STP1042-EB/Jul. 1989 Subject Index A A 450/A 450M-86A, 151, 153 A 480/A 480M-84A, 151,153 Acicular ferrite, see Intragranular ferrite A 508-84a, 100-101,107, 114, 117 plates A 508/A 508-86, 115 AFNOR NF A 81460, 195 A 516/A 516M-84, 196 AISI 1215 steel, 51-66 A 530/A 530M-85a, 151,153 chemical analysis, 53, 56 A 533/A 533M-85b, 100-101, 106 experimental procedure, 53 A 588, 34 hardness, 53, 58 A 751, 1 machinability, 54-55, 58, 60-64 A 771-83, 124-125 MnS inclusion A 788, 202, 208 aspect ratio, residual effect, 53, 59 A 858/A 858M-86, 122 size, residual effect, 53, 58 A 860/A 860M-86, 122 oxide inclusion, 53-54, 59 E 8, 212 properties, 53-54, 56-59 E 23, 212 residual levels investigated, 52-53 E 45-76, 193 roto-bar rejection rate, 53, 56 E 112, 125, 212 tensile ductility and strength, residual ef- E 139-83, 126-127 fect, 57 E 618-81, 51, 53 Alloy steel G 5-82, 154 high strength, 266 G 31-72(1985), 154 relative cost of restricting residual levels, G 48-76(1980), 154 32-33 Auger spectroscopy, 100 Alumina inclusions, machinability, 72 Austenitic stainless steel Aluminum carbide contents, 160 content during ladle refining, 42-43 high temperature ductility, 164 deoxidation constant, 41 see also Titanium stabilized austenitic Aluminum oxide, 76 stainless steel Arc length, 243-258 Austenitization back-gouging, 257 martensitic 12% chromium steel, 88 deposit nitrogen and oxygen level effects, temperature, 113 251-256 Automatic screw machine test, 53-54 SMA electrodes, 257 Axisyrnmetric specimens, 100 specimen extraction and testing, 248 Ashby-Orowan equation, 225 ASTM Standards B A 20/A20M-86a, 117 A 240-85, 151,153 Ball bearing steels, calcium, 70 A 242, 34 Biaxial stress rupture A 255-67, 36 tests, D9I, 127 A 262-85a, 150, 154, 158-162, 164 titanium stabilized austenitie stainless A 266-69, 115 steel, 132, 135 A 266-84a, 114, 117, 123 Borides, 163 A 266-85, 115 Boron, 150 A 269-85, 151,153 corrosion resistance of Type 304 stainless A 352/A 352M-85, 122 steel and, 152 A 376, 6 D9 levels, 125-126 A 430, 6 stress rupture life effect, 128-130 303 Copyright*1989 by ASTM lntcrnational www astm org 304 RESIDUAL AND UNSPECIFIED ELEMENTS IN STEEL Boron (cont.) Caustic embrittlement, 5-6 tertiary creep and, 146 Charpy impact test titanium stabilized austenitic stainless steel fracture appearance transition tempera- effect, 145-147 ture, 269, 271 see also Titanium stabilized austenitic weld metal, 239-240 stainless steel Charpy toughness, 100, 170 British Standards 4060 50E, 169 butt weld, 180-184 British Standards 5762:1979, 175 DC straight polarity deposits, 186 Butt weld de-embrittling treatment, 104, 106 charpy toughness, 180-184 forged and plate steel, 106, 108 chemical analyses, 174-177 Charpy V notch crack tip opening displacement, 184-185 fracture energy, 104 cutting scheme, 174 impact test properties, X-70 line pipe steel, fractographic examination, 186-188 291-292 microstructural observations, 177-179 specimens, 103, 288 tensile and hardness data, 179-183 transition curves, heat affected zone, 294 Chromium, 51 Cleanness, calcium treatment and, 69-72 Cleavage, 100 isolated regions, welds, 186, 188 C stress, critical, 108, 110 Calcium Clinch River breeder reactor, 203 alloys, see Inclusion control C-Mn-Ni welds, 179, 182-183 ball bearing steels, 70 Cold cracking carbo-nitriding, 70-71 heat affected zone, 296 cleanness and, 69-72 hydrogen induced, 296-297 cold upsetting, 71-72 Cold formability, residuals and, 35-36 fatigue life, 70-71 Cold upsetting, calcium treatment, 71-72 machinability, 72-73 Columbium-vanadium steel, low carbon, 286 Calcium-aluminum, deoxidation constant, Compact tension specimens, 103 41 Constituent ratios Calcium oxide, 77 LN steel, 275-276 Calcium sulfide, 77 Ti-oxide bearing steel, 275-276 Carbides, 83, 150 Continuous casting, 26 martensitic 12% chromium steel, 98-99 growth of, 28 precipitation reactions, 215 percent of U. S. production, 28 strengthening, 202, 227 trends, 11, 13 Carboborides, 163 Continuous cooling transformation diagram Carbon LN steel, 273-274 content effect on heat affected zone tough- Ti-oxide bearing steel, 273-275 ness, 269, 271-273 Copper, 51, 150, 202-227 equivalent, 114, 120-122 average monthly residual, scrap, 19, 21 interstitial, 225 corrosion resistance, 208 segregation, negative, 114 Type 304 stainless steel and, 151-152, Carbo-nitriding, calcium treatment, 70-71 154-158 Carbon-manganese steels, 169, 243 dilatometry, 212 welds, mechanical property, 179, 181 factors favorably affecting hot workability, Carbon steel forgings, 114 34 chemical composition, 115, 122 hardenability, 208 heat analyses and product analyses, 117, iron-copper phase diagram, 207-208 119 laboratory-produced steels, 221-223 heat treatment, 114, 116-117 light microscopy, examination, 212 impact test results, 117-118 load-elongation