Map 55 Thessalia-Boeotia Compiled by J. Fossey and J. Morin, 1995 with the assistance of G. Reger (islands) Introduction Most of the mainland surface area represented on the map has been the subject of detailed topographic publications over the past forty years. The last fifteen years have been especially productive; in fact, only one part of Thessalia is not covered at all by recent investigation, the area of Achaea Phthiotis north of Mt. Othrys. Such copious publication has proved a challenge, insofar as no map at this scale could hope to reflect fully the entire settlement pattern revealed by the latest surveys and remain comprehensible. Nor could it show most of the fortifications which dot the landscape around every ancient Greek community, large or small. Filling in ‘empty’ areas (the mountainous hinterland of Aetolia and the Pindus range, for example) with modern toponyms has also been deliberately avoided in order to maintain the map’s consistency. What appears here, therefore, is limited chiefly to those sites mentioned in ancient sources, whose locations are known; to these have been added a limited number of sites to which only a modern name can be attached. The coastline shown corresponds for the most part to the modern one. Lack of information from specific studies makes it impossible to mark many acknowledged changes (at the mouth of the R. Peneios, for example). This caution does not apply, however, to the coastal area of Thermopylae now located far inland because of the massive accumulation of alluvium from the R. Spercheios; here the ancient coastline has been the subject of a recent, detailed investigation (Kase 1991). The mouth of the R. Euenos (in Aetolia) poses a particular problem. The coastline shown there is very hypothetical because no accurate information is available; the absence of sites in this delta is a reasonable reflection of the situation in antiquity, but no coastline can be drawn with any confidence. Since the end of the nineteenth century, central Greece has seen drainage operations on several bodies of water (the Copais, Xynias and Boibe lakes, as well as a few smaller ones) and areas subject to flooding, especially in Thessalia. In general, the shorelines shown are those of the lakes in the nineteenth century, except where recent data are available, as in the cases of Lake Copais (Knauss 1990) for example, and the plain of Thisbe (Knauss 1992). The eastern shoreline of Lake Copais can be determined with a fair degree of certainty because of the encircling hills; but the more level nature of the ground along its western side, combined with the considerable regular variation of the lake’s level (both seasonal and annual fluctuation), precludes such confidence there and calls for approximate linework only. In the case of the marshy plain of Thisbe, the map represents the situation as Pausanias (9.32.2) describes it, with one half of the surface area covered by water, the other half drained. There is some degree of uncertainty about the northern extremity of Lake Boibe, which was marshy in antiquity and no doubt also subject to wide-ranging variations. Mycenaean drainage works have been omitted throughout, since