Cambridge University Press 0521791669 - Communication and Democratic Reform in South Africa Robert B. Horwitz Index More information Index Abantu-Batho,49 and political clientelism, 220n11, Aberdare Cables Ltd., 82 225–6, 344–5, 350 Advowson Trust, 39 and prevention of apartheid parastatal Africa On Air, 173 reform, 117 Africa One, 233, 234 and privatization, 117, 212–13, 215, African Global Consortium, 236–7 217, 220, 223, 226–32, 243–4, 262–3 African National Congress (ANC) and the press, 283–4, 292, 293–4, 341 and cellular licenses, 202 and stakeholder forums, 326–7 commandist leadership style, 135–7, statist tendencies, 135–7, 144, 150, 217–18, 280 217, 303–5, 326, 331, 338, 356 demands interim government, 10 and UDF, 100n7, 134–7 Department of Information and unbanning of, 8, 115 Publicity (DIP), 128, 133 Youth League, 51 and economic orthodoxy, 220, 262–3, see also civil society activism; 335 Reconstruction and Development and elite pact, 8–12 Programme and Enlightenment project, 13, 135, African, as term, 8n3 169n15 African press, 48–52 evolution of, 49–51 Africanism, 51, 218, 220 and fall of Soviet Union, 9–10 Afrikaans language, 35–6, 55, 89 Freedom Charter, 50–1, 100n7, 135 Afrikaans language press, 43–6 and GEAR, 23, 223–5, 259, 262–3, Afrikaanse Pers, 45 335–6 Afrikaner nationalism, 31, 43–4, 46, internal policy divides in, 218–19 58–9, 61, 88, 94 Media Charter, 133–4, 329 see also Broederbond media policy, 133–4 Altech Group, 82, 83, 84n28, 236n19, 247 National Executive Committee, 128, alternative press, 46n13, 53–5 132 American Telephone & Telegraph and nonracialism/multiracialism, 51, Company (AT&T), 182n3, 183, 186, 220 236n19, 239–40 395 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521791669 - Communication and Democratic Reform in South Africa Robert B. Horwitz Index More information I Andersson, Muff, 297 Bantu Programme Advisory Board, 65 Anglo-American Corporation, 37–8, 40, Bantu World,52 68, 90, 124, 285, 311, 313–14, Bantustan system, 33 348 Bara,71 Anglo-Boer War, 27 Bardhan, Pranab, 354 apartheid Battersby, John, 292 attack on English institutions, 63–4 Bebeza, Nkosinathi, 239 black resistance to, 98–104 Beeld, 45, 46n13 and capitalism, 34 Bell Atlantic, 237, 270n28 characteristics of, 33–4 Beltel videotex service, 78 “colonialism of a special type,” 35 Berger, Guy, 307, 318–19 and communications, 35–6, 76–7 Berlyn, Jeremy, 299 and culture policy, 65–7 Bets, Ben, xiii, 111, 180n2 and economy, 104–9, 324–5 bias, media, 301–3 inaugurated, 29 Boipatong massacre, 10, 11n4 as labor control system, 87 Bisho massacre, 10, 11n4 made explicit, 31 Black Consciousness movement, 51–2, in newspaper companies, 43 53, 89, 127 “reform,” 7–8, 87, 104–9, 180 black economic empowerment successful for whites, 87–8 and broadcasting, 172–3, 177 and Total Strategy, 98, 114 and joint ventures, 314–15 and Tricameral Parliament, 8, 96, 100, meaning of, 345–6 136 as means of protecting status quo, Argus Group, 36–9, 41–2, 52, 124, 286, 161n13 311, 312 as middle-class ideology, 225–6 Argus Voting Trust, 37 and telecommunications, 202–3, 271, armaments industry, 68–9 346 Arniston Conference of Government as transformation strategy, 348–56 Communications, 295–8, 339 and White Paper, 250 Asmal, Kader, 227n16 Black Editors Forum, 318n13 Association of Black Accountants of Black Lawyers Association, 322 South Africa, 322 black liberation politics, 50–2 