HEADQUARTERS ALLIED FORCE COMMAND HEIDELBERG 2010 EDITION 01 SERVING HQ FC HEIDEBERG, CAMPBELL BARRACKS, HEIDELBERG, GERMANY The Observer 2010 ED.01 1 Editorial Dear readers, with the families and the depend- The Observer This edition will hit the streets ants of the already deployed and right after the Summer Leave yet to deploy staff. We have some Serving the military, civilians and family members of HQ FC HD Period. In the timeframe since of their activities documented in January, when we had published this edition of the OBSERVER. Lt. Gen. John W. Morgan III Commander the last edition of the OBSERVER, Lt. Col. Thomas Dippel many things had happened that Next to that, share with us what DEU A, Public Affairs Officer affected all main elements of our else happened in the headquar- Editor NATO headquarters here in Hei- ters. HptFw Peter Knöringer delberg. Multimedia Technician To foster the visibility of the Published three times each year, The Observer is an authorized, During a change-of-command Headquarters in the media, we unofficial publication. ceremony in May, Lieutenant have additionally implemented Its aim is to inform headquarters General Roland Kather from Ger- a page on FACEBOOK, com- personnel and their family members. Opinions expressed in this publication many handed over command to plementary to our more formal are those of the authors and do not his successor, Lieutenant General internet homepage (www.nato. reflect official policy. John W. Morgan III from the Unit- int/fchd). The FACEBOOK page Suggestions for articles, comments and ed States of America. In July, as will provide further information contributions are welcome and should be directed to the editor. part of the new Peace Establish- to interested audience in a dif- The editor reserves the right to edit ment of our Headquarters Allied ferent format, compared to our submissions. Force Command Heidelberg, the homepage. Everybody is encour- Public Affairs Office staff welcomed the first repre- aged to have a look at both the Postfach 102620 D-69016 Heidelberg sentative from Hungary, the 21st internet homepage as well as the (Bldg 8, Campbell Barracks) NATO nation sending personnel FACEBOOK page - give us your Phone: 06221.398.5316 Fax: 06221.398.5774 to this headquarters. comments/feedback for both of Email: [email protected] them. Printed by: In the light of the continuing ISAF ABT Print und Medien GmbH engagement of about a quarter of Bruchsaler Straße 5 69469 Weinheim our headquarters staff, the second Thomas Dippel Phone: 0 62 01/18 90-0 personnel rotation for HQ ISAF Lieutenant Colonel www.abt-medien.de finalized its pre-deployment train- HQ FC Heidelberg Visit our web site at www.nato.int/fchd ing in June, while the Family Sup- Public Affairs office port Centre undertook activities [email protected] Contents Commander´s Message .............................. 3 Visiting the River Rhine Valley ................... 15 Command Sergeant Major´s Message ........ 4 Exercise Loyal Journey .............................. 16 Change of Command ............................... 6 Family Support Center ............................. 18 Flag Raising Ceremony for Hungary ........... 9 Sports Day ............................................... 19 WWT 2010 .............................................. 10 MRT/E Stavanger...................................... 21 BI-LCC CCC-10 ........................................ 12 Visits ........................................................ 23 Farewell for COS MG van Loon ................ 14 Facebook ................................................. 24 2 www.nato.int/fchd Commander’s Message It has been a pleasure and a great stan with capable, well-trained staff honor to have been appointed teams. And once again, this sum- Commander of Allied Force Com- mer, we have sent a new rotation to mand Heidelberg. I have been in Kabul for six months – our second, command for only 3 months, yet of ultimately four deployment rota- I already recognize the outstand- tions that will culminate in early ing work that this headquarters 2012. In 2010 we also deployed Although our headquarters performs on a daily basis, and look Joint Logistics Support Group transformed to a deployable, joint forward to the numerous challenges (JLSG) personnel to Kosovo. To command, we retained much of the that lie ahead. I would like to take achieve that mission, I will person- “land centric” responsibilities of our this opportunity to present my ally ensure that FCHD has a well- former Land Component Command command priorities and share some resourced training plan for our ISAF structure. Essentially, it is this head- initial thoughts and observations. deployers and that the commitment quarters’ responsibility to act as the However, before all, I would like to their families, through the Familiy “Land Advocate” within the NATO to recognize the outstanding job Center, is relentless. Command Structure, to provide done by my predecessor, Lieutenant Even if the quiet professionalism advice and expertise to our higher General Kather, and all the remain- of FCHD personnel has