Subject Index absorptive nutrition 18,31,33,73, bitunicate 250,285,287,288 cilia (see flagel! um) 93,114 evanescent 42 clamp connections 336, 337 acervulus 245 inoperculate 261 classification xi, 6,12,20,21,31,32, aeroaquatic fungi 234, 339 operculate 261 68,69,78,86,93,99-103,106, aflatoxin 209,210 suboperculate 265 107,115,120,121,124,132, aleuriospore (see aleurioconidium) unitunicate 288 147-149,151,161,163,167, alkaloid 170 ascus type 271,272 185,186,189,190,228,236, ergot 224 asexual hybrids 222 265,266,268-273,288,297, al!ergen 332 asexual reproduction 46,48,63,77, 308,309,311,312 amoeboid cel! 150 114,122,147,179,182,204,226 cleistothecium 201,202,211,216, amoeboid movement 23 asexual species 250, 307 230,231,235,236,245,250 anaerobe 16,32,95,107,108 auxiliary cel! 129, 130 gymnothecium 206 anamorph 164,165,170,180-183, auxiliary hyphal structures 135 multiloculate 201 186,188,191-193,202,203,205, azygospore 75, 124-126, 134, 135 coenocyte 7,8 206,214,216,222,223,234,236, commensal fungi 147 238,243,245,247,249,258,264, basal body (see kinetosome) conidiogenesis 139,192,194,286, 268-271,273,286,292-294,299, beer 182 308-311,314,325 301, 303, 308 biochemical characters 5,59,61,62, blastic 191,204,233,292-294, anamorph-teleomorph connection 67, 147, 162, 169, 186, 192, 195, 296,299,303,310 234,264,308,314,315, 266,314 enteroblastic 234,238,247,249 317-320 biocontrol 42,94,118,138,149,182, holoblastic 234,238,240,243,245, anamorphic fungi 307 223,234,322,325 249,250 anamorphic holomorph 307 biogeography 40,41,74,116,117, phialidic 164,238,240,247,329, andromorph 329 226,319 332,334 antheridium 52,53,56 body plan 5,7-9,11,31,32,42,43, thallic 164,204,233,310 antibiotic 210, 322 45,56,62,63,66,67,73,78,96, conidioma 310,318,319,325,327 function 59 164,167,168,171-173,260, conidiophore 234,238, 310 aplanospore 46 268,284,288,289 biverticillate 206 aquatic hyphomycetes 258 brown rot 259 secondary 134 arthropod bryophilous associations 259 conidiosporangiophore 46, 48, 63 dispersal 222 budding 179,182-184,186,189,191, conidiosporangium 46, 48, 63 arthrospore 123,150,152,153,191, 194 conidium 48,66,122,133-135,192, 192 202,216,233,258,265,269, ascocarp 15,30,162-173,201,202, calcium oxalate 122 286,299,301,307 205,206,221,228,257,267, capilliconidium 134 aleurioconidium 203-205,234, 283,284,289-303 cel! division cycle 183 310,319 anatomy 260 cel!ulose (see cel! wall carbohydrates) ameroconidium 315,317,321, development 260 cell wall 5, 18,23,24,26,27,30,43, 322,324,327,329,331,338 types 262 61,62,82,98 arthroconidium 203-205,310, ascogenous hypha 239 carbohydrates 4,7-9,15,16,18, 318,336,337 ascogonium 162 19,23,25,32,42,43,45,58,59, blastoconidium 268,318,336, 337 ascoma (see ascocarp) 62,73, 118, 123, 126, 130, 151, chlamydospore 234 ascospore 18,162-165,167-173, 155,162,183,191 dictyoconidium 334 184,185, 189, 192, 194, centriole 15,32,77,82,83,102,103 didyomoconidium 324,327,338 204-206,231-233,236-241, centrosome (see spindle pole body) function 234 243-245,247,249,263,283, centrum 211,228,231,236,240 macroconidium 318,319 286-293,295,296,298-303 development 222, 228 microconidium 315,318,319,339 development 263,264 chitin (see cell wal! carbohydrates) phialoconidium 