The Fundamental Question An Investigation into the Historical Origins of the Bible Rodger Roberts PUBLISHED BY MESHWESH PUBLISHING INC. CALGARY, ALBERTA, CANADA SECTION 14 INDEX 1239 INDEX ________________________________________________________________________ ‘ā·mên, 915 Abiram, 129 ‘ā·mō·wn, 916 Abisha Scroll, 59, 60 ‘ă·qêb link to ya·’ă·qōb, 946 Abishar, (see also Ab-sha(r)), 374, 709 ‘ă·šê·rāh, 826 abjad alphabetical systems, 588, 590 ‘ā·šêr, 828 Abraham in History and Tradition, 1168 ‘Apiru, (see also Apiru), 425 Abraham, (see also Avraham), 82, 96, 97, 102, ‘ib·rî(m), 1095 112, 148, 172, 315, 946, 1184, 1187 ‘ilāh, 817 Abraham: as ancestor of the biblical Israelites, 1087, ‘ilhm, 814, 817, 818 1091 ‘ivrî(m), 1095 as Islamic prophet, 1184 ‘lm, 817 biblical journey of, 106 birth date of, 149 ‘Piru, (see also Apiru), 425 offering of Isaac as a sacrifice by, 852 1 Thessalonians, Epistle to, 65, 74 Abrahamic Covenant, 1196 11QT (or 11Q19-20), 55 Abrahamic religions, 47, 48, 1184, 1187-1195 17th Dynasty princes, 262 Abrahamic religions: 1967 Arab-Israeli War, 765 articles of faith, 1191-1192 1QIsaa (Dead Sea Scroll), reference to Amen in, comparison of beliefs, 1187-1190 915-916 general characteristics of, 1193-1195 logical comparison of, 48 1QIsaa (Dead Sea Scroll), reference to YH (Yah) in, 956-957 Abrahamic tradition in Genesis, 1138 2 Clement, Epistle of, 34 Abram, (see also Abraham), 103, 879 Ab-sha(r), (see also Abishar), 374, 709 2 Kings, book of, 917 400 Year Stele, (see also Stele of Year 400), Abu Simbel, 536 1055, 714 Abu Simbel, on New Kingdom map of Egypt, 263 911 attacks on World Trade Center, 21 A.GA.DE, 227, 228 abugida alphabetical systems, 588, 590 Abu-Salabikh, 224 Aamu, (see also Amu), 395 Aamu, (see also Amu) 374, 375, 707, 708 Abydos, 602, 217, 222, 854 Aaron, 113, 115, 853, 889, 1069, 82, 1060, 1061, Abydos, on New Kingdom map of Egypt, 263 1063, 1064 Accad, 227, 901 Aaronite priests, 121 Accho, 452, 454, 753, 754, 471, 763 Abarim range, 132 Achaea, 271, 444 Abar-nahara, 514, 517, 520 Achaean(s), 277, 456 Abdi-Ashirta (king of Amurru), 479, 820 Achaemenid (Persian) Empire in 490 BC, map of, Abdi-Heba (Abdi-Hepa, prince of Jerusalem), 328 430, 638, 639, 799, 1203 Achaemenid (Persian) Empire, (see also Persian (Achaemenid) Empire), 204, 208, 212, 314, abecedary, 603, 604, 605, 609 327-329, 514, 515, 517, 970, 999 Abel, 96, 101, 930, 554 Achaia(n), 456, 457 abhar, 1095 Achaia-land, 457 Abibaal (king of Byblos), 487, 842 Achan, an Israelite, 138 Abimelech (king of Gerar), 104, 106, 107, 112 1240 INDEX ________________________________________________________________________ Achilles, 277 Aeneid, 456 Achshaph, 388, 733 Afghanistan, 627, 629 Achshaph, king of, 139 Afghanistan, as a source of tin, 448, 580 Achshaph, in biblical Conquest table, 733 Afro-Asiatic languages, 358 Achshaph’s king, conquered by Israelites, 140 AGA.DE, 228 Acigol-Nevsehir, 939 Agade, ( see also Akkad), 221, 227 acknowledgements, 1211-1226 Agamemnon (king of Mycenae), 277, 456 Actium, 335 agate, 571 Adab, 215 Age of Empires in EMANE (1st millennium BC), Adad, Akkadian god, 837 206, 212, 313-336 Adad-apla-iddina (Aramaean king of Babylon), Age of Enlightenment, 78 316 Age of Metals, 621 