
inform June 2010 June www.aocs.org Volume 21 (6) 325–384 Volume International News on Fats, Oils, and Related Materials Introducing AOCS 2.0 Pittcon report High-GLA saffl ower oil Soy symposium preview ®,...-• Our unique Offie0/19 technology guarantees that t)........., your revenues will rise substantially thanks to the optimum processing of fish oil! • Omega-3 fatty adds with a concentration of at least 600/o health-boosting EPA and DHA • High-quality, standardised biofuel manu­ factured from the remaining 2/3 of the flsh oil • Our experience in processing fats and oils guarantees the superior quality and purity 801 ~ of all our products, thus pushing up your our future - dean energy revenues. For almost 20 years, BDl's core compe­ tence has fo cused on technologies for For more information contact [email protected] converting "waste to energy". or visit our website www.bdi-biodiesel.com DURABILITY REPEATABLE RESULTS df> This new Anderson Dry Do /Hivex™ Expander reduces oil content to 19-25% R.O. and efficiently shears oil cells to increase Expeller® capacities 40-100%. Features: • Oil Draina11e ca11e • Anderson Expeller® Shafts • V-belt drive • Manually Operated Choke • VFD Driven Feeder ANDERSON Contact us today to learn more INTERNATIONAL 6. ~L__ about how this unique oilseed processing machinery can benefit CORP your current or future requirements. 6200 Harvard Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44105 U.S.A. Phone: (216) 641-1112 • Fax: (216) 641-0709 Website: http://www.andersonlntl .net www.aocs.org *UNE 6OLUME n Departments !/#3 DEBUTS and Information ! DRUM ROLL PLEASE 4HE NEW !/#3 WEB EXPERIENCE OTHERWISE KNOWN AS !/#3 DEBUTED IN EARLY -AY #ATHERINE 7ATKINS DETAILS 328 Index to Advertisers what users of the new site can expect. 328 Calendar Biodiesel industry faces economic, policy challenges Marketplace: 4HREE KEY LEADERS FROM !/#3 AND THE .ATIONAL "IODIESEL "OARD -ICHAEL (AAS 3TEVE (OWELL AND *OE *OBEGIVE THEIR INSIGHTS ON THE 341 News & Noteworthy current state of the biodiesel industry and on two annual conferences 347 Biofuels News addressing its future. Rebecca Richardson presents their responses. 351 Health & Nutrition First high-GLA safflower oil on market News The first high-GLA safflower oil has reached the market at commercial scale after six years of research and development work by Arcadia 355 Surfactants, Detergents, "IOSCIENCES )NC #ATHERINE 7ATKINS LOOKS AT ITS DEVELOPMENT AND & Personal Care News potential impact. Algae oil: Biofuels and beyond Publications: Lynn Crandall examines the trends in algae research. 358 Book Review His bags are packed, he’s ready to go: A processing 359 Patents consultant’s adventures around the globe 362 Extracts & Distillates *ACK 7OLOWIEC PROlLES ONE PROCESSING CONSULTANTS WORK IN )NDIA !FRICA AND )RAQ 367 Classified Advertising The role of soy ! PREVIEW IS PRESENTED OF THE TH )NTERNATIONAL 3YMPOSIUM ON THE Role of Soy in Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention AND 4REATMENT SET FOR /CTOBER n AT THE #APITAL (ILTON IN 7ASHINGTON $# 53! Pittcon 2010 -ARGUERITE 4ORREY RECAPS THE ST ANNUAL 0ITTSBURGH #ONFERENCE ON Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. AOCS Mission Statement