1971 PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES REPORT OF THE ~fRUSTEES OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM FOR THE Year ended 30 June, 1970 Ordered to be printed, 28 April, 1971 BY AUTHORITY V. C. N. BLIGHT, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, NEW SOUTH WALFS-1971 P S3171-1'11 1971-28 [40c:l BOARD OF TRUSTEES PRESIDENT Mr W. H. Maze, M.Sc. CROWN TRUSTEE Emeritus Professor A. P. Elkin, C.M.O., M.A., Pb.D., D.Litt. OFFICIAL TRUSTEES The Hon. the Chief Justice. The Hon. the Minister for Education. The Hon. the President of the Legislative Council. The Auditor-General. The Hon. the Chief Secretary. The President of the New South Wales Medical The Hon. the Attorney-General. Board. The Hon. the Treasurer. The Surveyor-General and Chief Surveyor. The Hon. tho Minister for Public Works. The Crown Solicitor. ELECI'IVE TRUSTEES Sir Frank McDowell. R. C. Richard, R. J. Noble, C.B.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. Professor H. N. Barber, F.R.S., F.A.A. G. A. Johnson, M.B.E. K. L Sutherland, D.Sc., F.A.A. S. Haviland, C.B.E. Professor A. H. Voisey, D.Sc. Professor L. C. Birch, D.Sc., F.A.A. Professor G. H. Satchell, Ph.D. Professor D. P. MeUor, D.Sc., F.R.A.C.I. NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INDEX OF AUSTRALIAN BIRDS COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES Chairman: The Hon. Sir Percy Spender, K.C.V.O., K.B.E., K.St.J., Q.C. Members: Mr F. P. Buckley, C.B.E. Dr Ursula Hoff, O.B.E., Ph.D. Professor Sir Leonard Hux1ey, K.B.E., D.Phil., Ph.D., M.A., F.Inst.P., F.A.A. Mr Laurence Le Quay, F.R.P.S., E.F.I.A.P., A.I.A.P. Mr R. C. Richard Dr F. H. Talbot, M.Sc., Ph. D., F.L.S. The Hon. Sir Vem on Treatt, K.B.. E ., M.M., Q.C. Mr R. W. Turner Sir Harold Wyndbam, C.B.E., M.A., Ed.D. CONTENTS Page Staff .. 6 National Photographic Index of Australian Birds 6 Honorary Associates 6 Annual Report-Address to His Excellency the Governor 7 Introduction 7 On Museum Exhibition 8 Display Planning 9 Honorary Staff 9 Staff 10 Overseas Visitors 10 Acknowledgment of Co-operation 10 Lectures 11 Exhibitions-"Cook, Banks and Australia" 11 General Exhibitions 12 National Photographic Index of Australian Birds 13 Anthropology 14 Entpmology .. 15 Environmental Studies 16 Herpetology .. 17 Ichthylogy 17 Marine Invertebrates-Crustaceans and Coelenterates 18 Marine Invertebrates-Worms and Echinoderms 19 Malacology .. 20 Mammalogy 20 Mineralogy 21 Ornithology 22 Palaeontology 23 Education Service 23 Library 24 Photographer and Visual Aids 25 Museum Buildings . 26 Publishing and Advertising 26 Attendance 29 Donations 30 Finance 30 Appendix .. 31 STAFF DIRECTOR F. H. Talbot, M.Sc., Ph.D., F.L.S. DEPUTY DIRECTOR C. N. Smithers, M.Sc .• Ph.D. SCIENTIFIC DEPARTMENTS br t Marine lnverte • tS Anthropology D. R. Moore, M.A., Dip. Anthrop., Curator (Crustaceans and Coelenterates) J. P. White, M.A .. Ph.D.