-t Greensborough), Suburban Lines. Nil.

I hiwe the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, F. RENNlCK, Engineer-in-Chief.

- () 16


No. 2.

Office of Engineer for Existing Lines, GENTLEMEN, Melbourne, 3 I st An gust, I 894. I have the honour to report that during the year ended 30th June, I 894, the way and works of the Victorian Railways were efficiently maintained. · The total expenditure for the year on'account or maintenance was £3zo,98o I7s. 4d. for an average of 297 miles of double and an average of 2,684~ miles of single line of way, or a total avemge length of z,98Ii miles of line maintained, as against £327,959 2s. zd. for nu avcmge of 297 miles of donble and an average of 2,636 miles of single line of .wity, or a. total avt;rage length of 2,933 miles of line maintaine(l in I 892-3, being at the rate per mile of £I 07 I 3 s. in I 893-4 as compared with £I I I 16s. 4d. in I 892-3. The avern.ge cost of maintenance per train mil~ iu I 893-4 has been 7'6od., as against 7'3 Hl. in I89z-3, and 8·38d. in I89I-2. There were I4 miles cf way (steel rails) used for renewals during the year, as against 6~ miles in the previou:> year, and 5 milES in I 89 (-z. In addition, 21 i miles of line .were re-laid with new steel rails taken from sidings. The nnmber of sleepers used for renewals ~~nd repairs was 8z,z78, as against 75,774 in the previous year, and 68,899 in I891-2. Progress wns made with the genernl re-armngement of the metropolitan stations nt Spencer-street, Flinder;:;-street, and Prince's-bridge, with n view to the interclmnge of tmffic. Contracts were let for alterations to girders at Point Nepean-road bridge on "the Brighton line, for subway a.t Middle Park, and for smaller accommodation works at various places. · An extensive flood occurred in August, 1893, in the Avon River, in Gippsland, by wl1ieh more than one-half of the bridge over this river on the Bri:tgolong line was carried away, and the bridge over the same river on the Bairnsdale line was sarionsly d:tmaged. The latter bridge has been temporarily repaired. The following new lines were tal{el~ over during the ye:u for maintenance :-

Line or Section. I..~Cngth in Dates when Mn.intenance .Miles. con1menced.

Beulah to Hopetoun ... 16 6th J\'larch, 1894 Korumburra (Jnmbunna Junction) to Jumbnnna 3!/; 7th May, 1894 Korumburra (Strezlecki Junction) to Strczlecld 2:1; 1st ,June, 1894 Dimboola to Jeparit ••. 23 19th June, 1894

Since 3oth June, railwa.ys have been opened from East Natimuk (late Natimuk) to (Goroke, 28:!; miles, and from Boort to Qnambatook, 22 miles. New sidings have been brought into use at Bendigo providing more convenient access to the • corporation cattle and sheep yards. The total length of these new sidings is I mile 12 chains. Owing to. the small quantity of work in band, .the workmen on the permanent staff (except those engaged on the permanent way) worked only s! da.ys a week throughout the year, and, where practicable, the casual labour engaged fo"r extra works in the Metropolitan district has been employed only half time in order to give work to as many men as possible.

I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obeclient servant,

C. E. NORMAN, Engineer for Existing Lines. JLU 17

V I C T 0 RI AN 1~ A I L W AY S.

nro. a. Locomotive Ca.rriage and Waggon Branch, Chief :1\feclu!-nical Engineer's Office, Melbourne, 6th August, I 894. I beg leave to submit my report on the working of the Locomot.ive Carriage and Waggon _Branch for the twelve ( 12) mouths ending 3oth June, I 894. The rolling-stock and plant have been kept m good working order, and the trains run at n considerable rctluction of cost on previous ,years. The following is a comparison for the past tlm~e (3) years :- Comparative Table.- Year r894-5. EsLimated. Average miles open z,829;j; 2,933 2,981l Train miles run I I,8o7,677 Io,ns,'34 IO,I45.J07 Engine miles run I4.9J 2,449 I 3,6 3 5,7·2 I I z,82 5,090 Gross revenue £3,095,122 £2,925,948 £2,726,159 Total locomotive working expenses­ Labour and mll.terial £5s9,ooo Credit to be added } Total locomotive expenditure on stock, working expenses, and for other branches, exclusive of work done by contract and material supplied to contractors- Labour and material Credit to be addeu } Rebuilds, conversions, &c., charged to working expenses- Labour and material £8,I84 £10,4I2 £I I,740 Working expenses per train mile I6".7Hl. ••• I6·38d ... . 14"96d. Working expenses per engine mile 13"22d .... 12 "94d ... . II'8Jd. Number of ·men employed at 3oth June ... 3,415 3.335 3,017 Equivalent number if working full time ... 3,4I5 ... 3,231 2,685 Short Timc.-The working time at Newport and Port Melbourne has been further reduced to fom days and a half, o£ eight hours each, per week since znd September, 1893. The principle of short time has also been extended to the running-sheds and wh.erever practicable. A number of cleaners have been also transferred to t.bc Existing Liuc;; Branch. Taking short t.ime into account the Branch is now worked with 16 less ollicers and 546 men less than in I 892-3. / Lubricating Oils.-Considerable saving, amounting to upwards of · 2 set per train mile, equal to 40 per cent. or fully £1o,ooo per annum on present train mileage, ha~ been effected without loss o.f effideney during the past year by substituting mineral oil, obtained under contract, for castor, colza, and lard oil, and by the exercise of rigid economy and by improverl means of luhrica,ting; some of the classes of engines now us() less than half the oil per Ioo mi.les than that formerly consumed. Though these economies were initiated by me in June of 1893, their effect could not be fully felt during the year owing to a large stock of castor bei·ng on h.and all(l the time taken to fit engines with lubricators, &c. Further savings in cleaners' and other stores !Ja.ve Leen made and will be largely added to during the coming year. ' Coal.-N otwi thstanding every care in the use of coal the consumption per train mile has increased. The conditions of loading are praetieally the same ns £or the last three (3) years, so therefore the increase can only be accounted for by the fact that a larger percentage of inferior coal was used during the past year than heretofore. The following is a comparison of the averages of coal used per train mile and the percentage of Victorian coal consumed for the last three (3) years:- Average Percentage Train Miles. -·- -· · ·-:PeFTtaril--·· -·· --- · Victorian Coal ~me. to total Coal. lbs. I I ,807,677 45"9 ro,775, 1 34 46·6 10,14 5,307 49' 5 Though 629,827 less miles were run in 1893-4 than I892-3 more coal was burnt. If the consump­ tion per mile in 1893-4 had beeq the same as in 1891-2, viz., 45'9 lbs. per mile, there woultl have been I6,4r8 tons less used. The rate paid for Victorian coal should be more commensurate with its commercial value. · • Handling of Fuel.-The system of having the work of loading .and uulomllug coal, firewood, &c.,· performed by contract instead of by day labour hail resulted in a considerable saving to the Department, the OX,POnditura in this item having been reduced by £3, I 78 for the year. 2 s.-No.. I. B 18

Repairs.-The following n.re the principal repairs and works that have been executed during the year, viz., :zo4 engines, 34 I carriages nnd vans, and I,995 waggons overhauled and fnlly repaired at the Newport and Port Melbourne workshops, and about 355 engines overbauletl and repaired at eonntry and other depots. U P'''ards of :z I ,ooo carriages, vn.ns, and waggons bnve been overlmu led nt Prince's-bridge and Spencer-street, and light repairs effec.tetl-to 96I carringes and 10,795 waggons. ~hree thousand .three hundred and eighty-nine (3.389). truck .covers.· have ue~m- repaired·, and 930 new covers supplied and charged to Loco. expE'nses. A considenible quantity of interlocking and signal work, staff-boxes, and other work has been executed for· the Eidstiug· Lines, Traffic, and Telegmph Branches and Defence Department. · New work.--One ( 1) first cl~ ss carriage "A" n.ncl one (I) second cln.ss " B" lmve been rebuilt, and 30 "H" and 26 " U ''· trncks luwe been constructed, one ( 1) " AA)) cnrriage altered to a Stn.te carriage, · and nine (9) cnrs converted in to " A !3D's" in the Newport shops during the yen.r. These cost £ q.,ooo, of which £I 1,7 40 has bee a c1mrgctl to working expcu~cs. Two of the "N" class engines. for use on branch lines hn.ve been converted so as to proviue through communicat.iou for use on branch lines. Boilers.-I regret that dnring the year the boiler of 297 "R" class exploded. The cause was dne to grooving of the plates of some repairs exeented in 1888. The occnrrence pointed to the necessity of more freqnent ana ·.systematic cxaminMion of boilers, which is being ca-rried ont. The following new boilers hava been Jltted aaul rep!tirs executed dming the year :~Ic new locomo.tive boilers, 3 new firecl!oxes, 3 new pttmping-engine boilers, 61 ·boilers examined, retnbetl, and thoroughly repaired, 155 boilers examined nnd tested. The abtlve is consillembly in excess of boiler work executed in auy previous year. A::cles.-T\velve new crank axles have been fitte.d during the year, und a much more frequent anc1 rigill system of exainination of axles, tires, &c., instituted. }Jalancing.--Thc wheels of an eugine of the "Ji" class have been balanced, and have been runniug several months ";ith gootl.resnlts. Steps are being taken to balance the wh?le 0f the engines requiring same. TTactive Power of Engiues.-C<;>nsiderat.ion is being given to this subject. In several of t~Je classes I am of opinion greatly increased p_owm· can Le obtn.iued without a vct·y large outlay. Coal 1'rucks.-Several experi!Jwnts were made with cool trucks tlnriug the season. It was deci

T. H. WOODROFFE, Chief Mechanical Engineer . .Tl1e Victorian Raihvay s Commissioners. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.


' \ To Working Expenditure- £ s . • d. £ s. d. By Revenue- £ s. d. £ s. rl. Maintenance and Renewals ... 320,980 I7' 4 Passengers ...... I,II8,375 3 H Parcels, &c...... 93,353 I8 4 Locomotive Charges (includ- Horses, Carriages, &c. ... 14,914 14 9 ing Carriage and Waggon Mails ...... 6I,]j3 IO 4 Repairs, &c.) ...... 632,359 4 I . Rents ...... 53,401 7 3 Miscellaneous ...... 1],896 0 7 Traffic Charges (including Live Stock ...... 136,380 12 3 Compensation) ...... 566,54I -13 5 Goods ...... 1,230,103 I3 II -2,]26,I59 I ·4 General Charges ...... I I 5,537 IO IO Balance (deficiency in meet~ I,635,419 5 8 ing Interest) .•...... 370,109 7 II To Interest on Loans ... 1,45o,469 IJ I i Expenses on Interest Payments 23,898 2 I Redemption Expenses I . ... 2,48 I 7 7 ' I,486,849 3 7 Less estimated Interest on unexpended balances of ~ I Loan Moneys ...... 26,ooo 0 0 - 1,460,849 3 7 . 3,o96,z68 9 3 3,o96,268 9 ·3

ROBERT GEO. KENT, Accountant's Branch, R. SINGLETON, Secretary. Ist September, I 894· Accountant. \= l"l 20.


:No. 5.

STATEMENT of the Ftmds obtained under Current Loans for the Construction of the Victorian Railways and of the Expenditure elmrged against same, to the pth June, I 894. ' . ---

]),•, Loans Cnncnt. Expenditure on· Constmctl.on charged ngninst Loans. Or. \ l Rate. I per £ s. d.j £ S; d. . £ s • d. Ccut. Loan 36 Victoria No. 439 ~ 4 88,872 18 ol .Expenditure on Construction of Victorian Railways, charged Loan 37 Victoria No. 468 4 1,45o,ooo 0 0 against Current Loans, to 3~th

Loan 39 Victoria No. 531 4 113961693 0 0 June, 1894, including Rolling~ stock, Plant, and Material, &c. 34.742,223 5 Loan 42 Victoria No. 6o8 4~ 4,156,sn 12 2 5 2,]69,006 2 Loan 45 Victoria No. 717 4 4 Increase of Debenture Capital, : Loan 46 Victoria No. 739 4 2,o?o,ooo 0 0 per contra ...... u.,x 92 18 0 Loan 46 Victoria No. 741 4 107,6oo 0 0 I : . -- Balance unexpended ...... I 1138,391 15 7 Loan 47 Victoria No. 760 4 3.758,788 0 3 .. Loan 4SVietoria No. 8os 4 3,251,172 4 3 ' Loan 49 Victoria No. 845 4,soo,ooo 0 0 . 4 - Loan 51· Victoria No. 963 (Debentures Redemption I Act) ...... 13o;ooo 0 0 ,, 4 i Loan si Victoria No. 989 3! 2,673,9! 3 o XI ' Loan 53 Vi_ctoria No. 1032 3! 3,15o,ooo 0 0 Loan 54 Victoria No. 1196 3! 2,2.26,o86 19 I Loan 55 Victoria No. 1217 H I ,666,666 13 4 Victorian Stock Acts. 53 Victoria Nos. 1015 ~tnd 1341 .... 4 55 3,096 5 '6 <> '••· :

Loan 56 Victoria No. 1287 4 2. 11071000 0 0

Loan 56 Victoria No. 12.96, 4 304,107 I 0 ! ' - 36,289,575 x6 10 Act 42 Victoria6r7, )'I. and I H. B. Tiailway De ben' ' ! tures not yet redeemed '5 ~ 154,900' 0 0 . I 10 : ------36,44'4 147 5 I 6 I Less Discount and Expenses I ' on Sale of Debentures ... l,ozo,os6 10 4 : Deduct Net Premiums on De1Je11tnres ...... 478,388 12 6 ------551,667 17 IO ------35,8':)2,807 I':) 0 35,892,807 19 0 ;- i ' ~ . • £76 68o Debentures at 6 per cent, converted into £S8,872 t8s. Vlctoriun Government Stock at 4 per cent, Increased debt, £n.,19~ t8s. '. · Decreased interest J>aynble per nnuum,.£t,04S 17s. 8d.

R. SINGLETON, ROBERT GEO. KENT, Aecounta.nt's Branch, Accountant.' Secretary. · z 1st August, 1894:· LJL 21


No. 6. Dr. RECElPTS and ExPENDITURE on Capital Account to the goth J unc, 1894• C··

s. a.lf £ •. d •· a. To Net Amount rnlsed on Loans (see lly Construction of I..~ines, &c., per details on Uetum No. S) • ...... Return No. 15 • • • • • • . ~9.99!,4; I 14 9 ., · Amount trom Consolidated lMvcnuc , General Construction • • • • . . t,588,s;9 u 9 " Ito1Ung~stock' . . . • • . 5,164,581 17 11

, Remlth;nces to Agent· General on 37.748,563 $ s Construction Aceount • • • . ., Plant nnd Materlnls on hand 365,2•1 4 s ln trnusit .. z;;68 1 10 I 38,!!6,952. 13 8 , Sundry Creditors .. 7,479 I 0 ., Balance In hands of Agent-General for purchase of l\faterlnls .. • • !6,365 !8 0 , Unadjustcd Advances.. •• ... 20,000 0 0 t' Sundry l)ebtors • . . • ~. 2,372 10 5 , t:uexpended Balunces of Loanl\Ioneys .. 1,1)8,391 15 ":

Accountant's Branch, R. SINGLETON, ROBERT GEo:· KENT, z 1st August, 1894· Accountant. Secretary.


:N"o. 7. VICTORIAN RAILWAYS in account with the Consolidated Revenue to 3oth June, 1894·


$, d. s. d. £ s. d. £ '· d. ·By Interest paid on Lonns, &c;, ns un87 J6T,:Z.SO o o '9 - 32 Vict. No. HI Z.,S40,163 I I 0 36 Vlct. No. 4J9 73,918 3 6 37 Vict. No. 468 t,I II,o6z. IO 0 Less Rail way Income on account of 39 Vlct. No. lll 959,o62 IO 8 1893-4 •• ~,671,c94 J II 4:1. Vict. No. 6oS 1,638,386 I6 8 Ditto (outstanding) .. s>,8l4 2 6 45 Yict. No. 717 t,I98,2.~4 I !I lla.lnnce at London Bank Llmlted 2. 12.10 !4 li 46 Vlct. No. 739 843,241 0 3 2,7t6,159 I 46 V let. No. 741 • 40,944 I) 0 47 Vlct. No. 76o I,514,9:t6 1 r 7,6o1,913 17 10 48 V let. No. Bos Ill 37,189 IO 9 , Rallwuy Loa.n Liquidation and Con· 49 Vlet. No. 8+5 1,237,884 4 9 " strucUOrl ACcount-Act 36o .,. :::,::z.oo1ooo o o 51 Vict. No. 96J JI,466 10 9 ,. Do. do. do. Act n82 2.),000 0 0 52 V let. No. 989 .. 467,934 15 s , Lond Fund-Acts Sa a;•d no6 578,740 6 I 53 Vie!. No. 1o32 .441,000 0 0 :!.,8oJ,J40 6 I 54 Vld. No. IJ96 :2.00A:Z.6 I IO S3 Vict. No. !Oil u,6o9 5 8 I0,4oS,6S4 3 II 55 V!ct. Nos. 1217 and I2Jl 142,592 li Il 56 Vlct. No. 1296 •• 1,835 !6 9 ,, Net Revenue • • • • . . ZO.S39S19 8 1 , Remittances by Treasurer to Agent· z6, 744,818· 16 9 General on Railway Account .• 6,493 12 ., Sundry Creditors .. 110,563 J 1 , Interest on "!!I. and II. n. Railway Debentures J78,496 17 6 , Expen~:~es on pnyment of lnterest J38,719 I1 II ---- 'L7{z.6z.,oss 7 1

, Unadjusted Advances 110,000 0' 0 " Stores In hnntl · ... t7I,2ZJ I9 7 , l3alance in hands of .Agent~Goncr!ll 6,493 a 8 387,117 l'L 3 , Hallway Accident Fund~Unc:xpended Bu1n.ne~, o.s per net urn No. 9 ...... ~5,898 17 IO , Sundry Debtors 9,132. IO 10 .Balance to Capital Account 3>377,435 I9 8 3I,o62,24o 7 9

Accountant's Bmnch, H. SINGLETON, IWBRHT GJ~O; KENT, 21st Angnst, 1894. Accountant. Secretary. 22


. :N'O.; 8.

Dr. GENERAL BALANCE-SHEET at 30th June, I 894· Cr.

•• <1. £ £ s.d. £ s.d. To Receipts on Capital Account from By Expenditure on dm_1struction of Railways 37.748,563 s s Loans ·, Stores, Plant, and ~Iatorinl on hand- ., ·Receipts from Consolidated Capital ...... · 36),82! 4 s Revenue . . .. 17I,11J I9 7 Revenue 10,.!0),654 3 11 In tr:msit ... 1,)68 3 10 ------146,:984~ 1 I! , Balance in hands of Agent General for Purchase of Material- ,. Unexpen

• R. SINGLETON, ROBERT GEO. KENT, Accountant.. Secretary. Accountant's Branch, 21st August, 1894.


No. 9;

·Dr. RAILWAY AcciDENT· FuND (Act 55 Vict. No. 1250). Cr. . £ s. d. .£ s. d. To Balap.ce from 1892-3 ... I 5, 2 53 ll 4 By compensation claims paid out ,. Amount paid intj) the 'Railway of above :Fund, as provided by Accident Fund, in accordance Sec. 46, clause 4 (included in with Sec. 46, clause 2, of Act . the working expenditure for 2,616 8 ,. No. 1250, being ros. per £1oo the year) •.• ... ~·· i8 received for fares for the con- veyance of passengers, and charges for· live-stock, goods, ~J.ndparcels,from 1st July, r8g3, to 30th Jnne, 1894 ...... 13,26z 2 Balance ...... 2 5,898 17 IO 5 " z8,515 16 6 z8,51 5 16 6

'· R. SINGLETON, ROBERT GEO. KEN'!', · Accountant. Secretary. Accountant's Branch, z Ist August, 1894· 23


No. l!.O • .AND EXPENDITURE for the Year


Number of Passengers carried 40,880,J78 IAvernge Miles open ...... 3,02..0 .. per per Tons off.lvc Stock cnrried ro8,rz.8 Average Miles open for the Year .. 2,981f .. .. 1 Train Trnin~' 1 Mile, Train )\Iilca run ...... lO,I4$,307 l\Itle. Goods carried .. .. 2,J47,68J

" ~--· -~··

M&INTE!I&NCE OF WAY AND Womrs: £ £ s. d. d. £ s. d. £ d. . .. d. s.·al ' '· Wo.go• ...... z.Sr,oog 2 0 Stores ...... l9>971 IS 4 Passengers .. .. 1,u8,375 l ll 320,980 17 ·h T6o 11'77 Parcels, &c. .. .. 9l.3Sl 18 4 J.-OCOYOTIVE CHARGES: Horses, Carriages, and Dogs 14,914 14 9 i Loco. Supdt., Inspectors, & Clerks 6,;oo 7 6 :Malls ...... 61,733 10 4 Foremen .. 5,927 12 4 Rents .. .. 51.401 7 3 " .. .. Drivel's and Firemen .. 159,087 l :Miscellaneous .. . . 17,896 0 7 " 7 Cleaners 31,695 13 6· Live Stock .. .. 136,380 I:>.. l " ...... Coalmen .. .. q,lJI 11 I Goods ...... t,2.30,103 I] I I: i .. Sundry Labour .. .. I7,SJO 19 3 ----- Coal and Coke .. .. 145.961 9!0 " " Wood ...... 5,477 1 I Water .. ~Wages 4,165 TO 6 " " Stores rz.,46z 3 5 011, Tallow, nnd Wast.l .. 17,040 2 II Sundry Stores •• .. .. 7,687 18 6 Repairs to Engines ! Wages 8o,z03 6 3 " Stores 21,178 0 9 ----- 518,309 r 6 u·so IQ'38 0AIIRIAGES AND WAGGONS : ' Repairs · ~Wages 68,257 9 7 .. •• Stores ~;,683 4 0 Grenslng {Wages 9,483 9 81 .. 625 19 ' •• Stores 4 ! 104,050 1 7 1'46 3'81 TUAPPIO C!IARGES: Traffic Manager's Offlce! Wages 13,564 8 s Expenses .. .. Stores 1,030 8 I l\felbourne Terminus, ! Wages 30,918 II Pass. Stn. • • • • Stores 1,370 r; & :Melbourne Terminus, {Wages 48,356 4 ~ GoodsStn. .. .. Stores 3.1.47 u 0 Statlon-masters .. .. 74.57l 3 4 Clerks ...... 28,368 IJ 4 ' Porters, Labourers, &c. .. 133,696 7 1. Polntsmen ...... 49,144 13 IO Gatekeepers ...... $8,412 5 8 Guards ...... 44,671 0 I Stores for Stations· .. .. 1.4,617 411 Adverlising ...... 4,719 10 l Travell!ng and Incidental Ex- penses ...... 15,919 I1 6 Sundry Charges ~Wages 9.967 4 8 " Stores 1$,IIS 12. 1. Wllllamstown Pier E>t·{ Wages 3,008 I9 4 .penses • • • ~ Stores 395 I6 1. ----- SM,U6 I 4 I no ZO'M

Ooi!PENBATION {Personal ••938 7 1. .. Goods,&c. 1,377 4 1'1 ----- 4,315 u I 0'10 o•r6 . GENERAL CHARGES= Commissioners .. 3,032 s 0 *Secretary's Ofilce {Wages 4,6;6 8 u •• Stores 638 16 6 . *Accountant's Office IWngea 6,sos 11 9 • · Stores 410 17 9 Audit Office j Wa•es 7·849 I4 5 .. ·~ Stoles 451 ; 4 *Stores Office .. 6,443 8 TO • • ~WageyStores 39C 6 6 Telegraph Branch Wages 7,2.14 li 11 " Stores Io6 8 4 tPe)lsions .. .. 4'·359 7 7 . tGratuitles, &c: · .. .. 36,494 9 o: ----- 115.537 IO IO z·n 4'1.4 $, d. ' Total ...... I,6JS.419 5 8 3 ~·69 59'99 Balance ...... I,Q90,7J9 IS 8 ------z,726,r59 I 4 Z,7zO,IS9 I 4 5 4'49

" £3,000 debited to Capital Account. The charges against which asterisks are plneed reduced fli'O rat

No. :u. CoMPARATIVE STATEliiENT for Twenty-two Years, from Ist July, I8JI, to 30th June, 1894·•

CONSTRUCTION. ROLLI.KG-STOCK. GROSS REVENUE. Gross Miles open 'l'otal '!'rain Receipts' Yt:'a.r. ' Mile" Run. at end of Fron1 per '£rain Year. Average un~o~~er Vans and Total. Per A v·erage :Mile. Cost per Passenger, &c. 1 Mile open. Vchicles. Sundries. Traffic • •Mile open.

