These study lessons are for individual or group Bible study and may be freely copied or distributed for class purposes. Please do not modify the material or distribute partially. Under no circumstances are these lessons to be sold. Comments are welcomed and may be emailed to [email protected]. The Life and Psalms of David A Man After God’s Heart Curtis Byers 2015 The Life and Psalms of David Introduction The life of David is highly instructive to all who seek to be a servant of God. Although we cannot relate to the kingly rule of David, we can understand his struggle to live his life under the mighty hand of God. His success in that struggle earned him the honor as “a man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22). The intent of David’s heart is not always apparent by simply viewing his life as recorded in the books of Samuel. It is, however, abundantly clear by reading his Psalms. The purpose of this class will be to study the Psalms of David in the context of his life. David was a shepherd, musician, warrior, poet, friend, king, and servant. Although the events of David’s life are more dramatic than those in our lives, his battle with avoiding the wrong and seeking the right is the same as ours. Not only do his victories provide valuable lessons for us, we can also learn from his defeats. David had his flaws, but it would be a serious misunderstanding for us to justify our flaws because David had his. The lessons to learn are how David dealt with his flaws. Thus, this study is really for us – for us to understand the nature of the heart that is acceptable to God. Each lesson will study an episode in David’s life as recorded in 1 and 2 Samuel along with a few of David’s psalms. Only limited use will be made of the material on David’s life recorded in 1 Chronicles. The English Standard Version (ESV; Text Edition 2011) will be used as the basis of this study. Chronology of United Kingdom [Satterthwaite, Exploring , p.139] 1032 – 1010 BC Saul 22 years 1 Sam 13:1 1006 – 1004 BC Ishbosheth (Israel only) 2 years 2 Sam 2:10 1010 – 1003 BC David (Judah only) 7.5 years 2 Sam 5:5-6 1003 – 970 BC David 33 years 2 Sam 5:5-6 970 – 930 BC Solomon 40 years 1 Kgs 11:42 Front Cover Rembrandt , David Playing the Harp for King Saul, 1629 Oil on Oak http://www.marysrosaries.com/collaboration/index.php?title=File:David-Playing-the-harp-for- King-Saul-001.jpg&oldid=90185 The Life and Psalms of David Course Outline Lesson Life of David Psalms of David * 1 The Rise of David 1 Samuel 16 – 18:5 19, 23, 151 ** The Book of Samuel The Books of the Psalms 2 David Envied by Saul 1 Samuel 18:6 – 20:42 59 The Former Prophets Psalm Titles 3 David, the Fugitive (I) 1 Samuel 21 – 23 34 , 52 , 54 , 56 The Transition to David The Psalms of David (I) 4 David, the Fugitive (II) 1 Samuel 24 – 26 57 , 142 The Psalms of David (II) 5 David and the Philistines 1 Samuel 27 – 31 7, 17, 25, 35, 40, 140 The Philistines Acrostics 6 The End of the House of Saul 2 Samuel 1 – 4 110 Hebron 7 David, King of Israel 2 Samuel 5 – 8 60 , 15, 24, (89), (132) Jerusalem 8 David and Bathsheba 2 Samuel 9 – 12 51 , 32 9 David and Absalom 2 Samuel 13 – 19:8 3, 63 Consequences of David’s Sin 10 Reestablishment of David’s Rule 2 Samuel 19:9 – 20:26 18 , 57 , 59 11 The End of David’s Reign 2 Samuel 21 – 24 122, 124, 131, 133 Songs of Ascents 12 Solomon Appointed as Successor 1 