curve, 224 mechanical property test machinability and, 51-52 locations, 114, 116 materials, 204-206 results, 117-120 particles, 215-216, 220 INDEX 305 precipitation, grain boundary, 213, 218 D procedure, 209-212 D9, 124-125 regression analysis, scrap, 16, 19 boron effect restriction, hot shortness and, 34-35 ductility, 130-131 tensile/impact testing, 212 stress rupture life, 128-130, 132-134 values of purchased scrap grades, 22 creep curves, modified by additions of bo- yield strength, 224 ron phosphorus, 130 annealed, 224 in-reactor creep behavior, 135, 139-141 PWHT/AC, 226-227 neutron-induced swelling, 141, 143 PWHT/FC, 224-226 phosphorus and boron levels, 125-126 see also Weld metal, embrittlement phosphorus effects Copper alloys, elimination, 7 ductility, 130-131 Corrosion, 7 stress rupture life, 128-129 Corrosion resistance precipitate-free zones, 146 copper and, 208 swelling behavior, 136, 139 Type 304 stainless steel, 150-165 unirradiated, 133-139 boron effects, 152 as-received condition, 136 copper and molybdenum effects, 151- carbide and Laves distribution, 135, 138 152, 154-158 creep cavitation, 134, 137 corrosion rates, 158 high phosphorus-high boron heat, 135, effect of alloy boron content and sensitiz- 138 ing treatment, 161-162 MC precipitates, 135, 139 intergranular corrosion rates, 158-159 phase identification, 134-135, 137 materials, 152-154 DgI, 127-128 potentiodynamic anodic polarization Deoxidation, 38 curves, 155-157 Deoxidation constant, aluminum, 41 reference standards, 160 Dephosphorization, 40 Counterfeit bolts, 25 Desuifurization, 38 Cracking Diffusion deoxidation, 43-44 hydrogen induced, 286 Dilatometry solidification, 297 production forgings, 213 Crack tip opening displacement, 169, 175 residual copper, 212 butt weld, 184-185 DIN 50602, 193 C-Mn-Ni deposits, 188 Dissociation, ladle lining, 42-43 scatter in values, 189-190 Dropweight tear test, 300 Creep, 124 Ductile to brittle transition temperature, 101, Creep resistance, 83 107-108 Creep test, martensitic 12~ chromium steel, Ductility, optimum, 261 96-97 CrMo steel, HAZ tempering characteristics, 264-265 E 2-1/4Cr-lMo steel, 202 chemical analysis, 205 Electric arc furnaces, 26 critical temperatures, 213 Electric furnace steelmaking, 26-27 laboratory-produced trends, 11-12 residual copper, 221-223 Electron microscopy, see Production forgings yield and tensile strengths, 223 Electroslag remelting, 202, 204, 206 CrMoV steel, HAZ tempering characteristics, ferrite matrix, 216, 220 264-265 Embrittlement, effect of phosphorus segrega- Current supply, 243-258 tion, 296 AC, 244 End quench hardenability test, 36 DC reverse polarity, 186 Engineered bar products deposit nitrogen and oxygen level effects, maximum levels of residual content, 29 251-256 nickel-copper ratio, 34 SMA welding, 243-244 Erosion-corrosion, in feedwater and wet welding, 170, 174 steam piping, 7 306 RESIDUAL AND UNSPECIFIED ELEMENTS IN STEEL F microstructure, 269 niobium content, 271-272 Fatigue life, calcium treatment, 70-71 scanning electron fractographs, 295 Fatigue limit, versus tensile strength, 70-71 shelf energy, 295 Fe-AI-Ca-O-S system, equilibrium diagram, simulated coarse-grained microstructure, 73-74 290 Ferritic steel, see Sulfur, weldability and tempering characteristics of CrMo and Formability, 26 CrMoV steels, 264-265 Fractography, temper embrittlement, 103- toughness, 286, 296 104 carbon or niobium content effect, 269, Fracture appearance transition temperature, 271-273 3OO heating temperature effect, 269, 271 charpy impact test, 269, 271 test, 267 sulfur content and, 278-279, 281 underbead hardness, 192 X-70 line pipe steel, 291 weld thermal cycle, 288-289 Fracture surface Heat analyses and product analyses, carbon heat affected zone, 296-296 steel forgings, 117, 119 martensitic 12% chromium steel, 93, 96 Heat treatment, 101,103 microstructure below, 279, 281 carbon steel forgings, 114, 116-117 Fracture toughness, 7, 104-105, 169 inter-critical, 114, 117 effect of reaustenitization and temper, 104, temper embrittlement, 101, 103 107 Hollomon-Jaffe parameter, 261-262 temper embrittlement, 104-105 Homogenization Free-machining steel, 51 martensitic 12% chromium steel, 85, 87 Fuel cladding, 125 Furnace, advanced procedures, 14 temper embrittlement, 113 Hot ductility test, 6 Hot shortness, 26 G copper restriction, 34-35 Huey test, 159-160, 164 Galvanized material, in scrap, 24 Gas metal arc weld, 193 Hydrogen, 192 induced cold cracking, 296-297 Gas-shielded welding, nitrogen, 256-257 induced cracking, resistance, 286 Grain size, 266 Graphitization, 5-6 sensitivity and sulfur, 198 weld deposit content, 195 weldment effects, 196-197 I-I Hardenability, 26 end quench test, 36 I residual copper, 208 Impact test residual levels and,
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