PORTLANDPARKS.ORG accessible, family-friendly summer activities that celebrate our city’s growing cultural diversity. cultural growing city’s our celebrate that activities summer family-friendly accessible, FREE SPORTS ARTS AND Summer Free For All All For Free Summer empowers Portlanders to create and cultivate community by providing free, free, providing by community cultivate and create to Portlanders empowers FREE LUNCH + PLAY LUNCHES AND GAMES CRAFTS Plus, special events featuring music groups, sports teams, libraries, and more. See the full schedule at portlandoregon.gov/parks/sffa. vices Ser Nutrition VID DOUGLAS SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL DOUGLAS VID DA PROGRAM PARTNERS PROGRAM LOCATION DATES ACTIVITIES LUNCH TRANSIT DETAILS LOCATION DATES ACTIVITIES TRANSIT DETAILS Charles Jordan Community Center June 12–August 22 Eastgate Station Apartments June 18–August 31 11AM–1PM 11:30AM 4, 35 2PM–5PM 9009 N Foss Avenue Monday–Friday 100 NE 120th Avenue Tuesdays, Thursdays 20, 25, 73, NORTH SUPPORTING Columbia Park June 12–August 22 11AM–4PM Noon 4, 35, 44, 75 Senn’s Dairy Park June 18–August 31 DIRECTOR MIKE ABBATÉ MIKE DIRECTOR COMMISSIONER AMANDA FRITZ AMANDA COMMISSIONER 10AM–1PM 21, 22, 73, 87 N Woolsey Avenue and Winchell Street Monday–Friday 11206 NE Prescott Street Thursdays MOBILE PLAY Dawson Park June 12–August 22 Bellrose Station Apartments June 18–August 31 12PM–1PM Noon 4, 44 10AM–1PM N Stanton Street and Vancouver Avenue Monday–Friday 7911 SE 92nd Avenue Mondays, Wednesdays 19, 72, McCoy Park June 12–July 20 Come with friends and neighbors—join us and make memories in your parks this summer! summer! this parks your in memories make and us neighbors—join and friends with Come Gilbert Heights Park June 18–August 31 10AM–1PM, 11AM–4PM Noon 4 17 N Newman Avenue and Newark Street Monday–Friday SE 130th Avenue and Cora Street Tuesdays, Fridays 2PM–5PM love your help! your love Peninsula Park June 12–August 22 LEAD 11AM–5PM Noon 4, 6, 44 Mill Park June 18–August 31 700 N Rosa Parks Way Monday–Friday 2PM–5PM 73 Free For All programming. Please consider joining your neighborhood committee next year—they would would year—they next committee neighborhood your joining consider Please programming. All For Free SE 117th Avenue and Mill Court Wednesdays perform. The committees helped raise funds, awareness, and enthusiasm for every aspect of Summer Summer of aspect every for enthusiasm and awareness, funds, raise helped committees The perform. St. Johns Park June 12–August 22 11AM–3PM Noon 4, 44 Parklane Park June 18–August 31 8427 N Central Street Monday–Friday Mondays 2PM–5PM 4, 20 neighborhood committees applied to host events in their local park—and over 300 musicians applied to to applied musicians 300 over park—and local their in events host to applied committees neighborhood SE Main Street and Millmain Drive summer—it’s likely you can thank your neighbors for helping to make it happen! This year, more than 50 50 than more year, This happen! it make to helping for neighbors your thank can you likely summer—it’s LOCATION DATES ACTIVITIES LUNCH TRANSIT DETAILS West Powellhurst Park June 18–August 31 10AM–1PM 4, 9 SE 115th Avenue and Clinton Street Fridays Free Lunch + Play sites are selected based on community need. If you like what you experience this this experience you what like you If need. community on based selected are sites Play + Lunch Free Alberta Park June 12–August 22 11AM–3PM Noon 8, 17, 72 NE 19th Avenue and Jarrett Street Monday–Friday driven and community-focused. Concert and movie events reflect community partnerships, and and partnerships, community reflect events movie and Concert community-focused. and driven LOCATION DATES LUNCH TRANSIT DETAILS h lunches, art, sports, games, and FUN in Portland parks this summer. The programming is community- is programming The summer. this parks Portland in FUN and games, sports, art, lunches, K unamokwst Park June 12–August 22 11AM–3PM 12:30PM 71, 72, 75 Alice Ott SUN Community School June 25–August 17 5200 NE Alberta Street Monday–Friday Monday–Friday Noon 10, 73 Once again, Summer Free For All offers music from around the world, family-friendly movies, free free movies, family-friendly