No. 53E/ISSN 0250-7072 COUNCIL CONSEIL OF EUROPE DE L'EUROPE No. 53-1986 D)Q l eu ro p ean information Editorial D. Alfonso Guerra Gonzalez 3 centre The European Diploma j .p . Ribaut 4 for The Krimml Falls J. Fischer-Coibrie 7 nature conservation Encourage protection e. Einarsson 9 The expert’s point of view Hunzikerr. 11 Significance for rural zones J. Macario Correia 14 Impact on management policy c. Pairaudeau 18 The Swedish parks s. Maimberg 22 Fair Isle w.B. Prior 24 am particularly happy to be able to con­A new collective awareness, very prevalent is a hostile force, greater currency is being Kugcenneti r.Gürpinar 25 / tribute with these few lines to the work ofamong the younger generations of Euro­gained by the idea of a possible balance information and education which thepeans, has prompted the public institutions and the need for human beings in general Symbol for the Council of Europe 's nature 27 Council of Europe has been pursuing sinceand political authorities to begin to face upto adopt an altruistic approach towards their conservation activities. The Bavarian forest H. Bibeiriether the early 1960s. to the problem. fellows and their planet. 29 Extending the Diploma’s influence p. Gay It was precisely during that decade that That idea must receive unreserved political nature conservation movements developed support and be translated into projects and consolidated their position, in the sense which, while remaining idealistic, should that, although they did not represent an nevertheless be practical and down-to- entirely new phenomeon, they acquired earth. hitherto unknown social and political dimen­ Perhaps this difficult compromise can be Naturopa is published in English, French, sions. achieved through environmental education. German and Italian by the European Informa­ The work of the Council of Europe in this tion Centre for Nature Conservation of the It was then that people started reflecting on respect deserves every praise; what is the fact that every aggression against the Council of Europe, BP 431 R6, F-67006 being done in our country with a view to Strasbourg Cedex. natural environment amounted to an attack improving the management of our national on the human spirit; that awareness Editor responsible: Hayo H. Hoekstra parks, extending the field of nature study dawned about natural resources being Conception and editing: and developing teaching methods and finite and limited, notwithstanding the Annick Pachod practice in this sector complies closely with prevailing concept of the inexhaustibility of Adviser for this issue: the aims set by the Council of Europe, albeit nature; that the notion of purely quantitative Dr P. Gay - President of the Committee of ex­ at national level. perts for protected areas economic growth began to be called into Printed by: Massoz S.A., question. And this work of information is vital, for Liège (Belgium) unfortunately human ignorance is closely Repros: Gam Grafic, In effect, man has come to scrutinise the matched by human error. Herstal (Belgium) civilisation he himself has created, toI wish to pay tribute in this connection to the Articles may be freely reprinted but it would A prestigious examine and analyse its excessive pro­Council of Europe’s commitment and theI should like to conclude by referring to the be appreciated if reference is made to the liferation, the irrational development ofimpetus it has given in this undertaking, recent award made by the Council of source and a copy sent to the Centre. The speculation, the debilitating spirit of com­which is gaining in importance and accept­Europe to the Donana National Park, which copyright of all photographs is reserved. petition, the arms race, the restriction ofance at both national and international has given personal satisfaction to those of The opinions expressed in this publication distinction human liberty by overwhelming urbanisa­levels. us who are acutely aware of the need to step are those of the authors and do not necessari­ tion and the almost automatic, and up our efforts to protect the most outstand­ ly reflect the views of the Council of Europe. sometimes irreversible, impulse to destroy The fact that its activities extend across the ing natural areas, and has provided grati­ the ancestral heritage, which seems to givefrontiers of the 21 member states makes fyingit professional encouragement for those greater satisfaction to man than his ownpossible to entertain a number of rather who carry out the tasks of management in efforts at reshaping it. more optimistic prospects regarding thethis site of special value to mankind. his autumn, the German National ic view of the Diploma, some selected typi­ future of the heritage we shall leave for Park of the Bavarian Forest receives cal examples and what bright future the The