`Masters Power Plant Arm-wrestlers State-of-the-art Responsible for Marines strongarm repair and construction repairing aircraft during of airframes engines competition See Page A-8 See Page A-10 See Page 8-1 HAWAII MARINE Voluntary payment for delivery to MC AS I sing / «:.I per four-week period. VOL. 13 NO. 22. KANEOHE RAY. HAWAII. MAY 30, 1984 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES 37th MAU tests capabilities during action-packed CREE Story and photos Amphibious Unit to launch a '17th MAU accomplished its by Cpl. Pat Lewandowski counter-offensive, starting with mission with lightning speed and an amphibious assault on the accuracy. The CREE stretched the The island nation of Ostrova beaches of Bellows Air Force Tithe MAII's endurance - giving was attacked by the People's Station where the latest intelli- the Marines a realistic look at Democratic Republic of Nachal- gence reports have placed the combat through livwfire and nik, a Communist nation occupy- PDRN forces. simulated bomb blasts. This is the ing the island of Holm (Kauai). The week-long training Commanding General's new The anti-American PDRN scenerio, which started May 21, policy and was carried out to its terrorist forces stormed the island tested the combat capabilities of fullest potential during the of Ostrov (Oahu) attempting to the :17th MAU under extreme evaluation exercise. According to seize oil reserves that the nation conditions. The Combat Readi- Ltt DMA McSorley, MALI desperately needs to fuel its ness Evaluation Exercise (CREE) executive officer. "The MAU was industry. (An oil embargo was was designed to measure the put against most of the possible imposed by the United States in MALI's ability to deliver its situations found in combat. They protest of the terrorist activities 'cutting edge' to the enemy. accomplished the mission quickly that the PDRN was involved in.) Caine elements of 3d Bn., 3d and with minimal losses." In response to the surprise Marines; Marine Medium Heli- Operation CREE Vulcan attack on °strove, the President copter Srldn.-165 and MAU actually began 24 hours before the ordered the 37th Marine Service Support Group-31, the Cont. on Page A-4 VIM ',rot,. icy 1 }IRE SUPPORT - Capt. Michael Regner, Support Group-3I were evaluated for their WATER CROSSING - Marines from Co. L, 3d Evaluation Exercise. The CREE is conducted to commanding officer. Co. I. 3d Ito.. :ld Marines. combat effectiveness during the week-long Rn. 3d Marines, cross a creek during their ensure that deploying units are ready for any calls for art illery support during the Combat exercise. 'the 37th MAU successfully stopped patrol through Bellows Air Force Station. The contingency that may occur during their Readiness Evaluation Exercise held recently. the advancing Nachalnik Army and saved the leathernecks assaulted the installation deployment to the Western Pacific. Battalion Landing Team 3/3. Marine Medium island nation of Dstrova from defeat. Tuesday during their Combat Readiness Helicopter Sodn.-165 and MAU Service War games .developed specifically for Corps especially weapons and tactics they may on the "field of chivalry" in a platoon commander for the Randall C. Reed, an expert developed and tailored Story and photo for the Marine Corps. incorporat- by Cpl. Tim Shearer face in combat and allowing them challenging and realistic battle. opposing forces tOPFOR) game developer from the to match wits with enemy Marines were divided into armored vehicle section patrolling University of Florida, came to ing weapons, enemies and terrain commanders. opposing sides and each was Okinawa to demonstrate his game Marines would actually see in CAMP HANSEN, Japan -The in a fictitious three-by-four hand, Marine Corps has developed a Recently Marines here were given a simulated. combat role to kilometer area. Unannounced to and teach 20 leathernecks from battle. And on the other new training aid, capable of given a chance to work with a play. him, GySgt Ramon I.. Carter was various Western Pacific com- they have at their disposal those to the Corps. pitting leathernecks against system called TACWAR and meet Deo!. Robert F. Itnyre was a laying in ambush, concealed mands the intricacies of playing tools that are organic TACWAR. "In the past. the Corps used amongst a cluster of trees, 300 but meters from a mined road Itnyre's board games on a small scale, formation was traveling. their value was limited due to As an Itnyre tank advanced, a game limitations. The games that sharp the were available didn't match the command came from "In the past, the or mission coordinator ordering him Marines' mission, equipment figure doctrine. to stop. Smoke replaced the Corps used board make of a tank that was acting as the "Other people had