world, the around from music offers All For Free Summer again, Once 12500 SE Ramona Street NORTHEAST Welcome to the 2018 season of Summer Free For All! For Free Summer of season 2018 the to Welcome Montavilla Park June 12–August 22 Arleta SUN Community School June 25–August 17 11AM–4PM Noon 19, 72 Noon 10, 14, 17, 71 NE 82nd Avenue and Glisan Street Monday–Friday 5109 SE 66th Avenue Monday–Friday DEAR PORTLANDERS, PORTLANDERS, DEAR Ortiz Community Center June 12–August 22 Centennial SUN Community School June 25–August 17 11AM–3PM Noon 72 Noon 4, 87 6736 NE Killingsworth Street Monday–Friday 17650 SE Brooklyn Street Monday–Friday Faubion SUN Community School June 25–August 17 PREMIER Wellington Park June 12–August 17 Noon 17, 70, 75 11AM–3PM Noon 24, 71 2930 NE Dekum Street Monday–Friday NE 66th Avenue and Mason Street Monday–Friday Grout SUN Community School June 25–August 17 Noon 9, 10, 17 HAPPENS WITH HELP FROM YOU! FROM HELP WITH HAPPENS Woodlawn Park June 12–August 17 3119 SE Holgate Boulavard Monday–Friday TO OUR TO SPONSORS FOR THEIR SUPPORT THEIR FOR SPONSORS THANK YOU THANK 11AM–3PM 11:30AM 6, 8, 75 NE 13th Avenue and Dekum Street Monday–Friday Lane SUN Community School June 25–August 17 Noon 19, 71 7200 SE 60th Avenue Monday–Friday SUMMER FREE FOR ALL FOR FREE SUMMER LOCATION DATES ACTIVITIES LUNCH TRANSIT DETAILS Parkrose SUN Community School June 25–August 17 Arbor Glen Apartments June 18–August 31 Noon 21, 22, 73 11AM–3PM 12:30PM 4, 9 12003 NE Shaver Street Monday–Friday 2609 SE 145th Avenue Monday–Friday EAST Roseway Heights SUN Community School at June 25–August 17 Noon 24, 72 Lents Park June 12–August 22 Glenhaven Park, NE 80th Avenue and Siskiyou Street Monday–Friday 11AM–3PM Noon SE 92nd Avenue and Steele Street Monday–Friday 10, 17, 72, FREE LUNCHES PROVIDED BY SUN SCHOOLS Sitton SUN Community School June 25–August 17 PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF FRED JOE, BENJAMIN BRINK, AND LUCEIL RICE. RICE. LUCEIL AND BRINK, BENJAMIN JOE, FRED OF COURTESY PHOTOGRAPHY Noon 4, 44, 75 9930 N Smith Street Monday–Friday Lincoln Park June 18–August 31 11AM–3PM 12:30PM 4 SE 135th Avenue and Mill Street Monday–Friday In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the Luuwit View Park June 18–August 31 USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited 11AM–3PM Noon 21, 22, 73 NE 127th and Fremont Street Monday–Friday from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political Raymond Park June 18–August 31 11AM–3PM Noon 10, 17 SE 118th Avenue and Liebe Street Monday–Friday beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Ventura Park June 18–August 31 11AM–3PM Noon 20 SE 113th Avenue and Stark Street Monday–Friday Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 Wilkes Park June 18–August 31 11AM–3PM Noon 21, 23 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may NE 154th Avenue and Beech Street Monday–Friday be made available in languages other than English. LOCATION DATES ACTIVITIES LUNCH TRANSIT DETAILS To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and Creston Park June 12–August 22 11AM–3PM Noon 9, 17, 66 SE 43rd Avenue and Rhone Street Monday–Friday provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632- 9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Essex Park June 12–August 22 11AM–3PM Noon 9, 17, 72 Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email SE 76th Avenue and Center Street Monday–Friday [email protected]. SOUTHEAST Harrison Park June 12–August 22 Hundreds of FREE summer events in Portland parks! 11AM–3PM Noon 4, 72 USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. ENGLISH 2018 SE 84th Avenue and Harrison Street Monday–Friday Mt. Scott Park June 12–August 22 FREE LUNCH—Free lunches served at sites and times listed for those age 18 and under, plus free activities. 10AM–4PM Noon 10, 14, 72 SE 72nd Avenue and Ramona Street Monday–Friday FREE LUNCH PROVIDED BY SUN SCHOOLS—Free lunches served at these sites. No drop-in activities. LOCATION DATES ACTIVITIES LUNCH TRANSIT DETAILS Holly Farm Park June 12–August 22 MOBILE PLAY—Vans travel daily from site to site bringing free activities to kids! No lunches served.
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