AGENDA COMMITTEE A.M. - 9:00 a.m. (Infrastructure & Development Services/ Public Health Services/Cultural Services) Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Electronic Meeting COVID-19 Message: To accommodate recommendations of public health authorities and those in self-isolation, this meeting will be accessible online to members of the public by clicking the URL link on the main page of the County of Lambton website, www.lambtononline.ca. The link will be made available 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. Page 1. Call to Order - Committee A.M. Committee Members: Margaret Bird, Mike Bradley, Dave Ferguson, Kevin Marriott, Steve Miller, Lonny Napper, Ian Veen, Brian White, and Warden Bill Weber. 2. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest If any. 3. Medical Officer of Health COVID-19 Update - 9:00 A.M. to 9:15 A.M. 4. INFRASTRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION A) Correspondence from Member Municipalities 5 - 9 a) PW 06-02-20 A letter from Jeff Baranek, Clerk/Deputy CAO, Township of St. Clair, dated February 12, 2020 regarding resolutions that were passed at their February 3, 2020 Council meeting. The Township is asking for County Council response on the following three motions: A) Be it resolved that the letter of request to increase illumination at the intersection of Bentpath Line and Highway 40 submitted by Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership be referred to the County of Lambton for Consideration. B) Be it resolved that the traffic speed concern submitted Page 1 of 93 Agenda: Committee A.M. - May 20, 2020 by Ken Sterling related to traffic on Hill Street be referred to the County of Lambton for their consideration. C) Be it resolved that the Pedestrian Crossing at the Brigden Road and Courtright Line Intersection report submitted by Coordinator of Engineering - Paul daSilva dated January 27, 2020 be received as information and that it be forwarded to the County of Lambton to determine if they would support the installation of a pedestrian crosswalk in this location. B) Correspondence to Receive and File 10 a) PW 06-03-20 A letter from Lori McDonald, Director of Corporate Services/Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Bracebridge dated February 25, 2020 regarding a motion that was passed at their Council meeting on January 23, 2020 banning the use of single-use disposable wipes. 11 b) PW 06-04-20 A letter from Liz Danielsen, Warden, County of Haliburton dated February 3, 2020 regarding fee increases for tourism signs. 12 - 16 c) PW 06-05-20 An e-mail from DeGurse Farms dated May 5, 2020 regarding fatal accidents at the corner of Petrolia Line and Kimball Road. 17 d) PW 06-06-20 An e-mail from Lauren Strangway dated May 5, 2020 regarding safety concerns on Kimball Road between Petrolia Line and Rokeby Line. 18 - 21 e) PW 06-14-20 A letter from Steven Jelich, Director, Southwest Region Operations, Enbridge Gas Inc. dated April 8, 2020 regarding proposed 2021 London Lines Pipeline Replacement Project. 22 f) PD 06-07-20 A letter from Douglas Browne, Chief of Emergency Management, Ministry of the Solicitor General dated February 15, 2020 regarding the County of Lambton meeting compliance for the 2019 fiscal year in accordance with the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management (OFMEM). 23 g) PD 06-08-20 A media release from Stephen Warner, Solicitor General's Office, and Brent Ross, Communications Branch dated February 27, 2020 regarding Ontario's Emergency Management System's response to the false alarm for the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station alert sent out in January 2020. C) Information Reports Page 2 of 93 Agenda: Committee A.M. - May 20, 2020 24 - 29 a) Information Report dated May 20, 2020 Regarding Provincial Policy Statement, 2020. D) Other Business 5. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION A) Correspondence to Receive and File 30 - 31 a) PH 06-11-20 A letter from Mayor Andy Mitchell, Chair, Board of Health of Peterborough Public Health, dated April 30, 2020 regarding Provincial Leadership in the Monitoring of Food Affordability and Food Insecurity. Peterborough Public Health is requesting that The Ministry of Health include Household Food Insecurity as a core module in Ontario, and that the Ministry release the 2018 Household Food Insecurity Data to Ontario local public health agencies in order for boards of health to be able to conduct population health assessments and make interventions to address local needs. 32 - 33 b) PH 06-12-20 A letter from Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health/CEO of Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU), dated February 12, 2020 regarding a resolution as passed by the EOHU Board of Health at its meeting on January 30, 2020 concerning the 2020 municipal cost share of Public Health funding. The EOHU Board of Health is seeking support on the following resolution: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT for the calendar year 2020 the provincial Ministry of Health reverse the 30% cost-share formula and return to previous years' municipal share of 25% applicable only to previously shared mandatory programs. 34 - 35 c) PH 06-13-20 A letter from Carmen McGregor, President, Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHA) dated March 27, 2020 regarding an expression of gratitude from the President of alPHA to the Province for the COVID-19 Action Plan, including the Minister of Finance tabling Ontario's Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19 in lieu of a traditional annual provincial budget and a commitment to providing further financial certainty to public health units. B) Information Reports 36 - 38 a) Information Report dated May 20, 2020 Regarding Reallocation of Student Nutrition Program Funding. 39 - 46 b) Information Report dated May 20, 2020 Regarding COVID-19 Pandemic - Update. Page 3 of 93 Agenda: Committee A.M. - May 20, 2020 C) Reports Requiring a Motion 47 - 51 a) Report dated May 20, 2020 Regarding Community Paramedicine Funding Update - PH 06-10-20. D) Other Business 6. CULTURAL SERVICES DIVISION A) Information Reports 52 - 62 a) Information Report dated May 20, 2020 Regarding First Quarter Statistics 2020. 63 - 76 b) Information Report dated May 20, 2020 Regarding Libraries 1st Quarter 2020 Statistics. B) Reports Requiring a Motion 77 - 93 a) Report dated May 20, 2020 Regarding Library Policy Manual. C) Other Business 7. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 93 H — Nu .3 PW 06-02-20 A letter from Jeff Baranek, Clerk/Deputy CAO, Township of St... Township Baranek, Clerk/Deputy CAO, letter from Jeff A PW 06-02-20 — 838. «.838. e.mS.~8u _ 5.8.3. _ SL3 m m us u u$.8q.~e2 ...$.8$»_~a m U3». 038.. U33. Gaze \ Una». U33. .—...8«..5. >n3_=_a.B._o= 2 <«o_._G On? >LB_.:u:.s:<n Una». OER >A3F.u§.s=o= m.5§8 wuwmuonzhw —v:_u=n E3 593.. 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