203, 204, 329 ascostroma 250, 284 chlamydospore 48,118,123,126, phragmoconidium 324,327,335, ascus 18,161-173,184,192,202, 130,326 338 204,211,231,236,238-240, chloroplast 4, 30 sigmoidal 338 243,244-246,249,250,257, choanoflagellate tentacles 26 tetraradiate 338 263,265,266,283,286,287, chromosome number 58, 66 connective tissue 4 289-291,293-303 chytridiaceous thallus 8 convergence (see homoplasy) 350 Subject Index coprophily 301 endoplasmic reticulum 4,31,76, genome size 19,32 cryopreservation 108 103, 105 germination 43-45 cultural characters 314,318,319, endospore 19,208 arthrospore 150 336 evolution xi, 15, 19,20,24,25,27, oospore 57, 58 culture collections 68, 138, 139, 195 31,60,93,98,108,139,214,215 zygospore 128 culture methods 67,68,74,78,108, angiosperm 60 germination shield 130 116,136,147,149,154,181 origin of Fungi 25, 27 glomalin 132 ballistospore discharge 273 excipulum 260 Golgi apparatus 15,16, 18,21,23, canopy plating isolation 138 exospore 19 24,45,49,75,155,157 cryopreservation 138, 154, 256 extrusomes 45 enrichment 180 exudate habitat 40, 128, 162, 172, 238, 240, slide culture 215 insect 288,289,292 241,245,247,259,288,289, steak plating 180 plant 180, 292 291,292,294-297 cyclosporin 325 aquatic 94, 106, 119, 147 cyst 43-45,50,81 fatty acid composition 140 coprophilous 114,121,129,258, resting 28 fermentation 162 284 cystidium 135 fertilization estuarine 94 cystospore 150 insect 225 fiower 180 cytology 260 fission 179,182-184,189,191,192 freshwater 41,66,74,87,88,180, fiagellar apparatus 75,76,78, 101, 222,225,258,284,338 database, Anateleo 234 102, 105 marine 66,74,87,94,106,147, DBV (see dense body vesicle) fiagellar root 102,106, 107 164,171,180,222,225,236, decomposer 95,96 fiagellum 4,9,13,14,16,18,21,22, 247,249,284 dense body vesicle 45,57,58,61,69 25-27,32,39,40,48-50,61,67, soi! 66 dermatophytes 207,208 73,75,76,82,100-102,105 terrestrial 74,87,88,94, 106, 114, destruxins 224 food products 118,129,147,163,164,180, diacetoxyscirpenol 224 Ang-khak 209 208,221,258,284,315,329 Dictionary of the Fungi 264, 283, cheese 209 hallucinogen 170 287,311,312 koji 209 halophytes 94 dictyosome (see Golgi apparatus) miso 209 hamathecium 236, 240 dikaryon 15,17,161,162 sake 209 Hartig net 209 dimorphism 207, 208 shoyu 209 haustorium 117 discharge apparatus 47,98,134 food spoilage 209 heterothallic fungi 53, 124, 184,205, discharge mechanism 231 form-taxon 311 226,265,299 diseases and infections 207 fossil fungi 108, 139, 155 heterotroph 9 aspergillosis 208 fossil record 31,60,78,86 heterotrophy 31,39 athlete's foot 208 fruit 162 homoplasy xi, 8,18,24,171,236, basidiobolomycosis 119 fruit rot 318 240,249,250 blastomycosis 207 fruit storage rots 116 homothallic fungi 53, 124, 135, 184, chalkbrood 207 fumonisins 224 205,226,265 choke disease 222 fungicolous associations 259 honey 162, 163 coccidioidomycosis 207 fungoid 8,9 hulle cells 202, 206 conidiobolomycosis 119 fusarins 224 human autoimmune virus (HIV) equine phycomycosis 42 224 ergotism 170, 224 gemma 48 hydrogenosome 18,105,107 histoplasmosis 207 gene sequences hymenium 204, 211 mucormycosis 119 mitochondrial 62, 73, 189 hypha 3,5,7,8,31,42,43,63,66, paracoccidioidomycosis 207 