Appendix – Prime Ministers of the Nineteenth Century Total Age at first Dates of time as Name Party appointment Ministries Premier 1. William Pitt, born Tory 24 years, 19 Dec. 1783–14 18 years, 28 May 1759, died 205 days March 1801, 343 days 23 Jan. 1806, 10 May 1804–23 unmarried. Jan. 1806 2. Henry Addington, Tory 43 years, 17 March 3 years, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, 291 days 1801–10 54 days born 30 May 1757, May 1804 died 15 Feb. 1844, married (1) Ursula Hammond, 17 Sep. 1781 (2) Mary Anne Townsend, 1823, 4 sons, 4 daughters 3. William Grenville, 1st Whig 46 years, 11 Feb. 1806–25 1 year, Baron Grenville, born 110 days March 1807 42 days 24 Oct. 1759, died 12 Jan. 1834, married Anne Pitt, 18 Jun. 1792, no children 4. William Cavendish- Whig, 44 years, 2 April 1783–18 3 years, Bentinck, 3rd Duke of then Tory 353 days Dec. 1783, 82 days Portland, born 14 April 31 March 1807–4 1738, died 30 Oct; 1809, Oct. 1809 married Lady Dorothy Cavendish, 8 Nov. 1766, 4 sons, 2 daughters 5. Spencer Perceval, born Tory 46 years, 4 Oct. 1809–11 2 years, 1 Nov. 1762, died 11 May 338 days May 1812 221 days 1812, married Jane Spencer-Wilson, 10 Aug. 1790, 6 sons, 6 daughters Continued 339 340 Appendix Appendix: Continued Total Age at first Dates of time as Name Party appointment Ministries Premier 6. Robert Banks Tory 42 years, 8 Jun. 1812–9 14 years, Jenkinson, 2nd Earl 1 day April 1827 305 days of Liverpool, born 7 Jun. 1770, died 4 Dec. 1828, married (1) Lady Louisa Hervey, 25 Mar; 1795, (2) Mary Chester, 24 Sep; 1822, no children 7. George Canning, born Tory 57 years, 12 April 1827–8 119 days 11 April 1770, died 1 day August 1827 8 Aug. 1827, married Joan Scott, 8 Jul. 1800, 3 sons, 1 daughter 8. Frederick John Tory 44 Years, 31 Aug. 1827–8 130 days Robinson, 1st Viscount 305 days Jan. 1828 Goderich, 1st Earl of Ripon, born 30 Oct. 1782, died 28 Jan. 1859, married Lady Sarah Hobart, 1 Sep. 1814, 2 sons, 1 daughter 9. Arthur Wesley Tory 58 years, 22 Jan. 1828–16 2 years, (Wellesley), 1st Duke 266 days Nov. 1830, 320 days of Wellington, boirn 17 Nov. 1834–9 1 May 1769, died Dec. 1834 14 Sep; 1852, married Lady Kitty Pakenham, 10 April 1806, 2 sons 10. Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Whig 66 years, 22 Nov. 1830–9 3 years, Grey, born 13 March 254 days Jul. 1834 229 days 1764, died 17 Jul. 1845, married Mary Ponsonby, 18 Nov. 1794, 10 sons, 7 daughters (one illegitimate) 11. William Lamb, 2nd Whig 55 years, 16 July 1834–14 6 years, Viscount Melbourne, 123 days Nov. 1834, 255 days born 15 Mar 1779, 18 April 1835–30 died 24 Nov. 1848, Aug. 1841 married Lady Caroline Ponsonby, 3 Jun. 1805, 1 son Continued Appendix 341 Appendix: Continued Total Age at first Dates of time as Name Party appointment Ministries Premier 12. Sir Robert Peel, Conservative 46 years, 10 Dec. 1834–8 5 years, born 5 Feb. 308 days April 1835, 57 days 1788, died 30 Aug. 1841–29 2 July 1850, June 1846 married Julia Floyd, 8 Jun. 1820, 5 sons, 2 daughters 13. Lord John Whig, Liberal 53 years, 30 Jun. 1846–21 6 years, Russell, 1st Earl 316 days Feb. 1852, 29 111 days Russell, born Oct. 1865–26 18 Aug. 1792, Jun. 1866 died 28 May 1878, married (1) Lady Adelaide Ribblesdale, 11 April 1835, (2) Lady Frances Elliot, 