Chapter 6 MAGTF Command Elements and Supporting Units 6001. General w Plan and coordinate civil affairs, civic action matters, and military-diplomatic operations. This chapter addresses MAGTF command elements (CE) w Plan, conduct, and maintain communications and and units that are not subordinate to either the Marine information systems operations with subordinate, division, the MAW, or the FSSG. higher, adjacent, and joint or allied forces. 6002. Marine Expeditionary Force w Provide the nucleus of the Arrival Assembly Opera- Command Element tions Group for MPF operations w Coordinate the submission of requirements for the a. Mission receipt and distribution of material resources for logistic support of assigned forces. To provide command and control of the Marine Expedition- ary Force (MEF). The MEF Command Element (CE) is w Function as a joint force land, air, or maritime responsible for the command, control, direction, planning component headquarters when designated and when and coordination of corps-level air, ground, and logistical provided with appropriate augmentation from the operations of assigned forces, normally consisting of one or supported unified commander and the other service more Marine divisions, Marine aircraft wings, and force components. service support groups, and other separate units. b. Tasks c. Organization The MEF CE performs the following general functions: The MEF CE consists of— w Exercises tactical direction over units assigned by the w Command Section. Marine component, FMF commander, naval w G-1 Division (personnel and administration). component commander, or a joint force commander w G-2 Division (intelligence and counterintelli- gence). (JFC). w G-3 Division (operations and training). w Coordinate and conduct the deep, close, and rear G-4 Division (logistics). battles throughout its designated area of oper- ations. w w G-5 Division (plans). w Determine the detailed composition of the force. w G-6 Division (communications and information w Develop overall tactical plans for command and systems). control, intelligence, maneuver, fires, logistics and force protection. w Comptroller Division. w Develop all-source intelligence and counterintelli- w Communication Security Management Office. gence required. w Special Operations Training Group. w Staff Judge Advocate Branch. 6-2 MCRP 5-12D Command Section G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 Staff Judge Public Affairs Office Comptroller COMSEC Special Operations Advocate Branch Branch Division Management Office Training Group Figure 6-1. MEF Command Element. w Public Affairs Office Branch. there is no requirement for a subordinate Marine Air-Ground Task Force CE. However, forces employed in widely See figure 6-1. separated areas may require a subordinate MAGTF CE. The MEF CE maintains the ability to deploy a forward e. Support Capabilities warfighting CE, MEF (FWD), capable of exercising opera- tional control of assigned and/or attached forces. The MEF (1) Communications and Information (FWD) will function either as the precursor for the deploy- Systems (CIS) ment of the entire MEF, or conduct operations of limited scope or duration, when deployment of the entire MEF is (a) The G-6, Communications and Information Systems not necessary. Officer, is responsible for the formulation of CIS plans and policies for the MEF. d. Concept of Employment (b) The MEF CE has sufficient CIS resources to satisfy The size and concept of employment of a deployed MEF internal requirements. Its communications detachment is can vary greatly depending on the requirements of the responsible for the installation, operation, and maintenance of mission. A MEF can deploy and employ not only its own single and multi-channel channel radio, tactical telephone, units, but also units from other standing MEFs, the Marine and satellite systems. Access will typically be required to Corps Reserve, or other Services. The MEF Command pertinent MAGTF local area networks (LANs) and wide Element is capable of independent employment, but may be area networks (WANs). Additionally, joint world wide intel- satellited on the headquarters of one of its major subordinate ligence communications system (JWICS), secret internet commands. It is capable of up to Corps-sized missions protocol router network (SIPRNET), and non-classified across the range of military operations, including amphibiousinternet protocol router network (NIPERNET) will be assault and sustained operations ashore in any environment. required for all operations. In doing so, the MEF CE is capable of executing command and control of four to five Marine/joint/combined maneuver divisions along with other major subordinate aviation, combat service support, and other commands. Normally, Organization of Marine Corps Forces 6-3 (2) Firepower. Organic firepower capability is