£ £ .£ 1 1871-2 313 10,034>772 32,o6o 144 1,449 II5 x,so8,67I 48g,xz6 236,671 6J],6J2 1, 73,434 2,101 1872-J 360 Io,8 I 5,868 30,128 145 -I,5I9 I25 I,72o,815 569,87I z6o,756 442,972 703 1728 I,354,13I 1873-4 441 I 1,557,484 z.6,207 x6o. I,641 I3I 2,o3g,o3o 68I,710 304,073 546,969 8 5 I,042 I,66J,124 92o,ooS I,70I 2,05I,7IO 8/I 1'50 !874-5 5s6 , I2,41 1,672 21,143 183 1,8 53 149 2,664,743 677,592 350J4I7 569,59 I 2,28o,og2 x.s 75-6 6zo I3,239,40) 21,354 205 1,980 14-9 2,9o5,487 797,6I7 388,:ez8 6o6,s 39 994·767 I,63,6 8/8'71 1877 15,642 221 2,212' 16 I 3·337:02.9 913,294 460,459 675·340 I,I35,799 1,443 2,786,58x Sf!'Sz

!878 1,035 I 5,343,240, 14,824 2JI z,6oz 161 31810,294 9I4,044- 515,35I 701,324 1,zr6,675 1,zs8 3,ogs,59o 7/lo'33 I,222 I07 1,120 J,462,622 !879 1 1to8 · 1,091 x6,z.5I,42o 14,667 243 2,864 4,148,319 9I8,J88 $21,383 700,i24 1 7/0'Jl t 1S8o . r,I99 . I,I94 I8,o4t,zg5 I 5,047 119 371 J,I85 I $,ggo,33o 1,241,225 6]4,890 1,4g2,917 1,250 4,38o,8o2 6/9 '79

t x88x 1,247 r,z.r 5 I8,6oJ,8JO 14.919 122 398 3.398 2ll x8,g6412I4 I,J66,6oJ 770,617 894·592 x,66s,z.og 1,37I 4,633,267 7/2'26 :t xSSz 1 :35 5 I,JOO 19,746,915 14:573 102 456 3,]20 zx,868,s8r t,s68,z 5 I 835,7I0 945·368 l,78 1,o78 I,J7o 5,069,389 7/0'32 ::: 1883 1,562 I,4J2 • 2 I ,48 8,o6 5 IJ,7S7 127 59° 4,258 25,064,937 1,6g8,77o 9I7,453 98o,8s8- x,898,jx 1 1,326 5,]oi,5IJ 6i7'9I ]Ol I,0]2,708 2,181,932 I,JI8. 6,849,818 t rss4--5 x,676 1,65s 22,914,449 13,672 161 4,511 3I,24I104J I,887,379 x,xo9,224 6/4'45 ' :j: tSSs-6 1:743 1,691 24;357,8I4 I J.97 5 1 79 •753 4,883 37,153·655 2,202,206 I,IS].S48 1,141,578 z,pg,Iz.6 1,377 6/5'03 t xS86-7 x,S8o 1,/9 I z.6,I71,609 IJ,92I 194 8o8 5.2 97 41,856,404 2,J25,532 1,259.496 1,193·582 2,453,078 1,370 7:99I,378 6/I'67 . :t t88?-8 z.,oxS 1,947 z.8,2xz,o64 I3,981 1 95 819 6,242 47:244,643 2,66o,55o I ,397,050 I,3s8,999 . 2,756,o49 I,4J5 9,082,312 6jo·83 :): I 888-9 2,I97:f­ 2,142 p,189,5I7 1 4.'95 2fl 9C!O 6,099 57,481,697 3;o6o,721 I,668,540 1,44I,6oo 3,I IO,I40 I,452 Io,68o,743 st9·ss 0 3,IJI,866 + 1889-90 Z,4693/ ·2,329~ J4,J7q,OJI 13,9I7 961 7· 99 sS,9si,]g6 3,o86,888 I 168I 1 I83 x,4so,683 I,344 u .• 773,152 slrs4 · 1,7o6,8o3 :;:' IS90-9I 2,763 z,6so-;! J6 1J4I,626 : I J,I 53 210 1,0~5 8,035 57.996,039 3,262,427 I,Sgi,]64 3,298,567 I,245 12,249>747 s/4·63 :j: 1891-2 2,903 z,Sz.g:i 37,o85,Jo9 12,775 I,ll4 8,I79 55,148,122 2,]20,886 1;644,3I5 I,45o,8o7 3,o95, r 22 1,094 I I,8oJ,6]7 5/2'9I + 1892-3 ; 2,975 2,933 37.462,372 § 12,665 I,Io7 s,5JO 46,sza,784 z,ss8,378 I,so8,867 1,41],08 I 2,925,948 998 1o,'n5,134 5/5'17 ·~ 1893-4 3,020 2,g8x:l 37.748,563 § 12,570 x,o96 8,597 4o,88o,378 2,45),8ll 1,359,675 1,366,484 2,726,159 914 xo,I45,307 5/4'49

Hall-years ending gxst December, r876, and 3oth June, r884, not included. Lines included since·tSSo. § !Seventeen miles, Dookie to Kata.!Ilatite Tramway, not No. 11.-VICTORIAN RAILWA.Ys.-Co.mparative Statement for Twenty-two Years, from xst July, 1871, to 30th June, 1894""-continued.

WORKING EXPENDITGRE. 0 BALANCE I AFTER PAYING E-< NET EARNINGS. 6 CARRIAGE AND WORI\:TNG r.;: MAINTEXANCE. LOCOMOTIVE. 'VAGGON ltEl'AIRB, TRAFFIC. CmtPEXSATION. GE...."'\ERAL. TorAL '.voaKING CoST. ' NET EXPENSES AND ETC. ANNUAL NET INTEREST. "'A. "'E-< Years. INTEREST 0~ AND 2 !i zj "'0 2 ~ 2 2 () 0--:l <>· c.< CHARGES. -<< o·~ ~-§ 0·~ 0·~ -"'o'QJ "'O·a- O'G) . Per Per 0~ E-·" Amount. Amount. ..,., ~g Amount. ~~ Amount. ~g Train ~~ Train §;>1 ~" ·" Amount. Amount. Amount. f!2 ... o g~ §~ §3~ §;>1 ]~ ~p:; hiile. "" "" Mile. Dr. Cr. ~~ og; Ogj <0 <0 "- Ogj Ogj Ogj Ogj 0~ """' """' o.-=:"" ~0 '-0 ... o ,_ 0 ~0 ,_., '-0 '-0 ~0 ~~ ",_ "~ .,,_ <>·- ~~ ;o.;0 10.0 "'- "~ "''- "'0 10.0 10.0 10.0 ~CB 10.0 10.~ "'~ 10.0"" :O.E-< ------·------·------

£ £ £ £ £ £ £ s. d. £ £ £ s. d. £ £ £ £ I87I-2 69,I8o I0"8S ~ So739 IJ"4S I7,6IS 2"76 9S.7I8 IS"OO I,o6z O'I7 10,491 1"65 279,804 43"88 4/9"23 1,048 3S7,828 1,340 6/n 8 3"S7 6z1,740 263,9I2 ... z·63 1872-3 72,0S3 I0"2S 97,Szz 13"90 ZI,ZS~ 3"02 II2,4SS IS "9S 3.3S3 0"4S I4,3 27 2"03 321,291 4S"66 4fS·g4 959 3S2,4.37 I,I42 sins 3"54 6z1,740 239.303 ... 2'21 8•8I I87J-4 74.999 IZI,878 14"32 29,602 3"4S i36,243 I6"0I 769 0"09 11,224 . 1"32 374.715 44"03 4/5"94 9°5 476,J27 I,I SO sJ8·s7 4"I2 61S,350 I42,023 ... 1"23 I874-5 13°.43S 14"18 I48,999 16"19 JJ,S6 5 3 ·6s I S4,357 1678 I ,1S.4 0"13 13oi77 1"43 4SI,717 52"36 4/8·35 S9o 43S,290 S.Io 4/3"27 3"53 676,3SO 238,o6o ... 1"92 I87)-6 128,679 1i;94 153,617 IS"44 39.5SI 3"97 I62,202 16 "3I I,387 0"14 13,97I 1"40 499.407 so·zo 4/4"57 82I 495·36° 8IS 4/4"14 3"74 676,350 I8o;990 ... I"37 1877 I66,sSI 14"66 I8I,o78 IS "94 38,702 3"41 i83,736 I6"I8 7,G87 o·67 I4,697 I "29 592,4SI sz "I6 4/J"03 753 S43,3I8 690 3/10'79 3"73 693,200 I49,S8z ... 1"03

I 8 78 ISS.4IO 12"77 204,806 I6"83 45.720 n6 .I92,318 IS ·SI I0,48I o·86 16,964 1"40 625,699 5~"43 4/o·sz 647 S90,976 6II 3/9"82 r8 s 7J2,2I8 I41,242 ... 0"92 IS 79 153.5 I4 12"56 2II,479 17"31 48,S72 3"97 202,4IS I6·s_6 5,310 0"44 19,331 1")8 640,624 52 "42 3/8"40 587 sSI,483 S33 3/4"30 n8 747.707 166,224 ... 1'02 :j:IS8o I99.042 IJ"33· zs8,491 17"32 54.372 3"64 275.79° 18"47 3,086 0'21 23,294 1"56 8I4,07S 54"S3 3/8·6o 682 678,842 569 3/I "I9 n6 797,029 Il S,1S7 ... o·6s :j:t88I 21 9.599 I3"19 zs6,990 15"43 55.421. 3"32 29I,920 I7"S4 64,995 3"90 24,647 1"48 913,S72 54"86 3/1 I'JZ 75 2 7SI,637 619 3/2"93 4"04 S3S,SI8 S4,ISI ... 0 "4S

:j:I SSz 244,626 13"73 284,713 15"99 70,47S 3"95 34z,68o 19"24 13I,728 7"40 24,374 ~"37 I,098,s99 61·68 4/4"0I 845 682,479 525 zj8·31 J"46 882,640 zoo,I6I, ... 1"01 :j:I883 376,I 87 I9"8z 334,091 17"60 20"I8 z·Sz z·6o zfz·zS 86o,ooo 235,61 I ... 1"0 I 77>575 4"09 383,I45 53.539 49.3S5 I,273,921 67"II 4/5"62 890 624,389 436 2"9I 9 :j:1884-S 281,475 12'90 402,175 18'43 20~29 2'12 ... 0"1 I 90,452 4"I5 442,722 I4,271 o·6s 46,330 I,277,42S s8·54 3/8"75 772 904,)07 S47 217"69 3"9S 944,o86 39.S79 7 ti88s-6 275,699 11"84 4I5,525 17"84 83,894 3·6o 469,025 20'I3 I4,489 o·6z 51,9°5 2 '23 1,3Io,s38 s6·z6 3/7"34 775 I,oi8,s89 6oz z/g·6g 4"18 9S7,I06 ... 6I,4S3 Cr. :!:1886-7 3°4,I49 12"40 443,555 18·o8 96,482 3"94 524,635 2I '3S 9>749 0"40 48,546 1"98 1,427,116 ss "Is 3/6·86 797 1,ozs,96z S73 zf6·8I 3"92 9ss,sos ... 40,4S7 Cr. :j:I88j-8 12"68 0"1 349.342 496,982 18'03 II3,604 4"I2 5So,6 II 21"07 I4z,s6z 5"17 69,918 2'54 I,7)3:0I9 6J"6I 3/10"32 900 I,003,030 51S 2/Z"SI n6 I 10)6,7II 53,681 ... 9 :!:1888-9 407,S25 IJ'IO 6z5,54o 20"11 117,010 3'76 694.346 22 '33 22,121 071 79·295 .· 2 ·ss 1,945,837 6z·s6 3/7"72 908 1,164,303 S44 2/2"I6 3"73 1,130,243 ... 34,o6o Cr. :!:I88g-<)O 433,267 I 3 ·s 3 696,041 22'23 12S,743 4'11 763,7S6 24'39 z6,718 o·85 8 3,633 2'67 2,IJZ,ISS 68·o8 3/7'46 9I5 999.708 4 29 1j8·3_8 2"91 I,ZZI,I90 22I,4S2 ... o·6 4 :j:1890-<)1 428,J27 I2'99 8zo,I78 24"86 128,140 3 ·88 Szi,OOf 24'S9 2.2,128 0"67 90,868 2'75 2,31o,64S 70"05 3/9"27 872 9S7,922 373 I/TJ6 2'72 1,320,038 3 32,116 ... 0'9 :j:I891-2 412,336 IJ"32 7oi,o58 zz•6s 121,345 3'92 787,3 52 25"44 10,167 0"33 IOS,88I 3'42 2,138,139 69·o8 3/7'4S 756 956,g83 338 I/7'45 z·ss I,3S7,029 430,046 ... I 'I 6 I I "21 2 2' :j:I892-3 327.959 6o7,702 20'77 127,S8I 4"36 668,7I7 22'85 6,433 0'22 I1 I 1899 3'82 I,8so,z9 I 6J"23 3/5"21 631 I;07S,657 367 I/I r96 2"87 1,419,9 5 344,268 ... 0"9 :j:1893-4 320,98I II '77 sz8,309 I9"38 104,050 3 ·8z s6z,zz6 zo•6z 4,3I6 0'16 II5,537 4'24 I,635.419 59'99 3/2"69 549 I,090·740 366 z/r8o z·S9 1,460,849 370,109 ... 0'9 8

* Hall-years ending JISt December, 1876, aDd 3oth June, 1884, not included. t The Hobson's Bay Suburban Lines included since I 88o. 26


No. l.'l. STATE~~ENT showing Dates of Opening and Length in Miles of thP. Different Sections of Vict~riun Railways to 3oth Jnuo, 1894·

0 T,cngth ·:Dato of Opening. From:... To- in lliles. .Authorized liy.A'ot-

I854-Sept. 13 Flinders-strect Port Melbourne 16 Vict.- ~ 20.1.53 r857-May :minders-street S't. Hildo: I9 Vict.- 13 ";:;"'"" ~ o·-"' r:f)' ... ''I { I9·3·56 ,.:;"" 21 Vict. No. 42. 1859·-Dec. 15 Flinders-strcct Brighton 0 186o-Oct. Hiclnnond Hawthon1 ... ' ;:::: 21 Vict. No. 43 21 Vict. No. \Villiamstowu Junction Geelong (ineh11ling l>ier) r 36 1857-June 17 39 { 25 Vict. No. ISO 1859-:-.Tnn. 17 Footscr;ty Williamstown Pier ... 6 21 Vict. No. 36 Feb. IO Melbourne Snuhnry 21 Vict. Ko. 36 I86o-Ocl.." 21 Essendon Junction Essendon 32 Vict. No. 33I 1861-JuJy 8 Sun bury Woodeud 21 Vict. No. 36 186:z.-April II North Geelong Junction Dall:mit 21 Vict. No. 36 ;, 25 Woodend Kyneton 21 Vict. No. 36 ;, Oct." 2I l(yneton Sandhurst ... 2I Vict. No. 36 i864-Sept. 19 Sandhurst Echuca 21 Vict. No. 36 1867-Nov. 30 Newmarket .Junction Race-course 32 Vict. No .. 331 1872-April 18 Essendon Schoolhouse-lane ·54 32 Vict. No. 331 Aug. 26 Schoolhouse-lane Seymour >~! 32 Vict. No. 331 " Nov. 20 Seymour Longwood ... 2H 32 Vict. No. 33 I I873-Marcb" 20 Long wood Violet Town 20 32 Vict. No. 33I ;, Aug. .18 Violet Town •.. Benalia 16 32 Vict. No. J3I .. · Oct. 28 ·Denalla Wangaratta 24 32 Vict. No. 331 .. Nov. 21 Wangaratta Wodonga 42! 32 Vict. No. 33I !874-July 7 Castlemaine Maryborough 34' 35 Vict. No. 415 ;, .. 7· Cresw'ick Il~ 35 Vict. No. 4I5 ;, Aug. I I Ballarat Beaufort z8i 35'Vict. No. 415 ;, Oct. 6 :il>laryborough Dunolly IJ~ 35 Vict. No. 415 Nov. 16 Creswick Clunes Ilf 35 Vict. No. 415 ·187s-Feb." 2 Clunes Maryborough 19! 35 Vict. No. 415 April 7 -l)enufort Ararat zsr 35 Vict. No. 415 " July 7 Beechworth- Junction J~verton I2t 37 Vict. No. 475 1876-Feb." 15 Ararat Scnllan's Hill I 7ft 37 Vict. No. 475 April 14 Scallan's Hill Stawel! 37 Vict. No. 475 " Sept. 19 Sandhurst Dridgewater 25:l 37 Vict. No. 475 " , JO Ever ton Beech,vorth lot 37 Vict. No. 475 .." Oct. 21 :M:ary borough Avoca 15 37 Vict. No. 475 Nov. '18 13ridgewater ... Inglewood .• , d 37 Vict. No. 475 " 25 Geelong Wiuchelsea zsi 37 Vict. No. 475 ·i877-:March" " 13 Winchelse~. Birregurra 12~ 37 Vier. No. 475 April 24 Ararat Dnnkeld ... 47~ 37 Vict. No. 475 - " .Tune k Sale Monv-cll 38~ 37 Viet. No. 475 .." July 27 Birregurra Colac 12 37 Vict. No. 475 Oct. 8 Oakleigh Dunyip 38i ·37 Vict. No. 475 " Dunkcld Hamilton .I9 37 Vict. No. 475 " 29 .. Dec. Moe i\f or well 8~ 37 Vict. No. 475 ~9 Hamilton Portland 53 37 Yiet. No. 475 " " 19 Portland Station l'ier 37 Vict. No. 475 ·1878-Feb." " ,I Race-course Junction ... Gee long Haec-course 2 41 Vict. No. 58o l\-farch ~1oe Bunyip 32 37 Vict. No. 475 " Sept.' 3 Dunolly Bealibn 12 4 I Vi et. No. 580 " Dec. I? Stawell 1\furtoa 36! 41 Vict. No. 58o -," i3 Bealiba St. Arnaud 21 41 Vict. No. 58o !879-Jan." 29 Springhnrst ... Wtthgunyah 14 41 Vict. No. 58o .. Feb .. :\fur ton. Horsham ... 17if; 41 Yict, No. 58o April 2 South Yarra ... Oakleigl+ 6! 4Z Vict. No. 604 " :May 7 Warrenheip ... Gordons I3 4I Vict. No. 58o " ii Gee long Queenscliff 2o!f; 41 Vict. No. 58o " " 20 Spencer-street Flinilers-street ( connexion) !- 43 Yict. No. 643 188o-Jan." " 13 .Mangalore Sbepparton 45 42 Yict. No. 6o3 ,. IJ Toolamba Tatura 7 43 Vict. No. ·636 " Feb. I6 Carlsruhe Trentham ... Io£ 42 Viet. No. 6o6 " 42 Vict. No. 6o6 · lliarch Trentham Daylesford (including extension) I2 f " 17 l 44 Vict. No, 671 I881-June 7 Laricefield ,T unf'tion Lancefield ••• I4~ 44 Vict. No. 66o Aug. 11 nacc-course Junction ... l)isgah 2 44 Vict. No. 682 " Sept.• I Shepparton Numurkah 20~ 44 Vict. No. 682 ".. Dec. 19 Caul :field i\'lordialloc rol; 44 Vict. No. 682 IS82-.Jan. 26 St. Arnaud Cope Cope I6} 44 Vict. No. 682 April 3 Hawthorn Cambcrwell z 44 Vict. No. 68z 15 Inglewood Itorong Vale 20 44 Vi!.:t. No. 68z " .. " 22 Cope Cope Donald 7~ 44 Vict. No. §8z July·" I Horsham Dim boo la ... 21! 44- Vict. No. 682 Aug. Mordialloc Fmnkston ... 9t 44 Vict. No. 68z " Dec. Camberwell Lilvdale 18!- 44 Vict. No. 682 " :5 Kerang .Junction Raywood IJ! 44 Vict. No. 682 I883-Feb." " 19 Englehawk Kerang Junction / I 44 Vict. No. 682 April 20 Korong V ale ... Char!ton 44 Vict. No. 682 .," June 14 Wodonga Mnrray 44 Vict. No. 68z 21 Ray wood i\'l:itiamo 44 Vict. No. 682 .. " Carried forward 27

No. 12.-STATEJIENT showing Dates of Opening and Length in Miles of the Different Sections of Victorian Railway,; lo 3oth Jnne, 1894-continued.

Date of Opening. From- To- ~~~fi~~. Authorized by Act-

~-----· .. ~------~----...... ~-...... --~-1- ·-- .. ~··~-~- Brought for1vard ... 1,404 2. Korong Vale . . . ••• Roort ...... 18 44 Vict. No. 682 2. Colac ••. . •. C11mperdown .. . 28 44 Vict. No. 682 A~g. I Ballarat ...... Scarsdale ...... I3t 44 Yict. No. 682 "· Sept. 3 Benalla ...... St. James ••• 20'l! 44 Vict. No. 682 " Oct. I Charlton ...... Wycbepr<>Of .. . I6~ 44 Vict. No. 682 ,," Nov. 13 'fraralgon ...... Heyfield Junction .. . n:l; 44 Vict. No. 682 44 Yict. ::\fo. 682 H H 16 'fallarook ...... Ye:t ...... 2J~ , Dec. 17 Everton ...... Myrtleford ... x6~ 44 Viet. No. 682 x884-l.<'eb. 12 J\.fitiamo ...... Pyramid Hill ... 12.'1! 44 Vict. No. 682 15 Branxholme ...... Henty ...... 23:! 44 Vie!. No. 682 " April 2 Braybrook Junetion · ... Meltou ...... I5n 44 Vict. No. 682 ," June 16 Castlernaine ...... Maldon ...... IO;j; 44 Vict. No. 682 , Sept. I Henty ...... Casterton· ...... 8;\\ 44 Vict. No. 682 9 North ::l:felbourne ... Coburg ••. • .. . 5 44 Vict. Ko. 682 ;: odt. 25 l'yramid Hill ... Kcrang ...... 24~ 44 Vict, No. 682 , Sept. 22 Traralgon St11.tion ... Heyfield Junction .. . 44 Vict. No. 682 x88)-April 10 Morwell ...... Boolarra .•• .. . 12 44 Vict. No. 682 6 ltace:coursc Junction ... Williamstown Ra.ce-course !; Acts 86o, 889, " H and 962 , Sept. 8 Boolara ...... Darlimurla ... 41! 44 Vict. No. 682 1886-Jan. I La! I~!ll t? tation ...... Lal Lal R11ce-course 2 48 Vict. No ..821 7 Darlimurla ...... :North Mirboo ... 3\l 44 Vict. No. 682 .." April I Melton ...... Parwan .•• •.. 6:l; 44 Vict. No, 682 May 6 St. James ...... Yarrawonga. ... 19;\\ 48 Vict. No. 821 " ,, 12 Murtoa ...... Warmclmabeal ... 31t 48 Vict. No. 821 ,. Nov. 15 Ballarat Cattle-yards Junction ... Ballarat Cattle-yards 3 48 Vict. No. 821 , Dec. 22 Gordons ... .•• ... Ballan ...... 7t 48 Vict. Ko ..821 1887-Jan, 19 Dimboola ...... Serviceton ...... 62 48 Vict Ko. 821 North Creswick...... Rocky Lead .. . 12jj! . 48 Vict. No. 8:1.1 " ]<;~b. :~ Parwan ...... J3acchus Marsh .. . 2!, 48 Vict. No. 821 " March IS Heyfield ...... Mafl'ra ... •.. 11 48 Vict. No. 821 " April 21 W edderburn Junction .. . W edderburn ••• 4Jil 48 Vict. No. 821 " Camperdown ••• .. . Terang ...... I3!i 48 Vict. No. 821 " Rocky Lead ... • .. Daylesford Junction Ioit 48 Vict. Ko. 821 ," I Lubeck ... ••. .. .. Hupanyup ...... 9~ 48 Vict. No .. 821 An" g. 19 Tatura ...... Echuca ...... 34t 48 Vict. No. 821 " 25 Horsham ...... Noradjuha ...... 20:l; 48 Vict. No. 821 :: se'Pt. 2 Brighton Beach ...... Sandringhan1 .. . 2 48 Vict. No. 821 , Nov. 8 Mafl'ra ... • ... •.. Stratford ...... 6 48 Vict. No ..821 , Sept. 24 Braybrook ,Junction ...... Newport ...... 4! 48 Vict,. No. 821 ,, Dec. 19 Hawthorn ...... Kew ...... I:f 48 Vict. No. 821 x888-May . 8 Hoyal Park Juncti0n ...... Clift on Hill .. . 2£ 48 Vict. No. 821 8 Nicholson· street ... . •. Fitzroy .. . 1 48 Vict. No. 821 8 Clifton Hill ...... Collingwood .. . i 48 Vict. No. hx , " 8 Clifton Hill ...... Alphington .. . z:l; 44 Vict. No. 682 , " 8 Alphiugton ...... Heidelberg .. . 2t 48 Vict. No. 821 U H 8 Moe Junction ...... Thorpdale ...... 10~ 48 Vict. No. 821 8 Sale Junction ...... Stratford Junction ... 9t 48 Vict. No. 821 , Jt 8 Stnttford ... .•. .. . Bnirnsdale ...... Fit 48 Vict. No. 821 15 Lilydale ...... Yarm Flats ... 7 48 Vict. No. 821 J~iy 1 Bairnsdale Station .. . .. • Bairnsdale Wharf ... I 48 Vict. No. 821 " Oct. I Numurkah .•...... Nathalia ...... 14 48 Vict. No. 82.1 ,," I Numurkah ...... Cobmm...... 2I~ 48 Vict. No. 821 ," I Shepparton ...... Dookie ...... IS 48 Vict. No. 821 I Kilmore Junction. ... •.. Kilmore ...... 9~ 48 Vict. ::\fo. 821 " " 1 Sanrlllurst ...... •.. Heathcote .. • .. . 27i/: 48 Vict. No. 821 " ,." 1 Pisgah ...... ...... qi/ 48 Vict. No. 821 " I Frankston ...... ••• Mornington Junction 4~ 48 Vict. No. 8u " " I Dandenong (Great Southern Junction) ... Tooradin ...... 16 48 Vict. No. 821 " zo Jnglewood ...... Dunolly ...... 24il 48 Vict. No. 8u " 20 Hamilton Junction .. . Colemine ...... 2J 48 Vict. No. 821 18S9-M~rch x Yarra l<'lats ...... Healesville .. . 8:l; 48 Vict. No. 8z1 , Aug. 7 Maffra ...... Briagolong .. . 121 48 Vict; No. 821 Irrewarra ...... Beeac ... 48 Vict. No. 821 " " 7 8Jl , Sept. Io Mornington Junction .. . Morningtou 7!i 48 Vict. No. 821 IO :\lorniugton Junction .. . Hastings ... 8 48 Vict. No. 821 " 10 Wodonga ...... Iluon-lane Id 48 Vict. No. 821 ,," " 12 B11llarat East ... 7-l! 48 Vict. No. 821 O~t. s W'bittlesea .Junction ...... l'reston Heservoir ... 4it 48 Vict. No. 821 8 Coburg ...... ' Somerton 7! 48 Vict. No. 8:u " N~~. 12 Yea ...... Moles worth re! 48 Vict. No. 821 " Dec. 3 Heathcote ...... 'l'oohorac ...... JO! 48 Vict. No. 821 " ., 4 Baccbus Marsh .. . Ballan ...... I7! 48 Vict. No. 821 , 4 Ringwood .•• .. . Ferntree Gully .. . 7~ 48 Vict. No. 821 " 6 '? " 17 Hastings ...... Stony J>oint .. . 48 Vict. No. 821 2 Preston Heservoir ... Whittlcsea...... 171 48 Vict. No. 821 t89o-F~b. ! 'ferang · ...... 111ortlake ...... 13 48 Vict. No. 821 ,, ,_, 4 Terang ...... vVarrnamtool .. . 28£ 48 Yiet. No. 821 " ,, 4 Koroit ...... \Varrnambool .. . 9n 48 Vict. No. 821 Koroit ...... Port Fairy (including Pier) ... II::j, 4S Viet. No. 821 ;; :M;trch ~~ Mount Moriac .. . Wensleydale .. . Il:l; 48 Vict. No. 821 Burnley ...... Oakleigh ...... 71 48 Vict. No. 821 ;; M~y ~! ·Warragul ...... Jindivick ... 8:l; 48 Vict. ::\fo. 821 H n 30 Kerang ...... Swan Hill 35 48 Vict. No. 821 H " JO Camberwell ... •.. Waverley-road 5 48 Vict. No. S:u • Carried "forward I 28

