R.O J E C T E V a L U a T I on S UM MAR Y (Submit to NO/PAV Ofter Each Projcct Cvaluat!6N) ------ . ------. ------1, Thgs Loll 01- ,\ID/Vi of (Ic~ Name

R.O J E C T E V a L U a T I on S UM MAR Y (Submit to NO/PAV Ofter Each Projcct Cvaluat!6N) ------ . ------. ------1, Thgs Loll 01- ,\ID/Vi of (Ic~ Name

P R.O J E C T E V A L U A T I ON S UM MAR Y (Submit to NO/PAV ofter each projcct cvaluat!6n) ------------------------_._-------------._------ 1, tHGS lOll 01- ,\ID/Vi Of (ic~ Name . P!·ojcc.t -~lumb~r---- _____ .. _.~~~:~~~rhCli!_~n_d_____ .____ ._. __ .________________ _ 1!93-_0_2_8_0 __________ J t 3. Ptoject Title Agrictlltlll',ll E:<tension Outrcach -... -.- .. _-.----------- --- --------------------------.--------------r-;------------.----.-.---- !I. ~'.Qy projC!ct dates (fi~;C:.1l ye.lr:l) ), Total U.S. Fllnding- .:1. I'ro.icct b. Final r' c. Final Fiscal life o( project Agn~('ml!nt Hay 31, 11)'17 Obli- ,lscal, Input Year 198: c ------~ iDI]_~~~ ___ --. -_.------.-------1-- !.;i~!:_~<2~ ___{.:~I' 1 ~~? ___Q.~_!5_Y!:.~l:..d. __ ----- -----:-~-!.~Q~-~?~~)- ------- 1:1, i-: .... ll\l:ltj.-.·!l 1111':lbc( ,1:; 7. PI~riud covered by this evallJ.ltion :3, [lat..: Ill' tl~is EV,lllla- lisle,! ill Ev,'1, Sch,~(1t.le From: To: tiOll R(>vieH ( . r' Dne. 1976 June 11)78 ,July .l'178 1 In t~l' HI." VcJ.IU,lt lOn . ~'!')ll t h /Y c<l r t'!OIl th I Yed l" ____ }!O_I!_~.\l/~.l __,~t..y~~_I!' __ _ -~'. -- ·-!~;-r-i-~:-,;--J~:.~:T;-;;:1s i~",IC h~d a t --I~~;;;T~~]-ti7,-;_;-Rcvj-t;~- TO:--OfT{c~r-~- UII it II . L~,l U, ;lC t: iOll illCll;,\ing iter::_~ r"!I~dinf, turth'!r study ..-es pons ib 1c [(l r- tLl be follow-up c;)"!p1eted L !~.epldcl'lrlt'!lt of VTR lIith another iJudio-'1L,;uiJl r;1C!cL('dolo:~y • USAID/RTG F"-I 11)80 2. Include .J;lnuc11 .i.ns,!r·,rice Horkr;hop fop Region­ al .Jnd l'l'o';incial Trainers. lJSAID/RTG 1'Y lJ7<J ~L Corilr1et0 Trai:l::llG liceds ,b:;essrr.ent (TNA) for .]11 ·tl'ainine sc:~sions, considel' replCicin~ USAID FY 1.979 V'L'R TccLil iCiil I\<;sis t.~nce \Ii til 'fIlA Technical A::;~n;, t,::,nce. II. 1~:!I!Jhc1"is l!I-::dulc: development for Project with ~}hort t'!I'In technical <lssistill1Ce providcd. USAID FY 1979 5. ;!ev:i.~2 CPT ;letHorl( Hith consideration to red~cu scope fer 3rd year (FY 1980) and Qx~and PI~ject to 5th year (rY 1982). USAID/RTG FY 1979 G. Uevelap Trtiining Division of DOAE to coordin­ ate trulninp, a-::tivities; consider Organi~d­ tiOll21 Re~~earch effort of DOAE. USAID/RTG ry 1980 7. 3tudy profess50niil role of Subject Matter Specialists regarding training activities. USAID/RTG FY 19'19 £:. Obtain 'i'edmiccJ.l Assistance Contractor ______~~yices Immedidtcly_._· ______________________~~ ___U_S_A_I_D _____________ ~_F_Y__ 1_9_7_8 ____ . ____ -1 12. :;'j :-,:na tUl".:o5: Project Officer Mission or AID/W Office Director S ign8- Signa­ ture ture " Typed--------------------~--------------------------------~-------------------------------------; Typed Name Name Dale=---------------------------------------~~~~-------------------------------; Date Clearances: Documents to be revised to reflect deciaions noted page i: [---] Project Paper (PP) 0 Logical rl'ilmeHork Ga' CPT Uch/ork 0 Financial Plan 0 prOIT lJ prolc l_J l'IO/P 0 Project Aereement I~-J athol' ii "Aericultural I:xtension Olltreach Project" Interiw I:valuation Report - Table of Contents - ~aee AID Lvaluation Question hos. 1-12 - COVER SI!I:I:T........................... i AID Evaluation Question No. 15 - DOCUMENTS TO BE REVISED ..