elimination of human errors in this field,future generations. This satisfaction and stimulus will help us Tthe European Diploma, the Council of Diploma may have. especially those with irreversible conse­ in the immediate future to reinforce and Europe’s prestigious award to nature sites Naturopa No. 54 will highlight the need for quences, is precisely the main aspiration It is nevertheless necessary to preserve intensify in our policy of nature conservation Front cover: Krimml Falls international co-operation, especially bet­ (Photo W. Retter) that respond to special criteria. As a tribute, and goal of the conservationist and protec­the efforts now being made, and indeed in Spain and our co-operation with the other Back cover: (Photo W. Lapinski) it also forms an encouragement and sets an ween Europe and Africa, with the Council tionist movements, because this kind ofmaintain the sense of keen urgency in thisstates belonging to the Council of Europe. example. With especially the latter in mind of Europe’s Bern Convention as a catalyst, error precludes the possibility of being field, while spreading the idea that, despite Captions to illustrations p. 16-17: and the migratory avifauna as a vivid exam­ D. Alfonso Guerra Gonzalez Ursus arctos and wishing to make the vast experience in given a second chance and making up forthe aggressive profiteering and competitive (Photos Visage / Ferrerro / Labat / JACANA) managing this part of our heritage known as ple for the need for such co-operation. past mistakes. rivalry of civilisation and the view that nature Vice-President of the Spanish Government widely as possible, this issue gives a histor­ H.H.H. administration of the same” , the Commit­ tee of Experts for the Conservation of Nature and Landscape could make recom­ mendations to the Committee of Ministers Substantial innovations for the award of the Diploma. Compared with the conditions originally Under these regulations, the first three governing the award, these various innova­ Diplomas were awarded on 29 March 1966 tions are substantial. Admittedly, the new WATCH to: procedure is more complex, but it allows a OVERTHE — the Hautes Fagnes Nature Reserve in much more precise appraisal both of the Belgium, value of the site and the effectiveness of the prevailing protective measures. We shall NATIONALPARKS BRAIL- IL FUORN — the Camargue Nature Reserve in France and now reconsider these various innovations SCHWEIZ. NATIONALPARK — the Peak District National Park in the and examine their effects in greater detail: PARC NAZIUNAl SVIZZER United States. — The fact that the onus is now on governments to submit applications WANDERGEBIET IN Altogether a round dozen Diplomas were gives the European Committee greater INTAKTER NATUR attributed under this procedure up to 1972. freedom of action and independence of judgment than under the former regula­ tions, where it was judge in its own case. With time and experience, the Committee tised in the landscape under consideration. This independence is testified by the fact of Experts and the Secretariat came to the The Committee of Experts for Protected that, of some 50 applications, only 25 Diplo­ conclusion that the existing regulations and Areas, which functions as the special work­ mas have been awarded. It should be men­ indeed certain intrinsic features of the ing party for the European Diploma, can tioned that applications do not necessarily Diploma itself were unsatisfactory. thus reach its decision in a full knowledge have to concern places directly under of the facts and present an objective opinion governmental jurisdiction. The Diploma for After thorough reconsideration, the respon­ to the European Committee. The repetition the Minsmere Nature Reserve in the United sible committee of experts, renamed the of the inspection every five years at the time Kingdom, for example, was granted to the “ European Committee for the Conservation of renewing the Diploma is also a worth­ Royal Society for the Protection of Birds of Nature and Natural Resources” , prepar­ while exercise. The appraisal is not solely which owns and manages the site, while the ed new draft regulations which the Commit­ designed to establish whether or not the site award in respect of the Lüneburg Heath, tee of Ministers adopted on 19 January satisfies (or continues to satisfy) the crite­ near Hamburg, was made to the “ Verein 1973 (Resolution (73) 4), the text of which ria of the Diploma: it is also meant to help Naturschutzpark” . is still in force. The changes made were as the managers and officials in charge of the follows: — The technique of on-the-spot apprai­area to resist the acquisitive designs and — instead of applications for the Diploma sals has proved extremely valuable,
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