·No. I2 ...... STATE~!ENT·showing Dates of Opening an

Date of Opening, _I l'"rom-" To- I Anthodzed by Act- ' m,Len~h. lvlJles. . 1- Drought forward '" 2,467 Molesworth ,., 48 Yict. No. 82I 189o-June 17 ...... • * ~ '\ Cathldn ...... 2~ July I8 Huon-lanc ...... Bolgn...... 6~· 48 Yict. No. 8z.I " Aug. 22 Kilmore, ...... 'Too horae ...... zo:t 48 Yict. No. 8H ",, 22 Dunkeld ...... Koroit ...... 49:1: 48 Yict. No. 8u " 22 Hamilton ...... Penshurst ...... I9 48 Vict. No.8z.I " Sept." I Murchisou East - ...... , Rush worth ...... IJ! 48 Vict. No. 821 " 16 Cathkin ... "...... Alexandra-road ...... 4! 48 Vict. No. 821 " " 28 Sale ... ' ...... Cltlml ...... ,!f 37 Yict. No. 475 " " 1 g Oct. IO Scarsdale ...... Linton ... ' ...... 48 Viet. :::;;o, 821 " I7 M.yrtleford ...... llright ...... I8:1! 48 Vict. No. 82.1 " Nov." IO Cathkin ...... l\fertou ...... IS?! 48 Vict. No. 821 " ' II Tooradip ...... Loch ...... 23~ 48 Vict. No. 82I " " I8 Ararat ...... Avoca ...... 39lr 48 Viet. No. 82I 1891-Jan." " .15 Kynet.on (Hedcsdalc ,Junction) ...... Hcdesdale ...... 16 48 Vict. No, 821 March 24 ]!'airfield ...... Hiversdale (and junction with 54 48 Vict. No. 821 " Lilyd::tle line) .. 24 Maldon (Laanecoorie Junction) , ... Shelbourne ...... 9!l 48 Vict .. No. 821 ,-" May 7 Mer ton ...... M:aindample ...... 13~ 48 Vict. No.821 .. June 2 Loch ...... l(oruinbnrra ...... IO 48 Vict. No. 8u 5 Birregui·m ...... Forrest ... ~ ...... I9fl 48 Vict. No. 821 " July" 23 lleechworth Yackanilandah ... IZ! 48 Yict. No. 821 ...... ~ " 2.4 llvlga...... Tallangatta.· ...... 4t 48 Vict. No. S:u " Oct." 6 Maindample ...... l\'Iansfield ...... 81 48 Vict. No. 821 ", Dec. I7 Korumburra ...... Leongatha ...... Q.J.. . 48 Vict. No. 821 189z-Jan. Leongatha Port Albcrt ... 48 Vict. No. 821 IJ ...... - ...... 58~ ){arch 18 Hokeby ...... " .. Neeritn South ...... st 53 Vict. No. 1030 " April 5 Curdie's.Hivet J.unction ...... 'rim boon ...... 22t 48 Vict. No. 82.1 " 6 Lancefield ...... lCilmore ...... I8J, 48 Vict. N' o, 821 ... !i ,," Oct." 1.8 Korumburra ...... Coal Creek ...... 4 s6 Viet. Nos, 1240 aud 12.55 ... Nov. 22 Dookie...... ...... I7 (Tramway) taken over by De- partment 1g93-Jan. 5 ·warracknabeal ...... Beulah ...... zz 56 Vict. No. 1273 Murch 28 Donald ...... Birchip ...... P.! 56Vict.No. 1273 I 8g4-l.farch" 6 Bculah ...... Hopetoun ... . - ...... I6 57Vict. No. 1316 May 7 Korumburm (.fumbun_na Junction). ... Jumbunna .. ~ ...... 3! 55 Vict. Nos.1240 " . and 11.94 .. Jnne I Korumburra (Strezlccki Junction) ... Strczleeki...... z! 55 Vict.Nos. 1240 " and 1294 . , 19 Dimboola ...... Jeparlt ...... :I.J 57 Vict. No. IJ12 " Total ...... 3,ozo

R. SINGLETON, ROBERT GEO. KENT,. Accountant's Bmnch, Account.uut. Secretary. 21stAugnst, 1894• • 29



STATEMENT showing the Traffic at each Station for Twelve Months ending 30th June, 1894·

STATION TRAFFIC, being Moiety of Outw!\rds nnd Inwards Re,•enue from- STATIONS.

Passengers, Parcels, &c. Goocls and Live Stock. Totnls.

£ s. d. £ 8. d. £ 6. d. Melbourne (Spencer-street) ...... Z97,913 IO z i 292,814 4II 590,727 IS I North Melbourne ...... 6,161 J6 7! .. . 6,161 16 7~ Arden-street ...... 1,167 9 3 14,484 10 0 I$,651 Ig 3 Middle Footscray ...... 1,411 18 I!r . 5,163 IS 11 6,575 14 0~ .Footscray West ...... 6o2 0 6! x,612 9 7 . 2,2!4 IO I! Tottenham ...... 37 9 2~ ... 37 9 2~ Braybrook Junction ...... 6x6 2 oA x,3o2 x6 8~ 1,918 18 9 Albion ...... I 3 S! ... I 3 8~ St. Albans ...... 215 8 4~ 259 Il Iofl 475 0 3 Sydenham ...... 218 12 4 59 9 8 278 2 0 8· 61. Diggers' Rest ...... 359 5i 82 8 2 441 I7 0 xl Sun bury ...... 1;46I 4 2 1,474 6 I! 2,935· 10 3 Lancefie lf1 Junction ...... 644 12 2 Z74 13 5~ 919 5 . 7! . 8! Riddell's Creek' ...... 6o6 18 • 327 9 5 934 8 1~ Gisborne ...... I,oo8 14 6! 556 11 4 I,565 s· xo~ Mace don ...... I,499 I9 3 523 7 10 210Z3 7 I Woodend ...... 2,997 I4 8 1,984 4 8 4,981 19 4 Carlsruhe ...... 217 I 3 8 159 2 9 376 x6 5 Kyneton ...... 7,023 4 sl 4,881 4 1 u,9o4 8 6! Redesdale Junction ...... 167 3 2! 159 0 10 326 4 ol M alms bury ...... 1,070 12 9~ 533 9 0 I,604 I 9! Taradale ...... 714 5 3 297 8 . &~ l,OIX. I3 ut Elphinstone ...... 312 6 9 3°5 9 3 617 16 0 Chewton ...... 532 6 0 327 0 0~ ss9 6 o/i: Castlem~J.ine ...... g,897 10 cl 6,364 9 o! I6,26I 19 o! Harcourt ...... 472 5 8 52 I 9 g 993 14 11~ Ravenswood ...... 230 I 7i I 36 I7 4i 366 I9 0 Kangaroo Flat ...... 464 4 ~~~ 424 I 7k 888 6 7 Golden Square ...... 919 8 9 2,890 3 9 3,8og 12 6 Bendigo ...... J8,495 IS ot 3 I ,3 I 7 17 0 6g,813 IS oi Epsom ...... 30 2 Io 30 2 10 Huntly ...... 54 3 II 75 6 7 129 IO 6 Bagshot ...... 59 4 ~~ 24I 7 4~ JOO II 6 Wellsford ...... 23 IO o' I43 8 10~ 166 18 JJ Goornong ...... 447 4 3" I 103I 7 li 1,458 12 2 South Elmore ...... 196 I 3 2~ 835 I6 Io! 1,032 IO 1 El more ...... ,I,353 0 IO 3,IJ4 IS 5 4.487 16 3 Rochester ...... 2,z76 li 0~ s,48o 2 7.756 I3 Eehuca 9 9~ ...... xo,2g6 13 8! 26,603 7. 4 36,goo I ·o~ Bolinda 21 ...... I 5~ I 'Io 8 22 I:!. I~ Monegatta ...... 83 4 10 77 8 IO~ x6o I3 81! North Moncgatta ...... I3 0 8 ... I3 0 8 Romsey ...... 774 I7 2~ 1,163 17 1,938 14 II Lancefield 8~ ...... I,409 8 6!; I.405 14 0~ z,Sxs 2 7 Mount William ...... 13 5 8! xog 13 6~ I22 19 Goldie 3 ...... 26 rz 4~ 77 2 6~ IOJ 14 11 Springfield ...... IJ 4 8~ 30 I2 I High Park 4i 43 I7 ...... 6 18 o! 35 10 I~~ 42 9 0 Forbes ... , ...... 3 9 0 4 17 8 8 6 8 Tyldeu • 1 ...... 2J2 5 9 37 I 603 IO Fern Hill 4 )2 I 2fl ...... 323 9 IJJ..2 I I 8 6 I I:!. 16 'frentham , 9 411 .s 4 I,26J 4 3} 21550 19 3 3,8I4 3 6i Lyonville 376 2 2i l,z68 19 10 Bullarto I,645 :1. o! 315 IS 5~ I 195o x 6! 2,266 o o Musk Creek 146 I3 2. 74I 13 6 888 6 8 Daylesford 4.930 5 10 , 2,753 8. I~ Woodburn 7,683 13 II! 4 IZ 4~ 223 I9 9 228 12 It Graves' Siding 156 I6 Ioi 156 16 lOt Sailors' Falls 104 4 $ 641 17 8~ Leonard's Hill 746 z 4! 319 xS 3~ 1,157 17 9i 1,477 16 I Wombat 74 I9 6! 389 10 11 Rocky Lead 464 Io St 250 1 5~ 234 12. 0~ Newlyn 484 I3 6 426 IO 8i 3,179 '9 3! 3,6o6 10 o Kingston 463 13 9! 2,48o II oi Allendale 2,944 4 Io 1.,130 0 0 2,520 7 7ft Broomfield ' 4,6so 8 o! ::.so 6 lJ 9 I7 n! z6o 4 Io~ De Graves 6 I 8 8 Edgecombe 3 si 7 12 I~ 7 15 z 51 lj 0 Green Hill ss 15 2 19 5 4 I East Metcalie ... 4 :Z3 6 9 20 I2 I 14 4 0 34 16 I Emberton 8 5 ~~ 11 o xfl Barfold 19 5 3 I 59 12 Ut 45 I3 6! 105 6 6 30

VICTORIAN RAILW AYS.-No. 13.-Staternent showing the Traffic at each Station, &c.-continued. - STATION TRAFFIC, being lvlojety of Outwards and Inwards Revenue from- STATIONS.

Passengers, Pi:trcels, &c. Goods ~>ne! Live Stock. Totals.

£ .s. d. £ 8. ·d. £ s. d. Redesdale ...... 370 ·2 10 272 2 4~ 642 5 Muckleford ...... 37 1I 4 11 7 6~ 48 18 Mal don...... 1,925 2 6~ 1,951 2 6 3,876 5 I Sbelbourne ...... 124 14 9 1,257 2 2 1,381 !6 Il Campbell's Creek ...... IJO 0 I 62 7 0 192 7 'I Guildford ...... 345 7 o! 465 13 0 811 0 0~ Strangways ...... J2 8 11 41 8 2 73 17 1 Newstead ...... 684 3 7 1,619 I I 0 2,303 14 7 Joyce's Creek ...... 114 IS 7~ 246 I9 5~ 361 15 1 Moolort ...... !64 4 8~ 694 6 6~ s5s 11 3 Carisbrook ...... ~ ...... 6r'9 1'1 .I~ 1,543 ., 6 9'i 2,I63 7 li M[\ryborougb ...... 10,249 2 11 7.399 17 4~ 17,649 0 3~ Si msons ...... '16 10 ~~~ ... r6 io 11! ' Have lock ...... 64 s 6 J4I 9 9! 205 }5 3~ Bet Bet ...... 106 6 7 286 4 5 392 II 0 Dun oily ...... t ... I,9J4' 9 2 1,737 IO 9 3,671 I9 II Goldsborough ...... 216 0 0~ 336 I6 ll·~ 552 17 0 Bealiba ...... 512 I8 9~ 1,478 r8 I 1·99I !6 10! Emu ...... 256 7 0 923 19 9 I,I80 6 9 Carapooee ...... 114 6 o! 115 17 o_ :qo 3 o! St. Am::md · ...... 3.ss6 19 4 8,162 17 .o! II,719 16 4!. Sutherland ...... 36 14 5 .97 II ~~ 13.4 6 0~ Swan water ...... 46 10 5! 37 13 s 84 3 10! Cope Cope ...... 373 II 8! 3>473 4 2! 3,846 15 Il Donald ...... 3,984 19 2~ 8,299 17 2! 12,284 !6 s Lake Buloke ...... 7 !6 o! I 3 cl 8 19 I Litchfield ...... 40 8 6~ ... . 40 8 6! Massey ...... 3S 5 7~ ... 3S s 7~ \Vatchem .. '••• ...... 274 I9 4! 3,428 4 9~ 3,703 4 2 Morton Plains ...... 38 9 8 ... 38 9 8 Birchip ...... I,Q04 3. 3 8,913 !6 8! 9,917 19 II! Adelaide I,oacl ...... 67 17 7! .. . 67 17 7~ Bung Bong ...... 74 6 5 356 6 s 430 12 IO Home bush ...... 223 19 6~ 143 IS 8 J67 IS 2~ Avoca ...... 1,473 15 4! 2,316 0 I! 3,789 15 6 Amphitheatre ...... 177 0 4~ !67 Ij 2 344 15 6! Elmhurst ...... ·296 16 II 736 5 8~ 1,033 2 7! Everslev ...... J8 2 9 58 15 4! 96 iS I~ Crowlanils ...... 47 12 3~ '208 IS 3 zs6 7 6! Durmeworthy ...... I 17 II~ I IJ 11 3 li 10! ·warm Yadin ...... 6 10 2 "'5 9 6~ - 31 19- 8! Sulky ...... 196 17 .o 542 5 Jl 739 2 Il Bald Hills ...... 148 8 7~ ... 148 8 7! Creswick ...... 3,248 17 2~ 977 16 3 . 4,226 13 5~ North Creswick ...... ; .. 8o4 ·3 IO! 18 5 18 4~ 99° i 3 Tourello ...... !88 I 8~ IJJ IJ 6~ 321 IS 3 ·Clunes ...... 2,15S II 4 2,IS7 15 2 4.313 6 6 Talbot...... 1,374 !6 8 1,174 7 4~ 2,549 4 O! Daisy Hill ...... 42 IJ 4~ ... 42 ·13 4~ Waubra Junction ...... ss 14 4 ... ss 14 4 Pisgah ...... :u IS 5 ... 21 15 s Midas ...... 144 18 2 8 15 I I 53 I3 3 Mount Blowhartl ...... 2!6 0 II~ 1,og6 19 2 I ,3 I 3 0 I! Learmonth ...... 361 3 2 Ss! 3 3 11~12 6 5 North Learmouth ...... 2~ IS 3 ... 24 I8 3 Acldington ...... 125 9 s 537 5 8 662 IS 4 II Waubra ...... 486 8~ 725 s 2~ I 12Il 19 II Painswiek ...... 2Q 14 5 37 5 7 s8 0 0 Laurie ...... 27 I 5·1 49 IJ 8~ 76 IS 2 Tarnagulla ...... '503 0 9~ 886 9 II! 1,389 IQ 9 Llanelly 822 ...... 198 7 3 623 I4 9~ 2 0 Arnold's Bridge ...... 96 14 o! I,Q75 12 Oz I,I72 6 I Bullabul ...... 26 15 5~ J20 5 3! 347 0 9 California Gully ...... 2,397 19 4 2,397 19 4 Eaglehawk ...... I ,36 5 7 M99 12 z! 4,964 19 7! Marong ...... 349 12 105 8 s! 4SS I 0 r~eichardt ...... !66 3 4 JI7 12 6! 483 15 IQ! Derby ...... 82 19 11 292 s 6 37S 5 s Bridge water ...... 949 10 11 3,513 4 4! 4,462 15 3! Inglewood ...... 2,924 4 2~ 1,48Q 3 4,404 7 4 Kurting: ...... 75 13 4! s6s 16 siI" 641 9 IQ Glenalbyn ...... 9Q 6 6! 442 !6 5 S33 2 Il~ \Vedderburn Junction ...... ~35 3 3~ 242 I6 3 477 19 6~ Korong Vale ...... s:~s 18 ni 2,051 I9 I 2,877 18 0~ Wychitella ...... 149 14 8Qo 14 3 9SO 9 Q Buekrabanyule ...... 198 17 944 3 10~ 1,143 I 4 Barakee ...... 143 I4 I,2.39 li ·7~ I,383 5 9 Char! ton ...... 1,867 I3 IO S,138 15 IQ 7,oo6 9 8 Teddywaddy ...... 3I 14 IIi 329 12 8 361 7 7~ Glenloth ...... :1.84 14 3 3,048 6 3! 3.333 Q 6~ Fairview ...... 4:1 3 3! 37 4 6~ 79 7 IQ \Vye he proof ...... - ... 2,Io8 6 4 7,98S 9 2 10,093 IS 6 Wedderburn ...... 998 15 4' 1,962 17 8~ 1.,961 13 o'i Borung ...... I42 15 2! 87S 19 9 I,QI8 14 IIi Mysia ...... 2~9 I Ii 1,402 6 5~ 1,671 7 7 u.J 31

VIcromAN RAlLWAYs.-No. 13.- Statement showing the Traffic at each Station, &c.-t;Jontinued.

STATION TRAI!']'lC, being Moiety of Outwards and Inwards Revenue from- STATIONS.

P~"Sengers, Parcels, Goods and Live Stock, Totals.

£ 8. il. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. lluort 1,625 19 4 7.290 7 5 8,gi6 6 9 *Qu•tmbato"k 2 16 IQ 1,556 i 7 1,559 4 5 Sydney Flat 41 6 6! 41 6 61! :Vlyer's Flat 14 14 I .I 14 14 II Sebastian · 276 9 7 250 4! 526 12 ll~ Hay wood 464 9 o! I ,363 10 ~~ 1,827 19 9 6. l Tandara 267 72 8s1 9 II l,U8 J6 6~ Dh1~ee 258 T 7 1,027 10 2 1,285 I I 9 Prairie 264 14 4 942 18 3 1,207 12 7 l\Iitit~mo 978 15 5~ 1,983 9 8 2,962 I! Mologa Z23 0 6 722 0 4 945 0 10 Pyramid Hill 1,173 16 8 J,2I I 3 7 4:385 0 3 Miucha 186 8 s1l 65s 0 6 844 8 u! Macorna 543 11 8~ I,&Js Il 6 2,J79 z! Tragowel 172 IO 3 283 10 3! 456 0 6! South Kerang 33 I 4! 34 9 2 67 IO c! Kerang 3,679 8 6! 5·375 4 6/x 9,054 IJ I Reedy Lake 34 9 7! 176 9 2 210 IS 9! Lake Charm 227 7 7! 1,106 I7 4! 1,334 5 0 Mystic Park .239 6 s! 634 10 7 873 I7 ·c! Lake lloga 392 I II! 1,428 5 4! 1,820 7 4· Swan Hill 4.376 2 5 5·732 11 8 I01 I08 I4 I Strat hfieldsaye 5 12 7! I 7 8! 7 0 4 Axe Creek 27 4 4! 52 13 8 79 18 o! Axeilale 343 2 2 689 12 I 1,032 14 3 l{nowsley 322 15 1o! 3,1I5 I 7 3,437 17 5! Derrinal 64 ,, 7 I,l29 14 7 I ,I 94 IQ 2 Heath cote 1,254 18 4 1,8o4 16 6! 3.059 14 Ioi South Heatl!cote 2J6 5 11 IZ9 IQ 9! I,J6S 15 10-h lngham's Siding 39 6 5 39 6 5 Mcivor Road 2 13 8 2 13 8 Toohorae 275 I 10 720 10 9 995 12 7 Pyalong 136 14 II 145 6 4! 282 I 3~ High Camp Plain I92 0 I 59 2 6 I! 784 6 2~ Moranding ' 17 2 6! 29 14 s! 46 17 0 Willowmnin 17 1.2 9 13 2 5 30 15 2 Kilmoro 1.3 I9 II I 84>. 16 u! 2,162. 8 c~ Bvlands 41 I:!. IQ~ 38 4 0 79 16 10! Leslie I7 I;>: 4 102 9 I I20 6 5 Koyuga 6o 10 8! 347 8 8 407 19 4! Tong ala J86 0 3 I,IIJ II 5~ I,499 11 8! Kyabrn.m I 1120 19 7! 2,492 IS o! J,6I3 I7 8 Merrignm 264 6 Io~ 1,052 19 7! I,3 17 6 6 IQ 2 Baldwinsvillc 215 2 1o! 11186 3! 1,401 13 'l'atura I,I97 4 11~ 3:4·41 16 8 4,639 I 7~ Hatherly 5 17 n! 5 17 II~· Laverton 315 I I 7 133 9 8 449 I 3 Werribce 1,731 19 8 I 1J07 7 I~ 3.039 6 9! Little Uiver 395 0 I! z66 15 7~ 66! IS 9 Lara 449 3 6 1,396 1'9 7 1,846 3 I Cowi~'s Creek 73 IS 7! 73 IS 7! North Geelong 248 I8 Il 1,532 8! 11781 0 7! Gcelong 24.868 19 7 59,192 Io! 84,06I 5! Geelong Show-groundli! 24 II 8! 24 11 8! Geelong Race-course 199 9 5 199 9 5 J\fooralmol 165 9 o:l! 26 IQ 7 191 19 7! Gherillrrhap Il9 0 5~ IOI I2 220 13 5 Q~. I~t Leigh Hoa' 12 9 526 5 I Beaufort 1,717 14 6 2,477 4 2 4,194 18 8 Middle Creek 189 6 2~ 238 3 3! 427 9 6 Buangor 373 16 IO! 79I !8 6! 1,16) IS 5 Dobies II4 Ig· 0 ss 7 5t 200 6 5t .Ararat 7.514 i9 2 5,167 I9 6! 12,6Sz r8 8! Arms trongs 193 9 3! I64 !8 5t '358 7 9 Great Western 455 I7 9! 638 7 o! 1,094 4 10 Stawe!l 6,771 17 0 8,624 17 8 I 5:396 14 s Grampians 33 0 9 33 0 9 Deep Lead I47 18 9 76 5 4~ 224 4 It Glenorcby 5°5 7 7 73 I 14 6! I ,237 2 I! Wal Wal 82 o! 143 17 9 225 18 9! 32

VrcTOIUAN RAILWAYS.-No. 13.-Statement showing the Traffic at each Station, &c.-continued.

