Poster Presentations Poster Presenting Author Title Number Air quality monitoring in communities of the Canadian arctic during the high shipping Aliabadi, Amir Abbas 73 season with a focus on local and marine pollution Allard, Michel 376 Permafrost International conference advertisment Vertical structure and environmental forcing of phytoplankton communities in the Beaufort Ardyna, Mathieu 139 Sea: Validation and application of novel satellite-derived phytoplankton indicators Spatial and Temporal Variability of Leaf Area Index and NDVI in a Sub-Arctic Tundra Arruda, Sean 279 Environment ASA 377 ASA Interactive Outreach Poster Occurrence and characteristics of Arctic Skate, Amblyraja hyperborea (Collette 1879) Atchison, Sheila 122 (Rajidae), in the Canadian Beaufort Use and analysis of community and industry observations of adverse marine and weather Atkinson, David E 76 states in the Western Canadian Arctic: A MEOPAR Project Atlaskina, Ksenia 346 Characterization of the northern snow albedo with satellite observations A permafrost temperature regime simulator as a learning tool for secondary school Inuit Aubé-Michaud, Sarah 29 students Awan, Malik 12 Wolverine: a traditional resource in Nunavut Bagnall, Ben 26 Spatial variability of hazard risk to infrastructure, Arviat, Nunavut Using a media scan to reveal disparities in the coverage of and conversation on issues of Baikie, Gail 38 importance to local women regarding the muskrat falls hydro-electric development in Labrador Balasubramaniam, Ann 62 Beyond Data Analysis: Learning to framing research in policy relevant formats The IRIS Umbrella report: toward a better understanding of the changing Canadian Arctic Barrette, Carl 373 climate Barrio, Isabel C 247 Measuring herbivory in northern and alpine environments: towards a standardized protocol Factors affecting nest occupancy and reproductive success of rough-legged hawks: a trade- Beardsell, Andréanne 245 off between predation risk, microclimatic conditions and nest stability? Life in freshwater at the top of Nunavut: Limnological studies at Ward Hunt Lake (latitude Bégin, Paschale N. 298 83°N) Simulating latitudinal bioclimatic gradient by mean of large lakes cooling effects on their Bégin, Yves 252 edge hinterland Bellehumeur-Genier, Estimation of patch sizes in marginal discontinuous permafrost, Yukon Territory and 322 Olivier Northern BC. Comics, communities and geoscience – Science communication approaches from the Benkert, Bronwyn 368 Yukon Research Centre Bennett, Robbie 91 Geohazard analysis of the Arctic Inter-island Channels Effects of Resource Development on Caribou Habitat and Caribou Migration interpreted Bergsma, Bonnie 10 through Traditional Knowledge Beveridge, Leah 72 Shipping in the Canadian Arctic: Answering the Questions of Who. Bevington, Alexandre 311 Between physical and statistical modelling of mountain permafrost Changes in a benthic ecosystem on the Laptev Sea continental margin between two Bienhold, Christina 130 contrasting years (1993 and 2012) Measuring Changes to Nutrient and Persistent Organic Pollutant Bioavailability from Binnington, Matthew 170 Preparing Marine Mammal Blubber for Human Consumption Bishop-Williams, Seasonal Changes in Prevalence of Acute Gastrointestinal Illness in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, 55 Katherine Canada Blais, Marjolaine 144 Changes in phytoplankton taxonomic composition over time in the Canadian Arctic Ocean Evidence for glacial ice streams in eastern Parry Channel and adjoining marine channels, Blasco, Steve 90 Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Late Wisconsinan-Holocene evolution of the Canadian Beaufort Shelf and upper Blasco, Steve 93 continental slope 1 Seasonal dynamics of ecosystem carbon exchange for a wet sedge vegetation community, Blaser, Amy 213 Melville Island, NU Blouin, Marc 83 Reflections on the northern home Spatial and temporal variability of CO2 efflux of frozen peatland soils at fine scale: the Bobrik, Anna 334 relationship with permafrost conditions and the composition of soil organic matter (Russia, calm site r1) Bolduc, Christopher 315 Thermal dynamics in a High Arctic river Atmospheric concentrations and deposition of halogenated compounds at Villum Research Bossi, Rossana 230 Station, North Greenland Boulanger-Lapointe, Mapping berry productivity and animal activity in Nunavut: one step toward understanding 276 Noemie the place of berries in the Arctic biocultural system. D/H and 18O/16O evolution during vapour exchanges between the atmosphere and ice- Brasseur, Philippe 320 bearing permafrost in the cold-dry environments of Earth and Mars Dietary benzo[a]pyrene induces changes in the hepatic proteome of polar cod (Boreogadus Brattås, Marianne 167 saida) Alterations in the hepatic proteome of polar cod (Boreogadus saida) after dietary exposure Brattås, Marianne 171 