PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 1995-1996 Published in accordance with section 71 of the Financial Administration Act (R.S.Q., c. A-6) Volume 2 DETAILS OF REVENUE, APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURE OF THE GOUVERNEMENT DU QUEBEC Fiscal year ended March 31,1996 Gouvernement du Quebec Ministere des Finances ISSN 0706-2850 ISBN 2-550-25839-8 (Complete edition} ISBN 2-550-25835-5 (Volume 2) Legal Deposit - 4th Quarter 1996 Bibliotheque nationale du Quebec 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Summary of revenue, appropriations and expenditure 1 Breakdown of revenue, appropriations and expenditure and list of suppliers and beneficiaries 2 List of capital assets 3 UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA FEB 20 1997 LIBRARIES 1-42 SUHWtf OF CAPITAL EXPEOITURES Fiscal year ended March 31, 19% (in thousands of dollars) Departments and agencies Debt Remmeration service Other Affaires intematicnales, Inmigration et Camwautes culture lies 1 731 4 Affaires ntnicipales 453 1 Agriculture, Pecheries et Alimentation 1 238 3 Assenblee rationale 195 5 Consei I du tresor 578 2 Conseil execut if 188 Culture et Canoni cat ions 571 Education 3 039 3 Enploi 596 1 Errvi romement et Fame 775 10 Finances 2 585 46 929 1 Industrie, Conmerce, Science et Technologie 275 2 Justice 676 3 Office des services de garde a I'enfance 59 Organismes relevant du ministre delegue a I'Adninistration et a la Foret ion piblique 14 553 1 Persomes designees par I'Assenblee rationale 1 Progranmes de Restructuration, Affaires intergouvemementales canadiemes, Concertation, Developpement des regions et Famille Ressources naturelies 1 594 24 Revenu 2 441 8 Sante et Services sociaux 707 1 Securite du revenu et Condition feminine 8 033 6 Securite piblique 2 307 17 Tourisme 105 T ransports 68 939 423 111 638 46 929 527 273 2-1 SECTION 2 Section 2 presents the breakdown of revenue, authorized appropriations and expenditure for all Government Total departments and agencies, adjusted in the case of permanent appropriations to take into account expenditure in excess of initial and supplementary appropriations; including revenue by category, subcategory and sub­ subcategory; authorized appropriations and expenditure by program, element, supercategory and category; transfer - surmary of appropriations, expenditure by category of beneficiary and financial assistance category; and 5 793 information on remuneration, suppliers and beneficiaries by supercategory (expenditure and other payments by 1 657 category) published as follows: 4 719 5 934 a) Remuneration: the salary range for senior civil servants and managerial staff of the Government, as well 3 084 768 as the total number of persons at each level; salaries, wages, allowances and other remuneration by category, for each department, as well as the number of executives and their salaries; 1 552 6 351 1 599 b) List of suppliers of goods and services: published by department and agency and presents amounts: 11 099 - of $35 000 and over, with the exception of amounts related to debt service, which are not disclosed; 51 452 2 744 c) List of beneficiaries of transfer payments: published by department and by financial assistance category 4 284 283 for amounts meeting the following criteria and limits: 16 273 - By electoral division (and beneficiary): complete list; 1 561 - By metropolitan region, i.e. Montreal or Quebec City, and beneficiary, and by electoral division (and beneficiary): complete list; 243 - By beneficiary only: $20 000 and over; 26 286 10 785 regional and social services board: total financial assistance categories by regional 2 339 - By health for 14 317 board, not including debt service. 19 368 573 492 776 NOTE 605 840 Assistance paid to various day-care centres, individuals and enterprises for the following purposes are not detailed in the list of beneficiaries: reception and establishment of refugees; deeds of civic duty; Employment Incentives Program - income security; assistance for the establishment and adaptation of immigrants; Parental Wage Assistance Program; financial assistance to students; financial assistance to parents for child care expenses; employment allowances - income security; farm credit - assumption of part of the interest; forestry credit - assumption of part of the interest; operation of day-care agencies and centres; summer day care; Income Security for Cree Hunters and Trappers Program; Financial Support Program - income security; assistance to day­ care centres for the care of infants and handicapped children, equipment renewal and training. Disbursements made through local funds are not included in the amounts listed by supplier. Due to rounding off, the amounts recorded in thousands of dollars may be $1 000 higher or lower than those shown in do Ilars. For "Transfer - Summary of appropriations and expenditure", the following abbreviations are used: HSS - Health and social services institutions; EDUC - School boards and educational institutions; MUNI - Municipalities and municipal bodies; ENTER- Enterprises and non-profit organizations; IND - Individuals; GEA - Government enterprises and agencies. 