STATION TRAFFIC, being Moiety of Outwards and Inwards Revenue from- STATIOXS.

Passengers, Parcels, &c. Goods and Lh·e Stock. Totals.

£ s. rl. £ ·~. d. £ 8; (l. Lubcck 465 0 3! 836 9 6J! • I 130I 9 IO Hopefield 4 I:1. Il~ 4 I2 n;! Murtoa J,')Z9 1Z 9~ 4,I52 . 3 3 8,o8I I6 0~ Jung Juug 5SS 8 2 1839 IO 8~ 3,3 9.4 I8 9il Dooen 286 17 10 I,070 s I,J57 2 Horsham 6,267 6 5 7,644 I4 IJ,9I2 0 6~ Pimpinio 219 4 8 945 Il s 1,·I64 I6 I Wail I44 9 II~ 968 I9 7 I 1IIJ 9 6i! Dimboola 2,97I 8 ot: 8,J69 19 oil II,J4I 7 I Gerang Gcrung I66 I9 IIt 1,649 6 0 I,8I6 5 u!!; I. z! 8,I 33 2 2! Yarraville 4,0J3 9 s 4,922 5 0 "8,955 14 5 Spottiswoode I,27.7 IO II 1,930 II 10! 3.1 s8 2 9! Newport 4,247 IS ro! ),0)2 7 5 9,300 3 3i North Williamstowu 2·975 0 Il. 705 IO 8 3,680 I I 7 Beach I,864 7 1,864 7 3 vVilliamstown 6,ogz 2 9 . 6,092 2 9 \Villiamstown Pier I ,361. 4 1I~ 30,)7.4 8 to~ 3I,886 13 0 \VilliamBtown Race-course 859 9 4! 859 9 Brooklyn so 17 10& so I7 Deer Park I91 2 0 235 2 8~ 426 4 1.t Rockbank 169 4 2 86 I8 IIi 256 3 I Melton 729 14 3! 552 19. 6 I 1z82 13 g; Staughton's Siding - I37 12 4~ 137 12 4~ Parwan 247 8 7t 70 10 4! 317 19 0 Bacchus Marsh 7-,789 II Io! I,599 8 0 4,388 I9 1o; 6 10 0 II 107 Rowsley 83 24 I 7 9 Ingliston I6I 17 ro!! so 2 7! 212. 0 6' Ball an I,426 I 0 I,792 6 u~r 3,7-IS Bradshaw's Creek 56 1 I z 4 o! ss Gordons I,Zio 7 I 633 I4 IO} -1,844 Millbrook .... 232 IO 7 43S I4 o! 668 4 vVallacc 449 I3 8?! r,2.go I2 o?!. 1,740 5 Ilung~rce Junction 389 13 3 1,078 9 li 1,468 3 2 Dunnstown 289 0 9 7 ss 19 lit 1,048 0. 8~ South Gcelong 798 1S o· 1,037 9 8! - 1,836 4 8f Moolap 34 I9 2~ 34. 19 2.?! I,eopold 75 2 7~ 75 2 7i Scarborough IO 4 7 IO 4 7 Drysdale 642 I 5~ 835 4 4 I 14i7 5 9! Mannerim 36 li i:o! 36 II lO~ Ocean Grove 8! 14 9 SI 14 9 Queenscliff ... 2,7S8 8 7 Szs 10 I J,S83 I8 8 . Breakwater .59 14 4 23 16 6 83 10 10 Connewarre 57 I8 6 6o 2 8?! IJ8 2~ German town 98 19 3 4 Il 3 I03 IO 6 Pettavel 1I4 8 I! I 55 Ill 269 1:1. Mount Moriac 276 0 4 I 53 I) II 429 16 Buekley's Road ... 126 I4 9 I18 7 4?1 245 2 I! Winchelsea 900 I2 6~ 946 12 6 I,847 . ~ 0~ Birrogurra I,z48 r8 9t 718 9 0 I,g67 7 9~ Warncoort I48 6 IO 96 s 1~ 7.44 II II! Jrrewarre 292 2 ll 429 5 8 72I 8· 7 Colac 3,9I3 9 10 3.444 14 8~ 7.358 4 6?; Larpent 119 I3 nt 1,793 I) 6! 1,913 9 6 Pirrou Yallock 324 I2 2 I,042, s IO I 1366 I 8 0 Stoneyford I33 II s~ I74 I 0 307 12 sl. , Pomborneit 125 0 0 234 3 IO· 359 10 " Weerite 102 I3 I 540 17 0 64J IO I o! Camperdown 3,561 14 8~ 3,879 3 4 7.440 I8 ~ Boor eau IH 3 9~ 747 17 6 869 I 3! Terang 2,~s6 13 3 • 2,752 15 z! 4,9°9 8 s! Garvoc 7-41 2 6~ 125 I3 3 366 IS 9! P::mmure 249 8· 9 30I _5 IO! 550 I4 7! Cudgee 104 19 5! 39 I -O! 144 0 6 Allansford 353 8 o! 383 0 ICJ! 736 8 li WarrnamboQl ... 9,210 I6 7! 6,o84 I IO 1S,294 I8 ·si- Denniogton 68 IO 4 8I 9 8Ji ISO 0 oJi Jllowa· 2)2 13 2 872 I7 lJi I,IZS IO ,,•l. l{oroit I,434 14 4 2,781 4 4 4,215 I8 8 Crossley 49 9 6 I 13 8 )I 3 2 Kirks tall 48 8 2! 18 8 o?; 66 16 3 Rose brook 32 7 2Ji 10 5. 72 42,12. IO lioyne ... 5 l1 6 5 1l 6 I -

STATION TRAFFIC, being'Moiety of Outwards and Inwards Revenue from- STA!JITONS. 1 :Pasiletigei:i!; Parcels, Goods and Live Stock. Totals.

> •·w•-• ...... ,.,. ·- ...... '--,<'\-. • . .._.~.·~·~ .. ·~·· ....

£ 8. cl. £ s. d. £ 8. d. Port Fairy ..:...... : 1;986 I:l. cl 978 I 4-1! z,g64: l3 5 Layard ...... 2 I·S 5 - I66 5 4 I6g 0 tj Gherarig ...... ' :1. I5 ·I I 32 5 c-1! I35 0 Ii Wdrml)ete' ...... ll x·o I·I-1! I3I 15 li I43 6 I'6l wensleydale ...... 3i I;I Io 84 7 0 I :Z.I I8 ro Whoorel ...... :1.4 6 7 82 Ig II-1! I07 6' 6~ 8 8! 86o 15 1omi.t CYe!b> ...... 6o i7 ·211 I 2 6 6r I9' 8~ Bnithiyotif( ...... , 1,249 6 8 929 8 z! :z.,I-78 i433 12 I I,Sz'I 9· 0' :Brim- " ... 4·· ...... 203 IO-. si .. 4.570 I5 l_l 4,774' 5' i' Galaquil' I20 0 ... .~·-~ ...... 9 4 2,279 3 2;399' !2• 4' BEmlah ...... I,04S I2 9-1! IJ,I90 7 s~ 14:,239 0 3 *Roscbery· ...... ••'• 64 1S· 6 649 19 0 ii4 17 6 "Goyura ...... 2_8 z.s .. 9i 1,137 13 s I·,·I 66' 1'2 si *Hopetou·ri 21...... 259 IJ- 3~ I,l 3 3 4 2 I 1 392 I7 6' Vectis East ...... 52 9 6 222 9 3?! 274: 18 9'~ Natihmk ...... 9°9 I6 si 6,14I Io 4 7,05·1; 6 9l Noradjuliai ...... 463 4 I. • I,20I 9 s 1,664 £3 6 *.&ritwerp· ...... 0 6 Il 53 2 I2 I! s-Ji• 19' 0~ *Tarianjtirk ·...... ·; 0 6 2 10" 7 si ro I-3 7! *Jeparit ll 6 ...... I 17 0 I 142 s 10 I 59' 9' I 2 S.-No.l. c 34

VICTORIAN RAILWAYS.-No. 13.-Stateilleut showing the Traffic at each Station, &e.-continued.

STATION TRAFFIC, being Moiety of 'Jutward and Inwards Revenue from- - ' STATIONS.

P~ssengerS 1 Parcels, &c. Goods and Live Stock. Totals.

- £ .9. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Kensington ...... 2,784 17 IO~ 8,oo6 10,791 Newmarket 9 4~ 7 3 ...... 4,565 14 59· PI 7 0 6J,887 I 5 .Vale ...... 5.947 19 ... 5cf947 19 IO~ Moonee Ponds ...... 4,659 16 I6 6\ Essen don ... 4·659 ...... 4,604 14 II 1,450 CI8 II 6,o55 13 IO North Essendon ... , ...... 97 I2 6 ... 97 I2 6 Pnscoe Vale ...... 288 9 IO~ 288 IO~ Glenroy ... 9 ...... 423 I9 1,0 55 16 4~ 479 I6 z!' Broadmeadcnvs ...... 419 3 IO 19 u.tr 3 Somertou 39 459 9i ...... I9S 2 57 4 Si 251· 7 3! Craigieburn ...... 298 .Q 208 2 4 so6 3 I~ Donnybrook ...... 513 4 22I 8 I3 Il~ Beveridge 9 734 ...... 193 0 .9 ... 49 2 5 242 3 2 'V all an ...... '778 16 .7i 585 IO 5 El , I,J64 7 0~ Kilmore Junction ...... IJ6 IJ Ioi! . q6 IJ 10~ Wandong ...... 426 9 .4 . 2,425 I 3i z,851 IO 7~ 1\fatheson's Siding ...... 0 IO 0 0 IO 0 Kilmore East ...... I >452 IO 8-§ I 212 !7 2~ x,66s I I Broadford 7 ...... x,o6s I9 8 I,996 6 9~ 3,062 6 si McDougall's Siding ...... 357 I3 6 357 I3 6 I.owry ...... I85 Io .I~ I85 Io I! 'l'n.llarook ...... 1,093 I6 II!; 76I I3 3 1,8 55 Io zl\ School House Lane ...... 287 II 7 287 II 7 Seymour ...... 7,oo6 Io IO 2,370 16 9 9·377 7 7 Man galore ...... 8I4 I 7?1 1,170 17 7~ I,984 I9 3 Avenel ~ . 876 c ...... 56& I6 ~! 8 IIn 1,445 5 4 . Monea ...... 78 7 I 1,363 ,g l 1,442 5 2 Burnt Creek ...... 166 IJ 2,404 2 2 2,570 I) . si Longwood 3~ ...... 572 4 6 3,386 II 7 M 58 16 I 0 Creighton ...... 73 IS 5 z,OII I4 7 z,o8s IO 0 Euroa ...... 2,o53 I8 3 3,774. I7 9! s,828 16 ol\ Balmattum ...... 8z I) 7! J21 16 4 404 x'l 11~ Violet Town ...... 817 IO IOTI I,965 0 6 2,782 Il 4! Baddn.giunie ...... I'98 Io 2 420 8 9 6I8 18 I I Be nail a ...... 7,1oo I9 9! 4.542 . 7 3~ II,643 7 I Win ton ...... I2I 8 5~ I79 I7 6 301 5 I~~ Glenrowau ...... 421 I II 570 7 2§ 99I 9 I?E \Vangaratta ...... 6,480 I 8~ 6,335 10 6 12,815 12 2! Beechworth Junction ...... 66 I6 .911 I8 II 6~ ss 8 4 Springhurst ...... 713 14. 4n 465 8 IO I,I/9 3 z?i Chiltern ...... I,914 4 zn 3,070 IS II 4,985 3 Il\ Barnawartha ...... 465 - 7 9 1,476 IJ 3 1,942 I 0 Wodonga ...... 4,070 6 2?! 9,JII IO ol I J 138I 16 3 East Wodonga ...... 2 15 z!x ... z I5 2'1; Bonegilla ...... 6 I6 0~ ... 6 16 on Bethanga Road ...... 218 I6 7 1,)89 9 4 r,&o8 5 I I.· Huon Lane ...... 258 3. 4 I,458 .4 6 I 1716 7 10 Bolga ...... 6 IS 9! ... 6 IS 9! Tatonga ...... 448 4 7 448 4 7 Tall an gatta ...... I,J6I 0 4 4,880 9 0 6,24I 9 4 J\facaulay Hoad ...... s8.o 8 4?E ... sSo 8 4TI Flemington ...... , 6o7 13 10 ... 607 13 IO Hoynl Park ...... 537 2 4n .. . 537 2 4?1 South Brunswick ...... 5S9 I .4 x,s5s ,5 o§ 2,417 6 4! Brunswick ...... 86o 15 3i! I 1 J4I IS 8t! z,zoz. II 0 Moreland ...... 339 4 5 s,·tzi II 9~ s,76o 16 2TI Cobnl'g ...... I,I66 15 4 539 I3 6 I,7o6 8 IO Bell Park ...... IO 8 8! . . IO $ 8~ North Coburg ...... 20 6 Il se 3 4 25 Io 3 Fawkner ...... 16 2 2 ... I6' '2 2 Camphellfield ...... 296 2 2i\- 188 0 !0 484 3 oi Campbellfield North ...... 14 17 2 ... I4 17 2 Xorth Carlton ...... 458 3 3 89] 8 o! I,35I li 3! ;North Fitzroy ...... I,916 I 0 I,oi6 12 0~ 2,932· 13 0~ ;Fitzroy ...... I 65 I2 Sl;- 4.554 6 IO 4.719 I9 q Oollingwood ...... 2,381 I 3! 6,912 IS 6 9,293 I9 9l Clifton Hill ...... 509 2 I~ 1,142 Il 9 l x,6sx 13 Io.~ Northcote South ...... !67 II 9~ .. . 167 II 9! Fairfield Park ...... J80 10 0~ 92 I8 4 473 8 4! Northcote ...... 350' 3 6 ... 350 3 6 Middle Northcote ...... 347 2 Io 942.. 5 si I,z8g 8 3~ Croxton ...... 278 I) II 815 IS 0 I,094 Io II Thorn bury ...... I66 9 lOTI .. . !66 0 Io?! Preston, Bell-street ...... 467 17 9 I,353 IS 5~ I,8:u 13 21j Preston, .Murruy-rond ... -...... 3°9 15 6! .. . 3°9 I5 6t l'reston, Regeut.·street ...... 566 17 3 .. . 566 I7 3 Preston Reservoir ...... 339 3 2 .. . 339 3 2 Thomaotown ...... 92 4 9k 29 6 8 I2I II 5~ Epping· ...... 228 li 7i 246 0 4! 474 12 0 .South Morang ...... 277 I 9 87 I2 0 364 13 9 South Yan Yean .. : ...... I 483 17 8 244 8 8~ 728 6 4~ 'YanYean ...... 298 3 10 109 5 6 407 9 ~ Whittle sea ...... x,oos IJ z! 435 17 8i! I,44I IO J.I Traawool ...... 152 19 9i! 16 9 9'k 169 9 7 Kerrisdule ...... I 78 I4 6 6 19 IO ss 14 4' 35

VICTORIAN HAILWAYs.-No. 13.-Statcment showing the Traffic n.t eMh Station, Ji<;c.-conlinued.

STATION TRAFFIC, being Moiety of Outwards and Inwards Revenue from~ STATIONS.

Passengers, Parcels, &C. Good!; and Live Stock. 'l'otals.

£ .~. d. £ s• d. £ 8. d. Homewood ...... 92 4 9~ I I 8?; 93 6 6 Yea ...... 1,563 7 I~ I,450 0 9~ 3,013 7 II Cheviot ...... 4' Il c~ I76 II 3 218 2 3! Moles worth· ...... ISO 5 4?i 189 13 9! 339 19 2 Cathkin ...... 2ll I4 9~ 41 8 2 ZS3 2 II~ Alexnndra Hoad ...... I,033 8 8 I,J62 I7 9~ 2,396 6 51 Ynrck ...... I93 0 4! 405 II 3~ . 598 II 8 Kanumbra ...... 89 I6 6!J 322 I4 2 412 IO 8?; Merton ...... 3I 7 IO I I~ 299 19 8~ 617 Io 8 Woodfifld ...... so 5 8 77 II 6 I27 I7 2 Bonnie Doon ...... 345 I4 2 65I I6 I I?; 997 II I~ Maindample ...... 323 S- 3~ 40I I2 II 724 I8 2?; Mansfield ...... I,86o 3 8?; 3.493 9 9~ 5.353 I3 6 ·1 Tabilk ...... 282 6 8 I,574 0 )~ I,8s6 7 ll Nngambie ...... I ,30I I 8 4,2I9 IO I 5·520 II 9 Wahring ...... z66 14 5! 1,070 I7 0~ 1,3 37 u 6 Murehisou East ...... ~. • . 977 4 s! I,826 IJ 3 z,8o3 IS 8?; Areadia ...... 29I r8 9 926 4 9?! 1,218 3 (\~ Toolamba ...... 868 2 z•• 536 14 9A I,404 17 0 Mooroopua ...... 1,~36 8 9 2,463 19 IO 3.700 8 7 Shepparton ...... 4·400 4. 3~ 4·768 19 I?; 9,I69 3 5 Congupna ...... 128 IO 6-k 6o2 7 6?; 730 I8 I Tallygaroopna, ...... 297 6 2 1,903 5 2~ z.,zoo JI 4~ vVunghnu ...... 410 9 8~ I,8I2 4 II 2,222 14 7~ Numurkah ...... 2,673 9 5 4,013 0 9~ 6,686 Io 2l ·g ...... 248 6 I,7I9 3 3 1,967 9 II Strathrncrton ...... 3 1 3 9 5~ z,o92 10 5 2,405 19 xo! ...... 64I 12 2 2,463 . 0 4 3,084 I:\ 6 ...... 1,495 ~ 9, 4,5II . 6 5 6,oo6 10 2! Mnrchison ...... 414 3 9~ I,IJS I3 II I,5S2 I7 8~ \Vhroo Siding ...... 236 II 7~ 236 II 7~ Waranga ...... I09 9 4 2,IJO IO Si :1.,240 0 ot Hush worth...... 1,346 3 li 3,406 IS 7, 4.734 I9 6~ Pine Lodge ...... 74 I6 9 6ss I7 8 730 I4 5 Cosgrove ...... 152 IO 8 8g6 6 9 1,048 I7 5 Dookie ...... 1,177 2 0 I,s96 14 7~ 2,773 I6 7! ...... '••• ... 7 4 9! 6 3 61, I3 8 4 ...... 24- 15 3 444 IJ sl 469 8 IIi ' ...... 29 9 11~ J&l IO 4 4II 0 ' H Katamatite "' ...... z.;~ 8 5! 1,581 15 I 1,840 3 6~ 2,228 IO 6, ...... "' ... 304 I9. 9 2,)33 IO H Nathalia ...... 2,569 I4 I 7,114 7 II 9,684 :1. 0 Gooramb1tt ...... I67 7 oi I,87I 5 2 2,038 12 2! 2. IQ N ooram nn ga ...... 24 7 2 I 3 5~ ) 7! Devenish ...... 247 14 0~ 793 I 0~ I,040 15 I St. ;James ...... 544 I9 s I,S89 I2 3 2,134 JI 8 Tungarnah ...... 1,0)2 10 9~ 2,239· I6 I?; 3,292 6 li 'l'elford ...... 245 I8 I, I,&ss I 9 z,1o3 I9 IO~ Yarr,awonga ...... 3,144 I I s~ 7>798 I9 4i I0,943 10 Io ...... IS I 8 0 s 2! IS 6 IO~ ·r~.~~:~~·~~ ...... 382 IO 5 1,229 13 I 1,612 3 6 Everton ...... 485 6 9 686 2 2 I,I7I 8 II J,ee's Crossing ...... 29 7 4 ... 29 7 4 Beech worth ...... 4,296 2 J~ 4,985 3 3 9,281 5 6! \Vooragee ...... I6 4 0 IO II 26 IS 8~ Y aekandandah ...... 4IO I2 I 1,063 7 IO'8' 1,473 I9 I I, Brook:field ...... I I4 0 ... I 14 0 Bowman's Forest ...... 178 8 5 393 3 8 57 I I2 I Palmerston ...... 37 8 6~ 9 5 II 46 I4 si Myrtleford ...... 783 9 4! 1,255 6 8 2,038 16 o! lhrwidgee ... ···*...... 24 6 I 34 9 I:IJ ss I5 2;k Eurobin ...... 37 IO Ill 9 II I' 47 2 I Porepunkah ...... 105 12 II 40 2 ~~ I45 IS 0~ Bright ...... I,S87 3 7 I 16o4 6 3il 3·491 9 Io~ J,illiput ...... IS 19 I IS 0 2 30 19 3 Rntherglen ...... 3,o6:z. 19 7 7,260 5 s~ I0,32 3 5 ol; Wahgunyah 6 ...... 21681 18 8,6oo 10 9 I 1,282 9 3 Flemington Show Grounds ... SI6 7 I 300 8 9 8r6 15 10 Flemington Race-course ...... 3,971 3 7l ... 3.97I 3 7, Melbourne (Prince's-b,idge) ...... II4,792 Ii Il 0 18 4~ II4.793 IO 3:\ Hawks burn ...... 8,944 3 3 / ... 8,944 3 3 Toorak ...... 3.515 5 4!! 4,IJ6 19 8 7,632 5 0~ Armadale ...... 5,893 !8 8 ... ,5,893 I8 8 Malvern ...... 6,092 8 4 I,222 4 2~' 7,3I4 12 6! ('.:fmlfield ...... 6,372 I8 II! 264 4 si :6,637 3 5 Hosstown ...... 433 17 s li IS 2 445 I2 7 Murrum beena ...... 804 3 II! 122 19 II 927 3 rcl; Oakleigh ...... 3· 2 55 IS IO sso 0 6, 3,8os 16 4! Clayton's ...... 403 9 o! 10,6 t8 2 5IO 7 2! Spring Vale ...... 6sz IZ 9! 127 I8 6! 780 li 4 nandenong ...... J,861 7 si 1,236 0 I 5,097 7 61; Hallam's Road ...... 91 5 7 4-3 7 7 I34 13 2 Narre \Van·eu ...... 473 IQ I 545 I II I,oi8 12 0 Berwick ...... 883 IJ 8~ 725 19 9 1,6o9 I3 si ·nenconsfield ...... 758 4 9 233 6 9~ 99I 11 6~ 36

ViCTORIAN RAILiVAYS.-No. 13.-Statemmit showing the Traffic at each Strutiorr, &c.-:-contiliued.

STATION TRAFFIC, being Moiety of Outwards and Inwards Revenue from- STATIONS;

Pi>ssimgerli, Parcels, Goods and Live Stock. Totals.