Kings 1 – 2:10 20, 21, 72 (Solomon) The Royal Psalms * Psalms listed are ascribed to David in their titles with those printed in bold font said to relate to some specific incident in David’s life. Psalms listed in () are not ascribed to David but may relate to him. ** Although not part of the Hebrew Bible, the LXX includes this additional Psalm that is ascribed to David. http://www.jw.org/en/publications/bible/nwt/appendix-b/map-kingdom-david-solomon/ The Life and Psalms of David David’s Ancestry 1 Chronicles 2:1-16, Ruth 4:18-22 & Matthew 1:3-6 Luke 3:33 Variation Judah (+ Tamar) | Perez … | | Hezron Hezron | | Ram Arni | | Amminadab Admin | | Nashron Amminadab | | Salmon (+ Rahab) … | Boaz (+ Ruth) | Obed | Jesse | David David’s Older Brothers David’s Sisters [1 Chr 2:16-17] 1. Eliab [1 Sam 16; 1 Chr 2] 1. Zeruiah 2. Abinadab [1 Sam 16; 1 Chr 2] Sons : Abishai 3. Shammah [1 Sam 16; Shimea, 1 Chr 2] Joab 4. Nethanel [1 Chr 2] Asahel [2 Sam 23:24] 5. Raddai [1 Chr 2] 6. Ozem [1 Chr 2] 2. Abigal 7. ? Son : Amasa ( father : Jether the Ishmaelite) Note : 1 Samuel 16:10 says that David had 7 older brothers, but 1 Chronicles 2:15 lists David as the Note : Joab, the commander of 7th son of Jesse. 1 Chronicles 27:18 names Elihu David’s army, was the son of as a brother of David, so is he the missing brother? Zeruiah. Abigal’s mother’s name Or might Elihu simply be another name for one of was Nahash [2 Sam 17:25]. his other brothers? The Life and Psalms of David David’s Sons Those Born While David Ruled in Hebron for 7.5 Years 2 Samuel 3:1-5 & 1 Chronicles 3:1-4 1. Amnon (mother : Ahinoam of Jezreel, 1 Sam 25:43) 2. Chileab (1 Chr 3:1, Daniel; mother : Abigal, widow of Nabal or Carmel, 1 Sam 25) 3. Absalom (mother : Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur) 4. Adonijah (mother : Haggith) 5. Shephatiah (mother : Abital) 6. Ithream (mother : Eglah) Those Born While David Ruled in Jerusalem for 33 Years 1 Chronicles 3:5-9 & 2 Samuel 5:14-16 7. Shimea (2 Sam 5, Shammua) 8. Shobab 9. Nathan 10. Solomon 11. Ibhar 12. Elishama (2 Sam 5, Elishua) 13. Eliphelet (not listed in 2 Sam 5) 14. Nogah (not listed in 2 Sam 5) 15. Nepheg 16. Japhia 17. Elishama 18. Eliada 19. Eliphelet + Sons of concubines + Tamar, a daughter (mother : Maacha; brother of Absalom, 2 Sam 13.1 + Jerimoth (2 Chr 11:18) Note : David had no children with Michal, Saul’s daughter (2 Sam 6:23). The Life and Psalms of David The Vocabulary of 1 & 2 Samuel Ref . Richard C. White, The Vocabulary of the Church , Macmillan, 1960 Abner AB nur Ammah AM uh Abi-albon ab i AL bahn Ammiel AM i el Abiathar uh BIGH uh thahr Ammihud uh MIGH huhd Abiezer ab i EE zur Amnon AM nahn Abimelech uh BIM uh lek Aphek AY fek Abinadab uh BIN uh dab Arabah AR uh buh Abishai AB i shigh Aram AY ram, AR uhm Abital AB i tal Araunah uh RAW nuh Absalom AB suh lahm, -luhm Arbathite AHR bath ight Achish AY kish Arbite AHR bight Adonijah ad o NIGH juh Aroer uh RO ur Adriel AY dri el Asahel AS uh hel Adullam uh DUHL uhm Ashkelon ASH ki lahn Agee AY gee Ashtaroth ASH tuh rahth Ahasbai uh HAS bigh Athach AY thak Ahiam uh HIGH am Azekah uh ZEE kuh Ahilud uh HIGH luhd Azmaveth az MAY veth Ahimaaz uh HIM ay az Baal-perazim bay uhl puh ray zim Ahimelech uh HIM uh lek Baanah BAY uh nuh Ahinoam uh HIN o am Bahurim buh HYOO rim Ahio uh HIGH o Barzillai bahr ZIL ay igh, bar ZIL igh Ahithophel uh HITH o fel