• Assistant Curator D J G Griffin M.Sc., Ph.D., Cur.ato~ Janet L. Smith, Museum Assistant . Janet. l~olloway, T~chnical Officer (Sc•enufic) Chcryl Piclich. Museum Assistant (until 18th February, 1970) Marine Invertebrates Christine M. lrwin, Museum Assistant (from 25th June, 1970) (Worms and Echinoderms) Elizabeth C. Pope, M.Sc., Cu~ato r Entomology Greta E. Jensen, Museum Ass•stant C. N. Smithers, M.Sc., Ph.D., Curator D. K. McAipinc, M.Sc., Ph.D., D.I.C., Assistant Curator Malacology M. R. V. Gray, M.Sc., Assistant Curator W. F. Ponder, Ph.l?·• Cura.tor (Arachnids) P. H. Colman. Tcchmcal Ass1st~t J. V. Peters, Lepidopterist (seconded from Colleen J. Robinson, Museum Ass1stant Education Department) G. A. Holloway, Technical Assistant Klara C. Kota, Museum Assistant Mammalogy Robyn L. Jeffcry, Museum Assistant (to 5th B. J. Marlow, B.Sc., Curatpr Feb1 uary, 1970) Unda M. Gibson, Museum Asststant Clare T. Trickctt, Museum Assistant (from 13th April, 1970) Mineralogy and Petrology Environmental Studies R 0 Chalmcrs, A.S.T.C., Curator H. F. Rccher, Ph.D., Curator Judiih E. Naughton, Technical Officer S. S. Clark, M.Sc., Assistant Curator (Scientific) H. Posamenticr, B.Sc., Technical Ass1stant C. Plumb, Museum Assistant OrnJtbology Herpetology H. J. deS. Disney, M.A., Curator. H. G. Cogger, M.Sc., Ph.D. C';lrator Patricia N. Maxwell, Museum AssiStant Robyn D. Brewer, Museum AsSIStant Ichthyology Palaeontology J. R. Paxton, M.Sc., Pb.D.. Curator A. Ritcbie, B.Sc., Ph.D., Cu.rator Virginia Moore, Museum Assistant Dorothy Jones, Museum Ass1staot EDUCATION SERVICE Patricia M. McDonald, B.Sc., M.Ed., Education Officer in Charge; Stella B. ~· Maguire, B ..A., Assistant .Education Officer; Wendy J. Goldstein, B.Ed., Assistant Education Officer; Nancy J. Pall!n, REd., Ass~stant Educat•on .Offioer (seconded from 29th January, 1970); Rae L. Sheridan, B.Sc., Dip.Ed .. ~s1stant Educat1on Officer (unt•l 24th December, 1969); Maude Tyler, A.S.T.C. (part-time) Assistant Education Officer; R. C. lnder, Preparator . LIBRARY Mary G. E. Davies, B.Sc., A.L.A.A., Librarian; Felcity Elwood (until 22nd January, 1970); ~lizabetb <;heung (from 2nd February 1970 to 25th May, 1970) and Kaye King (from 26th May, 1970), L•brary Assistants; ' Jessica E. Watson, Clerical Assistant EXHIBITIONS DEPARTMENT B. Bertram, Officer-in-Charge Preparation Section Art and Design Section R. Witchard; K. Gregg; D. Rae, B. Bertram, Artists; R. Lossin, Lorainc F. Zirkzee, Preparators; Janet Boddy, Celia Tanner, Production Assistants; P. Fluke, Cadet Preparator Gait Anderson, T iclcetwriter; Della M. Clark ARTIFICERS A. Carpenter (in charge); T. Lang, R. Brown (seconded from Public Works Department, January, 1970), K. Forster (from January, 1970) PHOTOGRAPHY AND VISUAL AIDS SECTION H. D. Hughes, A.R.P.S. (Photographer and VIsual Aids Officer) C. V. Turner, Assistant ASSISTANT EDITOR P. F. Collis OFFICE B. Scott-Harden (until 28th November, 1969); C. Thompson (in charge) (from ht December, 1969); NancyT. Cancino; Caroline A. Sinclair: Lynette Oxley; Peter Camp; Helen Tibbitts; Roslyn K. McDonald; A. Orlow; L. Wadsworth ATTENDANTS W. Wason (Chief Attendant); S. Zimeris (Senior Attendant); E. Randall; A. Paley; R. Aylward; D . Soltan· R. Simpson; M. Duncan• J . Frater; S. Coops; N. Ivanoff: B. Littlcjohn; P. Houben; J. Dixon; J. Soloma~ (Gardener); D. Waldcn (Cleaner); Mary Sargeant (<;leaner); Melva Every (Cleaner); S. Crowhurst (Cleaner): Rosa Dtaz (Cleaner) NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC INDEX OF AUSTRALIAN BIRDS A. Donald Trounson, Executive Officer; M. C. Clampctt, Honorary Secretary: Mrs A. D. Trounson, Voluntary Assistant HONORARY ASSOCIATES Isobel Bennett, M.Sc.; Julie Booth; R. Catala. D.Sc.; S. J. Copland, M.Sc.: L. Courtney-Haines; A. D'Ombraio; J. W. E-.:ans, M.A., Sc.D., D.Sc.; H. 0. Fletcher, M.Sc.; T. A. Garrard; K. Gillctt; A. Healy; F. W. Hill; K: A. Hmdwood, C.F.A.O.U., F.R.Z.S.: C. J. Lawler; J. Ma~oncy, B.Sc.; T . lredale, F.R.Z.S.; F. D. McCarthy, D1p. Anthrop; Professor N. W. G. Mclntosh. M.B .. B.S., D1p. Anthrop.; The Hon. Mr Justice F. G. Myers; A. A. Rac~ k. Or rer. nat; (Brn~); ~: Strahan, M.Sc., F.L.S.; L. Thomas; E. "froughton, F.R.Z.S.; J. Voorwin~e: G. P. Wh1tley, F.R.Z.S .. A. W1rth • P. M. J ..Woodhead, M.Sc.; D. F. Mc M1chael, M.A., Ph.D .; W. McReadd1e; Vera Orcgg; A. Holmest; J. W P•ckett, M.Sc., D. Phil. Nat.; D. D. Francois, M.Sc., Ph.D. • Deceased 17th August, 1969. t Deceased January, 1970. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM For the Year ended 30th June, 1970 To His Excellency The Governor: The Trustees of The Australian Museum have the honour to submit their !16th Report for the year ended 30th June, 1970. Mr W. H. Maze, M.Sc., was elected President of the Board of Trustees at the Annual Meeting. 9ose co-operation with Taronga Zoo, the National Parks and Wildlife Service Macquarie UruveCSlty, and the N.S.W. State Fisheries has continued. ' The strong s~ppo~ by. th~ Gove_rnment •. which has enabled the Museum to become a sound research and educational. mstttut10n of mternat10nal standing has continued during the year and the Tr~stees thank the. P.remter and ~reasurer , the Deputy Premier and the Minister for Education and Sctence, and the M1ruster for Pubbc Works for their help. The Public Service Board has continued to support the Museum in staff matters. INTRODUCTION MUSEUMS AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION FRANK HAMILTON T ALBOT, Director There is at present an upsurge of interest in museums, the reasons for which are not quite clear. The Australian Museum will pass through its displays some 500,000 people this year, some 25 per cent of the population of Sydney. The number of visitors is increasing faster than the population increase. The same has occurred in Great Britain. During a recent exhibition over 1,200 children a day came to the Australian Museum in classes during school time. We now have 5 teachers who give formal classes to some 30,000-40,000 children a year and about 100,000 children visit the museum with their own teachers. If we look at the total picture in Australia, with nine State museums of technology and of natural science, we see a system handling the equivalent of 30 per cent of the population each year. It is quite clear we have an educational force of real potential. In addition in all the museums there is direct contact with hundreds of thousands of citizens through inquiries-one of the Australian Museum departments alone has 4,000 inquiries a year.
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