LOS ANGELES POLICE COMMISSION BOARD OF RICHARD M. TEFANK POLICE COMMISSIONERS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR NICOLE C. BERSHON JOHNW. MACK INSPECTOR GENERAL PRESIDENT ALAN J. SKOBIN EXECUTIVE OFFICE VICE PRESIDENT POLICE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ANTONIO R. VILLARAIGOSA 100WesrFIRST8TREET, SuiTE 134 RICHARD DROOYAN MAYOR los ANGEtES, CA 90012·4112 ROBERT M. SALTZMAN DEBRA WONG YANG (213) 236-1400 PHONE (213) 236-1410 FAX MARIA SILVA (213) 236-1440 TOO COMMISSION EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT I May 19,2010 BPC #10-0186 The Honorable Antonio Villaraigosa The Honorable City Council Mayor, City of Los Angeles City of Los Angeles City Hall, Room 303 c/o City Clerk's Office Los Angeles, CA 90012 Dear Honorable Members: RE: TRANSMITTAL OF THE GRANT EXTENSION OF THE 2007 SIX SITE COMPREHENSIVE ANTI-GANG INITIATIVE PROGRAM At the regular meeting of the Board ofPolice Commissioners held Tuesday, May 4, 2010, the Board APPROVED the Department's report relative to the above matter. This matter is being forwarded to you for approval. Respectfully, BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS MARIA SILVA Commission Executive Assistant Attachment c: Chief of Police AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY- AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER www.LAPDOnline.org www.joinLAPD.com 12>Pe- &!- 10-01 Z0 RECEiVED INTRADEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE APR 2 3 2010 Apri119, 2010 POLICE COMMISSION 1.17 TO: The Honorable Board of Police Commissioners FROM: Chief of Police SUBJECT: TRANSMITTAL OF THE GRANT EXTENSION OF THE 2007 SIX SITE COMPREHENSIVE ANTI-GANG INITIATIVE PROGRAM RECOMMENDED ACTIONS 1. That the Board REVIEW and APPROVE this report. 2. That the Board TRANSMIT the report concurrently to the Mayor and City Council. 3. That the Board REQUEST the Mayor and City Council to: A. AUTHORIZE the Chief of Police to ACCEPT the California Emergency Management Agency's approval of a no-cost extension for the 2007 Six Site Comprehensive Anti­ Gang Initiative (AGI) Program extending the award period from May 31, 2010 to August 31, 2010; B. AUTHORIZE the Chief of Police or designee to negotiate and execute a Sole-Source Agreement with Motorola, during the period of September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2010, for a sum not to exceed $600,000 for the purchase and installation of mesh wireless camera equipment, subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality; and, C. AUTHORIZE the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) to prepare Controller instructions for any technical adjustments, subject to the approval of the City Administrative Officer, and AUTHORIZE and INSTRUCT the Controller to implement the instructions. DISCUSSION The Six Site AGI Program is lead by a multi-agency task force composed of the Los Angeles City, Los Angeles County and the California State criminal justice agencies to combat gang activity. Southeast Los Angeles, which is primarily served by the LAPD's Southeast Area, was selected as the target area to implement the program due to having one of the highest concentrations of gangs within the Los Angeles County. The LAPD was awarded $693,000 to The Honorable Board of Police Commissioners Page 2 1.17 expand the existing camera network in the Jordan Downs housing development to include the Imperial Courts and Nickerson Gardens housing developments, while stepping up enforcement through community policing efforts. The LAPD will purchase the equipment from Motorola to keep the equipment consistent with the original camera equipment in the Jordan Downs housing development. Due to delays in negotiating and executing a contract with Motorola, the grantor has agreed to extend the grant period from May 31, 20 I 0 to August 31, 20 I 0. If you have any questions, please contact Police Administrator Maggie Goodrich, Commanding Officer, Information Technology Bureau, at (213) 486-0370. Respectful! y, BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS Approved ~ ¥; .7-0l!J Secretary~' ~ CHARLIE BECK Chief of Police Attachment ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER MAiniEW R. BETTENHAUSEN GOVERNOR CalE·MA SECRETARY CALIFORNIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY April6, 2010 Ms. Maggie Goodrich Police Administrator Los Angeles, Gity of- Po.lice Department 100 West First Street, Suite 841 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Subject: Approval of Subgrant Amendment #3 Six Cities Comprehensive Anti-Gang Initiative Award#: UL07A17250 Dear Ms. Goodrich: The California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) has received and approved the enclosed subgrant amendment request, for \he subject grant. AU other agreements shall remain as previously agreed upon. Please contact your Program Specialist if you have any questions about this amendment. PSVS GRANTS PROCESSING Enclosure c: Subgrantee file 3650 SCHRIEVER A VENUE • MATHER, CA 95655 PUBLIC SAFETY AND VICTIM SERVICES