£ 8. d. £ 8, d. £ 8, d. Officers 123 0 3 163 3 3 286 3 6 J>akenham 932 6 ol; 744 16 31! 1,677 2 4. Nar-nat-goon 329 xo· 6 5&7 14 3il: 917 4 9:\. Tynong 186 2 . 3 99 6 I 285' 8 4 Garfield. 145 I II?J 152 IO 3il: 297 n' 3' J'etferson's Si(ling . , ... 12 IO 3 12 10 3 Bunyip 683 2 4?!: 435 7 4! I,II8 9 9 Longwarry 435 f2 :!; x,u6 2 xol! I,)5i ~'s at Rock Cutting '5 ,16 8 5 16 s· ... g· Tuckei·'s S!dirg 67 8 5! 6i 5! Dronin 1,545 !8 9 I,JOI 2 8! 2·,847 I' 5! \Varragni 4.554 i3 4?!: 2,9o8 12 5 M6j 5 9l' Bloornfield 290 !8 8 341 6 3 6Ji' 4 II' JJarnum 241 IJ 8 625 I 7t 866 15 3!. Yarrag:on 4S1 It 6 354 15 II 8j6 I'f 5. Trafa.lgar 371 4 6l; 367 1'4 8 738 1·9 zl Moc I,407 17' I!, I ,278 15 5! 2,68'6 l:i 7 Morwe!l 1,442 19' 4 I,JI4 IO 2 2·757 9 6 Traralgon z,s96 i9 6~ 1,699 I 9 4,29'6· I 3! J,oy Yang. 34 IS' 5 27 19_ 61; 62 1'4· II! ]'lynil's Creek 273 19' 10 832 1'3 51! I,Ici6 ij :H Rosedale &56 II 2i 859 12 0 1,716' 3' 2{i Fulham 9 i4 Si 7 0 6 16: iS· i! Sale 6,119 9' 5 3.742' IJ 2 g,86i 2 1. Montgomery 3 2' ll 2 5 8 5 i 9~ Stratford 86g 8 2~ 8J6 13 6l 1,706 i 9. Nfimro ss 18 I 75 3 2l I6i I· H Fernbank 1 95 x8 6~ 146 19 z;\ 342' i7 9 Lindenow .637 14 z! 1,493 IO s-& 2,1ji 4 8 Hillside 64 1I II 371 II 7 436 3' 6 Bairnsdale 6,296 15 xi 2,sss 4 8! 9';·is4 i9 io GlenHuntiy. 350 18 9~ 89 IJ 8 446' x·i s! North Hoa.d' sss 2' 4 93 !'I 4 678 ~'3 8' McKinnon ..... 364 1'2 8! :J64 12' 8~! 'F:ast Brigliton 645 9 6-l! 249' 19 6 s9s 9 ci'N Soutii Briglifon 523 11 Ili; IOI' 15 4 62 5 ij· 3l Highett 429 7 IIfi 37 6 5 466 14· 4! Cheltenham x,ssz If u! 286' I 7 I x,8J9' 9' oi; Mentone 2,289 12 7! 120' Il 9 2,410 4 4! :Mordiallbc 3oiSJ I 3' 3 x s.r x6 3 3:338 9 6 Carrum 203 IJ 2 J2' I 7! 235 I4 9i Fi:anll:ston '" 1,954 8 I 481' IZ 4 2 >43~' o· 5 J,angwartirr 363 16 si 34' 19 oi J98 I',S 6 Mornington Junction: 303 IS 5 261' 19 6! s6s rj Ili; Moorooduc 88 9' I 44 10 0 I 3i· 19. I :Mornington ". x,goo o· 9i J68· 5 xo! 2,,68· 6' 8' Somerville 2II I 5' o! 402' 11 9! 6x4 6io Tyabli 114 19" 5! 78 17 6! 193 i7 o·· Hastings ... 406 I 3 391' I 7lz 797: . z· I of! Bit tern 397 I 7 I I 461' I 2!. 858· 19' t! Crib Point' 6s w o! x6 '7 3! 8x' ~'5 4 Stony Point 524 7 i 95 13 3ii 620 o' 5! Heyington 179 19' 5 f79' i

VICTORIAN RAILWAYs.-No. 13.-Statement showing the Traffic at each Station, &c.-continued.

STATIOK TRAFFIC, being Moiety of Outwards and Inwards Revenue from- ST\.TIONS.

Totals. .c;-=· '-=-=·=--'--~-::.--~--='--'·'-'--'------Passengers, Parcel~, .1. Goods and Live Stock.

£ .s. cl. £ s. cl. £ 8. d. Buffalo Creek ... 86 I6 2 II5 I9 9?!- 202 IS u!; Boys .. . 27 I5 0 5 4 II J2 I9 II Fish Creek .. . I77 6 2 I45 17 sl 323 3 7! Hoddle Range .. 38 I 8 IO 35 I II 74 ° 9 Foster .. , 770 IO 3~ 5I9 6 3 I,289 16 6!; Franklin River ••• 45 I3 8 I 32 If 2 178 7 10 Toora .. . 369 2 2 384 10 2~ 753 IZ 4! Agnes River .. . ~0 0 + 6 6 5! 56 6 9!1 Welshpool .. I26 6 2 96 I 3 I 222 19 3 Mason's ... 25 8 9! 327 rz 4 353 I 1!; Hedley .. . 93 13 3~ !8 0 2 Ill 13 5! Gelliondale .. . 112 Ig 9 146 I! 9~ 259 u 6!; Alberton .. . 878 I5 4~ I,3o8 -7 nj; 2,I87 3 4 Port Albert .. . 436 II I!~ 288 10 I!~ 725 2 Il Lillieo ... + I5 9! 2 7 4 7 3 I!; Bravington .. . II I 5 I 0 i3 8 !2 8 9 Buln Buln .. . IZ7 If 10! 356 11 7 484 6 5~ Rokeby .. . 'jo I8 I! 26 5 1 97 3 2!; I.ancaster .•. 67 I7 91 IS I5 5 83 I 3 24 Neerim Sout!J .. . 6+6 + IO~ 713 5 3?!- I,359 IO 2 Coalvllle .. . 310 5 4 757 I2 0 I,067 I7 4 Narracan .. . I96 6 9?!­ 2SO !8 IO~ 447 5 8 Thorpdale .. . :::I fiS 6 IO~ 2,497 I7 4! 2,9'3 4 3 Hazelwood ...... i I 6 I9 J! 4 I 6~ 2I 0 IO Yinnar .. . 219 10 3 754 If 0 974 4 3 Boolara .. . 246 If 3 4I.5 II 0 66z 5 ·3 Darlimurla ... liS II 5 669 9 8! 785 I I!; North }Iirboo .... 6oo I7 8 I 13II I6 8~ I,9I2 I4 4! Glengarry ... 2j8 If 10 433 2 8 6JI 17 6

Toongabbie ... 70:1 5 II I 1788 3 II 2,490 9 10 Cowwarr ... 363 7 8~ I,o8I I8 6! . I,4+5 6 3 Dnwson ... 61 I8 z! 22. Ig 5 84 17 7! Heyfield ... 55+ 17 9 755 I6 IO 1,310 I4 7 Timunba .. . 447 7 +t 2,151 9 Io! 2,598 I7 3 Maffra .. . 1,#4 15 8~ z,587 9 o! 4,032 4 9 Boisdale .. . 38 18 9 3 14 2! 42 IZ II!; Bushy Park ... 37 5 1o! 37 5 Io?f Briagolong .. . I89 16 I 279 r6 8!; 469 u g!; Avon River .. . z6 IJ ro! I89 5 9! 2I5 19 8 Glenferrie .. . 8,499 r6 o 8,499 r6 o Auburn ... S,oog rs 6 S,oog I5 6 Cam berwell ... 8,587 9 si I,458 I 5 9! I01046 5 3 Canterbury ... z,6I7 5 9 2zz r 3 2,839 7 0 Surrey Hills ... :1.,349 3 I 364 13 6~ 2,713 I 6 7!; Mont Albert ... 5I5 18 0~ 515 I8 0~ Box Hill .. . 2,557 8 llt 380 IS 6 2,gj8 7 5! Blackburn .. . 662 I7 2~ r,o93 I9 si 1,756 I6 8 TunstaU ... 3+5 + 3 4 3 Ill 349 8 z!; Mitcham ... 57 5 10 6 166 0 7 741 I I I Ringwood ... 836 8 1~ 24I 19 o?f I,078 7 2 Croydon .. . 493 3 I! I75 I4 2\\ 668 I7 4 Mooroolbark .. . 229 6 II! 187 6 7 4I6 13 6!; J,ilydale .. . z,6g1 o I 2,IJ8 6 0 4,829 6 1 Co!dstream ... JOO 2 10! 206 13 4 so6 !6 2\\ Yering · ... 385 18 II 67 19 8!; +53 !8 7! Y arra G !en ... 1,032 17 3 6zg 18 4} 1,662. IS 7! Tarraw>tTl'tt .. , II6 IO 7! 98 5 IO?! 214 !6 6 Healesville ... 2,410 15 B~ 8o7 I6 s! 3,2I8 I2 z l~arker's Road ... g88 + 9~ 988 4 9t U:ew ... s,o96 I7 6~ 734 3 I 5,83I o 7'1! Alphington ... 38I 2 I 114 I4 I 495 !6 2 Ivanhoe .. . 397 0 4! 9 7 I 406 7 51! Heidelberg .. . 1,597 IJ J! 27I 5 2 1,868 IS 51! Bayswater .•. 4I7 5 7 93 3 l 510 8 8 I.ower Fern Tree Gullv .•. 285 I5 3 82 16 2! 368 u s! Upper Fern Tree Gully I,647 IS 0 I05 8 3 1,753 6 3 .Melbourne (Flinders-street) 58,380 I4 I I 58,380 14 I I Montague ..• . .. 627 12 8! 627 12 8~ PoJ.:t Melbourne North ... I,462 10 4 I,462 IO 4 Graham-street ...... 1,356 19 I!~ 1,356 I9 II~ Port Melbourne .. . s,o51 4 7~ 29,373. 8 7 South Melbourne...... 2,982 9 7~ 21982 9 7! Albert Park ... 6,523 I7 3~ 6,523 17 3t Middle Park ... 2. 1 170 4 I 2,I70 4 I St. Kilda .. . 6,396 I7 4 7,8o7 o IO Richmond .. . II,gi2 4 "5 u,gi2 + 5 South Yarra II,I8 5 I8 IO 11,185 I8 IO Prahran 6,I4+ 13 o! 6,I44 IJ o'!l Windsor 7,5o3 1 I 8 3,68I 6 Ill II,I84 I7 g!; Balaclava s,osg u s 5,o59 Iz s Elsternwick J.,J-20 0 9 546 0 8 7,866 I 5 North Brighton .. . 6,!5I 7 911 r,o96 2 8 7,24 Io 5?! Middle Brighton .. . 7 5,o8g I4 I 62·2 o r!; 5,7 I I 14 2~ Brighton Beach ... I 4>7J8Il,Jll 4,778 li 3?! Hampton 398 I5 II1l 398 1 lilt 2 S.-No.l. D 38

VICTORIAN RAILWAYs.-No. 13.----:Statement showing the Traffic at each Station, &c.-continued.

STATION TRAFFIC, being Moiety of Outwards and Inwards. Revenue from- STATIONS. - Passengera, Parcels, &c. Goods and Live Stock. Tot"'ls. - £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. Sandringham ...... 2,I63 3 8~ I42 3 I In 2,30' 7 8 East Richmond ...... 3,668 7 5 .. . 3,668 7 5 Burnley ...... 3·23 3 I7 2~ 3>49° I8 5n 6,724 I) 8 Pie Kic Station ...... 2 IO 6 ... 2 IQ 6 iiuwthorn ...... 6,447 I) 9 I ,093 I "n 7,540 I7 8;1 Beaumaris ...... 598 9 5 .. . 598 9 5 Don caster ...... 89 IS I .. . 8g IS I Sandown Park ...... 8o6 2 5 .. . So6 2 5 Aspendule Park ...... 713 I2 II ... 753 I2 II Cowes ...... 98 I8 3 .. . 98 18 3 Sun Remo ...... 8r 2 9~ .. . 8I 2 9n . Steamer Gem ...... 762 3 9n ... 762 3 9n Traffic derived from Deniliquin and Moarnu Stations ...... 2,019 5 3 n,8 52 6 II 13,87I I2 2 Traffic derived from South Australian StationR I7,810 I9 o'• t,ooo I 6 18,811 0 6;1 Truffic derived from New South Wales Stations 22,4I 8 IO 3 9,053 I3 I~ 3I,472 3 4-~ Traffic derived from Queensland Stations ... 387 6 7 ... 387 6 7 ~--·------Totals ...... I,359,674 I5. 2 I,366,484 6 2 · 12,726,I59 I 4

• These stations were open for traffic for only portion of the yeo,r. H. KENT, Tmffic Auditor. Railway Department, Traffic Audit Office, I 7th September, I 894· 39



EJ!I'Gilf:SS, --- FOUR WHEELS COUPLED. I SIX WHEELS COUPLED. I! Gmnd i I Toto.]. Uncla.ssi- I Class Letter B D F H J K L M N Total. p T V y Unclassi Total...... A c E G z fied. EE 0 Q R s u I w X z fied . l ------1------.-

Totals at 3oth June, I!l93 ...... zs 32 26 59 21 2 8 5 5 IO Z2 5 2 4 248 ... 44 5 IO 88 IO I9 9 3 3I l I 4 251 499 ,__ ---- 1-1 - ----I 1- ---=-,-5- Totals at 3oth June, I894 ...... 25 ~ 71 21 2 8 5 5 IO -~I-:- 262 s 44 5 IO 88 10 19 9 3 3I I 2 Z54 SI6 -:-1--:- ! , ------I 1- ---- __ ----- Under construction ...... I ...... I I I I PASS:SlfG:SB V:SBIC:L:SS. V AB'S. WAGGOliJ'S. S'IJ'NDBI:SS.

Ca.niages. Co.rs and Vans combined. ! 11- Nolt·enruing. •'0 ,) :;;- :0" :0" .2 ~ L~fPlge al "" " ans. •tj, ·~ Class. '0 o,."~ 0 lst Composites. 2nd Cla..ss .. lst Class. Composites. 2nd Class. ~':.; 'ff . ..:; ~0 ~" l"l"'c ! ~ ~;tl E-< ~ ~~ ,t ~tluUnl~i 8JJ~ ~:>I :>! 'l "1 " .se. Mll ::tl~ "' l~i IHit1 !bJifl ~~~~~~~: '1 "' " " " " " " 'E l Class Letter ...... AA. - A AB.rn AB Bn B IADA.D AD ARn.,-..n ABD BD ~ BEnE E!!: E Dn D H I K L M N 0 p Q QR ll s T u F FF !G 0 ------r- E-1 J e<::

Totals at 3oth June, I893 ... 262 IO 73 34 46 47 40 11 206 2.;p 62. 16 :11 2 5 2 39 9 I,I07 2 3 19 53 240 6 323 626 6o28 3°4 II 2JZ 406 J08 172 20 24 27 201 32 17 19 31 72. 853oj so 6 43 I I 27 I 1) I ... I 146 ! ·- _i_ !-- - - ~ ------.. ------!--- - 1-1- - -~- - - --1---1---!- -\ ------9 6 Totals at. 3oth June, I894 ... 2. 51 I 8' 68 29 49 48 40 19' 2.02 238 6z 16 2 2 IJ 2. 39 8 x,o96 2 3. 17 53 2.367 6" 317 6ss 6oz6 J04 II 2]2 4~6 J08 190 2 2.4 27 201 32 17 I9 31 II2 8597 48 6 43 3 I 34 I IS I 4" I 157 i ------1-1---1------1------1-1- - - - - Under construction ...... ! ···~···:~

(1) Includes tst class" Pioneer" and ~~Corridor oars. (2) Include 6 Joint Stook oars. (S) Includes 11. Joint Stock. (4) Includesznd class" Pioneer." (6) Joint Stock. (6) 9 Joint Stook. (J) 7 Booking-otllces, (8) >Booking-offices. (9) Stote C(l.rS nclude Ministerial Nos. I and z, Governor's, and Depo.rtmento.L

Chief Mechanical Engineer's Office, T. H. WOODROFFE, Melbourne, z6th .August, I 894· Chief Mechanical Engineer.

!I S.-No.l. 41

VICTORIA-N RAILWAYS. No. 15. STATK~Ili:NT sh_owing the Cost of EACH LINE, To·rAL LENGTH, ETC., with Avemge Cost per Mile, at 3oth

I.ength of Lines Cost, exclusive of Ol)ened fvr 'l'rafiic~ 1\oll!ng-st.ock. Lines. Double. Single. 'l'ot.al. ,Illghcst.! Lowest. ------·~~~~·····------~----~~,---- 1----1---- M!lcs. nines. lll!lcs. Feet. Feet, ~'eet. £ s. J. £ Mclbouruc to Bcndigo (exclusive of works, ::\1elboume to Essenclon .Junction) ...... 1 in so Bcndigo to Echnca (including Bridge over JUvcr I 2,44-1 .Murmy at Echuca and I:iendigo Cattle-yards Brunch) 55! 55! 7 ss 314 I , 52 687,348 8 3 Lancefield Junctiorrto Lancefield ...... 14~ I4~ I,675 I,072 I , 40 64,244 0 I 4,43I 7,262 Carlsruho to Daylesfonl ...... 22! 22~ 2,469 1,79I ~ " so I65,20cj I3 0 7,92 I Castlernainc to Dunolly ...... 47L 47~ 948 579 I , 40 376,246 I2 0 Dunolly to St. Arnaud ... .•• ••• . .. 33 33 943 6u I , 50 I62,675 I3 5 4,930 St. Arnaud to Donald ...... 2jlj;. 23! 868 374 I , 50 97,235 8 2 4.094 Castlenmine (Maldon Junction) to Maldou ...... 10;} xo! 1,177 890 I " 40 61,475 8 4 5:998 6,482 Ballarat to M,uyborough . .. .•. .. . . •. 42~ 42~ 1,)25 732 I , 40 275.48I 9 5 3,703 \Vaubra Junction to Ballarat Hace-course ...... 2 2 I,soS , 1,466 I " 50 7,404 IS ro Maryborough to Avoca ...... •.. I5 15 ss 5 721 I , 40 6z,28o o o 4,I52 Bcndigo to Inglcwoo(] ...... •.. JO JO 779 44-3 I n 43 I63,$77 I 6 5,453 Inglewood to Char! ton ...... 42 !L 42!1: 639 422 I ,~ 50 I72,6)8 7 6 4.039 Charlton to Wycheproof ...... ••. . .. r6;l I6b 521 356 I , 50 86,599 16 3 5,248 4,08I Korong Vale to Boort ...... !8 . I8• 459 296 I n 50 73.449 3 6 Eagleh(tWk to Kemug .. . ..• .•. • .. 73t. 73t 742. 25) I , 43 295,379 8 I 4,005 Too lam ha to Taturtt ...... • .. 7 7 385 . 37I I ,, 108 28,141 IO I r 4,020 6,53I Lancefield to Kilmore ...... 18! 18~ I,7J4 1,160 ~ " 40 !20,830 6 5 Kihnore Junction to Bendigo (Cattle Siding) ... 68 68, I,450 . 526 ~ ,, so 389,520 12 6 5:728 Ryneton (Hedesiln.le Junct.ion) to Heilesdale ... !6 !6 I,636 973 I , 50 90,859 I9 8 5,679 North Crcswick to Daylesford (.Junction) ...... 2J! 2J~ 2,292 I,429 I n 40 I72,o64 7 3 UJ22 Mal don (Laauecoorie ,T unction) to Shelboumc ... 9f 9i I,126 649 I , 50 70,127 9 9 7.'93 3,87 I lnglewoo<1 to Dunolly ...... ••. 24!. 24! 794 457 ! ·" so 95>797 9 6 'Yedderburu Junction to Wedderburn ...... 4!/- 4! 66o 554 I , SO 18,o68 5 IO 3,8o4 Kerang to S\van Hill ...... 35 35 286 225 I , lOO I58,z56 II 5 4>522. Taturn. to Eehuca ...... 34! 34! 377 320 I , 122 I54:789 2 · I 4>454 Ballarat Race-course to vVaubra ...... 13!l; 13! I,5J3 I,341 I ,, 6o 7I,o8s 6 II 5,I70 2,127 D.ouald to Bircbip ...... 32~ 32! 394 330 I n lOO 69,I42' IO 7 Boort to Qnmnblttook .•...... 3I,523 5 10 In }>rogress, Wychcproof to J.ake Tyrrell ...... 2,769 4 8 Footscray to Williamstown (ancl Piers) ...... 6 66 8 I iuxoo 494>46I 0 6 8;:4Io Newport to Geelong (including Wi!liamstown Race- . course Branch) ...... 37! 39~ ll3 1I 1 .. SI I,I75,257 IS I 2 9,7 53 North Geelong to Ballarat ...... • .. 53! I,725 47 I , 52 I,894,078 2 2. 35.403 ll2,048 2. 2 5,400 Geelong (Queenscliif ,Junction) to Queensclifl' ... 20! 20:i 2.64 10 1 " so Geelong to Colac (including Geelong 11ace-course Brnu'ch) ...... sz! 52~ 469 10 I n 50 326,o67 2. 9 6,2II Colac to Camperdown ...... ••• 28 28 569 40S 1 " 50 127,oi8 13 3 4:536 Warrenheip to Gordous ...... •.. IJ IJ I;940 I,/07 I , 50 I15,86I I8 5 8,912 Ballarn.t to Amrat ...... • .. • 54 57 1,517 960 I n 44 40I,943 13 5 7:052 Ararat to St.a.well ? ... .. • •• • • .. I8f 18! 1,o86 761 I , 50 I47.774 9 0 7,88! Stawell to Horsham (including cost of line to quarries) 54 54 76I 423 I , SO 3I6,J57 I$ I s,8s8 Horsham to Dimboola ••• ...... •.. 21! 21:1- 477 36I I , 50 92,980 3 7 4.376 Ballarn.t (Scarsdale Junction) to Searsdale .. • ... 13l IJ:!" x,si6 I,157 I , 50 59,897 9 2 4>S20 Ararat to l!amilton ...... •.. 66! 66} I,oz8 572 I , SO 319,457 I 0 4,804 Hamilton to Portland ...... 54 54 6o6 II I , 4Q 282,I43 11 9 5.225 Brauxholme to Casterton ...... • ••• 32 32 572 I49 I ,, 40 I76,67I 8 4 S,SZI Brnybrook ,Junction to Parwan ...... •• 2li 2Ij 466 II9 I , 50 254,163 13 2 II,686 Bray brook Junction to Newport· ...... 4!!- 4f I 10 48 I , 92 2.7,391 I6 3 5,767 Lal La! Haec-course Branch ...... 2 2. 1,539 I:532 l ,112 II,489 15 0 5:745 Par wan to Gm·dons ...... 27~ 27! 1,877 34I I , 48 339,5o4 0 6 12,346 Ballarat East to Buniuyong ...... 7L 7k I,6z6 I,436 I , 40 64,862 13 6 8,648 Ballarat Cattle-yards Branch ... .•• .. . 3 3 I,523 I,446 I , 6o 12,896 9 9 4,299 Scarsdale to Linton ...... 8 8 I,I89 1)022 I , 40 77,580 IQ 10 9,6g8 .Avoca to Ararat ...... 39?! 39! 1,2 I 5 . 763 I , 50 174,03 I IS 0 4,406 1 Lubeck to llnpanyup ...... 9L 9k 487 455 I " 47 45,193 4 3 4:757 Murtoa to W n.rmcknabeal .. • ...... 3If Jlf 464 360 I , 66 144,076 9 5 4,610 Horsham to Noradjuha ...... 20f zo! 488 395 I ,. SO 8o,557 6 3 3:978 Dimboola to Serviceton (cost includes I! miles .con- structed beyond Serviceton) ...... 62 63I I , SO 377,158 I 9 6,o83 Mount 1\foriac to Wensleydale ...... • .. Il-k 75 2 I , 50 39,743 0 I 3.533 Birregurra to :Forrcat ...... • •. I9il 579 I , 40 I47.764 13 10 7,482 Irrewarra to Becac ...... Sit 432 I ,, 66 47,219 6 1 5.396 Camperdown to, Warrnambool ...... 42} 550 I , SO 348,576 6 11 • 8,202 Camperdown (Curdle's River Junction) to Timboon .. . 22! 67J I 11 40 112,095 3 5 s,o38 Teraug to .Mortlake ...... 13 447 I , 6o 55,45I Io I -4,266 Koroit to Wn.rrnambool ...... 9~ 245 I , 50 82,I46 I7 0 8,647 Koroit to Port Fairy ...... ut. zoS 1 , 6o 92:147 17 6 8,I9I Dunkeld to Koroit ...... 49! ·834 1 , 6o I77,907 I II 3,612 Hamilton to PcnsbUl'st ...... 19 727 I ,, 6o n,68I 14 7 4,o88 Hnmilton (Coleraine ,Junction) to Coleraine .. . 23 668 I ,, 40 no,188 I3 7 4>791 \.Varracknabeal to Heulah ...... 22 359 1 , So 49,824 5 6 2,265 Beulah to Hopetoun ...... I6 290 I H 100 22,096 6 3 x,;S r Dimbooln. to ,Jeparit ...... 23 387 I u 75 34:718 14 6 I,$IO Natimuk 'to Goroke ...... 4g,6o8 i6 It In prr,grcsa. ------1------1-----1·----·-----·---- Carried forward 2 i