•••••....••••••• ii AID Evalu.:ltion Q'.lcstion No. 13 - SUNHARY .... II II •• II .... II .. II. II 11.11.... 1 AID EVillu,ltion Question tlo. 1'1 - l:VALUATH'N HETHODOLOGY •••.••..••.•••••••• 2 /dD Evaluation Question No. 16 - rXTEIU'AL rAC'rORS •.•••.••••.•.••.•.••••••• 3 AID Evaluation Ouest ion No. 17 - GOAL/SUBGOAL ••••.••••••••••••••.••••••••• 6 AID Ev.:!luaticn Question No. la - PUI{POSE .•.••••••..••.• •••••...•.•••.•••••• 9 .'iID LVilluiltion Question Uo. 19 - OUTPUTS & INPUTS ........•..........•...•• 1" AID Evalu.1tion Q1Jest ion No. 20 - UHPLANi'IED EFl:"'EC1'S .......................... J.8 AID Evaluation Question No. n - CHANGES IN DESIGN or EXECUTION •••••••••.• 20 AID EV.:J.lu<Jtion Question No. 22 - !...ESSONS L]~AR1~ED •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 23 AID Evaluativn Question No. 23 - SPECIAL COI1MENTS or REI1ARKS ••••.•.••••••• 25 Table I, "First Yea:' Proj ect Factors" ••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 26 ll Table II, I1Kaset Amphur !ntcrvie\-.' Summaries •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 27 ll Table III, lIFortnightly Session •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 Table IV, 11 Interview Questions tI • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 32 Attachment, IINortheastern Regional Map" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 34 Tabll~ V, I1Northeastern Regivnal rwinfall .Data". • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 35. Table VI, "Pl'ogress Report on Training Act i vities, 1977-1978"............. 37 References Cited •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••• 53 iii -1- 13. SUMMARY - Summarize in about 200 words the current project situation, mentionine progI'ess in relation to design, prospects of achieving purpose, major problems encountered, etc. The Ar.ricul"Cural J::xtcnsion Outreach Project is dcsir,n to expand and streng then the extension }. tuff of DOAJ: utilizing trainers in a scheme of tl'ansferrin)3 e;'pertise from the llatiollal level to the villar,e level e;{tcnsion ;)El~nt". Over ,I foul'-ycor pertod, extens ion serv j,;(!S will 1)c expanJec1 and up-graded in thirty-three ~rovilices to meet the nced~ of GOl of Thili.lcJ.nd's rUI'~11 populc,tion. The rl'ojl~ct is one: element or u joint Royal Thai (;'.)Verlltnent (R'iG), World Bank (I13RD) , i.Hld AID effort to ~;trengthen and expand the Dcp:,rt·· mcnt of AI~r'i(;ulturul [xten~.i(ln (DOM::) services to farmers in l'ural TiFIi 1;\nd. The joint effcl't is entitled, IITliail'l!1<i National Lxtensiol. Irnpl'o"(;n~ent P1'oject". The RTC effor·ts b~ean in 19'16 Hi th Coverlllnental bu:.lR,ct i1p,'X"o\',11, DOM: r.,~o:'[~.:lnL:u t in:l, dnd !i taff rl~crul tl,len1' at the llutional level. The lImD activiti~s st,'lrted in 1<]"77 lIith siEning of the lO,ln ar,rcement in t·lay 1977 and ordering of equipment and vehicles. The }lgl'iculturaJ J:;<tension Outreach Project (hereafter calJed "Project") 10,:,n was si::.ncd r·I.JY 31, 1':J17. (rehr'uary 2,19'18 l\ction ~lemol'andum for the Djrt.