Arthropoda Selecta 20(1): 2156 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2011 Spiders (Arachnida: Aranei) of Abkhazia Ïàóêè (Arachnida: Aranei) Àáõàçèè Mykola M. Kovblyuk1, Yuri M. Marusik2, Aleksandr V. Ponomarev 3, Valery A. Gnelitsa4, Anton A. Nadolny1 Í.Ì. Êîâáëþê1, Þ.Ì. Ìàðóñèê2, À.Â. Ïîíîìàð¸â3, Â.À. Ãíåëèöà4, À.À. Íàäîëüíûé1 1 Zoology Department, National Taurida V.I. Vernadsky University, Yaltinskaya street 4, Simferopol 95007, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 2 Institute for Biological Problems of the North, RAS, Portovaya Str. 18, Magadan 685000, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 3 Institute of Arid Zones, South Scientific Centre RAS, Chekhov str., 41, Rostov-on-Don 344006 Russia. E-mail: [email protected] 4 Biological Faculty, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev, Volodymyrska street 64, Kiev 01033, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected] 1 Êàôåäðà çîîëîãèè Òàâðè÷åñêîãî íàöèîíàëüíîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà èì. Â.È.Âåðíàäñêîãî, óë. ßëòèíñêàÿ 4, Ñèìôåðîïîëü 95007, Óêðàèíà. 2 Èíñòèòóò Áèîëîãè÷åñêèõ Ïðîáëåì Ñåâåðà ÄÂÎ ÐÀÍ, óë. Ïîðòîâàÿ 18, Ìàãàäàí 685000, Ðîññèÿ. 3 Èíñòèòóò àðèäíûõ çîí ÞÍÖ ÐÀÍ, ïð. ×åõîâà, 41, Ðîñòîâ-íà-Äîíó 344006 Ðîññèÿ. 4 Áèîëîãè÷åñêèé ôàêóëüòåò Êèåâñêîãî íàöèîíàëüíîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà èì. Ò.Ã. Øåâ÷åíêî, óë. Âëàäèìèðñêàÿ 64, Êèåâ 01033, Óêðàèíà. KEY WORDS: spiders, Aranei, annotated check-list, West Caucasus, Abkhazia. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: ïàóêè, àííîòèðîâàííûé ñïèñîê, Çàïàäíûé Êàâêàç, Àáõàçèÿ. ABSTRACT: A list of 283 species belonging to 42 Charitonov, 1947; Carpathonesticus caucasicus (Chari- families found in Abkhazia is presented. Eleven fami- tonov, 1947) and C. zaitzevi (Charitonov, 1939)). Fur- lies (Atypidae, Coelotidae, Dictynidae, Filistatidae, ther contributions were made by Buchar [1966], Mc- Hahniidae, Leptonetidae, Liocranidae, Mysmenidae, heidze & Utotchkin [1971], Tanasevitch [1986, 1990] Philodromidae, Theridiosomatidae, Zoridae) and 130 and Dunin [1992a,b]. They described seven species species have been found in Abkhazia for the first time. from Abkhazia (Pirata hurkai Buchar, 1966; Xysticus Seven species are illustrated. kochi abchasicus Mcheidze et Utotchkin, 1971; Hy- grocrates caucasicus Dunin, 1992; Diplocephalus cau- ÐÅÇÞÌÅ: Ïðèâåä¸í ñïèñîê ïàóêîâ, âûÿâëåííûõ casicus Tanasevitch, 1987; Oedothorax meridionalis â Àáõàçèè (ïî ëèòåðàòóðíûì è ñîáñòâåííûì Tanasevitch, 1987; Stemonyphantes agnatus Ta- äàííûì): 283 âèäà èç 42 ñåìåéñòâ. Èç íèõ 11 ñå- nasevitch, 1990 and Troglohyphantes deelemanae Ta- ìåéñòâ (Atypidae, Coelotidae, Dictynidae, Filistatidae, nasevitch, 1986). Further contribution was made by Hahniidae, Leptonetidae, Liocranidae, Mysmenidae, Mcheidze [1997] who surveyed fauna of Georgia (in- Philodromidae, Theridiosomatidae, Zoridae) è 130 cluding Abkhazia). Recently, during the last decade, âèäîâ óêàçûâàþòñÿ äëÿ Àáõàçèè âïåðâûå. Ñåìü Abkhazia and its spider fauna became a subject of âèäîâ èëëþñòðèðîâàíû. intensive studies and seven papers dealing with differ- ent groups of spiders have been published [Marusik et al., 2004; Marusik & Kovblyuk, 2004; Kovblyuk & Introduction Ponomarev, 2008; Kovblyuk & Nadolny, 2009; Marusik & Gnelitsa, 