E2384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2005 Halpern, Congregation Shir Tikvah, Port- man, Congregation Shaarei Shamayim, without either her mother or daddy’s input. land; Rabbi Michael Strassfeld, Society for Madison; Rabbi Michael Zimmerman, Con- That seemed to make her teacher, Mr. Fricke, the Advancement, New York; Rabbi Andrew gregation Kehillat Israel, Lansing; Rabbi pleased as well. F. Straus, Temple Emanuel of Tempe, Henry Zoob, Temple Beth David, Westwood; All of the students who took part in Friday’s Tempe; Rabbi David Straus, Rabbi David Rabbi David J. Zucker, Shalom Park, Au- Straus, Main Line Reform Temple Beth rora. tribute did a great job. Every parent, grand- parent, teacher and friend had to be full of Elohim, Wynnewood; Rabbi William Cantors Strongin, Kehillat Ahavat Achim, New pride as the words of more than a dozen Paltz; Rabbi Leah Kurtz Sudran, Congrega- Cantor Shoshana Lash, Temple Ner Tamid, young people were somehow woven together tion B’nai Israel, Petaluma; Rabbi Alvin M. Bloomfield; Cantor Barbara Ostfeld, Amer- ican Conference of Cantors, Williamsville; to make a beautiful quilt of patriotism and love Sugarman, The Temple, Atlanta; Rabbi of country. Yaaffa-Shira Sultan, Reconstructionist Rab- Cantor Jodi Schechtman, Temple Beth Am, Framingham; Cantor Kerith Spencer-Sha- While everyone did a superb job, one young binical College; Rabbi Jeff Sultar, Mishkan lady, Meg McCrummen, a St. Paul’s junior Shalom, Philadelphia; Rabbi Alana Suskin, piro, Congregation Adas Emuno, Leonia; Adas Israel Congregation, Washington; Rabbi Cantor Iris Beth Weiner, Kehillat Mevakshei who is secretary of the Student Government Daniel Swartz, Greater Washington Inter- Derech, Jerusalem. Association, perhaps captured the moment as faith Power and Light, Takoma Park. Rabbinical Students well as any I have ever heard with her essay Rabbi Robert Tabak, Hospital of The Uni- Student Susan Averbach, Kol Hadash—So- on patriotism. It is as follows: versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Rabbi ciety for Humanistic Judaism, San Fran- ‘‘For the love of her country, Rosa Parks en- Joshua Taub, Temple Emanuel, St. Louis; cisco; Student Leah Doberne-Schor, Hebrew dangered her life for freedom; for the love of Rabbi Dov Taylor, Congregation Solel, High- Union College—Jewish Institute of Religion, his country, George Washington turned down land Park; Rabbi Elliott Tepperman, Bnai Brooklyn; Student Joshua Feigelson, River- Keshet, Montclair; Rabbi David Teutsch, Re- a real chance for great power because he dale; Student Daniel Friedman, Yeshivat knew America didn’t need a king; for the love constructionist Rabbinical College, Wyncote; Chovevai Torah, New York; Student Will Rabbi Carla Theodore, Witnesses for a Sus- Friedman, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, Rego of his country, Jeremiah Denton endured tor- tainable Economy, Sperryville; Rabbi Robert Park; Student Alexandria Shuval-Weiner, ture in the Vietnam War, saying he was ‘hon- Traer, Dominican University of California; Hebrew Union College—Jewish Institute of ored to have had the opportunity to serve [his] Rabbi Lawrence Troster, Coalition on the Religion, Manhattan Beach. country,’ for the love of their country, people Environment and Jewish Life, Teaneck; from all over America have come to the Gulf Rabbi Theodore Tsuruoka, Temple Isaiah of f Great Neck, Great Neck; Rabbi Gordon Coast to help clean up the mess left from hur- SALUTING MEG MCCRUMMEN AND Tucker, Temple Israel Center, White Plains; ricanes; for the love of their country, individ- Rabbi Jason Van Leeuwen, B’nai Tikvah THE STUDENT BODY OF ST. uals support candidates whom they believe Congregation, Los Angeles; Rabbi Burton L. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL IN will lead America well. Visotzky, New York; Rabbi Andrew D. Vogel, MOBILE, ALABAMA ‘‘Patriotism goes far beyond wearing red, Temple Sinai, Brookline; Rabbi David white and blue on the Fourth of July; it is a Vorspan, Conregation Shir Ami, Woodland HON. JO BONNER very personal response of gratitude to Amer- Hills; Rabbi Moshe Waldoks, Temple Beth ica. Loving America doesn’t at all mean blindly Zion, Brookline; Rabbi Brian Walt, Rabbis OF ALABAMA for Human Rights-N.A., West Tisbury; Rabbi IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES agreeing with leaders. Patriots often speak out against the government they believe is Philip Warmflash, Jewish Outreach Partner- Thursday, November 17, 2005 ship of Philadelphia, Melrose Park; Rabbi wrong—but it means acknowledging the tre- Andrew Warmflash; Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Mr. BONNER. Mr. Speaker, last Friday, mendous gift of being American. The Shalom Center, Philadelphia; Rabbi Mi- Americans from all walks of life—and from all ‘‘Every person here is blessed by the fact chael Wasserman, The New Shul, Scottsdale; corners of this great country—celebrated Vet- that we are American. There is a contagious Rabbi Mira Wasserman, Congregation Beth erans Day 