ipirmr Draft nnual Plan 2006-07 WEST BENGAL EVELOPMENT & PLANNING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL DRAFT »Ti^rir5f ANNUAL PLAN 2006 - 2007 WEST BENGAL DEVELOPMENT & PLANNING DEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGAL .................... ...... Government of India PLANNING COMMISSION LIBRARY CLASS NO 3 f t - *7 5 BOOK NO. __ - w S( 6 h g. ANNUAL PLAN - 2006 - 07 WEST BENGAL CONTENTS Page PA RT I I. Agriculture and Allied Activities 1.1 C!rop Husbandly ........... 5 1.2 Horticulture ........... 12 1.3 Soil and Water Conservation ........... 18 1.4 Animal Husbandry ........... 20 1.5 Dairy Development ............ 24 1.6 Fisheries, Aquaculture, Aquatic Resources 25 1.7 Plantations ........... 29 1.8 Food, Storage and Warehousing ........... 30 1.9 Agricultural Research and Education ......... 31 1.10 Agricultural Financial Institution ......... 34 1.11 CcKjperation ......... 34 1.12 Other Agricultural Programmes .......... 36 11. Rural Development 2.1 Special Programmes for Rural Development .......... 41 2.2 Rural Employment ......... 42 2.3 Land Reforms ........... 42 III. Special Area Programmes 3.1 Hill Areas ........... 47 3.2 Other Special Area Programme ........... 50 IV. Irrigation and Flood Control 4.1 Major and Medium Irrigation ........... 59 4.2 Minor Irrigation ........... 60 4.3 Command Area Development ............ 63 4.4 AIBP ........... 63 4.5 Flood Control ........... 64 V. Energy 5.1 Integrated Rural Energy Programme and Non-conventional Energy Sources ........... 69 5.2 Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 75 VI. Industry and Minerals 6.1 Village and Small Enterprises ........... 81 6.2 Other Industries ........... 97 6.3 Minerals ........... 119 Page 1. Tansport 1 Mior Ports .......... 123 2 Ciil Aviation ......... 123 - Rods and Bridges .......... 123 .4 Rod Transport ......... 127 .5 Inlnd Water Transport ......... 132 '.6 Oter Transport Services ......... 133 III. Scence, Technology and Environment 8.1 Scintific Research ......... 137 8.2 Eology and Environment ......... 145 8.3 Foestry & Wildlife ......... 148 IX. Gmeral Economic Services 9.1 Seretariat Economic Services ......... 157 9.2 Torism ......... 159 9.3 Suvey and Statistics ......... 160 9.4 Ci\l Supplies ......... 162 9.5 Otter General Economic Services ......... 165 X. Serial Services 10.! Geieral Education ......... 171 10.2 Teanical Education ......... 186 10.3 Spots and Youth Services ......... 187 10.^ Artand Culture ......... 188 lO.f Meiical and Public Health ......... 192 10.6 Waer Supply and Sanitation ......... 208 10.7 Hoising ( Including Police Housing ) ......... 212 10.8 Urban Development ......... 218 10.9 Information and Publicity ......... 223 10.10 De\elopment of SC & ST and OBCs ......... 224 10. i: Labour and Employment ......... 230 10.12 Socal Security and Social Welfare ......... 233 10.13 Nutition ......... 237 lO.U Othsr Social Services ......... 238 XL General Services 11.1 laih ......... 243 11.2 Statonery and Printing ......... 244 11.3 ’ub ic Works ......... 244 11.4 Dther Administrative Services ......... 248 IV ANNUAL PLAN - 2006 - 07 WEST BENGAL CONTENTS PART II Page GN Statement Draft Annual Plan - 2006-07 - Proposed Outlays ........... 253 Annexure I Proposed Outlays - 2006-07 - on Continuing and New schemes ........... 261 Annexure II Physical Targets and Achievements ........... 275 Annexure III Statement regarding Externally Aided Projects 299 . ,,, Details of Internal and Extra Budgetary Resources of State Level Public Annexure IV E„,e,prises ........... 305 Annexure V Bharat Nirman Programme ........... 309 . Draft Annual Plan 2006-07-Outlays by Heads of Development ForDistrict Annexure VI ^ ........... 311 Annexure VII Centrally Sponsored Schemes ........... 317 Annexure VIIIA Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) - I : Draft Annual Plan 2006 -07 - FinancialOutlays .............. 331 Annexure VIIIB Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) - I I : Draft Annual Plan 2006 - 07 - Physical Targets ............. 339 . Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes (SCP) - I: Draft Annual Plan A nnexure IAA 2006 - 07 - Financial Outlays: Proposals for SCP ........... A IVR Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes (SCP) - II: Draft Annual Annexure IAB Plan 2006 - 07 - Physical Targets - Proposals for SCP ........... V Draft Annual Plan - 2006-07 - Proposed Outlays: Financial Outlays / A nnexure X Expenditure for Volunlaiy Sector ........... 361 A vw A Women Component (WC) in the State Plan Programmes - I: Draft Annual - Annexure XIA P|a„ 2006 - 07 - Financial Outlays ........... 363 A v¥D Women Component (WC) in the State Plan Programmes - II: Draft Annual Annexure XIB niPlan oaa2006/i -m 07 -du Physical • i tTargets' * ........... 