Meithrin Gobaith Growing Hope www.stdavidsdiocese.org.uk www.facebook.com/pobl.dewi http://twitter.com/PoblDewi June / Mehefin 2017 A man with a Mission Huw Anderson is the new Mission Resources Officer for St Davids, based at the diocesan office in Abergwili E’S actually Revd Huw Huw’s appointment is the latest HAnderson, having spent the step along the road towards imple- last ten years as a Baptist minister menting the diocesan strategy working in Italy. He and his wife for growth, Growing Hope. Huw now live in Swansea. believes the new LMA structure Before that, he worked in the will enable churches to think and City in investment management. plan more strategically. So he knows a thing or two about “We shouldn’t always be finance. firefighting,” he believes, “rais- Now, he is putting those skills ing money only for emergencies. to work to promote a greater We need to be faith-raising, not understanding of the principles of fund-raising. The focus must be Christian discipleship, encourag- on facilitating the mission of the ing PCCs and Local Ministry Areas church.” (LMAs) to identify and then fund His task will be to help the new the resources necessary to fulfill bodies to achieve that and realise their mission. their broader aspirations. But, he stresses, he is neither a But what’s a Baptist minis- fundraiser nor a tax collector. And ter doing working for an Anglican stewardship per se is not the first diocese? “I came home last year priority either. from Italy expecting to continue “It’s about making people more working as a pastoral leader in efficient in their use of money… a local congregation in Wales. and giving,” he says. “Our love However the doors did not open should overflow, like Christ’s; and when this job opportunity we British are too reticent about arose, it seemed a perfect fit for my discussing money and expectations combined expertise in mission and of giving are so low. finance”. The question should not be All he has to do is persuade “How much should I give?” but sometimes cash-strapped parishes “I’m going to be out and Arrange a visit to your PCC or LMA. “How much should I keep? It of the wisdom of his vision. And about,” he says. “I’m looking for Email Huw – [email protected] should be a blessing – a way of the only way to do that is face to gigs.” saying thank you to God.” face. Party at the Palace Brollies not parasols were the order of the day when Bishop Joanna welcomed the youth of the diocese to Abergwili HE family day was organised rather than on picnic rugs. But Nevertheless, she doubtless Tby the Children & Youth team it in no way dampened people’s managed to find somethingsuitable so that they could meet the Bishop enthusiasm. on the barbecue. in an informal setting. And they The centrepiece of the occa- “Today has been an opportunity came by the dozen, young and not sion was provided by the diocesan for young people from different so young. Youth Forum who conducted an parts of the diocese to meet up and The fun and games actu- interview with the Bishop. get to know each other, as well as ally took place in the garden of It provided some revealing detail: it the Bishop,” Children and Youth the old Bishop’s Palace, now the transpires our Bishop is a fan of Dr Co-ordinator Clare Williams told Carmarthenshire County Museum. Who and dark Scandinavian police Pobl Dewi, “a chance to share, eat, Sadly, the unexpected wet weather dramas; a fan, also, of Loudon play and pray together.” forced those enjoying the festivi- Wainwright III and husband Adri- ties to find shelter under the trees, an’s paella. FOCUS ON MY FAVOURITE HOLIDAY READ – Pages 10 & 11 Am ddim Free 2 Pobl Dewi, June 2017 same. Pleas were made for there not to be a ‘one-size-fits-all’ model Emphasis on evangelism to be imposed and that “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”; a greater need It was in Cardiff on 22nd-23rd April that the Governing Body met in the for consultation, and a correction grand surroundings of City Hall, as Paul Mackness reports of fact before any further proposals came forward. HE April meeting was an Provincial Youth Forum, who gave produced a report recommending A new experimental rite for Texperiment to see if meet- a presentation and led the open- that there should not be a perma- Confirmation was also authorised ing over a weekend was better for ing worship as well as taking part nent archiepiscopal see but that in light of the Bench of Bishops’ members. Bishop John Davies, as in workshops and discussions with the present arrangements should decision to allow all the baptised the Senior Bishop in the absence of members. Our own Children & continue, with