2009; Marusik & Kovblyuk, 2010; Kovbly- Abkhazia is the small region on the southwestern uk et al., 2010]. This became possible thanks to several edge of the Caucasus Major, at the northeastern shore expeditions held by Russian and Ukrainian arachnolo- of the Black Sea and south of Russia. Spiders of this gists in 2003, 2004, 2008 and 2009. All these data area were never studied purposely and therefore the were summarized in the database of Caucasian spiders fauna of Abkhazia remains rather poorly known . First [Otto & Dietzold, 2006]. So, until recently 153 species spiders from this region were reported by Schmidt of spiders were known in Abkhasia. [1895], Simon [1899], Verzhbitsky [1902] and Chari- Most of the material collected by two first authors tonov [1939, 1941, 1947]. In last papers Charitonov in Abkhazia was identified, but a list of these identifi- described four new species from the caves (Tegenaria cations was never published. It is the main aim of this abchasica Charitonov, 1941; Cybaeus abchasicus paper to summarize all literature and collection data 22 M.M. Kovblyuk, Y.M. Marusik, A.V. Ponomarev, V.A. Gnelitsa, A.A. Nadolny concerning spiders of Abkhazia and to present the first 17. Sukhum, left bank of Kelasur River (42°58N checklist of spiders from the region. 41°04E), litter along river bank, 11.10.2004, Yu.M. Marusik; 18. Sukhum, Botanical Garden, 13.10.2004, Yu.M. Material and Methods Marusik; 19. Gudauta Distr., road to Ritsa Lake (43°28N, Most of new material presented here was collected 40°30E), shaking moss epiphytes and in moss, 14.10. by two first authors, and also by our colleagues Yu.G. 2004, Yu.M. Marusik; Arzanov, P.P. Ivliev, E.A. Khachikov and N.N. Yunak- 20. Gudauta Distr., road to Ritsa Lake (43°15N ov in the period 20012010. 40°20E), gravels on Bzyb River bank, 14.10.2004, Besides the identified species, we also list several Yu.M. Marusik; unidentified ones, in case they belong to interesting 21. Gudauta Distr., road to Ritsa Lake (43°28N supraspecific taxa. Numbers of identified and unidenti- 40°30E), shaking moss epiphytes and in moss, 14.10. fied species are presented in table 1. Several species 2004, Yu.M.Marusik; represented in our collection by juvenile specimens 22. Gagra Distr., env. of Pitsunda, Ldzaa Vil., My- were not included in the list, although they can be usser highland (43°10.756N 40°21.244E), Pinus pity- identified with high certainty because of a characteris- usa litter and branch shaking on steep slope, 15.10.2004, tic body shape or pattern. A. Shavlokhov; Numbers of samples are provided in the text in 23. Gagra Distr., env. of Pitsunda, Ldzaa Vil., My- square brackets in bold. Detailed data for all 63 locali- usser highland, Ldzaa cave (43°10.8N 40°21E), 15.10. ties visited and surveyed are indicated on Map 1 as 2004, Yu.M. Marusik & A. Shavlokhov; follows (in chronological order): 24. Gagra Distr., env. of Pitsunda, Ldzaa Vil., My- 01. Gudauta Distr., Bzyb Mt. Range, Achybakh usser highland (43°10.756N 40°21.244E), Pinus pity- Mt., 30.06.2001, Yu.G. Arzanov; usa litter on steep slope, 15.10.2004, Yu.M. Marusik; 02. Gudauta Distr., confluence of Bzyb and Gega 25. Gagra Distr., env. of Pitsunda, Ldzaa Vil., My- Rivers, 6.07.2001, Yu.G. Arzanov; usser highland (43°10.756N 40°21.244E), 15-16.10. 