Foundation launches $5 million cam~aim High public perception of JSU prompts fund JSU Drama drive that will start with University employees v By Jamie Cole pation," said Serviss. department Editor in Chief Besides the letters, Serviss said each If the JSU Foundation has its way, it will employee "will be personally contacted by opens 'Man of have $20 million by the year 2000 with a co-worker or peer to encourage participa- which to support academics at Jackson- tion in this campaign." La Mancha' ville State. According to Vivian Garner, chairperson And the Foundation's executive secre- of campus gifts, staff division, a campaign tary, Joseph Serviss, says the organization is being organized to make similar requests is starting its fundraising efforts "within of staffpersons, which includes secretaries, the family." housekeeping and maintenance. On Monday, the Faculty Senate resolved Employees on all levels have expressed in its meeting to support a fundraising concern over the drive, feeling that the effort in which the Foundation hopes to requests come at a difficult time. raise $5 million in a comprehensive cam- "With faculty morale as low as it is right paign that includes soliciting donations now, this is the last thing that needed to from every JSU employee from the Presi- come out," said one faculty member, who dent down. wished to remain unidentified. The Foundation will ask for donations Serviss said faculty morale was a sepa- from JSU employees first, then go to orga- rate issue. "This is not about personalities, giving," she said. nizations outside JSU. or who got raises last year. This is about "It's gonna be a stretch for everyone," Serviss said a phase may be worked in support for our University," he said. said Serviss. However, he compared the later for parent and student participation. Though 30 minutes a week seems low, contributions to other charitable organiza- In letters already sent to administrators one faculty member discovered the request tions. "The United Way asks for one hour Spring musical: 'ManofhMancha' and faculty, chairpersons for the Founda- would amount to over $3,000 based on the per month, the church asks for ten per- starts tonight and continues with shows tion encouraged those contacted to donate five-year commitment the Foundation asked cent," he said. "This will have to fit in with scheduled through this weekend and the equivalent of 30 minutes of pay per for. A secretary found the contribution un- See Foundation next weekend. week to the Foundation's cause. "We are feasible for her budget. "When they raise looking and hoping for maximum partici- my salary above poverty le\;el, I'll consider The JSU Drama Department opens the musical "Man of la Martinez finally Mancha" this week. The play is based on the life and works of allowed to file Miguel de Cewantes y Saavedra, the author of "Don Quixote." complaint The story is centered around Cervantes' time in prison during v BY Beniamin Cunninuham the Inquisition. While he awaits Assistant News editor interrogation, his fellow prisoners A JSU student involved in an alleged acci- put him through a mock trial. dent with a Jacksonville City Police car while In an attempt to save his "Don rollerblading on Pelham Road last month has Quixote" script, Cewantes and his been allowed to file a complaint against the servant, Sancho Panza, perform officer who drove the car. Jose Martinez, a 20- the story for the inmates. year-old freshman,filed the complaint last week The role of Cervantes will be on Feb. 8, nearly a month after the Jan. 18 played by JSU sophomore and incident. drama/music major Michael Hol- Around 11 p.m. that night, Martinez was land. rollerblading southward on Pelharn Road when The show runs Feb. 16-18 and Jacksonville Police Department Officer Bruce 23-25 at 8:00 p.m. and Feb. 19 and Murphy, also traveling southward, attempted 26 at 2:00 p.m. at Stone Center. to get Martinez to stop or slow down. Shortly Tickets are $8 for adults, $6 for thereafter, Martinez collided with Murphy's senior citizens and JSU faculty and patrol car. The Martinezes claim th$t Murphy staff, and $5 for students, military intentionally pulled in front of the young man and children. Tuesday night. The concert was a money-makerfor the SGA, grossing almost $32,000. See -- Mike Canada related editorial, page 6. See Martinez Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Society will award five araduate scholarships of $2,000 each, seven underaradu- ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ite scholarships of '$2,000 each and 25 or more inder- graduate scholarships of $1,000 each. These scholarships are awarded nationally. JSU chapter member Morey Students compensated for unemployment Gaddy was a recipient this past yea;. See chapter adviser It's an annual