2005. spirit of justice and goodwill that is evident Shalom, Bloomington; Rabbi Pamela Wax, In our largest cities and our smallest towns throughout our history of dealing with people. Kehillat Chaverim, White Plains; Rabbi Deborah Waxman, Reconstructionist Rab- alike, people paused, even if for just a mo- Our country is the envy of many others, and binical College, Wyncote; Rabbi Joshua Wax- ment, to say thank you to the men and women we know freedoms that some foreigners only man, Or Hadash, Philadelphia; Rabbi Nancy who over the years have helped to keep dream of. Wechsler-Azen, Congregation Beth Shalom, America free and strong. ‘‘But where does that leave us, here at St. Carmichael; Rabbi Elyse Wechterman, Con- Some communities held parades; others Paul’s? When asked by his wife on Election gregation Agudas Achim, Attleboro; Rabbi held rallies or prayer vigils, especially for the Day who she should vote for, a soldier on ac- Sheila Weinberg, Amherst; Rabbi Daniel A. men and women who are currently fighting for tive duty in Iraq replied, ‘You vote for whom- Weiner, Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Seattle. ever you want to . that’s why I’m over here Rabbi Simkha Weintraub, The National freedom in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Center for Jewish Healing, New York; Rabbi And true to what living in a free country is fighting.’ Samuel Weintraub, Kane Street Synagogue, all about, there were also the occasional signs ‘‘Is there something worth fighting for? He Brooklyn; Rabbi Mimi Weisel, Jewish Com- of protests from people in some parts of the believes so. I believe so. munity High School of the Bay, San Fran- country who oppose our current involvement ‘‘If not with guns, fight with service to our cisco; Rabbi Lew Weiss, IHC, Indianapolis; in the global war on terrorism or, for that mat- community. If not in Iraq, then fight injustice in Rabbi Zari Weiss, Rodef Tzedek, Seattle; ter, oppose anything the majority of Americans Mobile. And so, I challenge you to pray for our Rabbi Michael White, Temple Sinai of Ros- support. leaders, love America actively, and be thankful lyn, Roslyn; Rabbi Nancy Wiener, Hebrew for the men and women that saw fit to sac- Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, At St. Paul’s Episcopal School in Mobile, I had the opportunity to wear the hat of a proud rifice their lives for her freedom.’’ New York City; Rabbi Dan Wigodsky, River- Well said, Meg. Well said. dale; Rabbi Jeffrey Wildstein, Temple Israel, parent as the student body held what has be- Minneapolis; Rabbi Avi Winokur, Society come a tradition, the annual St. Paul’s school- f Hill Synagogue, Philadelphia; Rabbi Irvin wide assembly. This year’s assembly focused A TRIBUTE TO LOUISE WILLIAMS Wise, Adath Israel Synagogue, Boulder; on the meaning of patriotism, as well as a sa- BISHOP Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg, The New North lute to our veterans, a number of whom were Masorti London Synagogue, London; Rabbi in attendance. Jeffrey Wohlberg, Adas Israel Congregation, HON. ROBERT A. BRADY Mr. Speaker, last Friday was a beautiful day Washington; Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf, Rabbi OF PENNSYLVANIA in Mobile and everyone in attendance wit- Emeritus, K.A.M. Isaiah Israel Congregation, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Chicago; Rabbi Joseph Wolf, Havurah Sha- nessed a wonderful tribute to our country, led lom, Portland; Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan, entirely by the student body. The presentation Thursday, November 17, 2005 Congregation Emanu-El, San Francisco; by the music department set the tone early on Mr. BRADY of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, I Rabbi Bridget Wynne, Kehilla Community with patriotic songs filling the air. It was truly rise to honor my State Representative, Louise Synagogue, Berkeley; Rabbi Moshe Yehudai; a ‘‘Kodak moment’’ of pride in America. Williams Bishop upon her receipt of the Out- Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel, Temple Micah, Wash- Naturally, Jane´e and I were especially proud standing Community Leader award from the ington; Rabbi Moshe Zemer, Director, Insti- tute of Progressive Halakhah, Tel Aviv when it came time for our own 4th grader to Friends of Labor Committee of Laborers’ Local Israel; Rabbi Irwin Zeplowitz, The Commu- represent her class and tell about what patriot- 332. This amazing woman has simultaneously nity Synagogue, Port Washington; Rabbi ism means to her. While admitting some de- distinguished herself in three separate ca- Shawn Zevit, Jewish Reconstructionist Fed- gree of prejudice, we were especially proud reers: as a broadcaster, a Baptist minister, eration, Elkins Park; Rabbi Laurie Zimmer- because Lee wrote her paper on her own, and a State Representative. It defies the VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:46 Nov 18, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16NO8.060 E17NOPT1.
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