2 S.-No. I. 42

No. 15.-STA.TEMENT showing the Cost of each Line, &c.-continued. ·

· IJcngth of Lines Cost, exclusive of opened for Trnmc, llolUug•stock. Steepesf Gradient. 1~-:-...------~1 Average Double. Single. Total. lmgllest. Lowest' Total. per l\!ile, ------"---~-=~~------1--- -·------:-----1----1------' . Miles. Miles. Mll_cs. -~·eet. Feet. £ s. d. £ Brought forward I8 1II8,4I8 I7 Z Essen don· Junction to· Essen don (including Race-course Line) .. ; ... ..• ...... • S 5 I48 I in 67 I SS,60I S II 3 r,uo Essendbn to Wodonga ...... 6I I2I I-82 I,I47 I n 50 2,o66,965 7 6 II,3S7 Wodongn, to Hiver Mnrray .•• ...... 12 I6,o2r 2:f: 2:f 538 I " 75 36,046 2 Tallarook to Yea ... ••• ...... 23! 2J!/i 698 I , 40 I'5I,I92 12 9 6,J66 Mnngalore to Sheppartou ...... 45 4S 499 1 H lOO 255,138 9 7 s,67o ·shepparton to Nurnurkah ...... 20~ 20~ 376 I ,2o6 78,755 I 6 j,842 Benalla to St. James ... .•...... zoJ! zo! 58 3 I " 7 S 77,807 I3 I 3.796 Wangaratta (Beeehworth Junction)·to Becchworth ...... 23 23 1,831 502 I , 30 . ISg,gg6 5 4 6,956 Ever ton to Myrtleford ...... · I6i I6t · 989 · 58r I , 40 76,62,6 I8 ·6 4,644 Springhurst to Wahgunyah ...... I4 I4 623 454 I , 50 69,151 17 E 4o939 North Melbourne to Coburg ...... 5 202 13 I·, So 203,898 6 IO 40,779 Yea to Mansfield and Alexandra-road ... 55it 55~· r,3o4 5S7 I , 40 334o75I 9 4 6,oos Murchison East to Rush worth ...... IJt. I 3! 476 39 1 I , So 68,]76 9 4 5,160 Shepparton to Dookie .. • .. • ... • IS IS 500 372 I , lOO S3,8S5 IS 0 J,Sgo' Numurkah to Cobram ...... 21~ 21,\. 376 3SS r · , r65 8o,S44 I2 4 3,746 Numurk:ah to Nathalia ...... 14 14 356 335 I·, 3JO 5I 0S8I 18 5 3,684 St. James to Yarrawonga ...... rg! rgj£· 5I4 414 I~,. JO 9S.7I7 6 s 4,846 Myrtle ford to Bright ...... • I8~ 18~ r,oo4 688 I~·,, 50 · I09;J98 I 6 9 s,9 1 3 Beecliworth to Yaekandandah· ...... l2f u!J: · I,gr2· 981 I·, 30 96,714 Il 5 7,sss \Vodonga to Tallangatta ...... •.. 2S!i 25t. 726 530 I , 40 I87,992 I9 7 7>372 Coburg to Somerton ...... 7l! 71 S30 ,202 I , SO 72,60I 6 8 9,68o Hoyal Park to Clifton Hill .•. ... 2 2f I36 IOJ I , 50 I S4oJ64 4 I s6,I 3z Fitzroy Branch .. , ...... I II9 ss I n 79 76,817 I3 Il 76,8t8 Fitzroy (Whittlesea Junction) to Whittlesea 22 639 I , SO 245,689 7 S II0I68 Dookie to Katamatite ...... I7 -490 I ;, 69 Nathalia to Pica la ...... 832 3 6 Survcyf &c. Spencer and Flindets streets connexion by viaduct ... . 33 I ·in 40 ·1J9,76 5 I7 I I 7+•707 South Yarra to Oakleiglr ..• .,, ...... I84 22 I , SO 274,938 ro 3 40,732 Oakleigh to Sale ...... IO 5IJ 8 I , 50 I,o4g,692 8 6 8,82I Traralgou to J:Ieyfteld ...... • • .. .. . z62 · 93 I , SO . 121,635 9 9 s,zp. Hawthorn t.o Lilydale ...... IIi 484 41 I ,,40 J46,878 tg 4 I 7,I 30 Caulfield to 'Franks ton . .. ' ...... Io;j- 20 I66 . 10 I' , SO I7S,J76. 5 6 8,769 Morwell to North }firboo ...... •• 20 20 784 184 I , 40 I53,699 I7 3 7,685 Mornington Junction to M:orniugton ...... 7~ 71 I94 6o r , so ' 6J,S5I I ii 8,200 Franks ton to Stony Point...... - ...... r8! I8~ 327 IO I' " SO I02,640 4 2 5,S48 Dandenong ·(Great Southern Junction) to Port Alliort ·II7;); Il 7;!; 746 IO I , 40 875,700 IO 6 ·7,469. Warritgul to Neerim !::Iouth ...... IJ~- IJ~ 681 349 I , 40 I23,623 7 7 9oiS7 Moe to Thorpdale ...... roi roll. 798 219 [ " 40 u6,7I8 12 5 I0,8s7 Sale to Stratford (Jun'ction) ...... 9t.. 9i 64· 33· 'I , 66 42,625 I2 S 4,6o8 Heyfie Id to Bairusdale .. . .. • . .. • . .. so!l: sot 296 9 I ,, so I 2)9,I22 17 2 5,106 Maffra to Briagolong ...... '" ... I2;j- I2! z38 . " 109 I·., SO 52·•787 I 5 3 4,309 Ringwood to Upper E'erhtree Gully ...... 7n 1~ · 436 314 . I , 40 S8,88J IO 3 7;8 5 I Lilydale to Healesvillo · ...... •• I 5! I 5! 210,648 I8 4 I J,8q Oakleigh to.-Fairfield Purk ...... 1o5l· Iot. 298,I83 6 II 27,738 Burnley to )Vavcrley-rond ... .. • . .. 7! 7! I7I,70I I4 1 2J,68J Hawthorn to Kew .•• ...... lt lt · ~!t 21i ; ~~ '!9-~71! 72,9S3 2 Il 5s, 36z Brighton to Sandringham...... •• 2 2 71,666 IS 4 35,834 Collingwood to Heidelbcrg ...... st I~~ i' ~~ ~·::so t88,gi3 3 6 35,983 l{ornmburra to Coal Creek ...... ! 73S 630 I n 30 i s,4o8 5 7 6,760 Korumburra to Jumbunna ...... 3!! 796 619 1 JO I41o89 I 7 ro 3.757 Korumburra to Strezlccki (Junction with Coal Creek Line)...... z:l 10 3 4-.33S. Franks ton Cemetery Line •. • ...... 9 9 Survey, &c. Heidelberg to Eltham ...... ~~· ,:>I 8 9 Hobson's Bay Lines (including works, Prlnee's•bridge i · , i " 1 t o eh ape1 -s t reet) ...... , I6 ~l .. . I6 ~ 53 9 I 1'n 74_ ' I,912,039 0 6 !---1-•-.. ~- .. 1~~--~'---~-!~--=·· "'[ ...... -. .. . 12~,99 14 9

Gauge of lines, sft. 3in. in all cases.

R. SINGLETON, .ROBERT GEO. KEN'r, :Accmtntant. Secretary. .Accountant's Br~ncb, 21st August, 1894-,

" 43

HI\TUHX of Accidents and Iujul'ics to Life t

I':t.S::$cngcrs Killed OL' Injured. I)crsons Killed or Injurctl 'l'res.;1usscrs. Total. , I'rom c~tuses l!~rom their own ut' Crossir1gs. Ycn.r. lb.. eyouU their O'iYl1 m. lsconduct or eontrol, w.wt of caution.

' ~- ··T-- -··-~--- : Killed. :Injured.: Ki1ict1. I Injt.lfCd. ··--·i

I859 z 6

I86o 2 186I

IS62 19 4 6 31 I863 2 5 2 9 IO I864 . 7 9 I86s rS 4 19 1866 2 4 2 IS67 9 I868 2 2

JS6g 2 4 1870 4 4 IS7I 2 2 2 6 I872 3 3 32 1873.

1874 4 4 IO 1875 6 6 4 I I g 1876 4 10 IS 2 6 2 2.3 27 1877 10 5 8 2 2 Z.;t 49 1878 22 6 7 2 6 16 4-0 I379 I l 8 2 9 21 45 188o 7 3 2 6 2 2 18 20 188r 4 4 4. 14 3 8 2 34 r882 ZIO 5 13 22 3 9 2 2 5 38 r883 8 7 IO 12 2 10 4 32 101 *r884 . I 9 4 IO 2 21 2 r884-5 ! Io 12 7 14 9 r88s~6 3 33 I) I01 5 6 14 4 I886-7 4 266 24 43 5 25 1887~8 I8 2 34 I) 22 84 8 2 I 3 10 1888-9 1 li6 4 82 4 24 2.3 107 7 5 37 12 r88g-9o zo 8 II) 9 49 21 186 7 5 22 IJ 18go-911 I9 82 7 Go 14 1JJ 9 6 37 8 1891-2 37 86 I4 II) 7 21 1J r39z-3 I 17 II7 6 III 2 7 7 I89J~4 27 5 9 121 10 Totl\l .•. 13 45 II6

* Six months.

R. SINGLETON, ROBERT GEO. KENT, Accountant. Secretary. Accountant's Branclr, z 1st August, I 894.

2 S.-No. l, 44


No. 17.


Q'UA.B.TER laNDING 30th SBP'l'EMBEB, Jl.893.

Dn.te . Date Name in }'ull. of Brarich. Position. of By-law. Salary or Wages. Bitth. . EutQ·.

Arnott, George ~, .. : Existing Lines Ganger 2I.l0.0j Bickhmn, Mnrthn, Ann Gatekeeper 9·9·93 70 J lroadbent..EliJ:::theth " " 4- 22.9 ·93 70 " Calcutt, Hiclmrd FaHou·* 7.2.72 Draughtsman" I. 9. 87 navis, Rliz!L 12.43 Office-cleaner 1 5·7·93 70 " Howes, Elizabeth ... lO.U) ., li ·9·93 70 per week · Luff, ~eorgc " per dn.y .lo. 54 " ·Gatekeeper 4·8. ?3 70 -~s

Holmcs, Thon;ns Henry*· Tn

Tuckett, Ambrose t 1 Locomotive Firenmn ... 22. ~.s~ Its. per day


Q Truusf<'rl'ed from iloartl of Land r~nd w·otks rst Drccmb;;rj tE'9l· t Trnnsfcrrcd from l3oanl of Lnnd nnd \\""orks nth October, 1893. +.Dispense

' Feighrey, M'n.rgaret ... 26. 12. 6g Existing Lines Gatekeeper ... 20-3·94- 70 . 4s. per day Gregory, Mary .fane .. ... ·20 J,64 ... 2 3-1.94 70 Helffenstein, Louis •· ...... 14.2 .66 " ... Dmughtsm:m" ... 23·7·83 .. . IOS." per " n.nnum I I . i i ' .;r 'fl':1.nsfcrred from'Uonrd oi Lan\1 and '\VorkB 31st J1mnary, ~894·

QVAilTEB BNJ!U:!J'G 30th JUNE, 189'A,

O'Dea, BridgeL i :Existing· J,ines Gatekeeper 4s. per day .I ROBERT GEO. KENT; Secretary for Rail ways. 45



.! ____ Date of Name in Full. ~~·~l""~~>~r>~Ot---,-c J Branch. Rnnl<, Grade, or Sal«l'Y or Wages. Remarks. Leaving. Position. -- Act7fl7· ------1-----,--:----····1----1------_____ ,____ _ Anderson, Robert 25·7·93 Accountant's Clerk ... £145 per ann. Deceased Ashfield, Samuel James ... S·9·93 Locomotive... Cleaner ... 6s. 6J. per Jay Resigned Baeck, Joseph ... 24·7·93 Tmfiic .. . Carriage-cleaner 75· " Dismissed Balaam, Benjamin rs.8.g3 Existing nnes Inspector ... £320 per 11nn. Retired Bttldcrson, \Yilliam IO.S.g3 , .. . Repairer ... 6s. 6d. per day Resigned Bcath. Malcolm 27.8·93 Traffic ... Labourer , ... 6s. 6d. , Bickham, Willhtm 9·9·93 l~xisting J,ines Gatekeeper ... .j.S, 6d, , Deceased" Black, William ... 28.7.93 ... Clerk and £4oo per ann. Retired " Draughtsman Bowen, Frc(l\:rick Henry .. . 4·7·93 Traffic ... Guard ... Ss. 6tl, per day Dismissed Bntdish, William .. . J6.8.9J l'orter ... 78. " He signed Brad icy, Richard ... 21.8 ·93 Loc~motive::: Machinist ... 7S. 6J. , Brennan, Thomas ... 28,8,77 8.8.93 I•;xisting Lines Gatekeeper , .. ss. " Retl~ed Brisbane;, John ... • .. : '4·S·77 12,7·93 ,; . .. Hepairer .. , 7B• H Broadbenh, William .•. 26. 1. 78 30·7·93 ... Ganger ... 98, 6d. " Dec'~ased .Broll'n, Hector .. . 51 I0,7·93 " Hcpaircr , .. 7S. " Uetircd Brush, Fnwcis Samuel .. . 31.8.93 Draughtsman ... I2S. 6cl, , Dispensed with Bruton, John :Fmncis 22:9.7sl 18.8.93 :Fitter ... !OS. 6d, , Retired Augustine i J3nrgcss, Her,ry 20.8,83 J.j..8.9J :Traffic Signalman ... : Ss. ., Resigne(1 Burkc, l'hiliip Jamcs J.8.g3 ... Porter ... ss. 6<1. Dismissed Burrowcs. Archihalcl 2I.S.83 3°-9-93 Signalman 108, " Retired Busst, Th.omas \V:alter : .. I8.1o.82 28.8. 93 Fitter IOS. " Callcndar, William ... 1 4·9·72 31. s ·93 ... Fireman IOS, Hcsigned" Cameron, John .Anderson ... 7.10.81 14·7·93 Trntllc ... Receiving Porter 8s. Retired Campbell, John ...... 28.5·77 12·7·93 Existing Lines G1ttekceper· ... ss. " Catterson; ,Joseph .. . Jl.7-93 'l'raffic . .. Porter ... 78. " Resigned Clmndler, Fredericl{ Henry 3°·9·93 ss. 6(1, ,, Chesscll, Williara .. .. J.6.74 23·9·93 Exi~hng Lh;~s CarPenter :~: liS, " Retired Christic, William .. . 19'·9·82 22.8.93 Traffic ... Station-master 78, 6,1, " Dismissed Clanccy, Thomas .. . 3·S·83 I. 9. 93 Existing Lines Carpenter ... I IS. " Clark, Gcorge Freclk. .. . 12,12.61 31 .8. 93 Traffic ... Station-master £2so per ann. Reti~ed Colcman, Samh ... o ... 2.Il.gi 23.8·93 l~xisting Lines Gatekeeper ... , 4s. per day Resigned Connelly, Michacl .. . 1.7.74 1 2 ·7·93 ,, .. . ss. Retired Connor, Thomas...... J0·9·93 Traffic" ... Lrtbourer .. . 7S, " Resigued Cooper, W alter .. . '1.8.93 ... Number Taker ss. 6d. " Dismissed Critchley, Gcorgc ••. 2.8.82 JI.8.93 " Hcceiving Porter 7S. 6d_ " Retired Croughan, Christopher ... -.6.77 4·9·93 Grmger ... 98. " To Board of " Land & Works Croll'c, Thomas ...... 13.10.83 3 .8.93 Traffic ... Porter • 78, Dismissed Crozier, Charles ...... 22.8.g3 Locomotive... Cleaner .. . 6s. 6d. " Resigned Davcy, Williltm Henry .. . 1S·9·62 S·9·93 .•• Driver .. . I 58: , Retired Davies, Abrabam .. . Traffic" ... Tally Porter .. . Ss. , 19.2.73 I J0·9•9J " Davies, David ...... 14·9;81 3°·9·93 " ... Point Cleaner". 7S. " Davics, John ...... 13.2.79 JI.8.93 Accountant's Clerk ... £205 per ann. Resigned" Drwics, Thomas .. , ... 24.6.76 JI.8.93 Traffic ... Station-master £ISO He tired Davis, Henry ...... 5 ·4·8o 15•7·93 Existing Lines Iicpairer ... 7s,. pc;'day Killed Dn>orcn, Michael ... 5 ·4·82 2S·9·93 " ... Gatekeeper .. . 6s. , Retired Daws, Michael ... 10.11.82 19.8·93 r.ocnmotivc ". Blocker, .. . Ss. ,, Deceased DcJ\oiortou, J osepb Anthony 27·9·62 3!.7·93 Traffic ... Station-master £150 per ann. Uetircd Dcwar, Agnes ...... 20.7·93 Existing Lines Gatekeeper ... 4s. per day Dismissed Dickson, Jamcs ... 1.12. So 3°·9·93 Traffic ... Station-master 8s. Retired Donnellan, Patrick ... 1.8.90 Jl.7·93 ,, ... I.abourer .. . 6s. ,," Dismissed Donoghue, Mary ...... JO. 10,83 20.7·93 Existing Lines Gatekeeper .. . 18. Dougban, Thomas ... . 1.74 20·9·93 4S . Dec'~ased Douglas, Alexander ... 14,7·8I 28·9·93 Tr~filc ::: Gu~;d ::: gs. " Dismissed Drummond, William ... 19·5·88. 14·9·93 , ... Number-taker ss .. 6d, " J<~ngeler, Ernest ...... 2.6.86 14.8·93 J,ocomoti ve .. . Fireman ·... lOS. , ResJgned Evans, John ...... 1.6. SI 24·7·93 Tmffic .. . Tally Porter .. , 7S. 6d. , Deceased F~irchild, John Herhert 8.8.85 7·7 ·93. ... Clerk ... £97 ros. per Dismissed Sanderson " ann. Fawcctt, William ... -·.2.80 5·7·93 Slmnter .. . 7s. 6d. per day Fern, William Eugcne ... 12. 2. 8+ 26.8.93 r;o~motive ::: Fireman IOS, " Fitzgerald, Jeremiah ... l.II.65 4·8·93 Existing Lines Repairer ... 78· RetJ~ed l:'latley, Charles ...... 2.j.. 2. 74 3I.8;g3 Carpenter .. . IOS! " Francis, George ...... 3·8·93 Traffic ::: Shed Porter .. . 78. 6d. "" Deceased" Fraser Alexander .. . 2.8.93 Locomotive .•. Striker ,,, 78, Dismissed :Fraser, Robert ...... 3I.7·93 Traffic ... Station-master Ss. Retired Gallagher, Ltmbert ,John ... :a. 12.88 19.8.93 Shunter .. . 6s. 6d. ", Resigned Gibncy, .James Francis ... 4.8.90 12·7·93 ''" .. . Porter .. . 6d. " ,. Gill, .Job ...... 2S·9·93 Locomotive .. . Shop Foreman per ann. Retired Gillnrd, Robert Dyer ... 31.7·93 Traffic ... Tally Porter ... Ss. per day Goudie, Fanny Elizabeth ... 1.4.91 ll·9·93 Existing L~nes Gatekeeper· ... 4S, · Resigned" Greenwell, John.-.. . .. I .4.81 Locomotive ... Fireman ... IOS. " IJ•9•93 " Retired 46

RE~roVALS of Employcs-SEPTmumu QuARTEH-continw:d.

fEntry.• I I Narn~ in Full. Dal:e Rink, Grade, o1· -··---~----1 of J,e':wing. l)osition. So.hry or Wnges. Ren1a.rks

Gregory, Jo!m ...... 20.8.83 22.8.g] Existing Line; Ganger .. . Griffin, Jnmes ...... 9s. per day Killc,cl on duty 2.6.81 Jl·/·93 Accountant's Storcmnn .. . Gl'iffin, William ...... 98. 6d. " Hcsigned 22.8.88 14·9·93 Trnffic ... Shnntcr .. . 6s. Gd. ,. Dismissed Griffiths, Isaac ...... 12·7·93 Bxisth1g Lines Gatekeeper .. . Griggs, Samuel ...... 6<1. " He tired I. s. 93 'l'mllic ... ' Labourer .. . Hale, ,John ...... Dismissed 14·7·93 ,, Door Porter .. . Hale, ,Joseph ...... Ss. , Hetirct! 7·7·93 LocOlnotiYc ... r.nbourer ... 6s, 6c1. , Dismissed Hamilton, Henry Wcstropp 1.6.62 JI./.93 Traffic District Tmffic £ soo per ann. i He tired Suverintendcni. Hamilton, Jnmcs ... 18.7·93 J,ocomotin; ... Striker ... 98· per day Hamilton, Robcrt Jnmcs ... Jo.8.87 25.8.g3 Traffic. ... Block-recorder 6s. HatHnwn:l, Edwnrd John ... Dee'~ascil 4·2,89 31 ·7·93 Locomotive... .Jjahourer ... 6c1. " Dismissed Hnrlcy; ,lohn William ... ss. zz.S.go !8.7·93 Tmfiic ... Carriao·c-cleaner 6s. · " He signed Harrignn, Williatu ... 20·4·87 5·9·93 , ... Portc/' " Dismissed l!ast-ings,John ... ••. 1.2.83 78. " 30·9·93 ];;xisting I~iues Striker ... i~- 6d, " Hesigncd. Hawkin~, Miclmcl .. . 10.].93 Traffic ... Porter 75· ,; Dismissed licaleJ, ~amuel Thomas .. . ZJ.].66 1 9·7·93 ... Clerk ... £300 per: ann. Hetired Hundy, John Gcorgc ... z.8.93 Porter 6s. 6d. per dn.y Dismissed Higgins, ;f,)mcs ... •.. '' ... ].12.89 25.8.93 Existing I,ines Hcpaircr 6s. 6d. , Re3ig11ed Hillrmm, Hemy ••• . .. 4· 5· 78 13·7·93 , .. . l~abourer ... s~. 6d. , He tired Holland, Hugh ...... I3-9-93 J,ocomotive·... Fireman ... 98. Resigned Hopper, .Stephcn .. ;· .. . 1 -4--59 26.].93 Existing Lines Ganger ... 98. " Retired Hunt-, J'hillip ...... 1 ·7·93 ... Porter ... 6s. " Dismissed lrwin, Wil[iam Henry ... Ig.8.93 ~' . .. ,, ... 6s. 6d. J:uncs, Etty ...... - 12,9.93 Existing Lines Gatekeeper ss. " Hctirctl" .Tohnston, Georgina ••. ji.8.93 ... Otlicc-cleaner ... JS. 4ll. , Hcsigned .Tones, Hobert Edgar z6.8.61 10.7·93 " ... Storcmun ... .£3io per ann. -l{etired Kenny, Jlclix ...... 2).I0.8o 12.].93 ltcpairer ... 7s. per day Kenyan, Nathrm ... • .. ].6.]8 )0·9-93 Traffic ::: Carriugc-cle"ner iS. " Kinaban, Waiter ·•· I I. 8. 74 23·9·93 Existing Lines Hcpaircr .. . 7S. " J,:twlon, Thomas Edward ... ' II .4 .. 81 14·9·93 Locomoti re ...~ Painter .. . Ios.. ," Dis]{ensecl wit! Leach, .Tames . .•• .. . IO. 7··93 Traffic ... Porter ... 6d. " Dismissed J.ewis, Evan ... • ... ss. 24·7·93 Existing Lines Gatekeeper ... 48. ". Deceased Lighlfoot, Thomas Handcock 8.6.81 ]0.8.93 Dmughtsmnn ... £36o per ann. He tired Lynch, Jno. Nicholas ... 1.6.66 28.8.93 Trnfflc ::: Stat-ion-master 1 £400 " MalcPllll, Daniel ... • .. 2,]2 12.8 93 Existing Lines Inspector ... £z8s , " i'l'bnson, Willimn .. . 25·7·93 Locomotive .. . Cleaner ... ss. 6tl. per day Resigned" Marston, Frcderick .. . 22.7.82 28-9-93 Traffic · .. . Yardsman ... 98, " Eillcd oH duty Mastcrton, 'l'homas .. . . 3 ·4· Sz Jl·7·93 Signah1lnn ... Ss. He tired 1\Iehrtcns, .:(ohann Andrcas 12.6.82 12.8.93 }jxi~'ting Li~~·s Gatekeeper ••• 4S. n Mi .. . 4s. per day ,, i\Ici.eod, Roder!ck .. . 10,7·93 Traffic . .. Porter .. , 6s. Dismissed Neille, Hurry ...... 1 I • 7 · 93 " ... 6s. 6d. ," Hesigned Ockenden, .Jumcs .. . 12·9·93 Existing Hnes R.el:~irer :~: 75.· " Dismissed Olds, William James ... 12·9·93 Traffic .. . Caniage-cleaner 6s. 6d. , Resigned ()'Brien, Georgc ...... JI.8.93 Audit .. . Clerk £85 per ann. O'Brien, John ...... ]1.7.93 TraffiC ... Porter ... ]S. 'per day RetKea O'Donncll, Joseplt .John ... Labonrer ... Dismissed 2·9·93 7S• '' O'Hnlloran, Thomas ... 2.8.]8 24·9·93 Exi~ting Lines Repairer ... 7S, " Deceased O'Toolc, Patrick l!'elix ... I. 8. Sz .2).8.g] Locomotive... Fireman ... 9S• " Retired. l'ascoe, \Villiam ..• .. . I.g.Sz 29·9·93 ,, ... Turner ... I IS. ,, Peers, I:Tnddington .. . I ·4•77 18-9-93 Existing Lines Inspector ... I 6s. , Deceased" Phillips, David ...... 22.12,66 !6.8.93 T..ocomoth·e ... DriYcr ... 15s. , Retired Pollard, Edwa1'd Fox x6.9.6o 30·9·93 Traffic ... District Tmillc £soo per ann. Superintendent

Poynton, John Pntrick ... 2].8.8g 30·9·93 , • .. Porter ... ss. 6d. per day Resigned Quirk, Delia Knte ... 16.6.gz 10.7·93 Existing Lines:1 G:ttekceper ... 4S. , Halston, Robert ... 14,2-71 • JI.S.gJ Traffic ... ' Sttition.master £zoo per ann. Reti~ed lleardon, .Michacl ... 9·4·61 J0.9,93 " ... ,, ... .£187 IOS, p.all. Hees, WiJJiam Davies ... 1,8.]6 25·7·93 Existing Lines Foreman Smith zss. per day " Reid, George Ash ... 9.1.88 8.7·93 Traffic .. . Porter ... 7S, " IGIJ~d on duty Richardson, Willi:un ... '3'?·1,8] 31.8.93 , ... Gtiard ... _98.. " He tired Roberts, Robert John ... 8 ·9. 77 31.8,gJ , ... Lamp man. •.. 78· ,; Robertson, Peter...... 4· 3. 75 7·7·93 , ... Chcckman .. . 78, " Robinson, James J~owrie ...... 19.2.89. 30·9·93 . Existing I,ines Hcpairer .. . 6s. 6d. " Resigned H.oscoe, ,James Edward .. . 23·9·89 17·7·93 Locomotive... Fitter· ... IOS. ·," Rowel!, Charles ...... I6:8.88 Ig.8.93 , ... Firen1au ... 9S., " ·"" Snhling, ,J oachim 13crnard I. 7. 89 31.8 ·93 Existing Lines DraughtsmaQ ... I7S: 6d. , Dis11ensed with Scott, William Joseph ... 6 .. Io.68 6.7·93 Locomotive ... I Driver · ... 1 ss. , Deceased Seymonr, George ...... 25.8·93 Telegraph ... Clerk .. . £gi I os. p. ann. Dismissed Slmons, Edmoud...... n.9.93 'fra!fic ... 1 ~~bourer . .. . 7s.. per dny .... Resigned 47

REMOVALS of Employes-SEPTE}IBER QuARTER-continued.