2-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Salary range for senior civil servants and managerial staff 2-4 Surinary of expenditure of salaries, wages, allowances and other remuneration by department and category 2-5 Departments and agencies Affaires internationales, Immigration et Communautes culturelles 2-7 Affaires munici pales 2-20 Agriculture, Pecheries et Alimentation 2-52 Assemblee nationale 2-75 Conseil du tresor 2-85 Conseil executif 2-93 Culture et Communications 2-104 Education 2-124 Emploi 2-150 Environnement et Faune 2-164 F inances 2-176 Industrie, Commerce, Science et Technologie 2-195 Justice 2-218 Office des services de garde a I'enfance 2-233 Organismes relevant du ministre delegue a I'Administration et a la Fonction publique 2-241 Personnes ddsigndes par I'Assemblee nationale 2-253 Programmes de Restructuration, Affaires intergouvernementales canadi ennes, Concertation, Developpement des regions et Famille 2-261 Regie de I'assurance-ma Iadie du Quebec 2-276 Ressources natureIles 2-283 Revenu 2-303 Sante et Services sociaux 2-313 Securite du revenu et Condition feminine 2-339 Securite publique 2-354 Tourisme 2-369 Transports 2-378 2-4 SALARY RANGE FOR SENIOR CIVIL SERVANTS AND MANAGERIAL STAFF Below are the salary ranges in effect on March 31, 1996 for senior civil servants of the Gouvernement du Quebec (deputy ministers, chief executive officers of Government agencies, persons designated by the National Assembly and their assistants), managerial staff and other personnel of equivalent standing. The number of people receiving salaries at each level is also shown. SALARY RANGE TOTAL NUMBER MINIMUM MAXIMUM OF PERSONS Senior civil servants $78 720 $129 023 258 Managerial staff Level 1 74 322 96 567 75 Level 2 71 242 86 734 301 Level 3 63 850 77 733 539 Level 4 57 823 70 396 1 018 Level 5 51 456 63 691 158 2-5 SLMWRY OF EXPBCITLRE OF SALARIES, URGES, ALLOURMCES AM) OHO REMUNERATION BY DffARTOfT AM) CATEGORY Fiscal year ended March 31, 19% (in thousands of dollars) Departments and agencies Transfer - Operations Capital Subtotal Rentneration Total Affaires intemationales, Irrmigration et CanTtnautes culture lies 102 313 1 731 104 044 Affaires ntnici pales 44 605 453 45 058 18 744 Agriculture, Pecheries et Alimentation 138 078 1 238 139 316 Assent)lee nationale 48 463 195 48 658 Conseil du tresor 34 413 578 34 991 Conseil execut if 20 979 188 21 167 Culture et Ccnntni cat ions 52 120 571 52 691 67 509 Education 76 900 3 039 79 939 7 006 543 7 Errploi 36 806 596 37 402 54 987 Envi romement et Fame 149 535 775 150 310 Finances 55 460 2 585 58 045 Industrie, Ccnmerce, Science et Technologie 46 836 275 47 111 12 548 Justice 190 801 676 191 477 53 091 Office des services de garde a I'enfance 4 225 59 4 284 r e m s m s s ? Organismes relevant du ministre delegue a I'Adninistration et a la Fonction piblique 652 778 14 553 667 331 587 450 1 Persomes designees par I'Assentlee nationale 33 878 33 878 a S ! Progranmes de Restructuration, Affaires intergouvemementales carediernes, Concertation, Developpement des regions et Famille 18 400 18 400 863 Regie de I'assurance-maladie du Quebec 2 406 769 2 §« Ressources naturelies 142 311 1 594 143 905 S Revenu 198 349 2 441 200 790 966 Sante et Services sociaux 53 595 707 54 302 6 678 190 6 Securite du revenu et Condition feminine 163 187 8 033 171 220 75 Z31 Securite piblique 486 135 2 307 488 442 4 794 Tourisme 10 349 105 10 454 6 728 = ; § £ 0 § T ransports 212 695 68 939 281 634 29 502 3 g g g s s a s g s 2 973 211 111 638 3 084 849 17 003 915 2D 088 764 AFFAIRES INTERNATIONALES, IMMIGRATION ET COMMUNAUTES CULTURELLES Breakdown of revenue by category, subcategory and sub-subcategory Fiscal year ended March 31, 1996 (in thousands of dollars) 1996 1995 Duties and permits Other Case studies 943 897 Duties paid by foreign businesspeople applying for a certificate of acceptance 539 300 Temporary residence 1 291 1 426 2 773 2 623 Miscellaneous revenue Sales of goods and services Expenses - Recognized accreditation for studies abroad 474 433 Miscellaneous 36 44 510 477 Interest Gain on exchange rate fluctuations 28 269 Recoveries Prior years' expenditures 995 1 347 Prior years' subsidies 1 886 485 Mi see Ilaneous 4 19 2 885 1 851 3 423 2 597 Total own-source revenue 6 196 5 220 Government of Canada transfers Other programs Integration of immigrants 90 000 90 000 Total Government of Canada transfers 90 000 90 000 Total revenue 96 196 95 220 2-8 AFFAIRES INTERNATIONALES, IMMIGRATION ET OOMUMUTES CULTURELLES BREAKDOUM OF AUTHORIZED APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURE BY PROGRAM, BJOI, SUPERCATBGORY AM) CATEGORY Fiscal year ended March 31, 19% (in thousands of dollars) PROGRAM 1 (*) INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS PROMOTION AM) DEVELCROfT SuTmary: page 1-14 AUTHORIZED APPROPRIATIONS CHARGES REMUNERATION OPERATING Investments, loans, advances & ELEMENTS other Expend! ture 1.
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