03. Gagra, 12.07.2001, Yu.G. Arzanov; 2004, Yu.M. Marusik; 04. Gudauta Distr., Khabyu Vil., 47.06.2003, P.P. 26. Gagra Distr., env. of Pitsunda, Ldzaa Vil., My- Ivliev; usser highland (43°10.255N 40°22.370E), full grown 05. Gudauta Distr., Khabyu Vil., 2224.06.2003, Pinus pityusa along seashore, litter and shaking, 16.10. P.P. Ivliev; 2004, A. Shavlokhov; 06. Sukhum, University Campus (42°58.4N 41° 27. Gagra Distr., env. of Pitsunda, Ldzaa Vil., My- 04.04 E, ca 50 m), litter, Eucalyptus, tree shaking, usser highland (43°10.255N 40°22.370E), full grown 7.12.2003, Yu.M. Marusik; Pinus pityusa along seashore, litter, 16.10.2004, Yu.M. 07. Sukhum, Botanical Garden (43°00.329N Marusik; 41°01.400E), litter and tree shaking, 9.12.2003, Yu.M. 28. Gagra Distr., env. of Pitsunda, Ldzaa Vil., My- Marusik & G.N.Antipova; usser highland (43°10.255N 40°22.370E), young 2 08. Sukhum, Kelasur (42°58.4N 41°04.04E), main- 3 m Pinus pityusa along seashore, litter, 16.10.2004, ly under Eucalyptus bark, 910.12.2003, Yu.M. Yu.M. Marusik; Marusik; 29. Gagra Distr., Bzyb Vil., 1315.06.2005, P.P. 09. Gudauta Distr., 25 km N Gudauta, 15 km N Ivliev; from Achandara Vil., Gunarkhva, 1214.08.2004, P.P. 30. Gudauta, 7.10.2005, E.A. Khachikov; Ivliev; 31. Sukhhum Distr., West Gumista River, middle 10. Sukhum (42°58.4N 41°04.04E), 910.10.2004, course of Doukuara River (43°16N, 40°53E, 565 m), Yu.M. Marusik; 22.06.2007, N.N. Yunakov; 11. Sukhum (42°58.4N 41°04.04E), sandy sea- 32. Gagra Distr., middle course of Ghegha River shore, on grass, 910.10.2004, Yu.M. Marusik; (43°25N, 40°26E, 500 m), 12.07.2007, N.N. Yunakov; 12. Sukhum (42°58.4N 41°04.04E), litter of co- 33. Gudauta Distr., 25 km N Gudauta, 15 km N from niferous trees along the seashore, 10.10.2004, Yu.M. Achandara Vil., Gunarkhva, 710.10.2007, P.P. Ivliev; Marusik; 34. Gudauta Distr., Malaya Ritsa Lake, 6.06.2008, 13. Sukhum, shaking trees, 10.10.2004, Yu.M. P.P. Ivliev; Marusik; 35. Gagra Distr., Ritsa Lake, 7.06.2008, P.P. Ivliev; 14. Sukhum, left bank of Kelasur River (42°58N 36. Gudauta Distr., environs of Pitsunda, mouth of 41°04E), clay shadowed cliffs, 11.10.2004, Yu.M. Ryapsh River, Myusser Distr. of Pitsundo-Myusser Marusik; Reserve (43°09N, 40°25E, 27 m), kolhida wood (Ar- 15. Sukhum, left bank of Kelasur River (42°58N butus, Alnus, Ficus, Carpinus, Quercus, Acer, Rhodo- 41°04E), cellar of uninhabited house, 11.10.2004, dendron, Erica arborea, Rubus, Smilax excelsa, Cas- Yu.M. Marusik; tanea sativa, Laurocerasus officinalis, Cornus mas, 16. Sukhum, left bank of Kelasur River, tree shak- Pinus pityusa, Crataegus, Tilia, Ruscus), 17.07.2008, ing in university campus, 11.10.2004, Yu.M. Marusik; M.M. Kovblyuk; Spiders of Abkhazia 23 Map 1. Collecting sites in Abkhazia. Êàðòà 1. Ìåñòà ñáîðà ìàòåðèàëà â Àáõàçèè. 37. Gudauta Distr., environs of Pitsunda, Myusser 42. Sukhum Distr., Buru Range, Dzykhva Mt., Kot- Distr. of Pitsundo-Myusser Reserve (43°09N, 40° Kot River (43°13N, 41°07E, ~2500 m), alpine zone, 25E), cave, 6.07.2008, N.N. Yunakov; near of snow, 24.07.2008, A.A. Khaustov; 38. Sukhum, 8.07.2008, M.M. Kovblyuk; 43. Sukhum Distr., Buru Range, Dzykhva Mt., 39. Sukhum Distr., Gumysta Reserve, East Gumys- (43°13N, 41°07E, ~2200 m), wood (Fagus, Abies, ta River, kordon Tsymur (43°10N, 41°02E, 420 m, Acer), 25.07.2008, M.M.
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