uJHO RA I s- +- WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ,So~ REGIONAL ASSOCIATION I (AFRICA)~ ABRIDGED FINAL REPORT OF THE SEVENTH SESSION Nairobi, 6-17 February 1978 I WMO - No. 503 I Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization • Geneva • Switzerland 1978 © 1978, World Meteorological Organization ISBN 92 - 63 - 10503 - 0 NOTE The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization concerning the legal status of any country. territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. CON TEN T S List of persons attending the session ..•...•..••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••• VI Agenda •.................................................................... XI General summary of the work of the session ......•.••......•.. '•..•..•..•..•• 1 Resolutions adopted by the session 56 Final Session No. No. 1 9/4 Organization of regional training seminars and technical conferences in Africa ...•.•.•..•••••••••.•.•• 56 2 4.1/1 Regional basic synoptic network 57 3 4.1/2 Recruitment of ships for the WMO Voluntary Observing Ships I Scheme by ~o ................................... 58 4 4.1/3 APT/WE FAX receiving stations in Region I (Africa) •••.•• 59 5 4.1/4 Network of CLIMAT and CLIMAT TEMP reporting stations in Region I (Africa) .••••..•••.•••.•..... ,............. 60 6 4.2/1 Strengthening of NMCs in Africa ••••••••••••.••..••••.•• 61 7 4.2/2 Use of Section 5 in Code FM 85-V~ SAREP •••••••••••••••• 61 8 4.2/3 Code for thrice-monthly reports of the accumulated amount of precipitation .•...••......•....•.... .....•... 62 9 4.2/4 National coding practices •.••••••••••.••••••••••••••••• 62 10 4.2/5 Rapporteur on Codes .................................... 63 11 4.3/1 Amendments to the Manual on the Global Telecommunica- tion System - Volume II - Regional Aspects - Africa •... 64 12 4.3/2 Working Group on Meteorological Telecommunications •..•• 64 13 4.4/1 Marine meteorological services in Region I (Africa) •••• 66 14 4.4/2 Port meteorological services •....•....•••••••..•.••..•. 67 IV CONTENTS Resolutions (contd.) Final Session No. No. 15 4.4/3 Assistance to maritime developing countries in Region I (Africa) ...................................... 68 16- 4.4/4 Rapporteur on Regional Marine Meteorological Services 69 17 4.4/5 Participation in the Integrated Global Ocean Station Sys tern (IGOSS) ......................................... 69 18 4.5/1 Tropical Cyclone Committee for the South-west Indian Ocean .................................................. 70 19 5.3/1 Comparison of radiometers .........•.•..•.............•• 72 20 5.3/2 National radiation network in Africa •..•••••••••••••••• 73 21 6.1/1 The development and application of meteorology to agriculture in Africa ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••• 74 22 6.2/1 Regional aspects of solar and wind energy 77 23 11/2 Revision of the climatic atlas for Region I (Africa) ••• 78 24 7/1 Working Group on Operational Hydrology................. 79 25 7/2 International identification numbers for hydrological observing stations in Region I (Africa) •.•••••••••••••• 82 26 8/1 Education and training in Africa ....................... 82 27 9/1 Regional training centres in Africa •••••••••••••••••••• 84 28 9/2 AGRHYMET project for the Sahel ......................... 85 29 9/3 Planning and development of hydrometeorological networks ............................................... 86 30 11/1 Revision of the resolutions and recommendations adopted before the seventh session of RA I..................... 87 Recommendations adopted by the session 89 Final Session No. No. 1 4.1/1 Continuation of the METEOSAT programme ••••••••••••••••• 89 CONTENTS v Recommendations (contd.) Final Session No. No. 2 4.2/1 Designation of new RMCs for the replacement of RMC Pretoria .......... ,,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 89 Annexes I Annex to paragraph 3.5.7 of the general summary Statement given by Dr. D. A. Davies, Secretary-General of WMO, on the World Climate Programme and a summary of the discussion which followed the statement ........•............................ 91 II Annex to Resolution 2 (VII-RA I) Part A - Stations and observational programmes comprlslng the basic synoptic network in Region I (Africa) ..•...•............... 98 Part B - Procedures for minor changes in the regional basic synoptic network ................................................. 125 III Annex to Resolution 5 (VII-RA I) Network of CLIMAT and CLIMAT TEMP reporting stations in Region I (Africa) ....•............................................ 126 IV Annex to Resolution 7 (VII-RA I) Use of Section 5 in Code FM 85-VI SAREP ........................ 130 V Annex to Resolution 8 (VII-RA I) Code for thrice-monthly reports of the accumulated amount of precipi tat ion ...