been noted headquarters as well as the Gradu- ing members of the headquarters in by the highest NATO command, it ated Readiness Force (Land) Corps transforming the Allied Land Com- should not prevent us from trying headquarters of the NATO Force ponent Command to a “Force Com- to improve ourselves or share our Structure. My fourth priority will be mand” capable of providing two experiences with other headquar- to ensure all land-related matters, DJSEs, while simultaneously provid- ters. That’s why my second priority particularly doctrine, receive their ing the core staff of ISAF headquar- will be to put in place practices to due attention within NATO. In the ters since 2010. Our headquarters collect, analyze and share all the end, the objective is to ensure that has always enjoyed a strong reputa- Lessons Identifi ed and the Les- the NATO Command Structure has tion within NATO as a competent, sons Learned from our operational all the necessary assets, to include ready organization, and will con- deployments and NATO Response standard doctrine and practices, to tinue to do so, due in large part to Force (NRF) preparation. From that accomplish all possible missions. the ongoing efforts of the men and perspective, 2011 will be particu- Lastly, many of our frameworks women of the command. larly demanding with on-going ISAF tasks remain, such as Military My fi ve priorities are: deployment and NRF preparation Outreach and Cooperation. Given • Deployment of staff capability to for the 2012 cycle. Make no mis- our other commitments, perform- ISAF for the next 24 months and take, the objective is not only to do ing these duties poses a signifi cant continued support of other NATO things better but also save resourc- challenge and we will do so within operations. es, time and above all life! our means and capabilities. My last • Aggressive lessons identifi ed and Nothing is more important than hu- priority will then be to ensure that lessons learned practices. man resources especially in the con- they are perfectly conducted even • Implementation of the new Peace- text of implementing the new Peace- if we have to prioritize them due to time Establishment. time Establishment. With 23 NATO our limited resources. • Furthering the concept of “Land nations and 3 Partner for Peace Finally, we must not forget our Advocacy” in the NATO Com- nations contributing to its manning, beloved families who are so im- mand and Force Structures. Allied Force Command Heidelberg portant in supporting us in our • Framework tasks assigned to this is a real multinational headquarters demanding job. I hope to see many Headquarters. with all the inherent benefi ts and of them during the next Family Fest I would like to expand quickly on challenges. Hence, we will keep on 14 September and to enjoy with each of them. striving for full manning support of all of you the fascinating cultural While our Alliance, as well as our nations. I have already had the diversity of the Headquarters. our member nations, is focused on opportunity to advocate for this issue The year ahead poses many chal- enhancing the deployability of the with senior Allied Land Force Com- lenges for our headquarters. I have NATO Command Structure, FC Hei- manders during the last Allied Chiefs every confi dence in our ability to delberg is simultaneously committed of Army Staff Talks (ACAST) and I meet these challenges. I look for- to supporting International Security will continue to seize each and every ward to working together with all of Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghani- opportunity to recall it. you in the coming months. The Observer 2010 ED.01 3 Command Sergeant Major’s Message “Time Flies….” By the time this latest edition of forward to this challenge how- the Observer is published, I will ever never in my wildest dreams be back in Canada. It is with would I have expected how mixed feelings that I am prepar- much of a difference there actu- ing to leave Heidelberg for what ally was. In the Offi cer Ranks will be the last posting of my of the NATO nations, regard- career. The past two years have less of the rank, the roles and provided the unique challenge responsibilities of a staff offi cer of being the Command Sergeant is relatively the same, including Major at Force Command Heidel- the actual rank structure. On the berg. other hand, for the NCOs and the Senior NCO’s in particular, The past two years have seen the disparity is far reaching, and this Headquarters transform saddens me for many reasons. from the former “G structure” to A simple glimpse of the NATO HQFCHD Command Sergeant Major a more functional fully deploy- Army Grades/Rank Chart of- Camil Samson (CAN) able DJSE structure. In addition fers a large explanation for this. to transforming to a new struc- There appears to be holes in the ture orientated to a standby NRF NCO’s Corps in some countries, role, the Headquarters also had while some other countries do to prepare for the four succes- not even have a full scale NCO sive deployments to ISAF over Corps.
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