rite of spring: But the new program, dubbed proof that they're diligently send- Rufus Kinney at Stone Center 105 for application forms and College seniors lie awake at night the Fisher Commitment, is hardly ing those resumes out. instructions. Local deadline for applications is Friday, Feb. and fret they'll graduate with a license to lie on the sofa and take In return, Fisher will provide A 24. huge debt, 100 resumes out, no it easy. Before students qualify guidance from career counselors There will be an exhibition of JSU student art works now job in sight and Mom and Dad as for the payout, they must meet a and local job mentors every step through Feb. 24 at Hammond Hall Gallery. An opening their new landlords. strict set of guidelines. of the way. night reception will be held from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Feb. 14. The show is free and open to the public. Gallery hours are If only college came with some While in school, participating Dr. William Pickett, president Monday through Fridayfrom 8a.m. to4 p.m. For additional sort of guarantee, say many wist- students will be required to join of the college, says the strength of information call Steve Loucks at 782-5708. ful college students. selected campus activities, com- the program isn't in the potential A job fair will be held from 9 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Feb. 22 Now at least one does. Begin- plete ajob-related internship, map payments after graduation, but in in the 3rd floor lobby of TMB. More than 40 recruiters will ning next year, entering students out career goals with an academic the educational plan itself. "A be on hand. Students interested in full- or part-time summer at St. John's Fisher College can adviser and graduate with at least college degree is not amagic piece jobs are welcome to attend. qualify for a program that will pay a 2.75 grade point average. of paper," says Pickett. "It has to students $417 per month, up to After graduation, job seekers be symbol of some real change $5,000 if they aren't offered a job must stay in contact with the that has happened in a student's that requires a college degree college's career office and show life." within six months of their gradu- ation. 2-5-95. Kenneth Schafer, reported disorderly conduct at Crow 1-1~11. I NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY 2-7-95. Marvin Jackson, 19, of Birmingham, was arrested and charged with possession of a forged instrument. 2-7-95. Anita Kay Webb, 21, of Double Springs, AL, was Racist remarks may force resignation of Rutgers president arrested at Sparkman Hall and charged with possession of mari- Students are calling for the res- juana. 6- - 2-7-95. JSU reported possession of marijuana and drug ignation of Rutgers University's The average SAT for African-Americans is 750 paraphernalia at Sparkman Hall. president after he gave a speech in ... 2-7-95. Talya Millicent Pharr, 23, of Sparkman Hall, was which he saidAfrican-Americans (D)o we deal with a disadvantaged population that arrested on Trustee Circle and charged with possession of mari- iuana and drug paraphernalia. lack the "genetic hereditary code" doesrt 't have that genetic hereditary background to I . 2-7-95. ~atriciaR. Burroughs, 20, of Fitzpatrick Hall, was I to score well on standardized tests. have a higher- advantage?- arrested and charged with forgery. After hearing the words of -- Rutgers University President 2-7-95. JSU reported possession of mariiuana at Luttrell Hall. Rutgers University President 2-8-95. Timothy Earl Bell, 24, of Curtis Hall, was arrested at Francis Lawrence JPD and charged with theft of property. Francis Lawrence, minority stu- dents staged a silent protest march 99 reditary background to have a Lawrence later said that he was higher advantage?" trying to say that "standardized Lawrence's statement didn't tests should not be used to ex- receive much attention until late clude disadvantaged students on January, when officials for the the trumped-up grounds that such The baseball stadium story on page 1 of the Feb. ciation for the Advancement of American Association of Univer- tests measure inherent ability, 9 issue stated that JSU is currently under NCAA Colored People (NAACP) have sity Professors, which represents because I believe they do not." investigation. In fact, there was simply a committee called for Lawrence's immediate theuniversity's 2,000 instructors, But for some minority students, reviewing women's sports at JSU and the athletic resignation. played a tape of the speech to hear it was too late for explanations. department is under no investigation. Lawrence, however, says he Lawrence's opinions on faculty "People say things like this and I I didn't mean what he said.
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