the archbishopric to receive Holy Communion. This an Archbishop, served as President Youth Coordinator, Clare Williams being held by any of the diocesan will be rolled out later in the year. for this session. brought three representatives from bishops in their home diocese, not On the whole, the meeting It was clear from the Presiden- the Diocesan Youth Forum who necessarily in Llandaff. was very positive and upbeat with tial address that the emphasis for took an active part in the presenta- A little more controversial was a sense of hope for the future. this Governing Body (GB) and tions, worship and workshops. the report of the Cathedrals Review Whether or not further week- the future was to be on evange- The new chair of the Provin- to look into the funding, resourc- end meetings will take place is a lism. Following workshops held cial Standing Committee, Lis ing, governance and use of these matter for the Provincial Standing at previous meetings, there was Perkins presented the report of the buildings. Representatives from Committee – members I spoke to a debate and motion to put evan- Standing Committee, and the 2020 this diocese were not happy about Bishop John Davies had mixed views. gelism back at the heart of the Vision Implementation Group, some of the recommendations, nor Church in Wales. The motion was which had come to the conclu- the generalisations and errors made Further details of GB business and news are in received positively, with many sion that it had done as much as it in the report, which seemed to indi- members contributing to a lively could and handed back responsibil- cate that all cathedrals were the Highlights available in churches or online. and constructive debate. ity for 2020 Vision to the Standing The other major area for this Committee and GB. The Archie- session was the contribution of the piscopal See Working Group also I’r Dyfroedd Byw Revd Dr Ainlsey Griffiths reports from a Church in Wales conference on the Welsh language’s place in the Church’s mission and ministry in Sex offenders Wales today UT fedrwn ni hau hadau “Sgobaith yn ein cymunedau and the Church a chaniatáu i ddyfroedd bywiol Duw eu mwydo er mwyn sicrhau Uncomfortable as this subject may be, protecting tyfiant?” oedd y cwestiwn the vulnerable in our congregations is a priority, sylfaenol i grŵp o ryw ddeugain says Lynn Rees, Safeguarding Support Officer unigolyn wrth iddynt fynychu cynhadledd uniaith Gymraeg ym ACH year, data is published Mae Caerdydd ddechrau mis Mai. Ein the Multi-Agency Public Cafwyd cynrychiolaeth frwd o Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) bob Esgobaeth yng Nghymru Annual Report, which includes the a hefyd Athrofa Padarn Sant i number of registered sex offend- ystyried sut y gall ein trysorau ers who are required to register gwych ni fel Cymry fod yn with the police. A sex offender is an gyfrwng i ni feithrin tystiolaeth individual who has been convicted guarding Policy focusses on Gristnogol fywiog gan yr Eglwys or cautioned for a sexual offence ‘Working with suspected abusers yng Nghymru ledled Cymru. committed against an adult or and known offenders.’ The Provin- Roedd pwyslais cadarn ar fod yn a child. Convictions for certain cial Safeguarding Officer works bositif yn hytrach nag achwyn offences include a requirement for closely with the police, probation, am ddiffygion a dirywiad! Beth the offender to provide the police and other authorities in manag- mae’r Eglwys eisoes yn ei wneud annually with information includ- ing the risk posed by any known sydd yn dda drwy’r Gymraeg a sut ing their name, address and date of offenders, however it is essential fedrwn ni wneud mwy o hyn? Sut birth, giving rise to the term “Sex that they are notified of any new mae dyfroedd bywiol Duw eisoes Offenders Register.” offenders in the congregation. yn byrlymu a sut mae modd agor In the MAPPA report for 2015- The Safeguarding Officer will mwy o’n “hanial dir” (i fenthyg 16, published in October 2016, put into place a ‘Worship Agree- ymadrodd Pantycelyn) er mwyn there was a total of 52,770 regis- ment’ with the offender, setting out iddo dderbyn Ei allu adfywiol? tered sex offenders in England and conditions such as only attending Cawsom gyfle i werthfawrogi Wales – a substantial increase from specified services, not to sit with ein treftadaeth Gristnogol fel the 30,416 in 2006/07, and equates families nor interact with children Cymry a deall sut y mae wedi to 1 in every 1,000 people in and not to take up any formal role dylanwadu arnom ni ac ar y rhai England and Wales being currently or position in the church.
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