To be a global forum to promote the exchange of ideas, information, and experience, to enhance personal excel- lence, and to provide high standards of quality among those with a professional interest in the science and technology of fats, oils, surfactants, and related materials. inform s )NTERNATIONAL .EWS ON &ATS /ILS and Related Materials )33. )&2-%# n 328 inform June 2010, Vol. 21 (6) Editor-in-Chief Emeritus: *AMES "- 2ATTRAY Bold type new listing For details on these and other upcoming Calendar meetings, visit www.aocs.org/meetings. Contributing Editors: Rajiv Arora Keshun Liu *ULY n &OOD 0ROCESSING 3UPPLI- 7% !RTZ Mark Messina July ERS !SSOCIATION 0ROCESS %XPO -C#ORMICK 3COTT "LOOMER Robert Moreau 0LACE #HICAGO )LLINOIS 53! )NFORMA- %DUARDO $UBINSKY D.J. Murphy *ULY TH *ORNADA ,ÓPIDOS .UTRICÓON TION HTTPFPSAORGPROCESSEXPOPRO- 7ALTER % &ARR 7ILLEM VAN Y 3ALUD #ONFERENCE ON ,IPIDS .UTRITION cessexpo. Anu Hopia .IEUWENHUYZEN AND (EALTH "UENOS !IRES !RGENTINA 9 3 6IC (UANG "RENT 3RENSEN )NFORMATION EMAIL GABRIELAPAGE ASAGA July 25–30, 2010. Lipid Droplets: Met- S.P. Kochhar T. Thiagarajan org.ar or [email protected]. abolic Consequences of the Storage Gary List of Neutral Lipids, FASEB Summer *ULY n TH !0## !SIAN AND Research Conference, Steamboat Editorial Advisory Board: 0ACIlC #OCONUT #OMMUNITY #/#/4%#( Springs, Colorado, USA. Infor- -ICHAEL %SKIN (ANS .IEUWENHUIS -EETING AND #OCONUT &ESTIVAL 4HE )MPE- mation: www.faseb.org/Default. -ICHAEL (AAS &EREIDOON 3HAHIDI RIAL "OAT (OUSE 2ESORT AND 3PA (OTEL aspx?alias=www.faseb.org/src. !RNIS +UKSIS "ERNARD 3ZUHAJ 3AMUI )SLAND 4HAILAND )NFORMATION WWW APCCSECORGCOCOTECHHTML Robert Moreau August *ULY n #HINA 3OYBEAN %XPO AOCS Officers: (ARBIN )NTERNATIONAL #ONFERENCE %XHI- President * +EITH 'RIME *+' #ONSULTING !UGUST n TH 7ORLD #ONGRESS bition and Sports Center, Heilogjiang - #INCINNATI /HIO 53! OF 3OIL 3CIENCE "RISBANE !USTRALIA )NFOR 0ROVINCE #HINA )NFORMATION WWWCHI- MATION WWW7#33ORGAU Vice President %RICH % $UMELIN :URICH NASOYBEANEXPOCOMEN 3WITZERLAND !UGUST n #URSO !VANZADO Secretary 3EVIM : %RHAN 53 $EPARTMENT *ULY n !GRI'ENOMICS 7ORLD #ON- of Agriculture, Agricultural Research sobre Crushing de Semillas Oleaginosas FERENCE #ONRAD "RUSSELS (OTEL "RUSSELS !DVANCED #OURSE ON /IL 3EED #RUSHING 3ERVICE 7YNDMOOR 0ENNSYLVANIA 53! "ELGIUM )NFORMATION WWWSELECTBIOSCI- Treasurer 4IMOTHY +EMPER $ESMET 2OSARIO !RGENTINA )NFORMATION EMAIL ENCESCOMCONFERENCES!'7# [email protected] or asaga@ "ALLESTRA .ORTH !MERICA )NC -ARIETTA asaga.org.ar. 'EORGIA 53! July 11–16, 2010. 19th Executive Vice President *EAN 7ILLS (INTON International Sympo- August 21–24, 2010. Lipids, Inflam- !/#3 5RBANA )LLINOIS 53! sium on Plant Lipids, mation, and Stress Reactions in Ath- Cairns Convention erosclerosis: Mechanisms, Imaging, AOCS Staff: Centre, Cairns, Aus- and Therapy, Kern Aspen Lipid Con- Area Manager, tralia. Information: ference, Aspen, Colorado, USA. 0UBLICATIONS *ACK 7OLOWIEC www.ispl2010.org. Information: www.kernconference. -ANAGING %DITOR *EREMY #OULTER org. !SSOCIATE %DITOR #ATHERINE 7ATKINS *ULY n )NSTITUTE OF &OOD 4ECH- Technical NOLOGISTS !NNUAL -EETING AND %XPO 0ROJECTS %DITOR -ARGUERITE 4ORREY -C#ORMICK 0LACE #HICAGO )LLINOIS 53! $ESIGN,AYOUT 'RETCHEN 7IESHUBER )NFORMATION WWWIFTORG #/22%#4)/. 