PROGRAMS DTVlSlON TELEPHONE: (916) 324-910 I • FAX: (916) 324-8554 i ! UL07A17250 GRANT AWARD AMENDMENT AMENDMENT NO. THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into on __F_e_b_ru_a;rr:':;yc::;2_6_, _2_0_1_0__ by and between the (Date) California Emergency Management Agency, hereafter designated CaiEMA. and the following Administrative Agency City of Los Angeles hereafter called the Recipient. WITNESSETH: That the Recipient agrees to the amendment of this Grant Award Agreement as specified below: Grant Award Agreement UL07A 17250 between the parties hereto is hereby amended to: Extend the grant end date from -May 31, 2ti10toi\ugus\31, 2616. GllaA§O toe Chief Exeeeti.e Oflieer !e Charlie Beel<, Chief of Peliee, PFejeet DiFee\er te Peliee Asministreter Ma!Jlji€- UA Gee~rich, eAE! FiAeAeiel Officer to Pollee MAri11istratet Gerais l. Cheleff. Toe e~Elatee P. ejee; Celiteet II iferA ratiofrtlf1<l- ;,10 - Si§nettJre AutRorlzatieA me eneloseet ,,Ait' MAR 1 7 2010 5l44<oe IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Grant Award .Amendment has been executed by the parties hereto, upon the date written above. RECIPIENT I hereby certify upon my own personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for the period and purpose of the expenditure staled above. 0 Grant Award Amendment- CaiEMA 2~213 (formerly OES 513) (Revised 2/1/2009) Cal EMA Grant Award Modification ChecK correct branch: /'J·A!L TO: California Emergency Management Agency 1. Award# UL07A17250 3650 Schriever Ave Drug ti.nlorcornent V. Ju~l1cO 0. CtildHm& Mather, CA 95655 @l Crimtl & Ga!lgs ,.' OV. SA, & VW 2. Modification#: _,3'------- jlndlc~t& branch on env&IOpe) 3. Recipient/Implementing Agency City of Los Angeles I Los Angeles Police Department 4. Project Title: Six Site Comprehensive Anti¥Gang Initiative 5. Contact Person: ~M:::a::.:rc::_:.:Accm,.,P::cil ____________ Phone: (213)486-0389 Ex: Fax: (213) 486-0399 Email Address: marc.ampil@lapd.lacity.org 6. Grant Period: 0710112007 to 08131/2010 7. Payment Mailing Address: 100West First Street, Suite 842, Los Angeles, CA 90012 [{J Check here if new. - 8 Revision to Budget Current Grant Funds Required Match Allocation .....•. __ .. , .. ···-- ""' ,.. ····•·· ··············- --------·----·~--;.- --- (CA) A. 8. c. Fund A. e. c. Match Select Personal Operattng Personal Operating To1al _Equipment Total Equipment Total Acronym I ·· Services- · Expens-es Services- .Expenses .... .... Grant . ·!~~m list MP--o+o .AGIGAGip $0 $84,961 $608,039 $693,000 $0 $693,000 Yr .( $0 $0 $0 ,, Q -- ------ -·-·- --·--··------~ Yr [;~::: .. $0 $0 $0 I -----·------ -- ··-- Yr ! Select e:: $0 $0 $0 ~""""""""'~""" Proposed Change (PC) !add{+) or subtract H from budgeted amou~---- IA'GJGAGI "'.{ ... $0 $0 $0 1 Yr 1Select '' {, $0 $0 $0 Yr rs.;;~t ILt.S $0 -- $0 $0 Yr i' Select $0 $0 $0 ,.,.,;,~,~~"" .. -..= ·om'm""""'- - !R;~';d All;~aU~n ~ --- "4r, 0 (i6Uo1S-AG s $0 $84,961 $608,039 $693,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $693,000 .. -- --- Yr Select-- .. $0 .. $0 .. $0 $0 . $0 $0 $Q $0 $0 ·~.c.==-~ Yr Select $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 --· -- Select $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ,._ .. ' L,,jCheck when completed 9. Justification for Modification: (If necessary, continue the justification on page 3.) Extend grant period from May 31, 2010 to August 31, 2010 to allow the LAPD to lliitlre-ai~!Jfaffi.i<dAds~ complete all program goals and objectives. ~-14 t.ONrtl'lvbj Oil! k:rr-l'rc.ltf..f f~ - J . Grant Award Modification- Cal EMA 2-223 (formerly OES 223) (Revised 6/1512009) Cal EMA GRANT AWARD MODIFICATION 8. Justification for Modification (cont.) Certificate of Assurance: Change authorized signer on Grant Award Amendment from William Bratton to Charlie Beck, Chief of Police Change "Authorized Official" on Certificate of Assurance from William Bratton to Charlie Beck, Chief of Police Change signer for authorizing body on Certificate of Assurance from Rhonda L. Sims-Lewis to Miguel A. Santana Change EEO Officer from Kenneth Garner to Gloria Grube Add DUNS #037848012 and update Central Contract Registration to reflect current Signature Authorization Form: Change Project Director from Charlie Beck to Maggie Goodrich Change Financial Officer from Rhonda Sims-Lewis to Gerald L. Chaleff Delete designated signers for Project Director: Charlie Beck, Kirk J. Albanese, Stephen R. Jacobs, Earl C. Paysinger Add designated·signers·for·Project-Elirector: ·Daniel Gonzalez,-Jason·-biguori~·-· · · --------- ---· · .......... __ -- Delete designated signers for Financial Officer: Peter Di-Carlo, Wanda J. Bell Add designated signers for Financial Officer: Nancy A. Cammarata Project Contact Sheet: Change Project Director to Maggie Goodrich Change Financial Officer to Gerald Chaleff Change person with Routine Financial Responsibility from Wanda J. Bell to Marc Ampil Change the Chief Executive Officer from William Bratton to Charlie Beck, Chief of Police AJJ r;,~;c: Gavc:.c.ffl ,~!. J1,._.
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