Association of Democratic Journalists Black Local Authorities Act (1982), 97, (ADJ), 128 99 Association of Marketers, 157n12 black townships, 179–80 Averch-Johnson-Wellisz effect, 84, 183 black, as term, 8n3 Azanian Peoples’ Organisation (Azapo), Boekhandel Ltd., 315 52 Bona,53 Bophuthatswana Broadcasting Bailey, Abe, 38 Corporation, 157n12 Bailey, Jim, 53 Bophuthatswana television (Bop-TV), Bantu Education Act (1953), 35–6 123 Bantu Press, 52 Botha, David, 246, 250 396 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521791669 - Communication and Democratic Reform in South Africa Robert B. Horwitz Index More information I Botha, P. W., 71, 74–5, 87, 91–2, 95, Centre for the Development of 113–14 Information and British Broadcasting Corporation, 55, 61, Telecommunications Policy 66 (CDITP), 194n5, 213, 251 Broadcast Complaints Commission, 139 Challenge, 54n18 broadcasting Chamber of Industry, 42 and commercialism, 151–2, 343–4 Chamber of Mines, 42 importance to transformation, 18 Channel 702 (radio), 122–3 levels of, 145 Charterists, 51, 100, 136 local content issue, 160–1, 169–70 Ciskei, 11n4 and nation building, 55–6 Citizen, 73–4, 316 political economy of, 150–3 citizenship, 19, 308–9, 320, 339 as public service, 131–2, 145, 151, City Press Media, 315 152–3, 156, 175 City Press, 53, 55, 315 reform of, 20–2, 327–8 civics, 13, 15, 99, 101–2 Broadcasting Amendment (1960), 62 ungovernability campaign, 100–3, 283, Broederbond, 31, 44, 46, 60n20, 72 309 Bureau for Information, 287–8 civil society activism, 14, 18, 20–1 Business Day,39 participatory democracy, 150, 154–7, Business Roundtable, 16 175, 236 Buthelezi, Chief Mangosuthu, 52 post–social democratic vision, 20–2, 132–3, 236, 306–8, 316–18, 320–2, Cable and Wireless Plc., 203, 240 328–9, 333, 337, 351 Camerer, Sheila, 138 stakeholder forums, 14–17, 217–18, Campaign for Independent Broadcasting 212, 280, 326–7 (CIB), 18, 143–4 civilized labor policy, 31 Campaign for Open Media (COM), 18, Clark, Brian, 193, 237, 245, 258–9, 278 128–9, 138 Clarke, Jack, 193 “capabilities” approach, 350–1 Coleman, Franklin, 239–40 Cape Argus,37 Coleman, Neil, 138 Cape Times, 39, 311, 312 commercialization, 115, 190–2, 193 Capital Radio, 122, 123, 131n7, 132, Communication Workers Union, 262 163 Communications Task Group Carphone Ltd., 247 (Comtask), 297–301, 303–5, 338–9 Celli, Gabriele, 193n5 Final Report, 316–18 Cellular Telephone Consultative Forum, Community Agency for Social Enquiry 200 (CASE), 149 cellular tenders, 196, 200–4 Community Councils, 99 censorship, 46–8, 55, 67, 71–2, 285 community political organizations, see and self-censorship, 67, 72 civics Central Media Distributors, 286 Community Print Sector of South Central Mining Ltd., 37, 38 Africa, 306 Centre for Development Studies, 138 Community Radio Working Group, 128 397 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521791669 - Communication and Democratic Reform in South Africa Robert B. Horwitz Index More information I Comtask, see Communications Task Department of Posts & Group Telecommunications, 208, 211–12, Concert (partnership), 236n19 264, 267, 275 Congress of South African Trade Unions Deutsche Telekom, 264, 270 (COSATU), 10, 15–16, 103–4, 226, Dexter, Philip, 353 242–3, 244, 270, 315n5 Dhlomo, Oscar, 315 Conservative Party, 95, 116n16, 191 Diamond Fields Advertiser,37 Constitution, Interim, 11–12, 296 Die Afrikaanse Pers Beperk, 45 Convention