•................................................ 132 VI Annex to Resolution 9 (VII-RA I) National coding practices ...•................................•... 134 VII Annex to Resolution 11 (VII-RA I) Amendments to the Manual on the Global Telecommunication System - Volume II - Regional Aspects - Africa 135 VIII Annex to Resolution 25 (VII-RA I) List of basin indicators (BB) and indicators of countries (C.) in Region I (Africa) used in international hydrological codes .~ ..... 143 IX Annex to Resolution 30 (VII-RA I) Resolutions adopted prior to the seventh session of RA I and maintained in force .............................................. 151 List of documents .......................................................... 163 LIST OF PERSONS ATTENDING THE SESSION 1. Officers of the session C. A. Abayomi president S. Mbele-Mbong vice-president 2. Representatives of Members of Regional Association I K. Mostefa-Kara principal delegate Algeria M. A. Boukli alternate L. Fettouche delegate M. 1. Yermeche delegate A. Rechoum delegate M. Belbachir observer A. de Sousa Andrade principal delegate Angola J. B. S. Diphaha principal delegate Botswana L. Ndorimana principal delegate Burundi G. Mankedi principal delegate Congo A. F. Hassan principal delegate Egypt K. A. Khalil delegate A. M. Elmasry delegate W. Degefu principal delegate Ethiopia B. Sabera delegate G. Euillet principal delegate France M. A. Martin-Sane delegate J. Ndong principal delegate Gabon J. P. Antchoue delegate N. A. Gbeckor-Kove principal delegate Ghana A. T. Dagbovie delegate S. A. Acheampong delegate A. Owusu-Agyemang delegate J. Djigbenou principal delegate Ivory Coast B. M'Bougoua-Aby delegate LIST OF PERSONS ATTENDING THE SESSION VII Representatives of Members of Regional Association I (contd.) J. K. Muri thi principal delegate Kenya S. N. Gichuiya alternate A. L. Alusa delegate J. Agin delegate L. K. Kariungi delegate S. J~ M. Njoroge delegate E. G. N}oroge delegate A. C~ Warratho delegate p .S. Mwasi delegate G.M. Muchemi delegate J. M. Oluoch delegate F. J. Wang'ati delegate J. K. Nganga delegate S. H. Charania delegate J. H. Kirimi delegate P. J. Kinyua delegate W. E. Stewart principal delegate Liberia M. M. Daddesh principal delegate Libyan Arab Jamahiriya E. Bahlul delegate M. A. Shita delegate S. R. El Barrani delegate R. Akramy delegate D. Randrianarison principal delegate Madagascar A. Ralison delegate B. K. Mlenga principal delegate Malawi I. W. Lakioni delegate A. Gologo principal delegate Mali D. Doucoure delegate S. Kamara principal delegate Mauritania Y. S. P. Valadon principal delegate Mauritius F. Raissouni principal delegate Morocco L. Pereira principal delegate Mozambique J. A. Santana delegate J. F. Gomes Pepe observer H. M. Diallo principal delegate Niger A. Kandine delegate VIII LIST OF PERSONS ATTENDING THE SESSION Representatives of Members of Regional Association I (contd.) C. A. Abayomi principal delegate Nigeria I. O. Emore delegate J. A. 'Adejokun delegate B~ Martins delegate N. Ngirumhatse principal delegate Rwanda J. C. Rugirangoga delegate " M. Seck principal delegate ' ' Senegal F. Jondot- delegate A. Kamara principal delegate Sierra Leone H. G. Moore delegate G. T. W. Williams delegate M. A. Mohamoud principal delegate Somalia I. Font Tullot principal delegate Spain M. El Gasim Osman principal delegate Sudan A. M. G. El Seed delegate L. -K. Ahialegbedzi principal delegate Togo Z. Amevoh delegate M. M. Guettari principal delegate Tunisia P. A. Byarugaba principal delegate Uganda J. H. Katende alternate G. K. Kaggwa delegate G. Kayondo delegate D. J. Clark principal delegate United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland S. Mbele-Mbong principal delegate United Republic of Cameroon M. Pokam delegate U. B. Li figa principal delegate United Republic of Tanzania M. E. Mlaki delegate W. Balaide delegate J. -Po Ouedraogo principal delegate Upper Volta S. Drabo delegate D. Nikiema delegate LIST OF PERSONS ATTENDING THE SESSION IX Representatives of Members of Regional Association I (contd.) L. M. Kashala principal delegate Zaire N. Pini delegate M. N. Katamba delegate U. R. Acharya principal delegate Zambia 3. Representatives of WMO Members not belonging to the Association J. Hes observer Czechoslovakia V. Spacek observer Y. L. Tokatly observer Israel N. Ward observer Lebanon :C. D. Cartwright observer Uni ted States of America 4. Representatives of non-Members of WMO R. M. L. Thabed observer Swaziland 5. Representatives of international organizations R. Mikhail observer United Nations Environment J. K. Egunjobi' observer Programme (UNEP) -R. W. Kitchen observer United Nations Development
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