nuclear rRNA 16,17,24,25,28, 130,134,162,184 ringworm 208 31,60,73,162,169,171,179, hyphal body 48,134 rye-grass staggers 222 186,222,238,240,269 hypogeousfungi 164,168,169,213 sea-fan dieback 208 5S 121,157,191,192 tinea 208 18S 11,14,20,22,23,29,45,62, industry 216 ulcerative dermal necrosis 42 86,87,89,104,108,121,128, arbuscular mycorrhiza 118 Valley Fever (see 129,139,140,157,187,188, brewing 162,179,181 coccidioidomycosis) 191,192,212,214,215,266, chemical 181, 182 dispersal 48,74,121,149,224-226, 327,329,330 enzymes 210 234 25-28S 14,62,78,121,187,192 food 162,179,181,182 dormancy protein 24, 60 si!k 16 oospore 57 actin 14,23 Ingoldian fungi 318,338,339 dung 32,40,55,94,114,132,206, EF-1a 17,23,121 insect associations 180 258,284 hsp 70 17 interphase orotidine-5' -monophosphate chromatin 135,136 economic importance 41 decarboxylase 238 invertebrate associations 259 endobiont 82 RNA polymerase II 17 endophyte 284 tubulin 14,17,20,23,188 karyogamy 52,86 endophytic fungi 170, 222, 223, 226, genetic recombination 226 Karyotype 243,325,332 genetics 227 ultrastructural 87 Subject Index 351 keratinophilic fungi 207 ectotrophic 259 225,238,243,258,259,268, kinetosome 47-50, 52, 76, 102, ericoid 209,259,315 303,319,330,334,339 105-107 vesicular 60 rotifer 94 kinetosome props 102 mycotoxin 223,224,314,319, spider 224 kingdom 3-7,9, 13,30-32 322-324 tardigrade 98, 107 myelin-Iike configurations 45 vertebrate 94 lichenicolous associations 259 pebrine 16 Iichenized fungi 257-259,265-267, nematophagous fungi 259, 338 penicillin 210 270-272 nomenclature xi, 16,33,308 peridium 130,202,204,205,211, life cycle 42,51, 84, 89, 99, 132, 151, nuclear cap 106 240 162,225,226,308 nuclear division 5,43, 58 perithecium 221,228,236-241, life form (see body plan) cruciform 81-83 243-247,249 light microscopic characters 87,98, noncruciform 85 ontogeny 235,236 125,132,135,147,185,228, nuclear envelope 77 reduction 235,250 266,288-303,311,314,335 nucleic acid sequences 14,21,61-63, peroxisome 4, 5, 16, 18, 30, 32 lipids 264 78, 162, 163, 168, 169, 206, 207, phagotrophy 4,5,22,23, 30, 31 LSD (see Iysergic acid diethylamine) 216,226,228,235,249,250,271 pharmaceuticals 210 Iysergic acid diethylamine 170 nucleolus 83 phialide 203, 204, 234 Iysine biosynthetic pathway 4,59, nucleus 4, 105, 106 photosynthesis 31 78 nucleus associated organelle (see phylogeny 3-5,11, 14, 15, 17,20,28, a-amino adipic acid (AAA) 13, spindle pole body) 29,59,60,68,69,73,78,86,87, 14 nutriocyte 204 89, 120, 129, 136, 137, 140, diaminopimelic acid (DAP) 13, nutrition 41,58,63,66,78,116,120, 155-157,167,179,187,212, 25 129, 162, 163, 185, 186 221,222,228,235,238,250 molecular 211,213,214 mating system 184 occurrence and distribution 94 monophyletic xi mazedium 267 ochratoxin 210 phenetic xi medulla 260 oidium 336 plasmodesmata 99 meiosis 4,40,51,57,58,62,85, oogonium 52,53,55,63,66 plasmodium 82, 83 161-163,184 oosphere 52, 56 development 84 merosporangium 122, 123,126,127, oospore 52,53,56-58,62,63,66,67 sporangial 85 129 operculate discomycetes 272 sporogenic 85 metabolism 206 operculum 98 transitional nucleus 85 anaerobic 41 ossiform cells 205 transitional stage
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