for a Democratic South Die Burger, 44, 45, 46 Africa (CODESA), 10, 138–40, 142, Die Landstem, 46n13 327 Die Suid-Afrikaan, 54n18 Coopers & Lybrand Report, 196–9 Die Transvaler,45 Copelyn, John, 352 Die Vaderland,45 Corner House Group, 37 Die Volksblad,45 Corporate Africa Ltd., 203n7, 311 Diginet service, 78, 248–9n22 corporatism, 17–18, 257, 332 Disabled Employment Concerns Trust, Craddock, Sir John, 55 174 Cronin, Jeremy, 137, 157n12 Dison, David, 141, 144, 146, 159 cross-media ownership, 160–1, 164 Dispatch Media, 124 Currie, Willie, 142, 154, 211, 213, 233, Dixon Soule Associates, 288 242, 249, 261, 265, 266 Drum,53 du Plessis, B. J., 107 Dagbreek,45 du Toit, Danie, xiii, 193 Dagbreek Trust, 315 Duduza Civic, 99 Dagbreekpers, 45 Durban strikes (1973), 90 de Klerk, F. W., 8, 10, 114n15, 115, 144 Dutch Reformed Church, 46, 64 de Klerk, Peter, 147 Dynamo Group, 315 de Klerk, Willem, 298n6 de Kock Commission, 92 East Coast Radio, 172–3 de Lange, J. P., 127 East Rand People’s Organisation, 99 de Villiers, Dawie, 116nn17, 18 economic development, 4, 7, 28–30, 88, de Villiers, Sue, 298n6, 304 94, 104–9, 350–1 de Villiers, W. J., 109–13, 116, 185, Economic Trends Research Group, xiv 191 Electricity Act (1987), 113 Defiance Campaign (1989), 104 Electricity Supply Commission Deloitte & Touche, 149 (ESCOM/ESKOM), 28, 29–30, 80, democracy, 2–4, 5–6, 8, 23, 340–4 110, 113–14, 191, 206–8, 263, 271, see also civil society activism 273 Democratic Party, 12, 42n12, 116n16, and “complementarity,” 197, 239, 276, 277 247–8, 251, 254 Denel, 296, 319n13 Electronic Media in Education Forum, Department of Information, 73 157n12 398 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521791669 - Communication and Democratic Reform in South Africa Robert B. Horwitz Index More information I Eminent Persons Group (EPG), 241, 242, gold, 105n12 246, 249–50, 265 Golden City Post,53 English language press, 36–43, 48 Golding, Marcel, 143n9, 227–8n16, 352 Enlightenment project, 13, 135, 169n15 goldplating, 112, 183 Ericsson Ltd., 231 Good Hope Stereo, 159, 167 Erwin, Alec, 227, 259 Gore, Al, 234–5 Evaton Ratepayers Association, 99 Government Communication and Exit, 54n18 Information System (GCIS), 20, 317, 318, 320, 339 Federale Mynbou, 313–14 Government of National Unity, 12, 17, federalism, 165n15 259, 268, 280, 284, 289, 296, 331, Federation for African Business and 334–5 Consumer Services (FABCOS), 271 Grahamstown Voice, 54n18 Federation of South African Trade Grassroots, 54n18 Unions (FOSATU), 98–9, 102–3 Green, Pippa, 292 Film and Allied Workers Organisation Green, Quentin, 122, 157, 158 (FAWO), 18, 128, 129, 140n8, 143 Grinaker Electronics, 82 Financial Mail, 268 Group Areas Acts, 33 First National Bank of South Africa, Group Five Company, 229n17 236n19 Group of Thirteen, 154–6, 159, 161 5FM (radio), 161 Growth, Employment and Redistribution Fleetcall Ltd., 247–8 (GEAR) strategy, 23, 223–5, 259, Fleming Martin Ltd., 230 262–3, 335–6 Fontes, Brian, 130 Guardian,50 France Télécom, 270 Free, Fair and Open Conference, 129, Harber, Anton, 48, 292 137–9 Harris, Kevin, 71 Freedom Front, 12, 13n5, 277 Heard, Anthony, 42 Freedom of Expression Institute, 157n12 Hendrickse, Alan, 71–2 Friend Newspapers Ltd., 37 Herenigde Nasionale Party, 42n12 Herstigte National Party, 95 game theory, 5 Hertzog, Albert, 95 Gandar, Lawrence, 43 Hertzog, J.
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