Adad-idri (king of Aram Damascus), (see also Agnostic, 1185 Bar Hadad I and Hadadezer, king of Aram agriculture: Damascus), 494, 500, 962 as affected by climate, 190 Adad-narari II (king of Assyria), 243, 252, 316, birth of, 183-186 317, 320 early sites in Fertile Crescent, 184, 185 Adad-nirari I (king of Assyria), 251 Agum II Kakrime (king of Babylon), 248 Adad-nirari III (king of Assyria), 480, 493, 503, Ahab (king of Israel), 157, 158, 493, 498, 500, 508 501, 518, 646, 698, 1024 Adad-shuma-iddina (king of Babylon), 259 Ahab (king of Israel), Ivory House of, 817 Adah, a Hittite, 108 Ahab (king of Israel), on Kurkh Stele, 498, 500, Adam and Eve, 1140 501, 518 Adam, 96, 101, 853, 895, 897, 898, 901 Ahab the Israelite, 158 adam, meaning man, (see also Adam), 893, 964 Aharoni, Yohanan, 371, 787, 1102, 1163, 1169 Adaniya, 241 Ahaz (king of Judah), (see also Jehoahaz), 157, 509, 512, 519, 852, 992, 1028 Adapa, as son of Ea or Eridu, 897 Ahaz (king of Judah): Adapa, myth or story of, 897 human sacrifice by, 852 Adon, (see also Aten), 415 seal impression of, 509, 519 adon, 837 seal impression, reference to Yehotam on, 509 Adonai, 410, 411, 423, 670, 848 Ahaziah (king of Israel), 157, 840 Adoniya, wife of Moses, 1050 Ahhiyawa, 271, 444, 457, 458 Adoni-zedek (king of Jerusalem), 139 Ahi-jah, 960, 961 Adullam, in biblical Conquest table, 733 Ahiram I (king of Byblos), (see also Hiram I), Adullam’s king, conquered by Israelites, 140 487, 842 Aegean (2nd millennium BC), 211, 274-278 Ahiram I (king of Byblos), epitath of, 606 Aegean, 172, 174, 175, 211-212, 304, 329, 444, Ahi-Yawi, (see also Ahi-jah), 960 449, 456, 642 Ahlame Armaya, 316 Aegyptiaca (by Hecataeus of Abdera), 1212 Ahlamu-Aramaean migrant(s), 252, 316 Aegyptiaca (by Manetho), 1037, 1213 Ahmose I (king of Egypt), 161, 200, 201, 264, 297, 325, 380, 381, 400, 726, 909, 918 1241 INDEX ________________________________________________________________________ Ahmose-si-Abina (admiral of Egypt), 400 Akkadian migration(s), 206, 210, 224-225, 357 Ahura Mazda, 938 Akkadian postal system, 230 Ai, 138, 735 Akkadian(s), 224, 358, 360, 593 Ai, in biblical Conquest table, 733 Akkar Plain, 479 Ai, in screening test table of the Conquest, 748, Akki, as drawer of water in Legend of Sargon, 754 228, 687, 863, 864 Ai, king of, conquered by Israelites, 140 Akshak, 215 Ain Dara Temple similarity to Solomon’s Temple, Alaksandus, 457, 458 943 Alalakh, 241, 281, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 305, Ain Dara, Canaanite temple at, 943 376, 428, 674 Ain Qudeis, oasis at, 724 Alalakh, as Hurrian city, 241 Akanosh (chief of the Meshwesh), 545 Alalakh, on New Kingdom map of Egypt, 263 Akhenaten (king of Egypt), (see also Amenhotep al-Alamayn, (see also El Alamein), 536 IV), 251, 264, 271, 409, 411, 412, 416, 417, Al-Aqsa Mosque, 516 476, 547, 634, 761, 903, 906, 1022, 1039, 1071 Alashia, (see also Alashiya), 163 Akhenaten (king of Egypt): Alashiya, (see also Cyprus), 175, 272, 474, 538, 539, 579, 580, 642 as early monotheist, 409 backlash after reign of, 420-421 Albright, William F., 70, 156, 157, 201, 786, 831, extended family of, 414 844, 1163, 1169 legacy of, 421 Aleppo Codex, 54, 59, 64 potential link with biblical Moses, 409, 424-425 