they lie outside the chronological limits of the map. Roads are omitted deliberately. Information on them is either too scrappy or too general in nature to warrant marking road courses. In fact “roads” in Greece were typically pathways following the lie of the land, not constructed features at all (except in those rare instances where they were, say, cut into a rock face). The paucity of remains makes marking them with any confidence virtually impossible. Islands The choice of sites marked is consciously limited to the more significant; in particular, some towers reported for certain islands are omitted. Those on Peparethus are included in view of the argument that they form a system for defensive or refuge purposes (Fredrich 1906). Clearly, further work on many islands (Euboea in particular) would improve our knowledge as well as reveal more sites; Bruneau’s (1987) survey is instructive in this regard. MAP 55 THESSALIA-BOEOTIA 819 Directory All place names are in Greece Abbreviations KvA E. Curtius, J.A. Kaupert and A. Milchhöfer, Karten von Attika, Text, I-IX, Berlin, 1881-1900 TIB Hellas J. Koder and F. Hild, Tabula Imperii Byzantini 1, Hellas und Thessalien, DenkWien 125, Vienna, 1976 Names Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference D3 Abai ACHR Palaiokhori Exarkhou Fossey 1986, 78-81; NPauly F3 Abantes A NPauly B4 Achaea See Map 58 C2 Achaea Phthiotis RE Phthia 2, col. 957 F4 Acharnai See Map 59 C3 Acheloos fl. Xerias Kase 1991, 79-80 A2 Achelous fl. See Map 54 H3 Achilleion Sinus Achili RE Skyros 2, col. 690 E1 Aegaeum Mare See Map 57 A3 Aetolia ACHR Aitolia Bommeljé 1987; NPauly Aitoloi, Aitolia E2 Ag. Athanasios C?H? on Skiathos Fredrich 1906, 104 C3 Ag. Demetrios CHRL Kase 1991, 49 F3 Ag. Ilias AC Psakhna Sackett 1966.30-31; Bakhuizen 1985, 134-35 F3 Ag. Paraskevi ACHR Sackett 1966.33; Bakhuizen 1985, 135 F3 Ag. Triada CHRL Kriezoti Sackett 1966, 66; Bakhuizen 1985, 134 B3 Ag. Vasileios C?H W Sidira Bommeljé 1987, 105 E3 Ag. Vasileios CH? Sackett 1966, 44-45 A3 Agrinion CHR Vrakhori PECS; Bommeljé 1987, 96; Lauffer 1989, 80-81; NPauly E2 Aianteion Pr. RE E3 Aidepsos AC Lipso Gregory 1979 E3 Aidepsos CHRL Loutra Aidepsou PECS; TIB Hellas 118; Gregory 1979; NPauly F3 Aigai ACHRL Politika Kafkala (contra Sackett 1966.26; Knoepfler 1997, 406 Bakhuizen 1985, (n. 11) 125-27, 134) E3 Aigai M. Mt. Kandili Bakhuizen 1985, 124-27 G4 Aigilia? Ins. C Styra, between Euboea RE 2; Hakkert, Lex. 3 Aigilia Euboeai 1 and Attika A1 Aiginion See Map 54 C4 Aigion See Map 58 C4 Aigition CH Strouza Bommeljé 1987, 75; NPauly F4 Aiglepheira CHR Ag. Nikolaos Knoepfler 1997, 366 E4 Aigosthena See Map 58 C3 Ainis ACHR Kase 1991, 82-83; NPauly Ainianes § Ainianes D4 Aiolidai? CH Bania Hakkert, Lex. 3 D2 Aison? CH Dimini NPauly 3 F4 Aithalidai/ See Map 59 Hybadai A3 Akrai? CH Lithovouni / Ano Botinou Bommeljé 1987, 93; SAGT 6, 134-35 Akropolis B3 Akrai? HL Akropolis / Pappadates SAGT 6, 135-36 E4 Akraiphiai ACHRL Karditsa TIB Hellas 182; Fossey 1988, 265-71; NPauly C3 Akyphas/ ACHRL Pyrgos Rousset 1989, 214-17, 219-20; NPauly Pindos 820 MAP 55 THESSALIA-BOEOTIA Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference E4 Alalkomenai CHR Solinarion Fossey 1988, 332-35; NPauly Alkyonis Sinus = (H)Alkyonis Sinus D3 Alope ACH Melidoni / Ag. Aikaterini RE 2; Fossey 1990, 91-93 C4 Alope? CHR Makrini / Kokovista RE 3; Kirsten 1958, 669 (no. 62); Bommeljé 1987, 94 §*Alpa? RE Suppl. 