tried to lead vehicle. Itnyre and his fellow games for the Corps, but failed commander had to make a games on a small because they tried to work independently. It took us three , decision: Proceed down the road or the Navy spread out in a tactical formation scale, but their years of working with to reduce vulnerability. and Marine Corps to develop the we now," A tactical formation was gaming system have incorporated to avoid losing more value was limited explained, Reed. tanks on the potentially mined "By working with the Corps we road. A few quick traverses and due to game limita- tried to determine what the the lead tank on the right flank realities of war are, how men will found itself disabled in a tions. The games react and what some of the streambed. The emir-tun attic equipment limitations are, In declared the tracked vehicle taking the advice of men who have we feel we have immobile, however he gave that were available seen combat OPFOR use of the tanks' achieved a great deal of realism," hydraulics so it could still he used he added. "1:62,7" for fire support. didn't meet the Basically, TACWAR is Where was this battlefield that company-level, war game to allow small unit 4;0 427 . just saw 30 seconds of fierce Marines' mission." designed battle? leaders to make decisions and It covers a Scaled-model, three- then observe the results of those by-four meter section of the decisions graphically demon- Division School building here, strated on a board. where Marines from as far away TACWAR is the game that pits There are different scenarios, all as Guam and Adak, Alaska, man against man in simulated of which pit elements of the gather to learn the art of waging combat. "War gaming has been MAPPING STRATEGY - istI.t. Daryl K. Krug move on the TACWAR game board. by military men for over 150 Cont. on Page A-6 R.A. Forsberg plan their next war and developing battlefield used (R), and 1stLt. skills on a game hoard. years," said Reed. "TACWAR was by publishers and writers Published by RFD Publications, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. Opinions expressed advertisements in this publication herein are their own and not to be considered an official expression of the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps. The appearance of or services ad4rtised. including inserts, does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Navy or the U.S. Marine Corps of the firms, products Page A-2, May 30, 1984 No more waiting in line - with Direct Deposit. (TLA SPECIAL Automobile 1 Rooms w/ FREE $40°9, oo In-Room Movies & Insurance EDITOR'S NOTE: The in- of the rank insignia of a sergeant: 11 IJ v formation contained in Courts- and theft of U.S. currency of a Rates starting at Martial Report is submitted by the value in excess of $500. TLA accommodations conveniently located to 0,1 CHECK THESE Joint Legal Service Center and is He was sentenced to 100 days all military bases featuring: published as a source of informa- confinement at hard labor, VALUABLE BENEFITS tion for all Marines. forfeiture of $350 pay per month ------- 0 AIR-CONDITIONED HAIR SALON Call or for four months, and reduction to A I grat 1 Low down payment ROOMS 1 ' i LCpI. Gregory W. Clark, private. LOUNGE Visit ' the COLOR TV LAUNDROMAT . Convenient payment plan Station and Operations Mainte- SWIMMING a nance Squadron, was convicted at POOL CAR RENTAL Auto FREE PARKING TRAVEL AGENCY i A 0 Safe driver rating plan trial by special court-martial of Sgt. Robert W. Neisser, FREE AIRPORT TRANSPORTATION r I i wrongful distribution of cocaine, Marine Aircraft Group-24, was i 1 Insurance D,ependable protection wrongful possession of mari- convicted at trial by special court. I 1 juana, and the wrongful use of martial of making and delivering Restaurant serving Breakfast, Lunch and Specialists Immediate coverage cocaine. a worthless check with -intent to Dinner with Children's Menu and Room Service available. igfill:-; He was sentenced to forfeiture of deceive, and dishonorably failing tillt,,i IP Today! Personal service $390 pay per month for six to pay just debts on three months, reduction to private and occasions. Total amount of debt: Complimentary Welcome Cocktail Parties! Ito/ krillv fill Free rate quotation confinement at hard labor for six $2335.93. months. He was sentenced to reduction to private, confinement at hard 4! 1111, .7 Cpl. Willard E. Denton Jr., labor for six months, and ' THE For Marine Aircraft Group-24, was discharged from the U.S. Marine An Ironwood Resorts Hotel Informaflon convicted at trial by special court- Corps with a bad conduct Criter10.n martial of unauthorized wearing discharge. "Call Us A Family Hotel" Call: nvsinuorcE COMPANY 3253 N.
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