20 July 1841, 3 sons, 3 daughters 14. Edward George Conservative 52 years, 23 Feb. 1852–17 3 years, Stanley, 14th 331 days Dec. 1852, 20 280 days Earl of Derby, Feb. 1858–11 born 29 Mar. June 1859, 28 1799, died Jun. 1866–25 23 Oct. 1869, Feb. 1868 married Emma Bootle- Wilbraham, 31 May 1825, 2 sons, 1 daughter 15. George Gordon, Peelite 68 years, 19 Dec. 1852–30 2 years, 4th Earl of 326 days Jan. 1855 42 days Aberdeen, born 28 Jan. 1784, died 14 Dec. 1860, married (1) Catherine Hamilton, 28 July 1805, (2) Harriet Hamilton, née Douglas, 4 sons, 4 daughters Continued 342 Appendix Appendix: Continued Total Age at first Dates of time as Name Party appointment Ministries Premier 16. Henry John Temple, Liberal 71 years, 6 Feb. 1855–19 9 years, Viscount Palmerston, 109 days Feb. 1858, 12 141 days born 20 Oct. 1784, Jun. 1859–18 died 18 Oct. 1865, Oct. 1865 married Emily, Lady Cowper, 16 Dec. 1839, no legitimate children 17. Benjamin Disraeli, Conservative 63 years, 27 Feb. 1868–1 6 years, Viscount 68 days Dec. 1868, 339 days Beaconsfield, born 20 Feb. 1874–21 21 Dec. 1804, died April 1880 19 April 1881, married Mary Anne Wyndham Lewis, 28 Aug. 1839, no legitimate children 18. William Ewart Liberal 58 years, 3 Dec. 1868–17 12 years, Gladstone, born 340 days Feb. 1874, 126 days 29 Dec. 1809, died 23 April 19 May 1898, 1880–9 married Catherine Jun. 1885, Glynne, 25 Jul. 1839, 1 Feb. 1886–20 4 sons, 4 daughters July 1886, 15 Aug. 1892–2 March 1894 19. Robert Arthur Cecil, Conservative 55 years, 23 Jun. 13 years, 3rd Marquess of 140 days 1885–28 252 days Salisbury, born Jan. 1886, 3 Feb. 1830, died 25 July 1886–11 22 Aug. 1903, Aug. 1892, 25 married Georgina Jun. 1895–11 Alderson, 11 Jul. July 1902 1857, 5 sons, 3 daughters 20. Archibald Primrose, Liberal 46 years, 5 Mar. 1 year, 5th Earl of Rosebery, 302 days 1894–22 109 days born 7 May 1847, Jun. 1895 died 21 May 1929, married Hannah de Rothschild, 20 Mar. 1878, 2 sons, 2 daughters Index Note: Page numbers in bold refer to chapter titles Abdul Hamid II, Turkish Sultan, 318 Amiens, Peace of, 24, 33, 34, 49, 72, 86–7, Abdul Mecid I, Turkish Sultan, 254 121, 234 Abercorn, Marquess of, 234–5, 238, 239 Anglesey, Marquess of (Lord Uxbridge), Aberdeen, 3rd Earl of, 233–4 139, 160–1, 171, 220 Aberdeen, 4th Earl of, 1, 2, 143, 194, Anglo-Belgian Treaty, 334 213–14, 222, 225, 227, 232–44, 256, Anglo-French Trade Treaty (1860), 297 259–60, 277–9, 293–6, 297, 304 Anne, Queen, 11, 158 Aboab, Isaac, 267 Anson, George, 194 Abyssinia (Ethiopia), 281 Anti-Corn Law league, 195–6 Act of Union (Ireland) (1800), 24, 63, 152, Arabi Pasha, 305 160, 184, 231 Arbuthnot, Charles, 144, 145 Addington, Dr Anthony, 6, 16, 29 Arbuthnot, Harriett, 136, 144, 145 Addington, Henry, Jr., 34 Arden, Charles, Lord, 68, 69, 70 Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount Argyll, Duke of, 244 Sidmouth, 16–17, 24–5, 28–37, 39, Aristides, the Just, 244 49, 50, 52, 64, 72, 76, 78, 86, 87, 90, Armenian massacres, 336 92, 95, 107–8, 109, 114, 115, 121, 152, Armistead, Elizabeth, 13 184, 186 Army reforms, 300 Addington, Hiley, 33, 35 Arnold, Matthew, 281 Adullamites, 215, 229, 280, 298, 299 Ashburton, Lord, 240 Afghanistan, 194, 240, 254, 261, 284 Asquith, H.H., 216, 307, 308, 336 Ahmud II, Turkish