365 P A R T - I Chapter - One ................... Agriculture and Allied Activities Chapter-Two ................... Rural Development Chapter - Three ................... Special Area Programmes Chapter - Four ................... Irrigation and Flood Control Chapter - Five ................... Energy Chapter - Six ................... Industry and Minerals Chapter - Seven ................... Transport Chapter - Eight ................... Science, Technology and Environment Chapter-Nine ................... General Economic Services Chapter-Ten ................... Social Services Chapter - Eleven ................... General Services C H A P T E R I Agriculture and Allied Activities I - Agriculture and Allied Activities Page 1.1 Crop Husbandry 5 1.2 Horticulture 12 1.3 Soil and Water Conservation 18 1.4 Animal Husbandry 20 1.5 Dairy Development 24 1.6 Fisheries, Aquaculture, Aquatic Resources 25 1.7 Plantations 29 1.8 Food, Storage and Warehousing 30 1.9 Agricultural Research and Education 31 1.10 Agricultural Financial Institution 34 1.11 Cooperation 34 1.12 Other Agricultural Programmes 36 Chapter - One: Agriculture and Altied Activities I. AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED ACTIVITIES 1.1. CROP HUSBANDRY 1.1.1 Programme of the Agriculture Department There have been remarkable achievements in the production of foodgrains in the State of West Bengal in recent years. This has been the result of progressive and systematic planning and implementation of various crop development programmes/schemes (State Plan, Central Sector and Centrally Sponsored Schemes) launched by the State Govt., the dedication of our people engaged in agriculture, involvement of “Panchayati Raj System” and application of modem crop production technology in the field. The average production of foodgrains during Ninth Plan period was 147.78 lakh tonnes. During the year 2003-2004 the State achieved total foodgrains production of 159.55 lakh tonnes compared to 155.22 lakh ton during 2002-03, in spite of erratic monsoon and unfavourable weather condition in mid to late October. Attempt was made to produce more wheat, pulses and oilseeds through crop diversification programme from Rabi season of 2003-2004 and as a result yield rate and overall production increased even though the area of production was lower than the target in some cases. Table 1 Area, Production and Yield Rates of Principal Crops in 2003-’04: Targets and Achievements (Area in '000 hectare, Yield in kg./hectare, Production in '000 tonnes) Area Yield Rate Production Crops T A T A T A Aus Rice 440.00 339.75 2045 2117 900.00 719.21 Am an Rice 4182.60 4126.71 2152 2339 9000.00 9653.58 Boro Rice 1378.00 1390.15 3301 3086 4550.00 4289.46 Total Rice 6000.60 5856.61 2408 2504 14450.00 14662.24 Wheat 430.00 425.72 2442 2315 1050.00 985.69 Total pulses 316.00 251.86 949 840 300.00 211.64 Total foodgrains 6831.60 6590.27 2342 2421 16000.00 15955.03 Total oilseeds 580.00 665.00 846 928 490.75 612.00 Potato 315.00 308.43 22500 24711 7087.50 7621.64 Jute 623.50 620.42 ♦12.15 *13.49 **7575.53 **8366.72 Vegetables (excluding Potato) 850.00 850.00 12200 13000 10370.00 11050.00 Fruits 155.00 13000 2015.00 Jute : * Yield rate in bales of 180 kg/hectare. Production in '000 bales. T = Target, A = Achievement Chapter - One: Agriculture and Allied Activities In 2004-05, the monsoon was erratic in the early part of the season. However, in late September and early October, concentrated precipitation caused floods in a number of districts. It is estimated that loss in production due to heavy rains amounted 4.5 lakh tonnes of kharif rice, 250 lakh tonnes of vegetables and 5 lakh tonnes of sugarcane. The expected area and production of different crops in 2004-05 are shown in Table 2. Table 2 Expected Area and Production of Different Crops in 2004-05 Name of the Crop Area (In Lakh Ha.) Production (In Lakh Tonnes) Kharif Rice 43.00 98.90 Boro Rice 16.00 54.00 Total Rice 59.00 152.90 Wheat 5.00 11.00 Coarse C^eals (i.e. Maize, Ragi, etc.) 0.60 1.00 Total Cereals 64.60 164.98 Total Pulses (Kharif And Rabi) 3.00 2.50 Total Foodgrains 67.60 170.33 Total Oilseeds 7.50 7.00 Total Vegetables 8.50 110.00 Potato 3.08 76.21 Source: Department of Agriculture, Government of West Bengal Programme for increasing production of some major crops Rice; Rice being the principal crop occupies about 61.43 percent of gross cropped area of the State. Autumn and Winter Rice together account for 76.27 per cent of the total rice area, raised mostly as a rainfed crop during pre-kharif and kharif seasons and share about 68 per cent of total rice production of the State. Summer rice under irrigation occupies 23.72% of the rice area and contributes 32% to the total rice production. To augment rice production, quite a number of schemes are in operation in the State. Integrated Cereal Development Programme This rice based eco-system and centrally sponsored scheme
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