~ctcr). Froject activities completed prior to loan sir,ning inc.lllc1c the folloHin/!, pre-service courses: (1) Train-the Trainers Course in DeceITlbel' 1976 - January 1 '377 of ~;;i Heeks i'lith 15 participants conducted hy 1·1r. Robc:ct ~:'~s:.;elrnann ClUj [·lr. llunCclll Lishel"; (b) four Amphur Lxteilsion Courses on t:xto:::nsion Methodology and Communications held between January 1Y77 and November 1977 of 1-2 week dur~tion with u total of 117 parttciounts conducted by National and Provincial Training Gfficers; (c) Ar:lphui' Extension Officer Course on Crop T';chnology in ~lay 1 !377 of LI weeks duration with 53 participants conducted by Tr'ainers and Subject Hatter Specialists; (d) SUDject Mat tel' Specialists courses on Crop Tccllnology and extension Methodolo~y und Communications in September and October 1977 of 3 weeks duratioll with 15 participants conducted by researchers and trainers, and (e) Tambon Extension Agents courses on Extension Methodology and Communications and Crop Technolop.;y in July 1977 of 4 weeks duration with 391 1participants conducted by Tr,ainers and Amphur Extension Officers;':. Additional activities includes preparation of the initial drafts of the Provincial-level crop modules for fi vc c..:"('ops in the Northeastel'n and Central Regions. The World Bunk loan for the ThaLland National Extension Improvement Project provided vehicles, equipment, and facilities to support the extension training project. The following vehicles were obtained: 130 Pickup trucks, 4 sedans, 45S motocycles, ilnd 19 ~icrobuses between December 1977 and February 1978. Agricultural chemicals and supplies were secured by December 1977. Audio Visual equipment bids were awarded in April 1978 and construction of Provincial and Amphur extension centers and the Regional training center began in the North­ eastern Region (DOAE Report, r,~bruary 13, 1978). ~':(nOAE Report, February 13, 1978) iN umber that completed courses -2-· The Project activities we!'e partially initiated prior to the signing of tll'.~ loan anc. durinp; the firs t year under the loan agreement, despite the un­ aVdilability of the National Extension Training Advisor. It was possible to obtain the quar.tit.]tive aspects of the Froject wlthou'C the National Extension Trainin~ Advisor; but it was not evid~nt that the qualitative aspects of the Project were reali~d. Table VI lists the trainir~ courses and the content of the courses. This data was collected and reported by Dr. Thanya Terasart ~pon the request of the [valuation Coml.li ttee. It is apparent that the successful activities of the Projec~ include staff recruitment, pre-~ervice training activities, in-service trainin~ activities, and initial module drafts. The ITICl~Or.' problems of the Project include the ~iminr, ot the tro.inir:~ courses, t~~ini~g expertise of provincial trainers and subject matter s~ecialists, and the effectiveness of the in-service courses for the Tambon level extension cfficers. 14. EVALUATION METHODOLOGY - Describe the metllods used for this evaluation, i.e., was it a rer,ular or special evaluation? W\lS it ill acco!'dance with the [valuation Plan in the PP with respect to timing, study desig~, scope, mc~hodology and issues? What kinds of data were used and how were they coll~cted and analyzed? Identify dgencies and key individuClIs participating and ccntributing. The Project Paper specified two major evaluations, one in June 1978 and in 1980. The USAIDiThailand and DOAE revised evaluation schedul~ specifies a ma~Qr evaluation in 1979 and at the end of the Project wIth an interim evalua­ tion (reduced in scope) in June 1978(C:udson letter ~lay 11, 1977). The interim evaluation is to assess the activities of the project completed to date and identify specific suggestions fer subsequent project activities.

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