to benzo[a]pyrene Evaluation of recent vegetation productivity trends using high resolution remote sensing Brehaut, Lucas 274 and dendrochronology in the Yukon Territory, Canada Defining Arctic fish food web structure using dietary biomarkers in the Tarium Niryutait Brewster, Jasmine 146 marine protected area Landform-sediment assemblages in a fjord, shelf trough and trough-mouth fan system: Brouard, Etienne 205 Scott inlet and trough (NE Baffin island, Canada) Effects of 45 years of heavy road traffic on permafrost and tundra along the Spine Road at Buchhorn, Marcel 339 Prudhoe Bay, Alaska Spatial and temporal patterns of net carbon exchange for a polar semi-desert vegetation Buckley, Emma 208 community on Melville Island, NU Supporting Remote Health Care Provision in a Rapidly Changing Climate: A Case Study Budden, Emily 53 from Nunatsiavut, Labrador Tundra carbon cycling from ecosystems to the landscape scale: A synthesis of ongoing Buell, Mary-Claire 271 terrestrial and aquatic research in a Canadian low arctic watershed Bulger, Cara 303 Organic Carbon Dynamics in Permafrost Thaw in the Western Canadian Arctic Burgers, Tonya 156 Local influences on the rate of air-sea CO2 exchange within northern Baffin Bay Temporal trend studies of trace metals and organic contaminants in Mackenzie river Burt, Alexis 227 burbot, Fort Good Hope, NWT (1985-2014) Acceptable Housing in the Northern Territories and Associated Reductions in Youth Byrnes, Jessica 81 Physical Aggression Canadian Museum of 375 Canadian Museum of Nature Nature A comparison of radiosondes, on ice meteorological towers and re-analysis and forecast Candlish, Lauren 102 winds over sea ice in the Canadian High Arctic. Ten years of the community-based Wildlife Health Monitoring Program in the Sahtu: Carlsson, Anja 253 Looking back and moving forward Potential Effects of Climate Change on Landscape Stability and Community Infrastructure Carter, Johnathan 312 in Kugluktuk Changes in phytoplankton biomass and production from the Kennedy Channel ice edge to Charette, Joannie 143 northern Baffin Bay in summer 2014 Chauvaud, Laurent 378 BB POLAR Chen, Jing 364 The effect of climate change on surface air radioactivity concentrations in the Arctic Chen, Yitong 3 China’s Tentative Participation in the Arctic Affairs and Its Policy Orientation Estimating the age structure of an arctic carnivore population by comparing tooth wear and Chevallier, Clément 265 cementum line Choy, Emily 116 Examining the Diet and Diving Physiology of Beaufort Sea beluga whales The influence of a long-lived sea duck on the community ecology of islands in the Clyde, Nikolas 254 Canadian Arctic Crabeck, Odile 113 Sea ice as a potential interface for methane storage and transformation Molecular detection of methanotrophs and methanogens in permafrost thaw ponds: Crevecoeur, Sophie 211 Implications for greenhouse gas emissions from subarctic waters Cuerrier, Alain 4 Inuit perception of marine organisms: from folk classification to food consumption Stable and radiocarbon isotope analysis to determine presence of biodegradation in D'Arcy, Fiona 225 hydrocarbon contaminated site, Old Crow, Yukon Assessing Exposure Pathways and Human Health Risks related to Wastewater Treatment Daley, Kiley 67 in Inuit Communities 2 Factors controlling surface temperature distribution over the Mont Jacques-Cartier plateau Davesne, Gautier 323 and the recent evolution of its alpine permafrost body, the southernmost in Eastern Canada Spawning ecology of a sub-Arctic forage fish, capelin (Mallotus villosus), in the eastern and Davoren, Gail 165 western Canadian Arctic Dawson, Jackie 74 Arctic Marine Use and Transportation Project (AMUT) Where two rivers meet: Integrating Indigenous and Western knowledge systems for Day, Lindsay 23 improved water management and research in the North Microbial diversity and functional potential in High Arctic permafrost soil from Spitsbergen, de Leon, Kristine 317 Northern Norway Abundance and size distribution of the deep-water sea pen Umbellula cf. encrinus de Moura Neves, 131 (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea) from ROV video transects and longline bycatch in the Eastern Bárbara Arctic de Rham, Laurent 244 A Program to Evaluate Changing Northern Lake Ice Regimes Dearborn, Katherine 275 Landscape-scale variation in plant community composition across Yukon treelines Nature and triggers of submarine mass failure in coastal waters of southeastern Baffin Deering, Robert 94 Island, Nunavut Delaforge, Aurélie 134 Seasonal succession of under-ice phytoplankton in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut DeRepentigny, Patricia 109 Finding the source regions of sea ice melting in the marginal ice zone Deschamps, Charles- 88 Chronostratigraphy challenges and climate variability studies
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