Aleppo, 241, 282, 284 religious revolution of, 418, 420 Aleppo, as member of Levantine coalition against Akhenaten and Egyptian monothesism, 409-425 Assyria, 158 Akhetaten, capital city of Egypt, (see also El- Aleppo, temple at, 495 Amarna), 264, 418, 547, 634 Alexander III (king of Macedon), (see also Akhetaten, on New Kingdom map of Egypt, 263 Alexander the Great), 329 Akizzi (prince of Qatna), 281, 286 Alexander the Great, 52, 204, 327, 329, 331, 334, 515, 517, 884 Akkad, 175, 206, 210, 221, 360, 361 Alexandria, 334 Akkad: between 3200 - 2000 BC, 210, 227-230 Alexandria: chronology of, 210, 343 communal riots in, 1211, 1213 kingdom of, 224, 228 Jewish community of, 334 Akkadian (Eastern Semitic) Habiru names in Nuzi library of, 1211 Texts, 427 translation of the LXX in, 52 Alexandria-Charax, 334 Akkadian cuneiform script, 593, 603 Alexandrinus, Codex, 53, 62, 64 Akkadian cuneiform, in Ugaritic Texts, 641 Ali Kosh, 184, 185, 621 Akkadian Empire, 224, 227, 229, 863 Allah, 48, 1187 Akkadian language, (see also Eastern Semitic language), 220, 224, 225, 228, 362, 593 alloy, 616 Akkadian language: alpha, first letter in Greek alphabet, 589 as lingua franca, 227, 360, 593, 1096 alphabet, 584, 586, 589-590 in Ugaritic Texts, 641 alphabet, evolution of, 587 1242 INDEX ________________________________________________________________________ alphabetic (phonetic) systems, 588, 589-590 Amen: alphabetical cuneiform, 586 as a prayer ending, 905, 915, 1181, 1183 alphabetical systems, pure form of, 588, 590 as name for biblical deity, 70, 915-917, 1023, 1171 Alt, Albrecht, 564, 787, 957, 1164, 1169 reference(s) in the Bible to, 915-917 Amalek, 131 Amenemhat I (king of Egypt), 260, 396, 709 Amalekites, 118, 129 Amenemhat II (king of Egypt), 285 Amara West, 675 Amenemhat III (king of Egypt), 481 Amara-West, Ramesses II temple in Nubia at, containing reference to Yahweh, 437, 675, Amenemhat III (king of Egypt), 597 960 Amenemope (Egyptian scribe), 486 Amara-West, temple of Ramesses II with Yahweh Amenemope, 306 reference at, 960 Amenhotep (son of Hapu and labour official), Amarna Age, (see also Amarna Period), 635 1038 Amarna correspondence or letters, (see also Amenhotep I (king of Egypt), 252, 264, 381 Amarna Tablets), 634 Amenhotep II (king of Egypt), 201, 264, 280, Amarna Period, 411, 635, 761 369, 381, 388, 436, 769 Amarna Tablet EA 161, picture of, 636 Amenhotep III (king of Egypt), 264, 409, 436, Amarna Tablets, 265, 369, 407, 411, 428, 479, 532, 634, 675, 960, 1039, 1089 483, 634-640, 674, 755 Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten, king of Egypt), in Amarna Tablets: Chaeremon’s account, 1047 breakdown of counterparties in, 637, Amenhotep IV (king of Egypt), (see also definition of, 1198 Akhenaten), 264, 409, 411, 634 Egyptian controlled towns referenced in, Amenirdis I, as adopted daughter of Shepenupet I, 639 1054 Egyptian vassal leaders referenced in, 639 Amenirdis I, as Divine Adoratrix or God’s Wife of foreign rulers referenced in, 637 Amun, 550, 924, 1014, 1063 Hecataeus, 1037, Israelites not referenced in, 640 Amenope, Onomasticon of, 384, 463, 486 language in, 362, 364 Amenophis (Hor, king of Egypt), in Manetho’s
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