limited to Facilities (GOPLAT); Visit, Board, Search and Seizure individual and crew-served weapons. Operations (VBSS); Specialized Demolition Operations; Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel (TRAP); (3) Administrative. When the entire MEF Command Seizure/Recovery of Selected Personnel or Material; and, Element is employed, it is capable of self-administration. Counter-Proliferation (CP) of Weapons of Mass Destruc- tion (WMD). (4) Maintenance. The MEF command element is authorized and capable of performing 1st and 2d echelon (3) Military Operations Other Than War maintenance on all organic equipment. (MOOTW). Peace Operations (Peacekeeping and Peace Enforcement); Security Operations; Non-combatant (5) Supply. The MEF command element is capable of Evacuation Operations (NEO); Reinforcement Operations; performing organic supply functions. Joint/Combined Training/Instruction Team; and, Humanitar- ian Assistance/Disaster Relief. (6) Transportation. The MEF command element have organic vehicular transportation. However, each will depend (4) Supporting Operations. on the supported unit or other external assets for transporta- Tactical Deception tion of the entire unit in one echelon. Operations; Airfield/Port Seizure; Limited Expeditionary Airfield Operations; Show of Force Operations; JTF (7) Medical. The MEF command element is capable of Enabling Operations; and Force Protection Operations . providing routine and emergency treatment and preparation for evacuation by using its organic medical section. c. Organization (8) Messing. The MEF command element is not A MEU (SOC) CE contains the following sections: capable of providing organic food service support. w Command section. 6003. Marine Expeditionary Unit, Special w Chaplain section. Operations Capable [MEU (SOC)] CE w S-1 section. a. Mission w S-2 section. w S-3 section. The mission of the MEU (SOC) CE is to provide command and control to the MEU (SOC). The MEU (SOC) CE is w S-4 section. responsible for the command and control, direction, w S-6 section. planning, and coordination of air, ground, and logistic opera- tions of assigned forces, consisting of a Marine battalion w Headquarters commandant. landing team, Marine composite squadron, MEU service w Public affairs section. support group, and other separate units. b. Tasks See figure 6-2 on page 6-4. A MEU (SOC) CE may be tasked to conduct, and be d. Concept of Employment responsible for planning and the MEU (SOC)'s execution of, the following tasks listed by four broad operational The MEU(SOC) CE is employed as the organic command categories: and control element of the MEU(SOC), capable of single site or split-based operations. Additionally, the MEU(SOC) (1) Amphibious Operations. Amphibious Assault; CE may be employed for a limited period as the Amphibious Raid; Amphibious Demonstration; and, forward/tactical C2 echelon of a joint task force headquar- Amphibious Withdrawal. ters or a larger MAGTF command element. (2) Direct Action Operations. In-Extremis Hostage e. Administration, Logistics, and Other Support Recovery (IHR); Seizure/Recovery of Offshore Energy Capabilities 6-4 MCRP 5-12D Command Section S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-6 Public Affairs Headquarters Note Chaplain Section Section Commandant Figure 6-2. MEU (SOC) Command Element. (1) Command and Control gence, counterintelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations. (a) The CO, MEU(SOC) exercises command and controls the MEU(SOC) CE. The commander, exercises (3) Firepower. Individual weapons constitute the command and control over the subordinate elements of the firepower organic to the MEU(SOC) CE . MEU(SOC): the ground combat element (GCE); the aviation combat element (ACE); the combat service (4) Mobility. Navy shipping provides the MEU (SOC) support element (CSSE); and other attached/sup- porting CE strategic, operational, and tactical mobility when forces. deployed at sea. Navy and MEU(SOC) subordinate elements provides the MEU(SOC) CE tactical mobility from (b) Communications and Information Systems ship-to-shore. Finally, the MEU(SOC) CE's limited organic (CIS). In addition to permanently assigned personnel of the transport assets along with those of subordinate elements S-6 Section, the MEU(SOC) CE is augmented by a provides the MEU(SOC) CE tactical mobility ashore. detachment from the Communication Battalion to provide communications connectivity and information systems(5) Administration. The MEU(SOC) CE is capable of support with higher headquarters, subordinate MEU(SOC) self-administration for permanently assigned personnel. When augmented with a detachment from the MEF elements, attached units, supporting units, and follow-on Headquarters Group, the CE is also capable of self- forces. administration
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