4HE TOP PHOTO ON PAGE OF THE !PRIL issue should have run with the preced- )NDEX TO ADVERTISERS ING ARTICLE ON 0AGE 4HE PHOTO IS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE )NTERNATIONAL !NDERSON )NTERNATIONAL #ORP 'IANAZZA %NGINEERING SRL /RGANIZATION FOR 3TANDARDIZATION 4ECH- !NDERSON )NTERNATIONAL #ORP -C#UTCHEONS 0UBLICATIONS NICAL #OMMITTEE 3UBCOMMITTEE ON (ORIZONTAL -ETHODS FOR -OLECU- !RMSTRONG %NGINEERING !SSOC -YERS 6ACUUM $ISTILLATION $IVISION LAR "IOMARKER !NALYSIS WHO ATTENDED A "$) "IODIESEL)NTERNATIONAL!' .0 !NALYTICAL ,ABORATORIES MEETING IN &EBRUARY IN 4OKYO )N ADDI- $ESMET "ALLESTRA 'ROUP .6 # 2OSKAMP #HAMPION # tion, the photo at the bottom of page '%! 7ESTFALIA 3EPARATOR 3AF4EST $IVISION OF -0"IOMEDICALS # SHOULD HAVE BEEN IDENTIlED AS BEING 0ROCESS 'MB( 3HARPLEX &ILTERS )NDIA 064 ,4$ of attendees of a workshop on Sampling AND $ETECTION -ETHODS HELD &RIDAY *Corporate member of AOCS who supports the Society through corporate membership dues. &EBRUARY IN 4OKYO *APAN inform June 2010, Vol. 21 (6) 329 AOCS Meeting Watch *ULY n TH )NTER /CTOBER n TH national Symposium on 3OUTH "OULDER $RIVE )NTERNATIONAL 3YMPOSIUM ON 0/ "OX Plant Lipids, Cairns Con- the Role of Soy in Health Pro- 5RBANA ), 53! vention Centre, Cairns, motion and Chronic Disease 0HONE !USTRALIA )NFORMATION Prevention and Treatment, &AX WWWISPLORG #APITAL (ILTON 7ASHINGTON $# 53! %MAIL PUBLICATIONS AOCSORG )NFORMATION WWW3OY3YMPOSIUMORG /CTOBER n TH 7ORLD Advertising Instructions and Deadlines: Closing date is approximately the fi rst of the month Conference on Deter- -AY n ND !/#3 !NNUAL PRECEDING DATE OF ISSUE )NSERTION ORDERS RECEIVED AFTER GENTS .EW 3TRATEGIES IN A -EETING AND %XPO $UKE %NERGY #ONVEN CLOSING WILL BE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE AT ADVERTISERS $YNAMIC 'LOBAL %CONOMY TION #ENTER #INCINNATI /HIO )NFORMATION RISK .O CANCELLATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER CLOSING DATE !D Montreux Music & Conven- PHONE FAX materials must be in fi nal form for press upon mate- TION #ENTRE -ONTREUX 3WITZER EMAIL MEETINGS AOCSORG HTTP RIALS CLOSING DATE -ATERIALS RECEIVED AFTER DEADLINE OR REQUIRING CHANGES WILL BE PUBLISHED AT ADVERTISERS LAND )NFORMATION WWWAOCSORGMEETINGS AnnualMeeting.aocs.org. risk. Send insertion orders and mechanical materials montreux. to advertising offi ces at the address listed above. ./4% !/#3 RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ADVER tising copy that in its opinion is unethical, misleading, For in-depth details on these and other upcoming meetings, unfair, or otherwise inappropriate or incompatible with the character of inform. Advertisers and advertis- visit www.aocs.org/meetings. ING AGENCIES ASSUME LIABILITY FOR ALL CONTENT INCLUDING TEXT REPRESENTATION AND ILLUSTRATIONS OF ADVERTISE ments printed and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. !UGUST n TH !MERI "ILBAO 3PAIN )NFORMATION WWWICBLUNIBE can Chemical Society Autumn Meeting, ch. AOCS Advertising 6ALORIE $EICHMAN 0HONE &AX "OSTON -ASSACHUSETTS 53! )NFORMA %MAIL VALORIED AOCSORG TION WWWACSORG 3EPTEMBER n TH %NCUENTRO
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