Beeroth bee EE rahth, BEER oth Ahitub uh HIGH tuhb Beerothite bee EE rahth ight Ahohi uh HOH high Benaiah bee NAY uh Aiah ay IGH uh Berothai bi ROTH thigh Amalekite uh MAL uh kight Betah BEE tuh Amasa AM us suh, uh MAY suh Bethlehemite BETH li uhm ight The Life and Psalms of David Beth-maacah beth MAY uh kuh Gaash GAY ash Beth-shan BETH shan Gallim GAL im Bichri BIK righ Gareb GAY reb Borashan bawr ASH uhn Geba GEE buh Carmel KAHR mel Gera GEE ruh Cherethite KER I thight Geshur GEE shur Chileab KIL i ab Geshurite GESH yu right Chimham KIM ham Gezer GEE zur Cushite KUHSH ight Gibeah GIB I uh Doeg DO eg Gilboa gil BO uh Eglah EG luh Gilo GIGH lo Ekron EK rahn Giloh GIGH lo Elah EE luh Gilonite GIGH lo night Elhanan el HAY nan Girzite GUR zight Eliab i LIGH uhb Gittite GIT ight Eliada i LIGH uh duh Hachilah hak uh LIGH uh Eliahba i LIGH uh buh Hadadezer had ad EE zur Eliam i LIGH am Haggith HAG ith Elika i LIGH kuh, EL i kuh Hamath HAY math Eliphelet i LIF uh lat Hanun HAY nuhn Elishama i LISH uh mah Hararite HA ruh right Elishua el i SHOO uh Helam HEE luhm Endor EN dawr Helez HEE lez Engedi en GEE di, en GED i Helkath-hazzurim hel kath HAZ yu rim En-rogel en RO guhl Hereth HEE reth Ephes-dammim ee fes DAM im Hezro HEZ ro Ephrathite EF ruh thight Hiddai HID ay igh, hi DAY igh Eshtemoa esh ti MO uh Hiram HIGH ruhm The Life and Psalms of David Horesh HO resh, HAWR esh Laish LAY ish Hormah HAWR muh Lehi LEE high Hushai HYOO shigh Lo-debar lo DEE bahr Ibhar IB hahr Maacah MAY uh kuh Igal IGH gal Machir MAY kir Ikkesh IK esh Mahanaim may huh NAY im Ishbi-benob ish bigh BEE nahb Maoch MAY ahk Ish-bosheth ish BO sheth Maon MAY ahn Ithream ITH ri am Mebunnai mi BUHN igh Ithrite ITH right Meholathite mi HO luh thight Ittai IT ay igh, IT igh Mephibosheth me FIB o sheth Jaare-oregim jay uh ri AWR i jim Merab MEE rab Jabesh-gilead jay besh GIL i uhd Michal MIGH kuhl Japhia juh FIGH uh, JAF i uh Millo MIL o Jashar JAY shur, JASH ur Mizpeh MIZ pe Jashen JAY shuhn, JASH uhn Nabal NAY bal Jattir JAT ur Naioth NAY ahth Jedidiah jed i DIGH uh Naharai NAY huh righ Jehoiada ji HOY uh duh Nahash NAY hash Jehoshaphat ji HAHSH uh fat Nepheg NEE feg Jerahmeelite ji RAY mi uhl ight Ner NUR Jerubbesheth jer uh BEE sheth Netophah ni TO fuh Jeshimon ji SHIGH mahn Paarai PAY uh righ Jezreel JEZ ri el, -reel Palti PAL tigh Josheb-basshebeth jo sheb ba SHEE beth Paltite PAL tight Kabzeel KAB zi el Paran PAY ran Keilah ki IGH luh Pelethite PEL uh thight Kenite KEE night, KEN ight Philistine fi LIS tin, FIL uhs teen The Life and Psalms of David Pirathon PIR uh thahn Tekoa ti KO uh Rabbah RAB uh Thebez THEE bez Racal RAY kal, -kuhl Toi TO i Ramah RAY muh Uzzah UHZ uh Ramoth RAY mahth Zelek ZEE lek Rechab REE kab Zeruiah zi ROO yuh Rehob REE hahb Ziba ZIGH buh Rephaim REF ay im Ziklag ZIK lag Ribai RIGH bigh Ziph ZIF Rimmon RIM ahn Zobah ZO buh Rizpah RIZ pah Rogelim RO guh lim Secu SEE kyoo Seraiah si RAY yuh, -RIGH uh Shaalbonite shay al BO night Shammah SHAM uh Shammua SHAM yu uh Sharar SHAY rur Shephatiah shef uh TIGH uh Shimeah SHIM i uh, SHIM ih uh Shimei SHIM i igh, SHIM ih igh Shobab SHO bab Shobi SHO bigh Shunem SHOO nem Shur SHOOR Siphmoth SIF mahth Tahchemonite ta KEE muh night Talmai TAL migh The Life and Psalms of David Lesson 1: The Rise of David 1 Samuel 16 – 18:5 Life of David The Book of Samuel 1.
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