Sultan, 254 assassination of Perceval, 79, 82, 89, 123, Alabama, 263, 301 183, 250 Albert, Prince Consort, 178–9, 194, Assaye, Battle of, 136 212, 226, 240, 257–8, 263, 280, Attwood, Thomas, 160 285, 301 Auckland, Lord, 22–3 Alderson, Georgina, 313–14, 322 Augustenburg, Duke of, 263 Alexander, the Great, 138 Austerlitz, Battle of, 25, 50, 108 Alexander I, Tsar, 90, 92, 110, 236 Alexander II, Tsar, 261 Baillie-Cochrane, Alexander, 275 Alexandra, Princess, later Queen, 263 Balfour, Arthur, 306, 320 Alexandria, bombardment of, 305 Balfour, Lady Frances, 244 Alfred Club, 123 Ballot Act (1872), 300 All the Talents, Government of, 2, 49–52, Baring, Sir Evelyn, 332 64, 72, 88, 94, 109, 152–3, 202, Basevi, Maria, 267 235, 248 Bath, Marquess of, 181 Alsace-Lorraine, 301 Bathurst, Earl, 250 Althorp, Lord, 3rd Earl Spencer, 129–30, Beaconsfield, Viscount, see Disraeli, 155, 161, 173, 206–7, 248 Benjamin American War of Independence, 8, 14, 44, Beaconsfield, Viscountess, see Lewis, 60, 61, 249 Mary Anne 343 344 Index Bedchamber affair, 193–4 Burdett, Sir Frances, 77, 91, 97, 188 Bedford, 5th Duke of, 201 Burdett-Coutts, Angela, 147 Bedford, 6th Duke of, 169, 201, 202, 207, Burghley, Lord, 311 209, 235 Burke, Edmund, 9, 18, 19, 62, 82, 101, Bedford, 7th Duke of, 201–2 102, 151, 288 Bedford, 13th Duke of, 209 Burke, T.H., 305 Belgian independence, 156, 252–3 Burrard, Sir Henry, 110–11 Belgian neutrality, 301 Bute, Lady, 59 Bellingham, John, 79 Bute, 3rd Earl of, 8, 58 Benn, Tony, 143n, 331 Butler, Bishop, 315 Bentham, Jeremy, 315 Byng, George, 59 Bentinck, Lord Edward, 57, 59 Byng, Georgiana Elizabeth, 201 Bentinck, Lord George, 197–8, 223–4, Byron, Lord, 117, 168, 170, 182, 204, 234, 276–7 241, 248, 267, 269, 272 Berlin, Congress of, 284–5, 318–19 Bessborough, Earl and Countess of, 121, Cambridge, Duke of, 260 167, 168 Camden, Earl, 41, 65, 71, 111–12 Bill of Pains and Penalties, 94 Camelford, 1st Lord, 46 Bill of Rights (1689), 58 Camelford, 2nd Lord, 47, 50 Bismarck, Otto von, 263, 284, 317–19, 321 Campbell, Lord, 219 Blücher, Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von, Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, 216, 90–1, 139 307, 336–7 Boer War, 322, 336 Canada, 209, 293 Bonaparte, Joseph, 110 Canada Act (1791), 45 Bootle-Wilbraham, Emma, 218–19, 223 Canning, George, 1, 2, 23, 24, 25, 29, 33, Borrowes, William, 101 35, 49, 50, 61, 64–6, 72, 73, 75, 78, Bradford, Lady, 281–2 83–8, 89, 90, 95–9, 100–19, 123, Bragge, Charles, 33, 90 125, 127, 219, 239, 251, 252, 278, 287, Brand, Charlotte, 233 288, 308 Brand, Mrs, 257 Canning, George, the Elder, 101 Branden, Lord, 175 Canning, George Charles, 107, 114, 115 Bright, John, 178, 215, 258, 279, Canning, Stratford, 101 299, 305 Captain Swing riots, 146, 156, 172 Bristol, 4th Marquess of, 85 Cardwell, Edward, 299 Bromley, Dr, 247 Carlyle, Thomas, 138, 195 Brougham, Henry, 113, 156, 160, Carmarthen, Marquess of, see Leeds, 171, 174 Duke of Buccleuch, Duke of, 196, 223, 303 Carnarvon, Earl of, 230 Buckingham, 1st Duke of, 53, 54, 96, 172 Carnot, 21 Buckingham, 2nd Duke of, 194, 196 Caroline, Queen, 53, 72–3, 94–5, 106, Buckingham, 1st Marquess of, see Temple, 115, 154 Lord Cartwright, Dr Edmund, 202
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