Library of Congress Classification

Library of Congress Classification

PN LITERATURE (GENERAL) PN Literature (General) Periodicals Class here periodicals devoted to general literary history and criticism with or without creative writing For purely bibliographical periodicals and reviews, see class Z (e.g., Review critique); for periodicals on general linguistics and special languages and literature, see P - PZ For general periodicals, magazines, and reviews not limited to a specific subject field see AP1+ 1 International (Polyglot) 2 American and English 3 French 4 German 5 Italian 6 Spanish 9 Other (11-19) Yearbooks see PN1+ Societies Class here all literary societies of general nature Cf. PN121 Authors' associations Cf. PR5 Literary societies (English literature) Cf. PS5 Literary societies (American literature) 20 Aims, scope, utility, etc. 21 International United States 22.A2 Collective 22.A3-Z Individual, A-Z Great Britain 22.5.A2 Collective 22.5.A3-Z Individual, A-Z France 23.A2 Collective 23.A3-Z Individual, A-Z Germany 24.A2 Collective 24.A3-Z Individual, A-Z Italy 25.A2 Collective 25.A3-Z Individual, A-Z Spain 26.A2 Collective 26.A3-Z Individual, A-Z 29 Other countries (not A-Z) 30 Literary societies in public schools 33 Congresses 34 Museums. Exhibitions. By author Collections Cf. PN861+ Comparative literature (Collections) 35 Series. Monographs by different authors 36.A-Z Studies in honor of a particular person or institution. Festschriften. By honoree, A-Z 37 Collected works, papers, essays, of individual authors Cf. PN58 Single essays Encyclopedias. Dictionaries Cf. PN451+ Biography 41 General 43 Miscellaneous and special Including works not in dictionary form, i.e., Notes and queries, Curiosities of literature, Dictionaries of phrase and fable, Allusions, etc. 1 PN LITERATURE (GENERAL) PN Information services 43.5 General works 43.7 Computer network resources Including the Internet 44 Digests of literature. Synopses, etc. Including Best fifty books condensed 44.5 Terminology Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics Cf. BH1+ Aesthetics Cf. N61+ Visual arts Cf. PN80+ Criticism Cf. PN101+ Authorship 45 General works. Ideals, content, etc. Plots, motives 45.5 Forms of literature Relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects 46 Inspiration 47 Life 48 Nature Cf. PN56.F5 Fishing Cf. PN56.G3 Gardens Cf. PQ145.3 French literature Cf. PR143 English literature Cf. PR508.N3 English poetry, etc. 49 Philosophy, ethics, religion, etc. Cf. PN1077 Poetry Cf. PN1647 Drama Cf. PN3347 Prose 50 Relation to history 51 Relation to sociology, economics, political science, etc. (social ideals, forces, etc. in literature) 52 Relation to education 53 Relation to art 54 Relation to language 55 Relation to science Other special 56.A-Z Topics, A-Z Class here works that are not limited to one form, nor to one national literature 56.A23 Abjection 56.A24 Absurdity 56.A28 Adoption 56.A29 Adultery 56.A3 Adventure 56.A4 Aeronautics Aging see PN56.O4 56.A44 Alchemy 56.A45 Alienation (Social psychology) 56.A5 Allegory 56.A55 Ambiguity Anagnorisis see PN56.R33 56.A56 Analogy 56.A567 Anarchism 56.A57 Androgyny (Psychology) 56.A58 Androids 56.A59 Angels 56.A6 Anger 56.A64 Animals 2 PN LITERATURE (GENERAL) PN Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics Relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects Other special Topics, A-Z -- Continued 56.A646 Anonymous persons 56.A65 Anorexia nervosa 56.A67 Antiquities 56.A68 Anxiety 56.A69 Apocalyptic literature 56.A717 Archaeology 56.A72 Archetypes 56.A73 Architecture 56.A75 Asceticism 56.A77 Astrology 56.A8 Astronautics 56.A82 Astronomy 56.A84 Atlantis 56.A85 Aunts 56.A87 Authority 56.A89 Autobiography 56.A9 Automata 56.A94 Automobiles 56.A96 Autumn 56.B23 Babel, Tower of 56.B27 Balloons (56.B3) Baroque literature see PN740-PN749 56.B36 Beat literature 56.B38 Beauty, Personal 56.B4 Beheading 56.B48 Betrayal 56.B5 Bible 56.B53 Biculturalism 56.B54 Bicycles 56.B56 Birds 56.B6 Blindness 56.B62 Body, Human 56.B63 Bohemianism 56.B64 Books 56.B7 Boredom 56.B73 Botany 56.B74 Boundaries 56.B78 Bridges 56.B87 Bureaucracy 56.C32 Cancer 56.C34 Cannibalism 56.C355 Capital punishment 56.C36 Captivity 56.C365 Casuistry 56.C367 Catastrophical, The 56.C37 Cats 56.C38 Causation 56.C39 Caves Ceremonies see PN56.R55 56.C43 Chance 56.C44 Change 3 PN LITERATURE (GENERAL) PN Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics Relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects Other special Topics, A-Z -- Continued 56.C45 Character 56.C47 Chess 56.C49 Childbirth 56.C5 Children 56.C53 Chivalry 56.C55 Cities and towns 56.C58 Civil disobedience 56.C583 Civil service 56.C6 Classicism 56.C612 Climate Including climatic changes Climatic changes see PN56.C612 56.C614 Cockaigne 56.C618 Collective memory 56.C62 Collectors and collecting 56.C63 Colonies 56.C65 Color 56.C66 The comic 56.C662 Communication 56.C6624 Compassion 56.C6625 Complaints (Rhetoric) 56.C663 Concentration camps 56.C67 Confession 56.C674 Conscience 56.C675 Conspiracy 56.C676 Contradiction 56.C68 Cosmology 56.C683 Cosmopolitanism 56.C684 Costume 56.C686 Country life 56.C687 Couples 56.C69 Creation (Artistic, literary, etc.) 56.C7 Crime 56.C72 Criminology 56.C73 Cruelty 56.C74 Crying 56.C83 Cucurbitaceae 56.C85 Culture 56.C92 Cyborgs 56.C93 Cycling 56.D29 Dance 56.D4 Death 56.D45 Decadence (Literary movement) 56.D46 Deception 56.D464 Deluge 56.D465 Demonology 56.D47 Dependency (Psychology) 56.D474 Depression, Mental 56.D477 Deserts 56.D48 Desire 56.D49 Dictatorship 56.D52 Didactic literature 4 PN LITERATURE (GENERAL) PN Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics Relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects Other special Topics, A-Z -- Continued 56.D54 Digression (Rhetoric) 56.D55 Diplomacy 56.D553 Disabilities 56.D555 Disasters 56.D56 Diseases 56.D57 Disguise 56.D58 Divorce 56.D6 Dogs 56.D64 Donkeys 56.D65 Doors 56.D67 Doubles 56.D73 Dragons 56.D75 Dreams 56.D8 Drinking 56.D82 Drugs 56.D84 Dueling 56.D88 Dwarfs (Folklore) Cf. PN56.5.D82 Dwarfs (Persons) 56.D94 Dystopias 56.E25 Earthquakes 56.E26 Eating disorders 56.E265 Ecofeminism (as a theme) 56.E27 Ecstasy 56.E45 Ekphrasis 56.E57 Emblems 56.E59 Emigration and immigration 56.E6 Emotions 56.E62 Empathy 56.E63 End of the world 56.E635 Enthusiasm 56.E64 Envy 56.E65 Epic literature 56.E66 Epilepsy 56.E67 Epiphanies 56.E7 Erotic motive 56.E715 Error 56.E72 Escape 56.E73 Eschatology 56.E735 Ethnicity 56.E74 Etiquette 56.E75 Evil 56.E76 Exempla 56.E77 Existentialism 56.E78 Exoticism 56.E785 Expressionism 56.E8 Extortion 56.E9 Eye 56.E92 Eyeglasses 56.F24 Face 56.F27 Failure (Psychology) 56.F29 Fall of man Falsehood see PN56.T78 5 PN LITERATURE (GENERAL) PN Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics Relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects Other special Topics, A-Z -- Continued 56.F297 Fame 56.F3 Family 56.F34 Fantastic literature 56.F35 Fascism 56.F358 Fate and fatalism 56.F36 Father-search 56.F368 Fathers and daughters 56.F37 Fathers and sons 56.F39 Fear 56.F4 Femininity 56.F46 Feminism 56.F47 Fetishism 56.F5 Fishing. Piscatory literature 56.F53 Fleas 56.F54 Flight 56.F55 Flowers Cf. PN56.R75 Roses 56.F58 Folklore Cf. GR41.3 Literature and folklore 56.F59 Food 56.F64 Forests 56.F65 Forgiveness 56.F67 Fortune 56.F73 Freemasonry 56.F735 Friendly fire (Military science) 56.F74 Friendship 56.F76 Fruit 56.F8 Futurism 56.G27 Gambling 56.G28 Games 56.G3 Gardens 56.G35 Gastronomy 56.G42 Geishas 56.G45 Gender identity 56.G46 Genealogy 56.G47 Generations 56.G478 Geographical myths 56.G48 Geography 56.G52 Geology 56.G545 Ghouls and ogres 56.G55 Globalization 56.G57 God 56.G64 Gout 56.G65 Government, Resistance to 56.G67 Grail 56.G7 Grotesque 56.G87 Guilt 56.H27 Happiness 56.H3 Harmony (Aesthetics) 56.H35 Healing 56.H37 Health resorts, watering-places, etc. 56.H374 Heart 6 PN LITERATURE (GENERAL) PN Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics Relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects Other special Topics, A-Z -- Continued 56.H375 Hearths 56.H38 Hell 56.H4 Hellenism 56.H45 Heroes. Heroines Heroines see PN56.H45 56.H55 Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) 56.H555 Holy, The 56.H556 Holy Year 56.H557 Home 56.H558 Homecoming 56.H56 Homeland 56.H563 Homesickness 56.H57 Homosexuality Including male homosexuality 56.H58 Honor 56.H59 Horizon 56.H6 Horror 56.H63 Horses and horsemen 56.H66 Hospitality 56.H68 Hotels 56.H75 Human body and technology 56.H79 Human rights 56.H82 Human sacrifice 56.H83 Humor 56.H835 Hunger 56.H84 Hunting 56.H93 Hybridity (Social sciences) 56.I4 Idealism Including realism and idealism, and general esthetic discussions of idealism, realism, naturalism, romanticism, etc. For history of movements see PN599 Cf. PN56.R3 Realism Cf. PN56.R7 Romanticism 56.I42 Identity (Psychology) 56.I424 Idols and images 56.I426 Ignorance (Theory of knowledge) 56.I43 Illusion 56.I44 Imaginary places Imaginary voyages see PN56.V59 56.I45 Imagination Immigration see PN56.E59 56.I455 Immortality 56.I46 Imperfection 56.I465 Imperialism 56.I47 Impersonation in literature 56.I475 Implements, utensils, etc. 56.I48 Implication (Logic) 56.I49 Impostors and imposture 56.I5 Impressionism 56.I55 Incest 56.I57 Individualism. Individuation 56.I58 Industry 7 PN LITERATURE (GENERAL) PN Theory. Philosophy. Esthetics Relation to and treatment of special elements, problems, and subjects Other special Topics, A-Z -- Continued 56.I59 Ineffable 56.I593 Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) 56.I595 Innocence 56.I63 Insects 56.I635 Internalization 56.I64 Internet 56.I6445 Intimacy (Psychology) 56.I645 Intrigue 56.I648 Invective 56.I65 Irony 56.I7 Islands 56.J38 Jazz 56.J43 Jealousy 56.J68 Journalism 56.J87 Justice 56.K52 Kindness 56.K53 Kings and rulers 56.K54 Kissing 56.K62 Knowledge 56.K66 Kosovo, Battle of, 1389 56.K73 Kraken 56.L22 Labor.

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