3 Alpenos D3 Alope? ACHRL Rakhes / Phourni RE 1; Philippson 1950, 205 D3 Alpenos ACHRL Kolonos SAGT 4, 159-62; NPauly §Alpenoi F4 Amarynthos See Map 59 D4 Ambrossos ACHRL Distomon Fossey 1986, 30-31 §Ambryssos D2 Amphanai? ACH Soros Lauffer 1989, 106-07; NPauly F4 Amphiareion CHRL? Mavrodilesi Fossey 1988, 36-37 D3 Amphikleia ACHRL Dadi / Nekrotapheio / Dasios 1992, 32-33 (no. 12); TIB Hellas § Amphikaia Paliopyrgos 122; Leekley 1980, 119; Lauffer 1989, 108-09; NPauly Amphikaia C3 Amphissa ACHRL Salona Lerat 1952, 174-80; Lauffer 1989, 110-111; NPauly D1 Amyros AC Palaiokastro / Gerakari Philippson 1950, 131; Gallis 1973, 329-32; B. Helly F4 Anakaia? See Map 59 E3 Anastasis ACHRL Kyparisi / Gardinitsa Fossey 1990, 62-65 D2 Anaurosfl. EIolkos RE1 E3 Anchoe CHRL Bazaraki Fossey 1990, 27-32 C2 Angeia CHR Loutropigi (Smokovo) Helly 1992, 64-75; NPauly C2 Ano Ktimeni CH Ano Dranista Helly 1992, 49-58 C3 Ano Phteri C?HR? Hellenika Béquignon 1937, 315; Philippson 1950, 244 E4 Anthedon ACHRL Loukisia Fossey 1988, 252-57; NPauly D3 Anthela CHR Anthili RE Suppl. 3 Anthele; PECS Thermopylai; Kase 1991, 105-06; Lauffer 1989, 119 C3 Antikyra? ACHR in Malis, W Ag. Theodori Béquignon 1937, 305-306; / Kostalexi Kase 1991, 77-78; NPauly 1 D4 Antikyra ACHRL Kastro tou Stenou in Fossey 1986, 23-24; NPauly 2 Phocis B4 Antirrhion Pr. Bommeljé 1987, 77 D3 Antron(es) A?CHR Glypha / Akhilleion NPauly E2 Aphetai? ACHR Platania / Kato Yeoryios Müller 1987, 305-08 B3 Aphrodite Phystiou, T. ACH Kyron-Neron / Ag. Triada Bommeljé 1987, 91; Antonetti 1990, 230-35 C2 Apidanos fl. Pharsalitis TIB Hellas 124; NPauly D1 Apollo, T. CHR Tempe, Ag. Paraskevi Helly 1973, 34 E2 Apollo, T. ACHR Korope PECS; Leekley 1980, 142 E4 Apollo, T. ACHRL? Perdikovrysi Fossey 1988, 271-73 F3 Apollo, T. CH Steni Leekley 1980, 71-72; Bakhuizen 1985, 129, 134 G3 Apollo, T. ACHRL Avlonari / Itea Sackett 1966.74; Knoepfler 1997, 359, 375-76 C4 Apollo Nasiotas, T. CH Apsiphia Is. Lerat 1952, 205 E3 Apollo Tegyraios, T. ACH Magoula Pyrgou Fossey 1988, 368-72 D4 Apollo Thourios, T. HR S Isoma Camp 1992, 453-54 A4 Arakynthos M. Zygos RE 1 D4 Archegetes, T. ACHR Kato Tseresi / Marmaria / Fossey 1986, 57-58; Dasios 1992, 57 Kastrouli (no. 59); McInerney 1997 B2 Argithea CHR Hellenika / Knisovo Hammond 1967, 252-53; ArchDelt 37 (1982) 231 C1 Argoura ACHR Gremnos Magoula Francke 1955; PECS Argura; § Argissa Leekley 1980, 139; Knoepfler 1983 F4 Argoura CHR Lefkandi? Bakhuizen 1985, 132-33; §Argyra Knoepfler 1997, 353 G4 Arkhampolis CHR Sackett 1966, 77, 109-10; SAGT 2, 22 D2 Armenion ACHRL Petra Helly 1995, 86; NPauly § Ormenion? MAP 55 THESSALIA-BOEOTIA 821 Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference D4 Arne HRL? Magoula Balomenou Fossey 1988, 382-83; NPauly 1 D4 Artemis Diktynnaia, T. CHR Stavrou Dasios 1992, 73 (no. 93) D3 Artemis Elaphebolia, T. ACHR Kalapodi / Ag. Apostoloi Felsch 1987 B3 Artemis Hegemone, T.
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