IApproximate Date of Entry. Date I Rr;nk, Grade, or Remarks. Name in Full. of Leaving. , Brnnch. Position. Salary or Wr;ges. - I Act767. -~~~=~-=~-=-~~~--~~~~-=~ ~~~~-~~ ~~··--···------Simpson, John ...... 18.5.75 l2·7·93 Existing Lines Repairer ... 7S. per day ... Retired Sinclair, William Geo. .. . x. 3 .6o 31.7·93 Traffic ... Station-master £4oo per ann. Slater, John ••• . .. 18.1.76 30·9·93 Existing Lines Ganger ... 9s. per day ... Smith, Allison Dalrymple ...... J1,9'•93 Locomotive ... Locomotive £1,200 per ann. Dispensed" with Superintendent

1 Smith, James Alexander ... 16.9.93 • , ... Inspecting Officer £26o , Retired Smith, William Stmtrt ... JI.7·93 Traffic ... Station-master ·£225 , Soame, Stephen Samuel ••• 11-9·93 Existing Lines Draughtsman ... 12s. 6d. per day Disp~nsed with Spiers, vVilliam Anderson .. . I. 7' 93 Traffic ... Station-master £250 per ann. Deceased Stanhope, Waiter .John .. . 31.8.93 Locomotive... Blacksmith ... 1os. per day He tired Stapleton; Patrick ••. IS. 1.0.89· 31.8.g3 ... Cleaner ... 6s. , Hesigned Stephens, Clement ... 1;7.63 31.7·93 ... District Traffic £475 per ann. Retired · ·Superintendent Stewart, William 27.10.69 31.7·93 , .. . Head Porter I08, per day " Stirling, Alexander· 3· 3·72 23.8.gJ Existing Lines! Foreman Car- us. 6d. , , pentcr Stokes, William ...... z.o.s. So 8.8.93 , ... Gatekeeper . .. 4s. 6d. , Strachan, Archibald ••• 6,6.66 31.7·93 Traffic ... · Station~master £zoo per ann. " Sullivan, James ...... I4·S·89 3·8·93 , , .. Porter ... 6s. per day Dismissed" Taylor, Edward Oughton .. . 26.8.90 3I.8.g3 , .. . Labourer ... · 6s. 6d. , Resigned Taylor, Elizabeth ... 1.9 .85 13·7·93 Existing Lines Gatekeeper .. . 48. Retired Telfer, James Alex. . .• zo.8.83 22·9·93 Traffic ... Station-master 7S. 6d. " Thomas, William John ... u .2.89 7·7·93 J,ocomoti ve... Fitter ... JOS. ," Resigned Thompson, Herbert Wyvill ... I5·S·89 JI.8.93 Existing Lines· Draught-sman: .. I 78. 6tl. , Dispensed with Torbitt, William...... 28.8.88 1.7··93 Telegraph Lineman ... 78. 6tl. " Resigned Townsend, Georgina .. . 22.1.92 19·9·93 Existing Lines Gatekeeper ... 4S. , Trevillian, George ••. 18.9.89 IJ·9·93 Locomotive... Cleaner " ; .. 6s. ,, Dis~issed Two:1rt, George ...... , .: ,I 24·7·93 Traffic .. . Station-master £ISO per ann. Deeeasell Vaughan, John ... •.. I6·, 8. 64 31.7;93 ... Clerk ... £187 lOS, per Hetired ann. Wade, William Jarnes ... J.8.93 ... Porter ... ss. 6d, per day Dismi>sed :walk\lr, Reuben ... •.. 30·9·93 " Gnnrd ... Ss. 6J. , Hetircd i-Valsh, John Casey ... 26.8.93 ", Porter .. . ss. 6d. , Dismissed Waril, Fredk. Arthur ... z.8.g3 ,, ... " ... '75. " He tired W asley, Matthew ... 20·7·93 Locomotive ... Driver ... i x4s. , i-Vearne, William John ... 30·9·93 Existing Lines Repairer ... 6s. 6d. , Resigned" Whelan, John .. • •.. 17·9·80 19·9·93 Gatekeeper · ... ss. 6tl. , Deceased ·willinrns, Henry Watson ... 16·9·93 Loc~ntotive ::: Draughtsman... £::137 I os. per Dispensed with ann. Wynne,RobertO'Hara Burke 21.7·93 Existing Lines Lab.ourer .. . 8s. per day ..• Retired

I . . Adamson, David ... Jo. 1_1 ·93 Traffic ... Officer in Charge £337 Ios. per Hetired ann. Anderson, David 8,2,86 JO.IZ.9J , Porter . .. 7s. per day ... Dismissed Anderson, Robert 10.1,60 j0.11.93 , Officer in Charge £362 xos. per Retired ann. Arnott, George ... 21,I0,6J 2I,IO.gJ Existing Lines Ganger 1os. per day Backhouse, Thomas -.12.59 ·JI. 12 ·93 Inspector £375 per ann. " Baggott, Ellen ... , I8.4·79 Ig.11.93 " Gatekeeper 4s. per day " Bennett, Thomas 2. 1o.go 7.10.93 " .... Repairer 6s. 6d. Hesigned" ·Bintield, Henry .. ~ -.6.74 JI.IZ.gJ " ... 1 Bricklayer I 2.S. Retired Blacker, Thomas ... 1.4. 63 Zj.12.93 " Ganger gs. " Bourke, John ... -·9·75 Jl.IZ.gJ " Repairer 78. " " Bowman, Robert... 6. I. 62 1g.1Z.g3 " Inspector £400 per nnn. " Braddy, William .•. 1.10.70 9.11.93 , Ganger gs. per day Dec'~aserl Bray, Rupert Henry z6.I0.93 Traffic .Porter 6s. Hesiguetl Breen, Cornelins .. . J0.10.93 Locomotive .. , Cleaner ... ss. " Bromley, Joseph .. . 2.10.]1 23.12.93 Existing Lines Repairer 75. " Re&ed Brown, Charles .. . I. g. 72 31.12.93 78. " Burgoyne, .Tames -.II.81 . 16.12.93 " J,abourcr" &s. 6d. , Butters, Albert Edward .7.12.g3 Repairer 68. 6d. " Dec~ased Calcutt, .:[oseph Richard 30.11.93 " Principal Clerk £725 per ann. Retired Carey, ,John Maurlce 7·10·73 7 .I!. 93 · Locomotive" ... Driver 15s. per iby Chandler, George ji.IO.gJ Existing Lines R.epairer 6s. 6d. , Resigned Clark, Charles ... L5.83 JI.I2,93 Painter gs. 6d. , Retired Coath, WiiJiam ,Tames .... 1.6.82 10.10.93 JJocomotive" ... Waggon-bnilder !OS, , Combe, WillV:m Jno. Thomas\ 22.8.83 JO.II.gJ Audit Clerk · £1o7 1os. per " ann. " Connell, John ... • .. I0.'4.6J 23.U·93 Existing Lines Repairer 7B. per day Coombes, William. •.. 1 -.9.62 Jl,l2.gJ , W atcllman 6s. , " Cross, Robert ... 17.'11.81 I2.I2.93 , , .. . Painter gs. , " Cuthbertson, John 8:8.82 . 16.12.93 Locomotive... Fitter us. 6d .. , Day, George ... 2.I0.72 20.10,93 , S torern.an ... j 9s. , ", Devine, Henry Michael IZ.I2.9J Existing Lines La?ourer ... 6s. 6d. , Dispensed with Dik

RlniOYALS of Employes:-DECETh!BER QrrARTER-contim~ed.

Date Rank, Grade, or Name in Full, of Leaving. Dmnch. Position. Sabry Ol' Wrtg-cs. R~marks.

--······------1 ------······-----1------Doyle, Jmncs 16.11..93 1 Traffic Porter per thy To' Penal De­ pctrtment Doyle, Laurcncc ... IJ.I0.9J Existing Lines Gttngcr 9S, Retired Doyle, Patrick JI,I2,9J Carpenter IOS. " " . RYans, Hugh 15,12,93 ·Locomotive" ... Striker 7S. "· Dismissed :Farmer, TJucy ... 1~3·75 21,12.93 Bxisting Lines Gateb;eper 4-S. Deceased Francis, ~fargaret 12-70 31.Io.g3 , 48· " Retired " . }'nmjdin, Theophilus New- !6.4.62 31.12.93 Traffic Station·m:]-ster Ss. " ntan " " FnnV!ey, Denis -.1.78 30.11.93. Existing Lines Hepairer 6s. 6d. Frawlcy, llfaurice 20.10.82 18.12.93 " " Freeman1 George · 13.11.93 Locomotive" ... Cle~;JCr Hesigncd" Giderson, Gcorge Eyre zz.g.6z JO ·I I. 93 Accountant's Clnrk £4 so per "ann. Retired Gillics, Hugh ... 6.JJ.82 JI. 12,93 Existing Lines Painter 98. per day !' Gillies, .Tiunes J8.J.74 JI.I2.9J Truffic Signalman 8s. ' Goldsmith, IIy. · l~Jward 10.4·77 JO.II.gJ Station-master· £r75 per "ann:.· " Paynter " Gould, George Henry z6.rr.72 27,10.93 Locomotive ... IVaggon-buildet 103. 6d. per dn.y Gourley, George ... 17.IJ.7J rg.12.93 Traffic Clerk £175 per unn. Rcsigncu Greavcs, ,Jas. ·w nrden 31·5·83 31.12.93 Existing Lines Carpenter ros. 6d. per day He tired Griffiths, Griffith 26.8.77 23.12-93 Ganger 98· Hall, Cl1arles 22.8.59 JI.I2.gJ Truffic" Oate-chcckmun 8s. " Hanclforth, ,.Tames I.J.82 28.io.g3 · Locomotive ••• Carrlage"builder lOS. " " Hanraha1~, Jas. Wllliam 28,7·90 6.12.93 Traffic Porter ... ss. 6J. " Resigned" I-Ittrris, .Tames 31.).87 10.93 Labourer , 7S. " Dismissed. Heck, Wi!limn .. . IJ.).Sg . 10.93 Locomotive.:" . Cleaner 1 6s. " Resigned lienclcrson, ·.Aifd. Graham .. . 14.10.89 20.10.93 Labourer 6s. 6<1. Hendrkkson, !\Iargilrct 2-4-90 IJ.I2.gJ Exi~ting Lines Gatekeeper " Dis~issed Higgins, Alfred J. J1.12.gJ r,abourer . 6rl. Retired Holroyd, Thomas r6.12.93 'Locomotive" ... Dranghtsman ... 13S.6d., Howard, Patk. Plrllip 1.4. go jO, 12.93 Existing Lines Repairer 6s. 6d .•, Reslgncd Howliston, Elizabeth 7·3·90 jO.I1.9J Gatekeeper 4S. , Dispc1]Sed with Hughes, Hichanl...- 5?5.87 2 7-1°·93 Traffic" Signalman 78. 6d. " Deceased :Jcwel1, Joseph ]0.11.93 S talion -master £r50 per ann. He tired J·ohnston 1 'TI1on1as 14.I0.93 Line~ Ganger, 9s. per d;ty Johnston; Thomas \Villium z:ro.g3 Traffic Labourer 6s. 6tl. , Dismissed"· ,J ones, Ed ward 20.10.93 Loeomotive ... Fireman 9S.. " ncsigned Keen, li'rederick ... 4• 10.93 Traffic Gatekeeper 6s. , Hetircd Kefford, Owcn Alfred 30,11.93 Clerk £277 IOS, per " ann. " Kerr, .Archibald ::. J.cj.SS 16.n.g3 Existing Lines Labourer 7f. 6tl. pe,r day Dispensed with Kcrss, .J ames ElioH 2+·4·88 g.ro.g3 Traffic Signalman 6s. 6d: , Dismissed Keys, Hobcrt g.II.9J r;ocomolh·e ... Waggon· builder IOS. Resigned Lamlry, Henry l!'mucis 27.12-93 'L'mffic Porter 7S. 6d. " Liinnonl Satnes Augustin ... 4· 8 .go 10.10.93 Loeomoti ve ... Cleaner ss. 6d, " ", _Leslic, William JI.12,gJ Traffic Guard 128. " Hetired Linnn.ne, l>atrick ... 2].12-93 E.xisting Liues Ganger 98• " V.Jckc, Imen 20.10.93 Gatekeeper 4S. Deceased" Macauley, Hohert 8. 2·. 82 IO.IO.gJ " 4S, 6d, " Retired J\ludigan, Daniel ... I. 5. 73 J.l2.9J " Repairc," 6>. 6d. l\Iadigan, Luke 20. J I. 83 rg.12.g3 ", Ganger 9S, " Dec'~ased. Ma.llett, Robcrt Charles 28.'11.93 Locomotive ... Cleaner 6s. 6d. ," Resigned Jvlarstou, Thomas 20.11.93 l<]xisting Lilies Gatekeeper ss. 6d. Retired l\hrtin, Andrew-.. . 6.12.93 Locomotive ... Train Examiner IOS. 6d. " J\Iastcrs, J an~e:i .. . 24.10.93 !' Fircn1an lOS, " l\leagher, Cornelius 2J.I2·93 Existing Lines Ganger " " !1Icrrima11. l~'illian1 · 25.11.93 Locomot\ye ... Dri>cr ,, " l\Iitldietml•. Elizaucth M. Ig.rz.go 8.11.93 Existing Lines: GMekccpcr 48- , Resigned" Minaha.i1, J.ohn 25.11.93 Glil)ger 98. , l{etired Missen, lcrederick .* 22.5-93 'l'rnffic" Station-master Ss. Resigned J\lolony,.l'atdck ... 27.8.88 3 · II · 93 Signahnan 6s. 6d. " To .Police De­ " " partment Moore, _Dr.vid 2J.g.81 26.12.93 Existing Lines Repairer 7s. Deceased 1iorr'J''~, .Ta.niC~s F. IS.IO.SJ 1.!2-93 , 6s. 6d. " JVInir, Robcrt 6.4.81. x6.r2.93 , , Carpenter us. , He tired" Murphy, William _\'.10.93 Traffic · Porter 7S. , Resigned i\lnrray, John 20.9-75 JI.I2.9J Existing Lines Forerlh'tll Painter! rrs. Hetired l\icBridc, .Tames Wm. xG.5.76 25.10.9J Locomotive... Waggon-builder ros. , J\leCabc, Patrick .. . 1j.II./9 JO. II ·93 Existing Lines Hepairer • ... 7s. ,, " McCraith, John .. . 8.).75 24.12-93 Tmffic Station-master £175 per ann. Hcsigned" McGmtll, James .. ; 22. 8. 8,8 ).I0.9J Labourer 6s. per day Dismissed l\[cln lyl'c, Margar2t -.6.7+ JI. !0.93 Existing" Lines Gatekeeper , Retired Mcl\ay, Georgc ... 22.g.Sz r6.12.93 Ln.bourer " ~ ' McKec, William Bmce 28.!2.81 JO.II.93 Tra'ffic Guard McVmghlin, \Yilliam 18.6 Sg I4.II·93 Exis~ing Lines Gatekeeper " Dismissecl" ]\lelfanus, Putrick -.ro.62 2J.I2.9J Repairer " Retired · :McNally, Phillip ... -.6.6z JO. 11.93 " Gatekeeper 4-S, " Mcl'hcrson, Nfil Jnncs­ 4· 10-93 Traffic" .Labourer 6s. 6d. , Resigned Nancanow, Arthnr JI. 12.93 ., Clerk £r JZ ros. per Retired ann. Nash, Ed1mnl zg. 12.8i 31.12.93 Exis~ing Lines Gatekeeper ss. 6d. per day O'Bricn, Patrick ... u. 8. go 7.!1.93 Repairer 6s. 6d. , Resigned" O'Connor, Michucl Jas. 14.'11 .82 JI.I2.93 Tmffic" Labourer (S. , Hetired . O'D<•a, Michuel 2J.s 14.12·93 Existing T,ines Repairer Deceased O'JI,blle>. Thomas 3·7 4.10. 93' , Locomotive ... watchman '6d. " O'Nem;•i'homag Bolton 31.!0.93 Traffic ... Lnmpman ... 7'· , J)is~~issed Signal Engineer £8z5 per ann: 'r~etin!d l'hilpott, Edward ,I ·5 · 79 . 4• 10.93 IExisting Lines * Omitted from previous return.

------~ -~- - 49

Re~IOVALS of Employes-DECEllrBER QuAWIER-continued.

" Approximate Dnte of Entry. I Date Ranlr, Grade or Remarlges. ~ Act 767. - I ------Pickup, George ...... 24·7·65 .. . !8.12.93 Locomoti \'C ..• Boltrnnker ... '4S.· per day Uctireu Heed, Henry Jl.i2.93 Existing Lines Carpenter ... lOS. , ...... '5·7-79 ... " Ucynoltls, Gcorgc Jno. I· i · 78 ... 6.12.93 Traffic ... Carriage· c!caner 78. l~dward " " Robartson, J osc·ph ...... 12.2.89 3-11.93 .. . ShUI.tcr ... 6s. 6u. To Pol:cc De- " " partmcut Hobhison, W nlter ... 20 9.8o ... Z,!<),93 Locomotire ..." .Painter .. 1os. 6d. per da) Hetirc\l ll.ogers, John ...... 2.2.87 8.12.91 ... Cleant·r ... 6s. 6J. To Penal De . " " pnrlment Hyan, .Tnlm ...... 10.4,83 .. . 5 .10. 93 Existing Line:.: Hepair~.:r ... 6s. 6rl. Dbu1issed .•. jS. " Hctiretl Ryan; Pah:ick ... 16.11.81 ... 12.'12.93 " Sundry, William 'l'hos. ... 12-4·77 ... 16.12.93 Locomotive" ... Forcmanl'lioul

Alln.ntt, J oseph -.1.82 14·3·94 Existim~: l"ines Gatekeeper 48. per day Rctirccl Bahl, Hermau 9. I. 88 3!.3-94 IJOCOIIIO-ti \'C ... .FirenJtm 98, Deccvsed Blacklock, John .. : 26.3.77 2. 1·94 Tmffie Guttrd 9S. Dismissed Brenuau, Pat rick J.6j 20.1.94 Existing Lines Hcpaircr 6s. 6d. " Hetircd Burrcll, Hic.hard .. . 24,II.82 31.J.')4 'l'raffit: HeaLl Porter 7S. 6d. " Busch, Gcorgc .. . I. 10, 6.1.94 Locomotive ... Labourer 7S• " Butimcnt, Gem·gc Stringer I. " " 28 ·4· 31. 94 n " 78· , Byrncs, :Eel ward ...... 5 • I • 9'~ Existing Lines Hcpairer 6s. 6d. To l~olicc DC- pal l.meut Carter, William 28.2.94 Traffic Guard 9S, , Retired Clmrlton, Gcor{!e EtlwarJ ... l~~xisting l~incs Hepaircr 6s. 6d. Ht·sigucd 2.9:s9 12.1.94 1 Clark, Gcorgc Cnrnclius 5·3·89 3. 2 . 9'~ 'Trnilk bliunter 6s. 6,1. " Dismissed Cook, Frcdcrick Wm. 5 .1.91 2. Existiug Liues Hcpaircr 6,:. 6d. 3 ·94 " Coultharcl, Willinm -.s.;6 6. I. 94 .. Ganger 9S. " llctirctl Cowduoy :Frank I. 7.62 28. 2.'J+ Trtlltic Clei-k £ po pc·r ami. Crofts, Wllliam l!'runcis 11.8.90 16. I. 94 :£So , HesJgned Crokc, William 3· 2 ·94 " Po;:tcr 6s. per dny , Cnrwin, Jamcs 17·3·94 Exi~tiug Lines Gatekeeper ss. 6Ll. Davis, ls:mc 18.4.82 '6.1. 94 I~ocmuoti vc ... , Ca fJlCntcl' lOS. Daw, Dnvid 7.1.63 31.1.94 J?ittcr 128. 6d. " Drever, David I.6.8z JO.J.9+

REMOVALS of Employcs-l\1).RCH QuARTER-continued. r 1 I i"'n "lhte f Ent~y. Date Rank, Grade, or Name in Full. Dmnch. Salary or Wages. Remarks. I of ·Le:wing. Position. - Act 767. - ' ·-. - Fitzgerald, Pa.trick ...... 7·5.88 4· 1.94 Locomotive ... Clq\],ner ss. per day ... To Police De· .partment Francis, Reginald Haw key s.2.R3 ... 31·3·94 Traffic ... Cl.erk ... £r 50 per ann. Retired Gardner, Joseph ...... 1.5.72 ... 25.2·94 ... Poin t-clca.ner ... Ss. per day Deceased Godkin; Henry ... . •• -.9.80 ... I9.I.94 Existing" Lines Painter ... gs. Retired Green, Alexander Joseph ••• ... 4·9·89 5. 1.94 Traffic ... Porter ... 6s. " To Police De· . " partment Hall, James ...... 5·3·67 ... 3 I. 3 ·94 Locomotive ... l<'itter ... I IS, 6d, Retired Harris, Michael .... 6.2.84 ... 6.1.94 , ... Fireman ... •98. " Dismissed Haworth, Samuel Gregory zg.Ir.So ... 22.3-94 Trnflic ... Shunter .. . 7S. 6d, " Retired Heiu, Terence ...... r .11.88 5. I. 94 l~xisting Lines Repairer ... 6s. 6g. " To Police De· " parment Heintz, Jacob ...... I.rz.88 JI. I •94 ...... 6s, 6d. ;, Resigned Hcnnessey, John ...... -.I.7I ... 9·2·94 " ... " ... 78. Retired Hennett, Eliza ...... 26. r :ss 9· I. 9+ " ... Gatekeeper" ... 48. " Resigned Henry, George ••...... 6.J.89 3I.J.94 Locomotive" ... Labourer ... 6s. 6d. " Hill, William ...... 'JI.7.82 ... 30,1.94 ...... iS, " Deceased" " " Resigned Hitehins, Alfred ...... 15.IO.S9 JI. 3·94 .. ... Storeman ... 78. 6d. " Holden, Jol)n ...... IJ.s.s7 26.2.94 Trll'ffic ... ~orter ... 75 . " To Penal De~ " partmenl; Hopgood, JolmHenry ...... 30·5·87 29·3·94 .. .. . Block-recorder 6s. Dismissed Houston, Alex: Mnir ... 7·12:74 ... 6.3 ·9+ ... Traffic and Tcle- £42 5 per "ann. l)etired " gq)-ph Inspector Howard, John Andrew ...... r8.9.89 I ,I. 94 Locomotive ... Cleaner ... 6s. per day To Police De· partment Hudson; William ...... -·3·78 ... I. 1.94 Existing Lines Ganger ... 9S. To Board of " Land & Works. Hulse, Thomas ...... 4.1.59 .. . 2.,!,94 Locomotive ... Locomotive Fore- £475 per ann. Retired .man Hunt, Charles ...... I. 3. 74 ... 3I.I.94 ... Labourer ... 7s. 6d. per day Hurley, Cecelia...... 76.u.9r 20.2.94 Existing" LineR Gatekeeper ... 48. Deceased" Hutchinson,' J ames ... 2J.II.66 ... 8. I. 94 Locomotive ... Inspector ... rSs, " Hetired llutehinson, Thos. James ...... ro.8.86 21 .2.94. Traffic ... Por.ter ... .6s. 6d. .." Dismissed Jacks, Edward ... 7.6.58 ... 3I. 1.94 Locqmotive .•• Chhof Inspector £675 per ann. He tired 138. per day ,Tenkins, James Henry ... 17.12.74 ... 19·3·94 ..... Driver ... " Johnston, Richard ...... 20-3.89 4· I. 94 ,,.-'\" ' ... Cleaner ... 6s. To Police De· -- " partment Jones, Henry David Pim ... r8.8.8o ..... 2:?.,2,94 Traffic ... Porter .. . 78, Retired Jones, John Vincent ... 17·4·83 ... !6,3·94 Locomotive ... Carpenter .. . 9B· " J ones, Robert ...... 8.12. 62 .. . JI. 1.94 ... Sub.-foreman ... £300 per "ann. ,." Kennedy, Martin ...... 1.4·90 S·I-94 Existing" Lines Repairer ... 6s. 6d. per day To Police De· '. partment Kerr, Alexander ...... 2.8.go 5. 1.94 Traffic ... Nnmber-taker ... ss. 6d. King. Hichard Charles ... I I. 2. 65 ... 25.2-94 Locomotive, .. :Foreman Painter £300 per "ann. Deceased" Lawford, John ...... zs.s.sg 3·1·9+ ''') Cleaner .. . 6s. pt!r day To Police De· " partment Lewis, John ...... 3·4·82 ... 31.1.94 Traffic ... Closet Attendant 6s. 6d. Retired Lewis, John ...... u.6·.ss 5. 1.94 . ... Signalman. ... 6s, 6d. " 'fo Police De-. " " partment . .. Maguire, Thomas · ...... II .2.91 19·1.94 Locomotive ... Turner ... ·rrs. Resigned Male, Thomas Henry ...... 8 ·+·90 31.1.94 Existing Lines Repairer . ... 6s. 6d. " Maplestone, Willilim Mash ..30; 10. SI ... 30·3·94 Traffic ... Station-master Ss. " Killed" on duty Matthews, James ...... , .9.s5 5. 1.94 ... Shunter ... 78, 6d. .." To Police De· " partment Mattinson, Daniel Gannon • 2.6.79 ... 6.1.94. Locomotive ... Fitter ... 9S· 6d. , Retired Meldrum, William ... 9.6.82 ... 8.3.94 Traflie .. . Porter ... 78. 6d. , Melville, John ...... I. 7. 78 ... JI. 1.94 Locomotive ... L:tbourer .. . 7S. " .M illar, Leander ...... n.8.9o 5. I.94 Traffic ... Porter ... ss. 6d. ," To "Police De- partment Millgate, John Edward ... I. 7. 78 ... 3I. I. 94 .Locomotive ... Labourer ... 78, Retired. Ss. " Moran, Martin ... 1.7.74 ... 8. I.94 ...... " Morey, Samuel George ...... u.g.go 4·1-94 " ... Striker" ... 75· " To Police De· " " . partnient Murchison, \Villiam Gordon ... 4·3·89 6.3·94 Telegraph ... Operator ... £65 per ann. Resigned Murphy, Peter Joseph ... IJ.6.8J ... 31.3·94 Traffic ... Station-master Ss. per day Deceased Maclmy, William ... -.1.74 ... 6.1.94 Existing Lines Repairer I 78, Retired MeCarthyi William Patrick· 12.1.82 ... 6. I. 94 Locomotive ... Carriage-builder's 7s. 6d, " Assistant - " " MeDonald, Martha ... i7·7·78 rs·.2,94 Existing Lines Gatekeeper ... 48· Dispensed with McGrath, Miehael ... s: 9.sz ... 6.1.94 Locomotive ... Watchman ... 75. " Hetired McGrath, William ... 2.0. I0.6J ... 28.2.94 Traffic ... Gatekeeper ... 48· " Existing IJines Ganger " " McGuiness, John ... -.1.64 ... " Ig.I.94 ... 9S· MeLa.rty, Arehibald ... 9·7·74 ... 20.2.94 Locomotive ... Striker· .... 78. 6d .. " " Needham, William Henry ... r8. r.Sz ... 14·3·94 ... Blocker ... 9S· .." " Norman, J amcs ... 6.r.So ... 17.2·94 Traffic" ... Labourer .. . 75. " Norton, Edward Jesse 'Vren 2.8.83 ... 2.'3·94 ... Clerk ... £125 per "ann. Dismissed" Olsson, John ...... 18-4-73 .. . 9·3·94 Bxisting" Lines Ganger ... gs. per day Retired O'Brien, John ...... 9· u. 6S ... 14.2·9+ Locomotive ... Driver .. . 155. Deceased O'Hagan, William Henry' .•• ... 3.2.89 16. I.94 Existing Lines Repairer ... 6s. 6d. " Resigned Parkin, George ...... ~0.2.74 .. . 7·2-94 Locomotive ... Boilermaker's Ss. " Retired Assistant " Phipps, Thomas ... 12. Existing Lines Ganger ... 95. , ... -.6.57 ... I.94 " ~ake, Samuel ...... 10.2..59 ... 9·1·9+. Locomotive ... Locomotive Fore· £425 per ann. ·.:" /' man Reed,. George Williamson ...... 7·5·88 3I. 1.94 ... Apprentice ... 3s. 6d. per day Resigned Rees, Lewis ...... 2.4.83 ... 2&.2.94 " ... Striker ... 7S. Retired Robbins, Patrick ...... 20.10.74 ... IO. I .94 " ... Labourer "'178. . " ", Fitter •... 9s. 6d. " " Ryan, William ...... 8.9·90 16.1.94 ... " " !JJL

REMOVAL~ of Employes-MARCII QUARTER-continued.

Date N~einFu!L of Leaving. Branch. Remarks.

Shellew, Charles ... !2,10.59 ·z8 .2;94 Traffic ... Labourer ... 7s, per day Retired Short, Thomas ... 2.10.63 15·3·94 Existing Lines Ganger ... : 9s. Slater, Thomas 6.3.66 6. 1.94 Locomotive... Carriage-builder· qs. " " Smith, Alfred Sydney 7·2·94 Traffic ... Porter .. . ss. 6d. " Resigned" Smith, Chai:lotte 2.1,94 ... Waiting-room ss .. ",, Deceased " Attendant Smith, John ••• .I. 1,2. 82 28,2,94 ! Existing Lines Pile-driver ... Ss. :Retired Smith, John Thomas 16.4.60 31.1.94 Traffic ... Porter ... 7s. ," Smith, Thomas Douglas ... 19,(}.82 20.2 ·94 Existing Lines Draughtsman ... i £43).per ann. " St. Clair, Peter 5·2·94 Traffic . .. Labourer .. • 7s. per day ... Reslgzi.ed. Siephen, Richard Alfred 26,10,81 :u .:I.. 94 ... Cl~~k ... £150 per ann. Retired Aug. Victori& " Stinton, John ... 3I. I. 94 Locomotive ... Driller gs. per. day Sutherland, Alex. 23,2·94 Existing Lines Repairer ,. , . 78. " Sutherland, Fredk. 10,3•94 Traffic ... Porter ... 6s. 6d. " Dismissed" Trappes, J.oseph ... 31.1.94 Existing Lines Ganger and 108, " Retired Pile-driver · " Tully, John ... .19.11.88 .. , Repairer .. . 6s. 6d. Dismissed Ward, Granville James ... 3L8.87 Traffic •.. J>orter .. . : 6s. 6d. " To Police De· " partment Ward, Robert Jas. . 20 .. 3 .83' 20,1,94 Locolllotive .. : Fireman ... 9s. , Dismissed Webb,.Thomas Henry ... 14·7·79 !6.1.94 .. . 11fachinist .. • us. , Retired Wetherall, John Rid~ard J.I2.·72 ,;. 31.1.94 Traffic ... St~~otion-master £187. xos. per Alfred ,. ann. " White, James ... ••• -.x.61 15·3·94 Existing Lines Ganger · ... 9s. . per day Williams, James ... 28.7·79 30·3·94 Locomotive... Machinist ... : IOS. 6d. " " Williams, James Mason ... 2I.J.83 31.3-94 Traffic .. . Carriage-cleaner 7s. , " Wilson, James ... 13·9·77 27:2•94 Locomotive... Fitter ... 145. , Deceased" Wiltshire, Joseph ... I6.J.78 9·2·94 , ... : Labourer . .. 7s. , ·Retired Woolley, Joseph .. . 4· 1

Alford, William Brewer ... 3·5·94 Locomotive ... W,aggon-builder 9s. 6d. per day Resigned Alien, Thomas ...... 25·4·94 ,, ... Cleaner ... .ss. 6d. ,; " Arrell, 'rhomas :.. .. • 2, I. 74 J0.6·94 Existing Lines R(lpairer ... 6s. 6d. , Retired Arthurs, George ... • ... 29.p .6z 29·6·94 Locomotive ... Fitter ... 148. ·' Askwith, John ... 20.1.73 J0.6.94 Driver ... I 58. " " Benson, Alfred Hy. . .. J.g.88 30·4·94 Exi~ting Li~~s Plumber ... {IS. " Resigned" Berwick, Francis ... !8.2.89 3I. 5 ·94 Traffic ... Carriage-clearter 75, " Deceased Bollom, George Wm. . .. J8.J.85 ·7·6·94 Locomotive ... Fitter ... lOS •.6d. " Resigned Boyd, William . .. .. • ~.2.1o.8o 5·6·94 Tra.ffic ... Guard ••• 9S. '' Killed on duty Brown, Joseph ... 15.1·77 J0.6.94 Locomotive .. , Greaser ... Ss. ,, Retired Byrne; Joh11 ...... 1.3.62 J0;6,94 Traffic ... Guard ,,. ICS, 6d, " Callow, Thomas·...... 1.:1-.84 J0.6,g4 Existing Lines Repairer ,., 7S. ''· ·" " Calnin, John ...... I. 5. 94 Traffic ... Shunter ... 78. 6d. " Dismissed" Carlon, John ...... , J0,6,g4 Existing Lines Repairer ... "7S# u Retired Carver Edward .. . J0.6.94 Cherry, William Hy. •.. 18.6.94 Loc~motiVe::~ Lab~urer ~:: ~!: 6d. ;; Reslgned Cluff, Copeland Herbert ... I0.6,94 , Cleaner . .. ss. 6d. , Cockburn, Robert ... r.8.8o J0.6·94 Existing Lines Repairer ... 78. ,, Retired·" Cockburn, Robert Liddle ... 2.63 J0.6.94 'l'raffic ... Guard .. , Ios. 6d. " , Col vin, John .. . · ••• 1.5.83 J0.6,94 Existing Lines Labourer .. . 9s. , , Cook, Robert ...... 8.xo.68 19·4·94 Locomotive ... Driver ... 145. , , Cooke, Edward ...... I2.1I.66 31.5·94 ,, ... Foreman Turner £z6 5 per a.nn.. , Craig, Joseph ...... !8.4.63 J0.6,94 Existing Lines Ganger ... gs. per day , Daglish, Henry ...... 1.10.79 4·6·94 Locomotive ... Pumper ... us. , Deeeased Danzi, Antonio ... ••• I2,I0,8I 30,6.gf Existing Lines Repairer ... 7s. , Retired Davies, William Tudor ... 11.8.85 23·4·94 Traffic ... Clerk ••• £xoz tos. per Resigned ann. Davoren, Jolm Patk. 28.6.94 ... Clerk .,, £87 .IOS, per Dismissed " ann. Dawson, James ... Boilermaker's Ss. per day Retired Assistant Deakes, EdwinJas, 31.8.87 3·4·94 Traffic ... Shunter ... 6s. ., Dismissed Dean, William ... II,I .88 30·4·94 " ... Labourer ••• 78. " Deegan, William James ... 9-5.87 19·4·94 , ... Clerk ... £107 lOS, per " ann. " De Winter, John ... 26.8.82 30·4·94 Existing Lines Labourer . .. 7s. 6d. per day Retired Dixon, Frederick 8.4·94 Traffic ••• : J>orter ... 7s. , Deceased Dockcry, Robert 1.6.6; 8.6.94 ~xisting Lines Ganger ... 9s. , Hetired Donnelly, William I. I :I., 74 J0.6.94 99 " ... R~p·'~irer. ·.:·. ' " " Downie, J ames 5. Il, 78 J0.6.94 " ... 7S, " " Doyle, George Thos. 20.8.83 2.4·94 Traffic ... Acting Porter• 7s. , Dismissed Elliott, William James 20.5.82 17.6·94· J,oeomotive... Driver .... us. ,. Deceased ]<;Jlis, Arthur ... 15.8.87 2.6.94 Traffic .. . Clerk ... £8 5 per ann. Dismissed Ely;John Henry 4·9·88 . 2.7·4~94 Existing Linea, Repairer ... 6~. 6d. per day . Killed on duty Fickel, William Ellis 16 ·4·94 Locomotive... Painter ... 9s. 6d. , Resigned Fishley, Fredk. Brook 22:~·841 18,4·94 ... Lifter 9s. 6d. , I Deceased Fla.nnery, Jas. Joseph 9·4·94 Traffic" ... Station-master 7s. 6d. , , . ,. 52'

·REMOVALS of Employes-JuNE QuARTE~-continued.

Name in Full. Date Rank, Grade, or of Leaving. Branch., r·osition. Sabry or Wages. Re1narks. Act 767.

lfrawley, Patrick ... I 22.10.83 30.6.g4 Existing Lines Repairer 6s. 6d. rer day Retired French, Jamcs ...... 30·3·69 J0.6.g4 , Gatekeeper ss. 6d. Fricker, Artlmr ... 24·7·77 26.4.94 I,ocomoti ve ... Driver 148. " " Gairns, William ...... 3·5-72 30.6.94 Existing Lines Gang!'r 98· . " " Galbally, Charles 21.9.82 zg.6.94 Locomotive ... Painter 9s. 6d, " " Gibson, James ••.• , .4· 5. Sg 18.4·94 , Chainmnker 1 IS. Dec~ascu Glover, James I .6.79 22 ·5·94 Existilig Lines Ganger .gs. " Goudge, Henry ... 1.4:2.75 30.6.94 , Repnirer 78. " Reti~ed Graham, William Henry .. ·. I3,·I0.77 4+9·~ Locomotive ... Driver I 3S, ,," Dismi"sed Hare;James ... ,r.s.s_o 30·6·94 Existing tines Hepail'cr 78 . Retired Harte; Patrick Hy. 7-.IO. 74 30.6.94 , , 7S. " IIaswell, Charles ... s.s.n J0.6.94 Traffic Closet AtFendant 7S. " " IIawke, William Hichard ... 10,1.88 11.4·94 Shunter ss. 6~. " Resigned" Healy, Mathew ...... 4.2.89 2.6.9+ " Lamp man 7S . " Dismissed Herlihy, Thomas 1.2.80 30.6.94 Existing" Lines Repairer 78. " Retired Hoist, I<'rederick William ••• I3.2.9I 3°· 6 ·94 Locomoti vc ... Cleaner 6d. _," Resigned Homewood, .Aif'red I, 6, 57 30.6.94 Foreman Copper- per ann. Hetired " smith Hooper, Thomas William ro.z.86 15·5·94 Traffic Porter ' 7S• per day Killed on duty Georgc Howarth, James ... 29.12.63 29.6·94 r.. ocomoth·e ... Springmaker IZS, Retired Hutton, William ... I4. I. 79 30.6.94 ]~xisting Lines r.. abourer 6s. " Ivy, Thol!las' Jesse 22. II.8I 29.6.94 Locomotive ... : Carrio.ge-builder 1os. " ,." Jones, ·waiter .M:alyn 8.9·90 23. ·94 ' A ppreuiicc 38. " Resigned Kelly, John I2.6.82 I2 94 Existing" Lines Repairer 7S, " Killed on duty Lawrence, Charles I.6.73 1. 6 ·9'f ,. Retired Lenz, Peter Chas. II,8.8) 28.6.9-J. Tntllic" Clerk" per ann. Dismissrd I~ewi~, William Ho bert 1.12.88 7·5·94 Existing Lines Repairer 6s. 6tl. per day Hesigned Lillis, George 1.3.65 15.6·94 ,. Gatekeeper 48. -6d. Retired Lunney, John I .6, 77 J0.6.94 ,. Hepairer 78 •. " Malay, Patriek. r8.4.73 30.6.94 7S. " " Mttrtin, George u.5.87 !6.6.94 Traffic" Labourer" 7S,. " Dismissed" Mealy, Charlc$ 2I,7.84 II,4.94 Locomotive ... Assistant 8s. ,," Hesigned Lighter-up Mitchell, .Andrew I, 6, 8 I 25·5·94 ·Existing Lines Pile-dri vci: : 8s. Dismissell Moore, John 1.1.74 r8.5.94 Traffic Labourer 7S. " Retired :Moore, William ... 7.10.74 J0.6.94 Existing Lines Ganger gs. " Morris, Nathaniel r.6. 74 3°·6·94 .. Repairer 7S. Morrow, Alexander r6.ro.76 ... 22.6.94 Tr~tffic Guard ... 9S. " ,," :Mullius, 1\fichael 28.7-90 3·5·94 Porter ss. 6d. " To Penal De " " partment 1\:l:yrick, Michacl ... ·I. 5.66 I8.5.94 Existing Lines Repairer 78 . , Retired McCutcheon, Alexander 23.2.67 30.6.94 Traffic Acting Foreman gs. McDiven, Michael 3. I. 74 J0.6:94 Existing Lines Hepairer 78. " " McEvoy, Alexander I.I2.79 3°·4·94 ,. Ganger gs. "• " McGregor, Thomas x.8.6z 30.6.94 Inspector £3 I 5 per "ann .. " Mclntyre, Duncan 19.II.82 !6.5·94 " Gatekeeper 6s. · per day ," McKee, Samuel Bates 12.4,87 . '9+94 Traffic" Porter 78 . Resigned McShanag, Hugh ,;, I.II.74 30,6.9+ ·Existing Lines Repairer 78. " Retired Nixon, J ames 24.8.85 2.4-94 Traffic Signalman Ss. 6d, " Dismissed Nolan, Denis I. 9. 72 I8.5·94 Existing Lines Labourer 78. " Retired Osborne, Thomas xo.g.89 20;4·94 Locomotive ... 6s. 6d. " Hesigned Pass, John 10.4·9? 31·5·94 Existing Lines Repairer" 6s. 6d. " Pevitt, Charles ...... 1.5. 79 p.6.94 ". 7S. " He tired" Quinlan, John l. IO. 67 J0.6.94 Ganger" gs. " Ray, Jane I. z. 73 3°·4·94 ,." GatekeeP,er 48. " ," Rickards, William I8.10.76 30.6.94 Hepairer , 7S. " Richter, Charles Edward 1.2.89 II.6.g4 Traffic" Clerk ... I £97 Ios. " per Dismissed" .Angustus . ,. ann • Robertson, Robert 1.8.8z 30.6.94 Existing Lines L~bonrer ... • 7s. per day Retired Ross, George 13·5·89 30·4·94 Locomotive ... Cleaner ' 6s. Resigned Rowland, George 1.r.6r 22.6.94 Existing Lines Ganger ... 98· ," He tired Ryan, Philip ''9·3·78 30.6.94 Repairer ]S, Sagar, Henry I.j..I0.6I :·· 30·4·94 Locomotive" ... Rt!llDing Foreman £355 per "ann. " Sandow, William 1.7·78 30.6.94 Existing Lines Repairer 7s. per day " . Shaw, Daniel James 21.5.88 8.5.94 Traffic · Slmuter 6s. 6d. "' Killed" on duty Shearman, .Albert Morse I9·5·68 28.4·94 Locomotive ... 'Fitter· '38. " Retired Sissons, '\Villiam 15.•·79 30.6.94 J~xisting Lines Fencer 9S· " Stevens, John ·William 17 :4•88 28.6.94 1'mffic . Clerk £7 5 per ann." Dismissed" Strapp, Esther I. 5 :8o 20.5. 94 Existing Lines Gatekeeper 4s. per day De('eased Sullivao, Dennis ... 15·7·86 4·4·94 Traffic Slmnter 78. 6d. killed on duty Syers, Thomas Wm. 2.4.83 7·4·94 Locomoti vo .. , Carpenter " Retired Tattersall, 'rhos... I. I. 59 2 4·4·94 DrLver in Charge per ann. Decensc




Ntuue in Full. Branch. Position. Date of Entry. Salary or Wages.

. James David Henry* ...... Clerk Z

• llcinstate



Q'UAB.T.BB. ENDING 31st MARCH, 18~'l1:.




--····---- ·-----~

ROBERT GEO. KENT, Secretary for Railways •. BOARD OF LAND AN:O WORKS.-AcT 1135, SEC'rioN 58.

No. 2.0.



- i Name in Full. Date of Rank, Grade, or [Salary or Wages. Remarks. Leaving.. • Position. - Act 767. .. ·- Arnott, George "' ... 2I.I0.63 ... 17·7-93' Inspector ... Ios. per clay .. . To RxisLing Lines Breen, John .;. ... -·5·76 ... 22.8.93 Forem:tn ...... gs .. ,, ... Dispensed with- Calcutt, Richard Fallon ... I. 9. 87 !.7·93 Clerk ...... 7S. ... To l~xistiug Lines ". "

Brow·n, Arthur Alelmndcr 31.12.93 Engineer Student ... I £82 1os. per ann. Dispensed with

Brown, Harold John ... JI.I2,9J '' ,,; . £102 lOS. 11 ••• Cash; Henry James .. . 25.10,83 ... .. 3I. 12.,93 Draughtsman .:. i I os. per drLy .•. " Craner,'John ...... :...-. 68 JI. I2.9J Field Assistant ... £2+o per ann ... . " "Cunningh:tn1, Al ben Goll, Roger Leonard JO.II.9J I~ng'i'neer Sturlent :~: £82 IOS, , ... Orpen, Henry ...... 6;8.8o JI.I2.9J Field Assistant .•• £I90 " ... "· Parry, Edward William .. . zJ.5.82 J!.I2.gJ ... £275 " ... Pr~terson, Robert Andrew .. . 29.8.8o JI.U.gJ ," ... £zoo , H. " Pritchard, Fmnk Pynor .. . I4.2-74 J!. I2.93· Assistant Engineer 2os. per dlly .. . " Uees, George Symon .. . I8.J.80 JI.l2.9J .Field Assist..,fit .. . £240 per ann ... . " Roberts, George ...... i i.l.go· 12,IO.g"J Draughtsman ... I ss. 6d. per day To i~xisting Lines Smith, AlexrLndcr Chalmers I2.I2.82 Jl. IZ-93 ... £265 per llnn .... Dispensed with: Thompson, John Trapani ... I2•f•78 JI.I2.9J " £5IO ,, .,, '\Yilson, J ames Forbcs .. : 15.2.86 JI.U.9J Eniineer Studerit :::" £110 , ••• Wrixon, Henry · ... •.. -.6.55 JI.IZ..gJ Inspecting Rugineer £6oo , ... . Q'UAB'l'BB. JEINDJ:NG 31st MAB.~H, 18911:, . A gg, Herbert :M:osley ...... g.8.86 JI.I.94• Acting Field Assistant 9s. per drty .. . Dispensed 'vith B oddy, Gcorge ...... IJ-9-82 ... JI. I. 94 Chainman ... 6s. , ... c·onion, Charles ...... I8.I2.78 ... 28.2.94 ]'ield Assistant ... £190 per rLnif· ... " D ennlln, Francis ...... I8.9.81 ... 5. 1.94 Draughtsman ...... £JI) " ,,. ," .E gan, Miehael .Francis ... 6.6.79 ... Ji.I.94 Assistant Engineer £280 ... " E pple, David ...... 4-4·82 ... JI. I. 94 Litho. Labourer ... Ss. 3cl. pc·r" day G riffln, Thomas Ho bert ... 8.2.82 ... JI:~·94 Assistant Engineer £4Io per ann.... " H elffensteiu, Louis ... 2J.7.83 .... Jl. 1.94 Draughtsmr~n ... £I47 Ios.perann. To Existing" Lines M cDonald, Donald ... 8.5·74 ... 3 I. I. 94 l~oreman Chainman 9s. per day ... Dispensed with McKenzie, Uoderick ... 26.2.8:1 ... JI. I. 94 Clminnmn ... 7S . ... MeLaren, Dnncan Catnpbell 5·9·82 ... JI.I.94 ...... 6s . " ... " Putnam, lUclmrd Stanley ...... 2!.5.88 JI • I • 94 Student" ... 6s. " ... " Stoddart, ,James .••. ... J.8I ... Jl,l,94 Assistant Engineer £250 per" ann .... " i "

Q'U.<'lL'EB ENDXNG 30th 311NE, 189'!1:,


ROBERT GEO. KENT, Secretary for Railway~.

By AtMtority: BonT. S. BRAIN, Government Printer, Melbourne.